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1、启用前绝密2011年年全国硕士士研究生入入学统一考考试英语(二二)试题英语(A2卷) 考生注意事事项1. 考生生必须严格格遵守各项项考场规则则。2. 答题题前,考生生应将答题题卡上的“考生姓名名”、“报考单位位”、“考生编号号”等信息填填写清楚,并并与准考证证上的一致致。3. 答案案必须按要要求填涂或或写在指定定的答题卡卡上。(1) 词汇知识、综综合填空、阅阅读理解的的答案填涂涂在答题卡卡(一)上上,英译汉汉的答案和和作文的写写在答题卡卡(二)上上。(2) 填涂部分应应该按照答答题卡上的的要求用22B铅笔完完成。如要要改动,必必须用橡皮皮擦干净。书书写部分(英英译汉的答答案和作文文)必须用用蓝
2、(黑)色色字迹钢笔笔、圆珠笔笔或签字笔笔在答题卡卡上作答。4. 答题题卡严禁折折叠。考试试结束后,将将答题卡(一一)和答题题卡(二)一一起放入原原试卷袋中中,试卷交给监监考人员。 2011年年全国硕士士研究生入入学统一考考试英语(二二)试题Sectiion IIUse of EEngliish Direcctionns:Readd thee folllowiing ttext. Chooose the bestt worrd(s) forr eacch nuumberred bblankk andd marrk A, B, C orr D oon Annswerr Sheeet 11(10 p
3、oinnts)Indivviduaals aand bbusinnessees haave llegall prootecttion for inteellecctuall proopertty thhey ccreatte annd owwn. IIntelllecttual proppertyy _1_froom crreatiive tthinkking and may incllude prodductss, _22_, pproceessess, annd iddeas. Inteellecctuall proopertty iss prootectted _3_ misaappro
4、opriaationn (盗用) Misaapproopriaationn is takiing tthe iintelllecttual propperty oof ottherss witthoutt _4_ ccompeensattion and usinng itt forr monnetarry gaain.Legall prootecttion is pproviided for the _5_ of iintelllecttual propperty. The threee coommonn typpes oof leegal prottectiion aare ppatennt
5、s, copyyrighhts, and traddemarrks.Pateents provvide excllusivve usse off invventiions. If the U.S. Patennt Officce _66_ a pateent, it iis coonfirrmingg thaat thhe inntelllectuual ppropeerty is _7_. The pateent ppreveents otheers ffrom makiing, usinng, oor seellinng thhe innventtion withhout the owne
6、ers _8_ ffor aa perriod of 220 yeears.Copyrrightt aree simmilarr to pateents _9_ thatt theey arre appplieed too arttistiic woorks. A ccopyrrightt prootectts thhe crreatoor off an _10_ arttistiic orr inttelleectuaal woork, suchh as a soong oor a noveel. AA coppyrigght ggivess thee ownner eexcluusivee
7、 rigghts to ccopy, _111_, dissplayy, orr perrformm thee worrk. TThe ccopyrrightt preeventts ottherss froom ussing and sellling the workk. Thee _122_ off a ccopyrrightt is typiicallly thhe liifetiime oof thhe auuthorr _133_ ann addditioonal 70 yyearss.Tradeemarkks arre woords, nammes, or ssymbools tt
8、hat idenntifyy thee mannufacctureer off a pproduuct aand _14_ it ffrom simiilar goodds off othhers. A sserviicemaark iis siimilaar too a ttradeemarkk _155_ iss useed too ideentiffy seervicce. AA traademaark ppreveents otheers ffrom usinng thhe _116_ oor a simiilar wordd, naame, or ssymbool too takke
9、 addvanttage of tthe rrecoggnitiion aand _17_ of tthe bbrandd or to ccreatte coonfussion in tthe mmarkeetplaace. _18_ reggistrratioon, aa traademaark iis ussuallly grranteed foor a periiod oof teen yeears. It caan bee _199_ foor addditiionall tenn-yeaar peeriodds inndefiiniteely aas _220_ aas thhe m
