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1、XX年MBBA联考英英语试题考生注意事事项 1.考生必必须严格遵遵守各项考考场规则,得得到监考人人员指令后后方可开始始答题。 2答题前前,考生应应将答题卡卡上的“考生姓名名”、“报考单位位、“考生编号号”等信息填填写清楚,并并与准考证证上的一致致。 3全国工工商管理硕硕士入学联联考英语分分为试题(一)、试试题(二)。 4本试题题为试题(一)。考考生必须在在规定的时时间内作答答。 5试题(一)为听听力部分。该该部分共有有A、B、CC三节,所所有答案都都应填写或或填涂在答答题卡1上上。A、BB两节必须须用蓝(黑黑)圆珠笔笔答题,注注意字迹清清楚。C节节必须用22B铅笔按按照答题卡卡上的要求求填涂,
2、如如要改动,必必须用橡皮皮擦干净。 6听力考考试进行时时,考生应应先将答案案写或标记记在试题上上,然后在在听力部分分结束前专专门留出的的5分钟内内,将答案案整洁地誊誊写或转涂涂到答题卡卡1上。仅仅写或标记记在试题上上不给分。 7答题卡卡严禁折叠叠,考试结结束后,按按监考人员员指令交卷卷。 Sectiion II Lissteniing CComprrehennsionn Direcctionn: This secttion is ddesiggned to ttest yourr abiilityy to undeerstaand sspokeen Ennglissh. YYou wwillh
3、earr a sselecctionn of recoordedd matteriaals aand yyou mmust answwer tthe qquesttionss acccompaany tthem. Theere aare tthreee parrts iin thhis ssectiion, Partt A, Partt B aand PPart C. Rememmber, whiile yyou aare ddoingg thee tesst, yyou sshoulld fiirst put downn youur annswerrs inn youur teest bbo
4、okllet. At tthe eend oof thhe liistenning comppreheensioon seectioon, yyou wwill havee 5 mminuttes tto trransffer aall yyour answwers fromm youur teest bbookllet tto ANNSWERR SHEEET 11. Now llook at PPart A inn youur teest bbookllet. Part ADirecctionn: For QQuesttionss 155, yoou wiill hhear a taalk
5、aaboutt Bosston Museeum oof Fiine AArts. Whiile yyou llisteen, ffill out the tablle wiith tthe iinforrmatiion yyou hhave hearrd. SSome of tthe iinforrmatiion hhas bbeen giveen too youu in the tablle. WWritee onlly 1 wordd or numbber iin eaach nnumbeered box. Youu willl heear tthe rrecorrdingg twiice
6、. You now havee 25 secoonds to rread the tablle beelow. (5 poinnts) Part B Direcctionns:For QQuesttionss 6-10, you willl heaar ann intterviiew wwith an eexperrt onn marrriagge prrobleems. Whilee youu lissten, commplette thhe seentennces or aansweer thhe quuestiions. Usee nott morre thhan 33 worrds f
7、for eeach answwer. You willl heaar thhe reecordding twicce. YYou nnow hhave 25 sseconnds tto reead tthe ssenteencess andd queestioons bbeloww. (55 poiints) Part C Direcctionns: You wwill hearr thrree ppiecees off reccordeed maateriial. Befoore llisteeningg to eachh onee, yoou wiillhhave timee to rea
8、dd thee queestioons rrelatted tto itt. Whhile listteninng, aansweer eaach qquesttion bycchoossing A, BB, C or DD. Affter listteninng, yyou wwill havee timme too cheeck yyour answwers. You wwill hearr eacch piiece oncee onlly. (10 ppointts) Questtionss 1113 aare bbasedd on the folllowinng taalk aabou
9、tt napppingg. Yoou noow haave 115seecondds too reaad Quuestiions 11113. 11. CChilddren undeer fiive hhave abunndantt eneergy parttly bbecauuse tthey A. slleep in tthreee disstincct paarts. B. haave mmany fivee-minnute napss. C. slleep in oone llong blocck. D.takke onne orr twoo napps daaily. 12. AAc
10、corrdingg to the speaaker, thee sleeep ppatteern oof a babyy is deteerminned bby A. itts geenes. B. itts haabit. C. itts meentall staate. D. itts phhysiccal ccondiitionn. 13. TThe ttalk sugggestss thaat, iif yoou feeel ssleeppy thhrouggh thhe daay, yyou sshoulld A. taake ssome refrreshmmentss. B. go
11、o to bed earlly. C. haave aa lonng reest. D. giive iin too sleeep. Questtionss 1416 aare bbasedd on the folllowinng inntervview withh Sheermann Aleexie , annAmeericaan Inndiann poeet. YYou nnow hhave 15 sseconnds tto reead QQuesttionss 1416. 14. WWhy ddid SShermman AAlexiie onnly ttake day jobss. A.
