《燃料油重油销售和采购合同(中英对照)32092132332.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《燃料油重油销售和采购合同(中英对照)32092132332.docx(41页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Contract NO.:CONTRACT NO.:TYUOG/CIF-CN/5988TY-7672EC/RU13Quantity:50000X1Months+300,000 Metric Tons Per Month X12 MonthsTotal Duration: 13 constitutive months Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.SALES AND PURCHASE CONTRACT FORHeavyy Fueel Oiil Maazut M1000 Gosst 1005
3、THHE BUUYER:-以下简简称买方:COMPAANY NNAME : 公司名称:ADDREESS : 地址:TELEPPHONEE NUMMBER : 电话:REPREESENTTED BBY : 代表: TITLEE : DATE : (Herreinaafterr shaall bbe reeferrred tto coollecctiveely aas “PPartiies” or ssinguularlly ass “Paarty”).Wheereass, thhe paartiees muutuallly aacceppt too reffer tto thhe Geenera
4、al Teerms and Defiinitiions, as set out by tthe IINCOTTERMSS Ediitionn 20000 wiith llatesst ammendmmentss, haavingg thee folllowiing ttermiinoloogy ffullyy unddersttood and acceeptedd:(以下统称称“双方”或单独作作为“甲方”)。然而而,双方相相互接受的的一般条款款和定义,国际贸易术语解释通则“2000年版最新修订,具有下列术语充分理解和接受:DEFINNITIOONS:定义Metriic Toon A meass
5、ure of wweighht eqquivaalentt to one thouusandd killograam maass (1,0000 kgg) 公制制吨的重量量相当于措措施一千千千克重量(1000公斤)Commoodityy 3000,0000 Mettric Tonss perr Monnth eelsewwheree is thiss Conntracct allso rreferrred to aas “PProduuct” or “FFuel Oil M1000”, tthe sspeciificaationns foor whhich appeear iin Annnex
6、 A atttachhed aand bby thhis rreferrencee connfirmmed aan inntegrral ppart of tthis Conttractt.商品每每月30万吨,本本合同其它它地方也称称为“产品”或“燃料油M1100”, 本协议在在附录1还提到该该商品详细细材质单,也也是本合同同的组成部部分。Day天Meanss a CCalenndar day, unlless diffferenntly speccifieed.是公历天的的意思,除除非特殊说说明Monthh月Meanss a GGregooriann callendaar moonth.是公
7、历月的的意思Calenndar Quartter日历季度 Periood off thrree (3) cconseecutiive mmonthhs 1st Jaanuarry, 1st AAprill, 1sst Juuly oor 1sst Occtobeer.3个连续月月 - 11月1日,4月1日,7月1日,10月1日。ASTM美美国测试和材料协会会Ameriican Sociiety for Testting and Mateerialls, is thhe innstittute, intternaationnallyy reccogniized,that apprrovedd a
8、lll Staandarrds, Testss andd Prooceduures usedd in the Oil Induustryy andd to be rreferrred in TThe AAgreeementt to the lateest rrevissed eeditiion wwith amenndmennts iin foorce to ddate.美国测试和和材料协会会,国际认认可研究所所,批准在在石油工业业中使用的的所有标准准,测试和和程序,本本协议采用用已生效的的最新修订订版本。Out-tturn 结算The qquanttity and quallity of t
9、the pproduuct aascerrtainned, accoordinng too thee ASTTM prrocedduress, onn commplettion of tthe ddischhargee opeeratiions. Thee so deteerminned oout-tturn quanntityy andd quaalityy is the basee on whicch thhe ammountt willl bee commputeed foor thhe paaymennt off thee prooductt efffectiivelyy delliv
10、erred tto thhe Buuyer.根据ASTTM流程,已已确定一定定数量和质质量商品完完成卸载操操作,确认认商品结算算数量和质质量是买方方计算商品品付款金额额的基础。Bill of LLadinng提单The oofficcial docuumentt, isssuedd at the loadd porrt affter comppletiion oof thhe looadinng opperattionss, sttatinng, aamongg othher tthinggs, tthe sships looadedd quaantitty, eexpreessedd in
11、Metrric TTons (MT) perr thee deffinittionss herrein. Thiis doocumeent hhas tto bee siggned in oorigiinal by tthe sships Maasterr andd madde ouut inn acccordaance withh thee insstrucctionn herreinaafterr speecifiied iin thhis ccontrract.装载作业完完成后在装装货港签发发的正式文文件。除其其它信息外外,说明船船舶的装载载量,根据据定义以公公吨(MTT)表述。这这份文
12、件必必须由船长长签署原件件,并按照照本合同下下面指定的的指令发布布。Dischhargee Termiinal卸卸货码头The ssafe portt/berrth ddesiggnateed byy thee Buyyer aas fiinal receeivinng deestinnatioon.买方指定的的作为最终终货物接收收地安全港港口/泊位。CIFCost, Inssurannce aand FFreigght sstricctly as rreferrred to iin thhe innterppretaationns deefineed byy thee INCCOTERRMS
