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1、(I)说明明原因型型模块 Currrenntlyy, XXX hhas beeen tthe ordder of thee daay. Thiis ddoess deemonnstrratee thhe ttheoory - noothiing is morre vvaluuablle tthann XXX Itt iss cllearr thhat (1). IIf yyou (2), aas aa reesullt, youur ddreaams willl ccomee trrue. Onn thhe cconttrarry, if youu (33).FFailluree wiill
2、be folllowwingg wiith youu. IIt tturnns oout thaat aall youur pplann faallss thhrouugh. Noo onne ccan denny aanottherr faact thaat (4).Youu doontt haave to loook vveryy faar tto ffindd ouut tthe truuth, inn reespeect thaat wwe aall knoow (5).It willl eexerrt aa prrofooundd innfluuencce uuponn (66).W
3、Withh reeferrencce tto mmy sstanndpoointt, II thhinkk (77).注注释:11:XXX的第一一个优点点2:支支持XXX的做法法3:不不支持XXX的做做法4:XX的的第二个个优点55:举例例证明优优点二66:说明明XX优优点三的的影响 (I)说说明原因因型模块块(5)Theese dayys wwe oofteen hhearr thhat (1).Itt iss coommoon tthatt (22). Whyy dooes succh ccirccumsstannce occcur in spiite of socciall prrote
4、ectss? FFor onee thhingg, (3).Forr annothher, (44). Whaat iis mmoree, ssincce (5),it is natturaal tthatt (66 ).To sollve thee prrobllem is nott eaasy at alll, bbut is worrth tryyingg. WWe sshouuld do sommethhingg suuch as (7) too immproove he preesennt ssituuatiion, annd II doo beelieeve eveerytthin
5、ng wwilll bee beetteer iin tthe futturee.(11)提出出论题(2)说说明现状状(3)理由一一(4)理由二二(5)理由三三(6)理由三三引起的的后果(7)解解决方法法模版3 TTherre iis nno cconssenssus of opiinioons amoong peooplee abboutt X(争论的的焦点)。Soome peooplee arre oof tthe vieew tthatt 观点点1,wwhille ootheers takke aan ooppoositte ssidee, ffirmmly bellievvingg t
6、hhat 观点22。Ass faar aas II amm coonceerneed, thee foormeer/llattter nottionn iss prrefeerabble in manny ssensses. Thhe rreassonss arre oobviiouss. FFirsst oof aall, 论据据1。 Furrtheermoore, 论据据2。AAmonng aall of thee suuppoortiing eviidenncess, oone is thee sttronngesst. Thaat iis, 论据33。 AA naaturral con
7、ncluusioon ffromm thhe aabovve ddisccusssionn iss thhat总总结观点点。 AAs aa coolleege stuudennt, I aam ssuppposeed tto 表表决心. 或 Froom aabovve, we cann prrediict thaat 预预测. 1)先背33个句子子1 Nowwadaays witth tthe rappid devveloopmeent of advvancced ., moore andd moore. arre ccommmonlly aand widdelyy ussed in evee
8、rydday liffe.(讲重要要性)2 Thee poopullariity of diggitaal willl hhavee grreatt innfluuencce oon oour worrk, stuudy andd evveryydayy liife. Onn thhe oone hannd , Butt onn thhe ootheer hhandd.(讲讲影响)3To cconccludde, .arre jjustt liike a ddoubble-edgged swoord. Wiith theem wwe mmay havve llesss trroubble de
9、aalinng wwithh prrobllemss inn liife andd ennjoyy a bettterr-offf llifee. HHoweeverr, oone poiint shoouldd bee keept in minnd tthatt wee shhoulld ttakee seensiiblee usse oof tthemm , alwwayss beeingg thhe mmastter of theem.(结结尾段)Ps:灵活活运用第第1句和和第2句句,根据据不同模模板自由由组合。2)模板(22个模板板)1 开头段段:先讲讲重要性性,然后后转讲不不好的地地
10、方。 中间段段:措施施 结尾段段:先来来个小转转折再进进入总结结开头段Noowaddayss wiith thee raapidd deevellopmmentt off addvanncedd ., morre aand morre. arre ccommmonlly aand widdelyy ussed in eveerydday liffe. Howweveer, whaat wworrriess moost of us is thaat中间段 FFirsstlyy.Seeconndlyy.LLasttly butt inn noo meeanss leeastt结尾段 TTo cco
11、nccludde, .aare jusst llikee a douublee-eddgedd swwordd. WWithh thhem we mayy haave lesss ttrouublee deealiing witth pprobblemms iin llifee annd eenjooy aa beetteer-ooff liffe. Howweveer, onee poointt shhoulld bbe kkeptt inn miind thaat wwe sshouuld takke ssenssiblle uuse of theem , allwayys bbeinng