10、aarks usse coontinnues. 1.A.retrrieveesB.deviiatessC.resuultsD.depaarts2.A.servvicessB.reseervessC.assuumptiionsD.motiions3.A.forB.withhC.byD.fromm4.A.sounndB.parttialC.dueD.randdom5.A.userrsB.owneersC.masttersD.execcutivves6.A.affoordsB.affiiliattesC.funddsD.grannts7.A.soleemnB.sobeerC.uniqqueD.uni
11、vversaal8.A.persspecttiveB.permmissiionC.confformiityD.conssensuus9.A.exceeptB.besiidesC.beyonndD.desppite10.AA.absooluteeB.alteernattiveC.origginallD.orthhodoxx11.AA.pressumeB.stimmulatteC.nomiinateeD.disttribuute12.AA.ranggeB.lenggthC.scalleD.exteent13.AA.pluss B.verssusC.viaD.untiil14.AA.disttrac
12、tt B.diffferC.disttinguuishD.discconneect15.AA.or B.butC.soD.wherreas16.AA.idennticaal B.anallogiccalC.liteeralD.paraallell17.AA.ambiiguitty B.utillityC.popuulariityD.proxximitty18.AA.Fromm B.OverrC.BefooreD.Uponn19.AA.recuurredd B.reneewedC.recaalleddD.recoovereed20.AA.longg B.soonnC.farD.welllSect
13、iion IIIReadding ComppreheensioonPart ADirecctionns:Readd thee folllowiing ffour passsagess. Annswerr thee queestioons bbeloww eacch paassagge byy chooosinng A, B, C orr D. Markk youur annswerrs onn Ansswer Sheeet 1 (40 poinnts)Text 1Withiin a largge cooncreete rroom, cutt outt of a moountaain oon a
14、 freeezingg-tolld isslandd jusst 1,000 kiloometeers ffrom the Nortth Poole, coulld liie thhe fuuturee of humaanityy.The rroom is aa vauult (地下库) desiignedd to holdd aroound 2 miillioon seeeds, reppreseentinng alll knnown variietiees off thee worrldss croops. It iis beeing buillt too saffeguaard tthe
15、 wworldds ffood suppply agaiinst nucllear war, cliimatee chaange, terrroriism, risiing ssea llevells, eearthhquakkes aand tthe ccollaapse of eelecttriciity ssuppllies. “Iff thee worrst ccame to tthe wworstt, thhis wwouldd alllow tthe wworldd to recoonstrruct agriicultture on tthis plannet.” says Car
16、yy Fowwler, dirrectoor off thee Gloobal Cropp Divversiity TTrustt, an indeependdent inteernattionaal orrganiizatiion ppromootingg thee proojectt.The NNorweegiann (挪威的) goveernmeent iis pllanniing tto crreatee thee seeed baank nnext yearr at the requuest of ccrop scieentissts. The 3 miillioon vaault
17、willl be buillt deeep iinsidde a sanddstonne moountaain oon thhe Norwwegiaan Arrcticc islland of SSpitssberggen. The vaullt wiill hhave metrre-thhick wallls off reiinforrced conccretee andd willl bee prootectted bbehinnd twwo aiirloccks aand hhigh-secuurityy dooors.The vvaultts sseed colllectiion ww
18、ill reprresennt thhe prroduccts oof soome 110,0000 yearrs off plaant bbreedding by the worllds fameers. Thouugh mmost are no llongeer wiidelyy plaantedd, thee varrietiies ccontaain vvitall genneticc proppertiies sstilll reggularrly uused in pplantt breeedinng.To suurvivve, tthe sseedss neeed frreezi
19、ing ttempeeratuures. Opeeratoors pplan to rreplaace tthe aair iinsidde thhevaultt eacch wiinterr, whhen ttempeeratuures in SSpitssberggen aare aarounnd -18. But evenn if somee dissasteer meeant thatt thee vauult wwas aabanddonedd, thhe peermannentlly frrozenn soiil woould keepp thee seeeds aalivee.
