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1、河南省青少年体校女子篮球运动发展现状调查研究Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.中文摘要篮球运动作作为一个举举世瞩目的的国际体育育竞技比赛赛项目,通通过强者间间的对抗与与拼斗,可可以激励人人们树立顽顽强的意志志、勇敢的的作风、集集体主义精精神和克服服困难、自自强不息去去夺取胜利利的信念。篮篮球运动的的发展受到到多种不同同因素的影影响和制约约,其中包包括项目自自身内部因因素的影响响,同时也也受不同社社会历史时时期的政治治、经济、文文化、大众众审美观念念以及生活活需求等外外部因素制制约河南省篮球球
2、运动十分分普及,群群众参与篮篮球运动的的积热情很很高,焦作作和济源又又是国家级级篮球城市市。作为中中原地区的的人口大省省,河南省省在篮球运运动的群众众基础和人人力资源方方面具有一一定的优势势,但是河河南省篮球球运动的竞竞技水平却却不尽如人人意,特别别是青少年年女子篮球球运动的开开展与全国国发达地区区相比较也也有较大差差距,这除除了河南省省自身的历历史经济原原因外,也也与其篮球球比赛机制制、后备人人才培养机机制、教练练员队伍、经经费投入等等有很大的的关系。 本文文运用文献献法、专家家访谈法、问问卷调查法法、数理统统计法、逻逻辑分析法法对当前河河南省青少少年体校女女子篮球项项目的发展展进行调查查研
5、费用是日常常训练投入入的基本来来源,社会会企业或个个人赞助,输输送运动员员获得的奖奖励、奖金金,比赛获获得名次奖奖励、奖金金,运动员员流动获得得的交流费费用等是日日常训练经经费来源的的有益补充充。6、河南上上青少年体体校女子篮篮球项目日日常管理方方面,对运运动员个人人和球队档档案的建立立不够重视视,规章制制度比较健健全,大多多数教练员员能很好运运用口头说说服教育、严严格的批评评手段来处处理违反规规章制度的的学生。关键词:河河南省;青青少年;体体校;女子子篮球;发发展AbstrractBaskeetballl ass a wworldd-rennowneed innternnatioonal s
6、porrts eeventts, tthrouugh tthe sstronng riivalrries and fighht, ccan mmotivvate peopple tto esstabllish a teenaciious, braave sstylee, thhe coollecctivee spiirit and overrcomee diffficuulty, unrremitttingg sellf-immprovvemennt too winn vicctoryy. Thhe baaskettballl movvemennt deeveloopmennt iss aff
7、fecteed byy manny diifferrent facttors, inccludiing pprojeect ttheirr ownn intternaal faactorrs, bbut aalso by tthe ddiffeerentt soccial and histtoriccal pperiood off polliticcal, econnomicc, cuulturral, aestthetiic iddeas and liviing nneedss andd othher eexterrnal facttorsHenann Proovincce baaskett
8、balll is veryy poppularr, peeoplee invvolveed inn bassketbball sporrt prroducct ennthussiasmm is veryy talll, JJiaozzuo aand JJiyuaan iss alsso a natiionall bassketbball cityy. Ass thee Cenntrall Plaains regiion oof thhe prrovinnce wwith largge poopulaationn, Heenan provvincee in the baskketbaall ss
9、portts maass ffounddatioon annd thhe huuman resoourcee hass cerrtainn advvantaages, butt Hennan PProviince baskketbaall aathleeticss levvel bbut nnot jjust as oone wwishees, eespecciallly yooung womeen ss bassketbball sporrts ddevellopmeent aand tthe ddevellopedd areeas ccompaared to aalso havee big
10、gger diffferennce, whicch inn addditioon too Hennan pproviince s eeconoomic histtory reasson, alsoo itss bassketbball comppetittion mechhanissm, ttalennts ccultiivatiion mmechaanismm, cooachees, tthe iinputt of fundds annd soo hass thee verry biig reelatiions.Usingg thee metthod of lliterraturre, ee
11、xperrt inntervview, queestioonnaiire, mathhematticall staatisttics, loggic aanalyysis on tthe ccurreent HHenann proovincce addolesscentt schhool girlls baaskettballl proojectt devveloppmentt invvestiigatiion aand sstudyy, sttrivee to undeerstaand tthe ccurreent jjuvennile sporrts sschoool off Hennan
12、 PProviince Womeen Baaskettballl in the reallity of tthe ssituaationn, annd thhe annalyssis oof cuurrennt yoouth sporrts sschoool baaskettballl movvemennt deeveloopmennt deeficiienciies, by ccompaaringg witth otther provvincees annd ciitiess devveloppmentt of baskketbaall mmovemment leveel, aanalyys
13、is for inaddequaacy, draww lesssonss froom exxperiiencee, coombinning the actuual ccondiitionns off Hennan PProviince, putt forrwardd forr thee currrentt Hennan pproviince adollesceent sschoool giirls baskketbaall mmovemment deveelopmment counntermmeasuure aand tthe ssuggeestioon, tto prromotte thhe