12、 tthe massterr off thhem.2 开头段段:先讲讲重要性性,然后后转讲争争论 中间段段:转折折(即列列出两种种不同人人的观点点) 结尾段段:直接接进入总总结(即即你的观观点)开头段:IIt iis aacceepteed tthatt . PPlayys aa siigniificcantt paart forr booth , aand whaats mmoree , a llot of atttenttionn iss beeingg drrawnn too thhe cchannge of. Howweveer, wheetheer deeserrvess suuch
13、 an atttenttionn , peooplees iideaas vvaryy.中间段:OOn tthe onee haand, soome peooplee hoold thee viiew thaat . On thee ottherr haand, a greeat manny ppeopple inssistt thhat.结尾段:FFromm myy peersppecttivee, hhoweeverr. (你的观观点) . TTherrefoore, itts tiime thaat (措施之之类的)6级作文万万能句子子(补充充在”.”里面的的万能句句子,自自己琢磨磨每个
14、句句子放在在哪里比比较适合合)重点背:11)5)66)7)句句子,最最好全部部都被过过一遍,自自己琢磨磨怎么用用。1)Sthh wiill makke oour liffe mmoree ennjoyyablle, thaat iis tto ssay, stth ccan addd coolorr too thhe ddulll rooutiine of eveery dayy liife. 。能能让我们们的生活活更美好好,也就就是说,。可可以给我我们枯燥燥的生活活带来色色彩2)Forr thhe mmajooritty oof ppeopple, reeadiing or leaarnii
15、ng a nnew skiill hass beecomme tthe foccus of theeir livves andd thhe ssourrce of theeir happpinnesss annd cconttenttmennt 对对于很多多人来说说,学习习一门新新技术占占据了他他们的生生活和充充实了他他们的生生活。3)。, byy occcuppyinng ssparre ttimee soo coonsttrucctivvelyy, mmakees aa peersoon cconttentted, wiith no timme ffor borredoom. 。占占据了某
16、某人大部部分时间间,使得得某人没没空想东东想西(充充实了某某人生活活)4)Whaatss moore, liivinng iin sschoool cann saave theem aa grreatt deeal of timme oon tthe wayy beetweeen homme aand schhooll evveryydayy, sso ttheyy woouldd bee abble to conncenntraate morre ttimee annd eenerrgy on theeir acaademmic worrk. 住校为为学生省省去了不不少时间间,这样样学生可可
17、以把更更多的时时间用在在学习上上 5)Litttlee byy liittlle, ourr knnowlledgge wwilll bee weell enrrichhed, annd oour horrizoons willl bbe ggreaatlyy brroaddeneed. 一点一滴,这这样做可可以丰富富我们的的知识和和拓宽我我们的视视野6)Forr peeoplle wwho wannt tto aadoppt aa heealtthy andd meeaniingfful liffe sstylle, it is impporttantt too fiind timme tt
18、o llearrn ccerttainn neew kknowwleddge. Juust as an oldd saayinng ggoess: iit iis nneveer ttoo latte tto llearrn.对对于想过过一种有有意义的的人来说说,抽空空学习一一门新技技术很重重要7)Thee maajorrityy off sttudeentss beelieeve thaat ppartt-tiime jobb wiill proovidde tthemm wiith morre ooppoortuunittiess too deevellop theeir intterpp
19、erssonaal sskillls, whhichh maay pput theem iin aa faavorrablle pposiitioon iin tthe futturee joob mmarkketss.兼职职可以让让学生们们学习个个人技巧巧,这样样可以在在找工作作时更有有竞争力力8)By takkingg a majjor-rellateed ppartt-joob, stuudennts cann noot oonlyy immproove theeir acaademmic stuudiees, butt gaain mucch eexpeerieencee, eexpe
20、erieencee thhey willl nneveer bbe aablee too geet ffromm thhe ttexttboooks.学生不不仅可以以提高学学习成绩绩,还可可以获得得在课本本上学不不到的工工作经验验9)Noww peeoplle iin ggrowwingg nuumbeers aree beeginnninng tto bbeliievee thhat leaarniing neww skkillls aand knoowleedgee coontrribuutess diirecctlyy too ennhanncinng ttheiir jjob oppp
21、orttuniitiees oor pprommotiion oppporttuniitiees.10)1SSth cann prroduuce possitiive efffectts oon in morre tthann onne wway.什么东东西可带带来好影影响2Sth mayy brringg abboutt neegattivee immpaccts on An addvanntagge oof is thaat + 句子子 (.的的优点是是.)开头 Recenntlyy, tthe proobleem oof haas aarouusedd peeoplless coonce
22、ern. 最近,问问题已引引起人们们的关注注. It iss coommoonlyy beelieevedd thhat / It is a ccommmon bellieff thhat 人们一般认认为Many peooplee innsisst tthatt 很多人坚持持认为With thee deevellopmmentt off scciennce andd teechnnoloogy, moore andd moore peooplee beelieeve thaat 随着着科技的的发展,越来越越多的人人认为A lott off peeoplle sseemm too thhinkk
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- 英语 写作 黄金 句型 汇总 24706