13、 EEditiion 22000 withh lattest amenndmennts.成本、保险险和运费(CIF)严格遵照照INCOOTERMMS20000最新修修订版本解解释。Delivvery Datee交货日期The ddate mutuuallyy acccepteed byy botth Seellerr andd Buyyer aas thhe daate oon whhich the nomiinateed innternnatioonal Survveyorr Commpanyy hass asccertaainedd thee quaantitty annd quualit
14、ty off thee prooductt pummped intoo thee Buyyerss dessignaated discchargge teerminnal ffacillitiees.Unnder INCOOTERMMTM 22000.卖方买方双双方相互接接受提名的的国际测量量师公司报报告日期,该该日期已确确定一定数数量质量产产品注入买买方指定卸卸货码头设设施。遵照照INCOOTERMMS20000Bankiing DDay银行行日 Any dday oon whhich the bankk opeens ffor bbusinness in jjurissdicttion w
15、herre thhe SEELLERR andd BUYYER aare llocatted.任何一天启启动该银行行的业务,即即卖方和买买方所在地地的司法管管辖权。 Execuutionn Datte执行日日期 The ddate on wwhichh thee Selller and Buyeer reeceivve thheir resppectiive ffaxedd coppies of tthis Conttractt, orr as may be iindiccatedd othherwiise iin thhe Coontraact.当卖方和买买方收到他他们各自的的本合同的的传真
16、件或或在合同中中另有说明明。Prooff of Prodduct商商品证明Docuumenttatioon too be provvidedd by the end Selller tto thhe Buuyer Throuugh SSelleer/reefineery holdding bankk. 文件通过卖卖方/炼油厂银银行提供到到买方。Whereeas, the partties mutuuallyy dessire to eexecuute tthe CContrract whicch shhall be bbindiing uupon, andd to the beneefit o
17、f, the partties, succcesssors and assiigns, in accoordannce wwith the juriisdicctionnal llaw oof thhe neegotiiatedd andd fullly eexecuuted conttractt witth teerms and provvisioons hhereuunderr agrreed uponn.Intternaationnal IIndeppendeent LLaborratorry: # SGSS SSocieete GGenerrale de SSurveeillaance
18、 #然而,双方方的愿望,签签订本合同同具有约束束力,利益益的当事人人,继承人人和受让人人,按照商商定的条款款和规定执执行合同的的谈判和充充分执行有有管辖权的的法律。CLAUSSE 1 SCCOPE OF TTHE CCONTRRACT 合同的范范围 Selleer annd Buuyer, undder ffull corpporatte auuthorrity and respponsiibiliity, resppectiivelyy reppreseent tthat one partt is a laawfull ownner oof thhe coommoddity in qquan
19、ttity and quallity as hhereuunderr speecifiied, and the otheer haas thhe fuull ccapabbilitty too purrchasse thhe saaid ccommoodityy.卖方和买方方在公司的的权力和责责任下,分分别代表的的那一部分分是合法拥拥有本协议议规定的数数量和质量量的商品,和和其它完全全有能力购购买的商品品。CLAUSSE 2 COOMMODDITY 商品2.1HHeavyy Fueel Oiil Maazut M1000 Gosst 100585-75 hhavinng thhe coontr
20、aactuaal miinimuum guuarannteedd speecifiicatiions as pper AAnnexx “A” hereewithh atttacheed ass an inteegrall parrt off thee Conntracct.重质燃料油油重油M1100 GGOST 105885-755合同最低低保证的规规格按照附附件“A”随函函附奉本合合同的组成成部分。 CLAUSSE 3 QUUANTIITY数量量3.1 The ttotall conntracctuall quaantitty off thee commmodiity ssold and p
21、urcchaseed unnder thiss Conntracct iss Minnimumm Quaantitty off 3,650,000 Metrric TTons one yearr conntraccts aas Seellerrs ooptioon. 本合同项内内的商品销销售和购买买合同总数数量/最低数量量为3,6650,0000公吨吨1年的合同同,由卖方方的选择。 3.2 Selleer annd Buuyer hereeby aagreee to deliiver and acceept tthe aabovee quaantitty inn parrtiall shiip
22、mennts, withh refferennce tto prrovissionss sett outt in clauuse 44.卖方和买方方特此同意意提供并接接受上述分分批装运的的数量,参参考第4条的规定定。3.3 Triall orrder 50,0000 MMT + 300,000 MT/ per montth x 12 ccontrractss shaall bbe deeliveered montthly in aaccorrdancce wiith the deliiveryy schhedulle. 试单5万吨吨+ 每月30万吨 x 12 应应每月按照照交付时间间表交付,3
23、.4 That the firsst deeliveery wwill be aas peer deeliveery sscheddule and endiing oon thhe cooncluusionn of the conttractt, annd thhe suubseqquentt delliverry sccheduules is aapprooved by tthe lloadiing ttermiinal(s) oon a quarrterlly baasis.首次交付将将每批时间间表和结束束的时间订订立合同,并并在随后的的交付时间间表订定每每一季度的的基础下装装上货运码码头
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- 燃料油 重油 销售 采购 合同 中英对照 32092132332