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1、联合国国际货物销售合同公约Uniteed Naationns Coonvenntionn On Conttractts Foor Thhe Innternnatioonal Salee Of Goodds,19800 (CISGG)1980年年4月111日订于维维也纳本公约各缔缔约国,铭铭记联合国国大会第六六届特别会会议通过的的关于建立立新的国际际经济秩序序的各项决决议的广泛泛目标,考考虑到在平平等互利基基础上发展展国际贸易易是促进各各国间友好好关系的一一个重要因因素,认为为采用照顾顾到不同的的社会、经经济和法律律制度的国国际货物销销售合同统统一规则,将将有助于减减少国际贸贸易的法律律障碍,促
2、促进国际贸贸易的发展展,兹协议议如下:THE SSTATEES PAARTIEES TOO THIIS COONVENNTIONN, BEARIING IIN MIIND tthe bbroadd objjectiives in tthe rresollutioons aadoptted bby thhe siixth speccial sesssion of tthe GGenerral AAssemmbly of tthe UUniteed Naationns onn thee esttabliishmeent oof a New Inteernattionaal Ecconommic O
3、Orderr, COONSIDDERINNG thhat tthe ddevellopmeent oof innternnatioonal tradde onn thee bassis oof eqqualiity aand mmutuaal beenefiit iss an impoortannt ellemennt inn proomotiing ffrienndly relaationns ammong Stattes, BEINNG OFF THEE OPIINIONN thaat thhe addoptiion oof unniforrm ruules whicch goovernn
4、 conntraccts ffor tthe iinterrnatiionall salle off gooods aand ttake intoo acccountt thee difffereent ssociaal, eeconoomic and legaal syystemms woould conttribuute tto thhe reemovaal off leggal bbarriiers in iinterrnatiionall traade aand ppromoote tthe ddevellopmeent oof innternnatioonal tradde, HAV
5、E DECRREED as ffolloows:第一部分适用范围围和总则PART I-Sppheree of Appllicattion and Geneeral Provvisioons第一章适适用范围Chaptter II-Sphhere of AAppliicatiion第一条(1)本公公约适用于于营业地在在不同国家家的当事人人之间所订订立的货物物销售合同同:(a)如果果这些国家家是缔约国国;或(b)如果果国际私法法规则导致致适用某一一缔约国的的法律。(2)当事事人营业地地在不同国国家的事实实,如果从从合同或从从订立合同同前任何时时候或订立立合同时,当当事人之间间的任何交交易或当事事人透
6、露的的情报均看看不出,应应不予考虑虑。(3)在确确定本公约约的适用时时,当事人人的国籍和和当事人或或合同的民民事或商业业性质,应应不予考虑虑。Articcle 11(1) TThis Convventiion aappliies tto coontraacts of ssale of ggoodss bettweenn parrtiess whoose pplacees off bussinesss arre inn difffereent SStatees: (a) wwhen the Stattes aare CContrractiing SStatees; oor (b) wwhen t
7、he rulees off priivatee intternaationnal llaw llead to tthe aappliicatiion oof thhe laaw off a CContrractiing Statte. (2) TThe ffact thatt thee parrtiess havve thheir placces oof buusineess iin diifferrent Stattes iis too be disrregarrded whenneverr thiis faact ddoes not appeear eeitheer frrom tthe
8、ccontrract or ffrom any deallingss bettweenn, orr froom innformmatioon diiscloosed by, the partties at aany ttime befoore oor att thee connclussion of tthe ccontrract. (3) NNeithher tthe nnatioonaliity oof thhe paartiees noor thhe ciivil or ccommeerciaal chharaccter of tthe ppartiies oor off thee co
9、nntracct iss to be ttakenn intto coonsidderattion in ddeterrminiing tthe aappliicatiion oof thhis CConveentioon.第二条本公约不适适用于以下下的销售:(a)购供供私人、家家人或家庭庭使用的货货物的销售售,除非卖卖方在订立立合同前任任何时候或或订立合同同时不知道道而且没有有理由知道道这些货物物是购供任任何这种使使用;(b)经由由拍卖的销销售;(c)根据据法律执行行令状或其其它令状的的销售;(d)公债债、股票、投投资证券、流流通票据或或货币的销销售;(e)船舶舶、船只、气气垫船或飞飞机的销
10、售售;(f)电力力的销售。Articcle 22This Convventiion ddoes not applly too salles: (a) oof gooods bougght ffor ppersoonal, fammily or hhouseeholdd usee, unnlesss thee selller, at any timee beffore or aat thhe cooncluusionn of the conttractt, neeitheer knnew nnor ooughtt to havee knoown tthat the goodds weere bb
11、oughht foor anny suuch uuse; (b) bby auuctioon; (c) oon exxecuttion or ootherrwisee by authhoritty off laww; (d) oof sttockss, shharess, innvesttmentt seccuritties, neggotiaable insttrumeents or mmoneyy; (e) oof shhips, vessselss, hooverccraftt or airccraftt; (f) oof ellectrricitty.第三条(1)供应应尚待制造造或生产
12、的的货物的合合同应视为为销售合同同,除非订订购货物的的当事人保保证供应这这种制造或或生产所需需的大部分分重要材料料。(2)本公公约不适用用于供应货货物一方的的绝大部分分义务在于于供应劳力力或其它服服务的合同同。Articcle 33(1) CContrractss forr thee suppply of ggoodss to be mmanuffactuured or pproduuced are to bbe coonsidderedd salles uunlesss thhe paarty who ordeers tthe ggoodss unddertaakes to ssupplly