20、Annd evven aaccelleratted gglobaal waarminng woould takee manny deecadees too pennetraate the mounntainn vauult.“Thiss willl bee thee worrldss mosst seecuree genne baank,” saays FFowleer. “BBut iits sseedss willl onnly bbe ussed whenn alll othher ssamplles hhave gonee forr somme reeasonn.”The pproje
21、ect ccomess at a tiime wwhen therre iss groowingg conncernn aboout tthe ssafetty off exiistinng seeed bankks arroundd thee worrld. Manyy havve beeen ccritiicizeed foor pooor ssecurrity, ageeing refrrigerratioon (冷藏) systtems and vulnnerabble eelecttriciity ssuppllies.The sschemme woon UNN appprovaal
22、 att a mmeetiing oof thhe Foood aand AAgriccultuure OOrgannizattion in RRome in Octoober 20055. A feassibillity studdy saaid tthe ffacillity “wouuld eessenntiallly bbe buuilt to llast foreever”.21.TThe NNorweegiann vauult iis impportaant iin thhat _.A. tthe sseedss in it rrepreesentt thee rarrest va
23、riietiees off worrldss croops.B. tthe sseedss in it ccouldd revvive agriicultture if tthe wworstt thiing sshoulld haappennC. iit iss buiilt ddeep in aa mouuntaiin onn a ffreezzing-coldd Arcctic isllandD. iit iss strrong enouugh aagainnst aall ddisassterss cauused by mman aand nnaturre22. The seedd b
24、annk prrojecct waas prropossed bby _.A. tthe NNorweegiann govvernmment B. Norwwegiaan faarmerrsC. SSpitssberggen rresiddentss D. agriicultturall sciientiists23. The seedds inn thee vauult wwill be sstoreed _.A. aas saamplees off worrld ccrop variietieesB. aas prroduccts oof woorld plannt brreediingC
25、. ffor ttheirr valluablle geenetiic prroperrtiessD. ffor ttheirr ressistaance to pplantt disseasees24. For the seedd bannk prrojecct too be succcessfful, the mostt impportaant ffactoor iss proobablly_.A. cconsttructting tighht aiirloccksB. mainntainning highh seccurittyC. kkeepiing ffreezzing temppe
26、ratturessD. storring largge quuantiitiess of seedds25.WWhichh of the folllowinng sttatemmentss is truee?A.Thhe Noorweggian vaullt moodelss aftter eexistting seedd bannksB.Thhe Sppitsbbergeen seeed bbank is eexpeccted to llast 10,0000 yyearssC.Thhe exxistiing sseed bankks haave ppotenntiall prooblemm
27、sD.Thhe UNN finnanceed thhe Sppitsbbergeen seeed bbankText 2Both the numbber aand tthe pperceentagge off peoople in tthe UUniteed Sttatess invvolveed inn nonnagriicultturall purssuitss exppandeed raapidlly duuringg thee hallf ceenturry foollowwing the Civiil Waar, wwith somee of the mostt draamatiic
28、 inncreaases occuurrinng inn thee dommainss of trannsporrtatiion, manuufactturinng, aand ttradee andd disstribbutioon. TThe ddevellopmeent oof thhe raailrooad aand tteleggraphh sysstemss durring the midddle tthirdd of the nineeteennth ccentuury lled tto siignifficannt immprovvemennts iin thhe sppeed
29、, vollume, andd reggularrity of sshipmmentss andd commmuniicatiions, makking posssiblee a ffundaamenttal ttranssformmatioon inn thee prooducttion and disttribuutionn of goodds.In aggricuulturre, tthe ttranssformmatioon waas maarkedd by the emerrgencce off thee graain eelevaatorss, thhe coottonn pree
30、ssess, thhe waarehoousess, annd thhe coommoddity exchhangees thhat sseemeed too so manyy of the natiionss farrmerss thee vissiblee siggn off a vvast consspiraacy aagainnst tthem. In manuufactturinng, tthe ttranssformmatioon waas maarkedd by the emerrgencce off a “nnew ffactoory ssysteem” iin whhich
31、plannts bbecamme laargerr, moore ccompllex, and moree sysstemaaticaally orgaanizeed annd maanageed. AAnd iin diistriibutiion, the trannsforrmatiion wwas mmarkeed byy thee emeergennce oof thhe joobberr, thhe whholessalerr, annd thhe maass rretaiiler. Theese cchangges rradiccallyy altteredd thee nattu
32、re of wwork duriing tthe hhalf centtury betwween 18700 andd 19220.To bee surre, ttheree werre sttill smalll woorkshhops, wheere sskillled ccrafttspeoople manuufactturedd prooductts raanginng frrom nnewsppaperrs too cabbinetts too pluumbinng fiixturres. Therre weere tthe ssweattshopps inn citty teene
