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1、求职面试常常用英语一应征函函的起因1. Inn ressponsse too youur addverttisemment in ttodayys nnewsppaperr, I wishh to applly foor thhe poositiion oof seeniorr cleerk iin yoour eesteeemed firmm.2. Reeplyiing tto yoour aadverrtiseementt in todaays Chinna Tiimes for an aadminnistrratioon asssisttant, I ttendeer myy serrv
2、icees.3. Yoour aadverrtiseementt forr marrketiing oofficcer iin Chhina Tradde neews oof Maay 177 hass intteressted me, I wiish tto teenderr my servvicess.4. Reeferrring to yyour adveertissemennt inn Intternaationnal TTradee Newws off Jully 133 forr an accoountaant, I feeel II cann filll thhat pposit
3、tion.5. I wishh to applly foor thhe poositiion mmentiionedd in yourr advvertiisemeent iin toodays neewspaaper, I hhope to oofferr my servvicess.二应征函函的的开头头1. I willl graaduatte frrom ccolleege iin Juuly oof thhis yyear and I haave hheardd thaat peerhapps yoou miight needd an accoountaant wwith conssi
4、derrablee expperieence workking withh commpaniies ssuch as yyourss. I woulld liike tto appply for the posiitionn.2. Geentleemen: Atttentiion oof peersonnnel Manaager, I aam loookinng foor a posiitionn as salees enngineeer. I thhink you can helpp me.3. Peerhapps thhere is pposittion in yyour orgaaniz
5、aationn forr an younng, eexperriencced aand cconsccienttiouss salles rrepreesenttativve, II shoould likee to applly foor itt.4. Ass it is nneariing tthe SSprinng Feestivval, it ooccurrs too me thatt youu mayy neeed addditiionall asssistaance in sselliing ggiftss in yourr shoop. II thiink II cann ass
6、sist you.5. Shhall you needd an expeeriennced cashhier for yourr commpanyy in the nearr futture? I wwish to aapplyy forr thee possitioon.三叙述个个人年龄、经经验1. I am tto grraduaate tthis Julyy froom BeeijinngCommmerccialCColleege, haviing ccomplletedd thee fouur-yeear ccommeerciaal cooursee. Duuringg my summ
7、mer vvacattion I waas emmployyed iin thhe acccounntingg deppartmment of aa Cheemicaal Coompanny.2. I am ttwentty-thhree yearrs olld, aand hhave beenn empployeed foor thhe laast yyearss by Polyy Tecchnollogiees.INNC.Aiircraaft SSuppoort DDivission, in the geneeral clerricall worrk off thee offfice.3.
8、 I am tthirtty-siix yeears of aage, and havee hadd tenn yeaars expeeriennce iin myy preesentt jobb, whhich I amm leaavingg to bettter mmysellf.4. I am jjust leavving schoool; and twennty-tthreee yeaars oof agge. II am anxiious to ssettlle doown tto offficee worrk.5. I am ttwentty yeears old, femmale
9、 and havee hadd onee yeaars expeeriennce wwith a coompanny ass an execcutivve seecrettary.四叙述个个人能力1. I gradduateed frrom TTokyooCommmerciialUnniverrsityy, whhere I haave ccomplletedd thee fouur-yeear ccoursse. BBesiddes, I haave hhad ttwo yyearss traaininng inn typpewriitingg andd alsso sttudieed th
10、he Ennglissh Laanguaage, inclludinng a yearr of Busiinesss Engglishh.2. I workk as assiistannt edditorr on a trrade jourrnal in tthe ffood fielld, wwheree my taskks inncludded aa greeat ddeal of iinterrviewwing and perssonall conntactt witth meemberrs off thee inddustrry.3. I am aa goood acccounntan
11、tt andd I hhave a goood bbookkkeepiing bby dooublee-enttry.4. I am aa graaduatte off BeiijinggForeeignSStudiiesUnniverrsityy. I won a sccholaarshiip annd thhe fiirst prizze inn speeech conttest in tthe UUniveersitty.5. I havee recceiveed a goodd eduucatiion aand II havve buusineess kknowlledgee andd
12、 knoow thhe saales techhniquues.五随函附附寄物1. Ennclossed hherewwith are two copiies oof myy dipplomaas annd a copyy of my rresumme foor yoour rreferrencee.2. Ennclossed yyou wwill findd a ccopy of mmy reesumee andd my photto. II bellievee thaat thhey mmay bbe foound satiisfacctoryy.3. Yoou wiill ffind e
13、ncllosedd an outlline of mmy edducattion and copiies oof thhree lettters of rrecommmenddatioon.4. Ennclossed yyou wwill findd a lletteer off reccommeendattion fromm Mr.Wangg, Heead PProfeessorr of Engllish Depaartmeent aand aa coppy off my trannscriipt.5. Yoou caan seee frrom tthe ddata sheeet thhat
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- 求职 面试 常用 英语 doc7 130848