12、 Hee couuld bbringg unffinisshed workk homme. B. Hee migght hhave timee to purssue hhis iinterrestss. C. Hee migght ddo soome eeveniing tteachhing. D. Hee couuld iinvesst moore eemotiion iin hiis faamilyy. 15. WWhat was his origginall goaal att colllegee? A. Too teaach iin hiigh sschoool. B. Too wri
13、ite hhis oown bbookss. C. Too be a meedicaal dooctorr. D. Too be a maathemmaticcian. 16. WWhy ddid hhe taake tthe ppoetrry-wrritinng cllass? A. Too folllow his fathher. B. Foor ann eassy grrade. C. Too chaange his speccialtty. D. Foor knnowleedge of ppoetrry. Questtionss 1720 aare bbasedd on the fol
14、llowinng taalk aaboutt pubblic speaakingg: Yoou noowhaave 220 seecondds too reaad Quuestiions 17220. 17. WWhat is tthe mmost impoort tthingg in publlic sspeakking?A.ConnfideenceB. Prreparratioon. C. Innformmativvenesss. D. Orrganiizatiion. 18. WWhat doess thee speeakerr advvise us tto doo to capttur
15、e the audiiencees aattenntionn? A. Gaatherr abuundannt daata. B. Orrganiize tthe iideass loggicallly. C. Deeveloop a greaat oppeninng. D. Seelectt appproprriatee matteriaals. 19. IIf yoou doont starrt woorkinng foor thhe prresenntatiion uuntill thee dayy beffore, youu willl feeel A. unneasyy. B. unn
16、certtain. C. frrustrratedd. D. deepresssed. 20. WWho iis thhis sspeecch moost pprobaably meannt foor? A. Thhose inteerestted iin thhe poower of ppersuuasioon. B. Thhose tryiing tto immprovve ttheirr pubblic imagges. C. Thhose plannningg to takee up somee pubblic workk. D. Thhose eageer too beccome e
17、ffeectivve sppeakeers. You nnow hhave 5 miinutees too traansfeer alll yoour aansweers ffrom yourr tesst boookleet too ANSSWER SHEEET 1. Sectiion iii Voocabuularyy andd Strructuure (10 ppointts) Direcctionns: TTheree aree 20 incoompleete ssenteencess in thiss secctionn. Foor eaach ssenteence therre a
18、rre foour cchoicces mmarkeed A,B,C and D. CChoosse thhe ONNE annswerr thaat beest ccomplletess thee senntencce. TThen blaccken the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the ANSWWER SSHEETT 1 wwith a peencill. 21. LLong longg agoo,mosst foorestters havee beeen meen, bbut ttodayy, a numbber oof woomen thhis ff
19、ieldd is climmbingg. A. reegistterinng B. purrsuinng C. devvotinng D. enggaginng 22. TThe bbanknno0tees whhich had foolled mmany bankk telllerss werre diiscovveredd to be A. arrtifiiciall B. genuuene C. ccountterfeeit DD. faaultyy 23. WWithoout aa whoole hheartted too a kkeen forwward-lookking visii
20、on aand aa deeep innsighht, yyou ccnnott be a leeaderr. A. deetermminattion B. rresollutioon C. commmitmment D. oobliggatioon 24. AAll ttranssactiions are striictlyy , andd we neveer seell, rentt or tradde anny cuustommers namme. A. coonsidderabble BB. coonfiddent C. cconsiideraate DD. coonfiddentii
21、al 25. BBig bbusinnessees ennjoy certtain thhat ssmalller oones do nnot hhave. A. trransaactioons BB. prrivillegess C. subssidiees D. subbstittutess 26. YYour kinddnesss in giviing to the conssiderratioon off thee aboove pprobllem vvill be hhighlly appprecciateed. A. immporttancee B. advaantagge C.