33、meents, wheere ggroupps off menn andd wommen iin hoousehhold setttingss mannufacctureed cllothiing oor ciigarss on a piiecewwork basiis. AAnd ttheree werre faactorries in ooccuppatioons ssuch as mmetallworkk wheere iindivviduaal coontraactorrs prresidded oover whatt werre esssenttiallly haandiccraft
34、t prooprieetorsshipss thaat cooexissted withhin aa sinngle builldingg. Buut ass thee nummber of wwage earnners in mmanuffactuuringg rosse frrom 22.7 mmilliion iin 18880 tto 4.5 miillioon inn 19000 too 8.44 milllionn in 19200, thhe nuumberr of hugee plaants likee thee Balldwinn Loccomottive Workks in
35、n Phiiladeelphiia buurgeooned, as did the sizee of the averrage plannt. (The Balddwin Workks haad 6000 emmployyees in 11855, 3,000 in 11875, andd 8,000 in 11900.) Byy 19220, aat leeast in tthe nnorthheasttern Unitted SStatees whhere mostt of the natiions maanufaacturring wagee earrnerss werre coonce
36、nntratted, threee-quuarteers oof thhose workked iin faactorries withh morre thhan 1100 eemplooyeess andd 30 perccent workked iin faactorries withh morre thhan 11,0000 empployeees.26.WWhat can be iinferrred fromm thee passsagee aboout tthe aagriccultuural secttor oof thhe ecconommy affter the Civiil
37、Waar?A.Neew teechnoologiical deveelopmmentss hadd litttle effeect oon faarmerrs.B.Thhe peercenntagee of the totaal poopulaationn worrkingg in agriicultture decllinedd.C.Maany ffarmss desstroyyed iin thhe waar weere rrebuiilt aafterr thee warr.D.Faarmerrs acchievved nnew pprospperitty beecausse off b
38、ettter ruraal trranspportaationn.27.WWhichh of the folllowinng waas NOOT meentiooned as ppart of tthe “new facttory systtem?”A.A channge iin thhe orrganiizatiion oof faactorries.B.A growwth iin thhe coompleexityy of facttoriees.C.Ann inccreasse inn thee sizze off facctoriies.D.Ann inccreasse inn the
39、e cosst off mannufaccturiing iindusstriaal prroduccts.28.WWhichh of the folllowinng sttatemmentss aboout mmanuffactuuringg beffore 18700 cann be infeerredd froom thhe paassagge?A.Moost mmanuffactuuringg acttivitty waas hiighlyy orgganizzed.B.Moost mmanuffactuuringg occcurreed inn rellativvely smalll
40、 pllantss.C.Thhe moost ccommoonly manuufactturedd gooods wwere cottton ppressses.D.Maanufaacturring and agriicultture eachh madde upp aboout hhalf of tthe nnatioons econnomy.29.TThe aauthoor meentioons tthe BBaldwwin LLocommotivve Woorks in PParaggraphh 3 bbecauuse iit waasA.a welll-knoown mmetall-w
41、orrksB.thhe fiirst plannt off itss kinnd inn PhiiladeelphiiaC.tyypicaal off thee larrge ffactooriess thaat weere bbecomming moree commmonD.tyypicaal off facctoriies tthat conssisteed off a ssinglle buuildiing30.TThe wword “preesideed ovver” in PParaggraphh 3 aare ccloseest iin meeaninng too A.mmanag
42、ged B.led toC.wworkeed innD.prodduceddText 3In 19985 wwhen a Jaapan Air Linees (JJAL) jet crasshed, itss preesideent, Yasuumotoo Takkagi, callled eachh vicctims faamilyy to apollogizze, aand tthen prommptlyy ressigneed. AAnd iin 19987, whenn a ssubsiidiarry off Tosshibaa solld seensittive miliitaryy
43、 tecchnollogy to tthe fformeer Sooviett Uniion, the chaiirmann of Toshhiba gavee up his postt. Thesee exeecutiive aactioons, whicch Tooshibba caalls “thee higghestt forrm off apoologyy,” mmay sseem bizaarre to UUS maanageers. No oone aat Booeingg ressigneed affter the JAL crassh, wwhichh mayy havve
44、beeen ccauseed byy a ffaultty Booeingg reppair. The ddiffeerencce beetweeen thhe twwo buusineess ccultuures centters arouund ddiffeerentt deffinittionss of deleegatiion. Whille USS exeecutiives givee botth reesponnsibiilityy andd autthoriity tto thheir emplloyeees, JJapannese execcutivves ddeleggate
45、 onlyy autthoriitytthe rrespoonsibbilitty iss stiill ttheirrs. AAlthoough the subssidiaary tthat soldd thee sennsitiive ttechnnologgy too thee Sovvietss hadd itss ownn mannagemment, thee Tosshibaa topp exeecutiives saidd theey “mmust takee perrsonaal reesponnsibiilityy forr nott creeatinng ann atmmosphhere throoughoout tthe TToshiiba ggroupp thaat woould makee succh acctiviity uunthiinkabble, evenn in an iindeppendeentlyy runn subbsidiiary.” Such acceeptannce oof coommunnity respponsiibiliity iis noot unniquee to busiinessses iin J