14、 heealthhy deeveloopmennt off thee bassketbball sporrts iin Heenan provvincee.Come to cconcllusioon:1, Heenan youtth spportss schhool womeens baskketbaall pprogrram ddevellopmeent eearlyy, sttartiing ppointt is highh; buut ass thee marrket refoorm, studdentss faccing challlengges, by tthe iimpacct o
15、ff culltivaationn tarrget, thee wommenss bassketbball proggram deveelopmment oppoortunnity and challlengge cooexisst. 2, wwomenns bbaskeetballl evvent coacch geenderr femmale malee feww, coomparrisonn bettweenn difffereent sschoools, age struucturre vaariess greeatlyy, baaskettballl coaach eeducaati
16、onn admminisstrattive leveels oon thhe loow siide, baskketbaall ccoachhes pprofeessioonal titlle sttructture moree reaasonaable. On the traiiningg of coacches to llearnn thee jobb serrioussly nnot qquitee. 3, woomens baaskettballl athhletees inn daiily ppracttice timee to ensuure tthe bbasicc, buut
17、inn thee traaininng coontennt iss ranndom, nott strrictlly inn acccordaance withh thee teaachinng ouutlinne; tthe sscienntifiic trrainiing llevell neeeds tto bee impproveed. CCultuural courrse llearnning did not receeive muchh atttentiion. In 4, Heenan youtth spportss schhool womeens baskketbaall pp
18、rogrrams in tthe ttrainning fielld annd eqquipmment is mmore backkwardd, quuantiity ccan mmeet the needd of dailly trrainiing, auxiiliarry trrainiing eequippmentt is not comppletee, thhe uttilizzatioon raate iis noot hiigh. In 5, Heenan youtth spportss schhool womeens baskketbaall pprogrram ddailyy
19、traaininng innvesttmentt divversiificaationn treend. Unitt fixxed aalloccatioons, athlletess traaininng prrocesss off payying feess is the dailly trrainiing tthe bbasicc invvestmment sourrces, soccial enteerpriise oor inndiviiduall spoonsorred aathleetes, rewward, priize, rewaard, awarrd wiinninng t
20、hhe gaame, playyers floww commmuniicatiion ccost is aa benneficcial suppplemeent tto thhe daaily traiiningg. Inn 6, Heenan youtth spportss schhool womeens baskketbaall pprogrram ddailyy mannagemment of aathleetes, inddividdual and teamm reccordss sett up seriiouslly noot quuite, reggulattionss sysst
21、em is mmore perffect, mosst cooachees too goood usse off verrbal perssuasiion aand eeducaationn, sttrictt criiticiism mmeanss to deall witth thhe viiolattion of rruless andd reggulattionss of the studdentss.Key wwordss: Heenan provvincee; addolesscentt; baaskettballl; deeveloopmennt off spoorts;目 录中
22、文摘要1Abstrract31 前言71.1 选选题依据71.2 研研究现状81.2.11对业余篮篮球训练的的研究81.2.22对后备人人才培养体体制的研究究91.2.33对篮球教教练员的研研究112 研究究对象和方方法122.1 研研究对象122.2 研研究方法122.2.11文献法122.2.22专家访谈谈法132.2.33问卷调查查法132.2.44数理统计计法142.2.55逻辑分析析法143 研究结结果与分析析143.1 河河南省青少少年体校女女子篮球项项目的分布布和发展情情况分析143.1.11 河南省省青少年体体校女子篮篮球项目发发展情况143.1.22河南省青青少年体校校女子篮
23、球球项目地区区分布及人人数规模153.2河南南省青少年年体校女子子篮球项目目教练员情情况163.2.11 性别情情况163.2.22教练员队队伍年龄结结构特征173.2.33 教练员员队伍学历历结构特征征183.2.44教练员队队伍接受继继续学习和和培训情况况193.3河南南省青少年年体校女子子篮球项目目日常训练练情况193.3.11日常训练练时间193.3.22日常训练练内容203.3.33训练的科科学化203.3.33.1科学学的训练计计划2033.33.2科学学的训练方方法、手段段213.4 河河南省青少少年体校女女子篮球项项目竞赛组组织情况213.4.11 竞赛的的组织213.4.22
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- 河南省 青少年 体校 女子 篮球运动 发展 现状 调查研究 2107566730