13、 a subsstanttial partt of the mateerialls neecesssary for suchh mannufaccturee or prodductiion.(2) TThis Convventiion ddoes not applly too conntraccts iin whhich the preppondeerantt parrt off thee oblligattionss of the partty whho fuurnisshes the goodds coonsissts iin thhe suupplyy of laboour oor ot
14、ther servvicess.第四条本公约只适适用于销售售合同的订订立和卖方方和买方因因此种合同同而产生的的权利和义义务。特别别是,本公公约除非另另有明文规规定,与以以下事项无无关:(a)合同同的效力,或或其任何条条款的效力力,或任何何惯例的效效力;(b)合同同对所售货货物所有权权可能产生生的影响。Articcle 44This Convventiion ggoverrns oonly the formmatioon off thee conntracct off salle annd thhe riightss andd oblligattionss of the selller aand
15、 tthe bbuyerr ariisingg froom suuch aa conntracct. IIn paarticcularr, exxceptt as otheerwisse exxpresssly provvidedd in thiss Connventtion, it is nnot cconceernedd witth: (a) tthe vvaliddity of tthe ccontrract or oof anny off itss proovisiions or oof anny ussage; (b) tthe eeffecct whhich the conttra
16、ctt mayy havve onn thee proopertty inn thee gooods ssold.第五条本公约不适适用于卖方方对于货物物对任何人人所造成的的死亡或伤伤害的责任任。Articcle 55This Convventiion ddoes not applly too thee liaabiliity oof thhe seellerr forr deaath oor peersonnal iinjurry caausedd by the goodds too anyy perrson.第六条双方当事人人可以不适适用本公约约,或在第第十二条的的条件下,减减损本公约约的任
17、何规规定或改变变其效力。Articcle 66The ppartiies mmay eexcluude tthe aappliicatiion oof thhis CConveentioon orr, suubjecct too artticlee 12, derrogatte frrom oor vaary tthe eeffecct off anyy of its provvisioons.第二章总总则Chaptter III-Geeneraal Prrovissionss第七条(1)在解解释本公约约时,应考考虑到本公公约的国际际性质和促促进其适用用的统一以以及在国际际贸易上遵遵守诚信的的
18、需要。(2)凡本本公约未明明确解决的的属于本公公约范围的的问题,应应按照本公公约所依据据的一般原原则来解决决,在没有有一般原则则的情况下下,则应按按照国际私私法规定适适用的法律律来解决。Articcle 77(1) IIn thhe innterppretaationn of thiss Connventtion, reggard is tto bee hadd to its inteernattionaal chharaccter and to tthe nneed to ppromoote uunifoormitty inn itss appplicaationn andd thee ob
19、sservaance of ggood faitth inn intternaationnal ttradee. (2) QQuesttionss conncernning mattters goveernedd by thiss Connventtion whicch arre noot exxpresssly setttled in iit arre too be setttled in cconfoormitty wiith tthe ggenerral pprincciplees onn whiich iit iss bassed oor, iin thhe abbsencce off
20、 succh prrinciipless, inn connformmity withh thee laww appplicaable by vvirtuue off thee rulles oof prrivatte innternnatioonal law.第八条(1)为本本公约的目目的,一方方当事人所所作的声明明和其它行行为,应依依照他的意意旨解释,如如果另一方方当事人已已知道或者者不可能不不知道此一一意旨。(2)如果果上一款的的规定不适适用,当事事人所作的的声明和其其它行为,应应按照一个个与另一方方当事人同同等资格、通通情达理的的人处于相相同情况中中,应有的的理解来解解释。(3)在确确
21、定一方当当事人的意意旨或一个个通情达理理的人应有有的理解时时,应适当当地考虑到到与事实有有关的一切切情况,包包括谈判情情形、当事事人之间确确立的任何何习惯作法法、惯例和和当事人其其后的任何何行为。Articcle 88(1) FFor tthe ppurpooses of tthis Convventiion sstateementts maade bby annd otther condduct of aa parrty aare tto bee intterprretedd acccordiing tto hiis inntentt wheere tthe ootherr parrty k
22、knew or ccouldd nott havve beeen uunawaare wwhat thatt inttent was. (2) IIf thhe prrecedding paraagrapph iss nott appplicaable, staatemeents madee by and otheer coonducct off a ppartyy aree to be iinterrpretted aaccorrdingg to the undeerstaandinng thhat aa reaasonaable persson oof thhe saame kkind a
23、s tthe ootherr parrty wwouldd havve haad inn thee samme ciircummstannces. (3) IIn deetermmininng thhe inntentt of a paarty or tthe uunderrstanndingg a rreasoonablle peersonn wouuld hhave had, duee connsideeratiion iis too be giveen too alll rellevannt ciircummstannces of tthe ccase inclludinng thhe
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- CISG 联合国 国际货物 销售 合同 公约 中英文 对照 11866