22、priioritty D. autthoriity 27. TThe bbordeer inncideent lled tto thhe twwo coountrries thheir dipllomattic rrelattionss. A. brreakiing oout BB. brreakiing iin C. breeakinng thhrouggh D. breeakinng offf 28. II meaant tto soound conffidennt att thee intterviiew bbut II m aafraiid I ass sellf-assserttiv
23、e. A. goot inn B. got overr C. got off D. ggot oout 29. JJohn plannned to ttake partt in the comppetittion but had to on accoount of tthe ccar aacciddent. A. drrop oout BB. hoold oout CC. geet ouut D. runn outt 30. HHe dooesnt woork bbut hhe geets aa goood fromm hiss invvestmment. A. suubsiddy B. in
24、ccome C. eearniing DD. saalaryy 31. cann hellp buut bee fasscinaated by tthe wworldd intto whhich he iis taaken by tthe ssciennce ffictiion. A. Annyboddy B.Noboody CC. Soomeboody DD. Evverybbody 32. AAnyonne wiith hhalf an eeye oon thhe unnemplloymeent ffigurres kknew thayy thee asssertiion aaboutt
25、ecoonomiic reecoveery jusst arroundd thee corrner was untrrue. A. waas B. beiing CC. woould be DD. too be 33. OOceanns coontinnuallly loose bby evvaporratinng muuch oof thhe riiver wateer intoo theem. A. too connstanntly floww B. be cconsttantlly fllowinng C. connstanntly flowws D. connstanntly flow
26、wing 34. TThe rresullt haas tuurnedd stiill wworsee thaan itt . A. woould otheerwisse haave bbeen B. wwouldd be otheerwisse C. haad ottherwwise beenn D. has otheerwisse beenn 35. TTheree is no rreasoon thhey sshoulld liimit how muchh vittaminn youu takke, theey caan liimit how muchh watter yyou ddri
27、nkk. A. muuch mmore thann B. no mmore thann C. no lless thann D. any moree thaan 36. HHe toold uus hoow hee deaalt wwith the selff-intteresst off difffereent ccounttriess to brinng thhem iinto a kiind oof innternnatioonal accoord. evveryoone sseemeed too bennefitt. A. whhere B. wwhat C. tthat D. wwh
28、ichh 37. WWe hoope tthe mmeasuures to ccontrrol ppricees takeen byy thee govvernmment willl succceedd. A. whhen BB. ass C. sincce D. aftter 38. TThe ccostss of disttribuutionn andd salles mmake up aa larrge ppart of ppricees thhat . A. alll prroduccts aare ppaid for B. aare ppaid for all prodductss
29、C. alll prroduccts ppaid D. ffor wwhichh alll prooductts paaid 39. SSo quuicklly arre scciencce annd teechnoologyy advvanciing is a poossibbilitty tooday may be aa reaalityy tommorroow. A. thhat BB. whhat CC. thhat wwhichh D. thatt whaat 40. IIt iss stiill RRichaards ammbitiion tto sttudy mediicinee
30、 , soomedaay, tto maake aa reaal coontriibutiion tto thhe fiield of ssciennce. A. annd B. alsso C. butt D. or Sectiion Clooze (5 poointss) Direcctionns: FFor eeach numbberedd blaank iin thhe foollowwing passsage, theere aare ffour choiices markked AA,B,CC, annd D. Chooose the bestt onee andd marrk y
31、oour aansweer onn thee ANSSWER SHEEET 1. Each yearr, huundreeds oof thhousaands of ppeoplle diie foorm hheartt atttack, a lleadiing ccausee of deatth. IIn thhe Laandmaark PPhysiicianns HHealtth Sttudy at HHarvaard UUniveersitty inn thee Uniited Stattes iin thhe laate 11980ss, a reseearchh teaam leed
32、 byy Dr. Heiinekeens sstudiied 222, 7701 hhealtthy mmale physsiciaans, halff of whomm werre raandommly 441 too takke ann asppirinn eveery ootherr dayy whiile tthe ootherrs toook pplaceebos (安慰剂剂). AAfterr thee parrticiipantts haad beeen 442 foor ann aveeragee of fivee yeaars, the docttors in tthe aa
33、spirrin ggroupp werre foound to hhave suffferedd 44 perccent feweer fiirst hearrt atttackks. 443 ,aa reccent inteernattionaal sttudy indiicatees thhat aaspirrin ccan bbe beenefiiciall forr thoose ppeoplle wiith aa hisstoryy of coroonaryy arttery(冠动脉)bypaass ssurgeery, 44 oof thheir sex, agee or whet
34、ther theyy havve hiigh bbloodd preessurre orr diaabetees. Accorrdingg to a reeportt by the Amerricann Heaart AAssocciatiion. Docttors shouuld cconsiider presscribbing 45 asspiriin foor miiddlee-ageed peeoplee witth a famiily hhistoory oof, oor 466 forr, heeart diseease.(Rissk faactorrs inncludde smm
35、okinng, bbeingg morre thhan 220 peercennt ovverweeightt, hiigh bbloodd preessurre annd laack oof exxerciise.) Aspirrin iis allso aa liffesavver ddurinng heeart attaacks. Parrameddics now givee it routtinelly, aand eexperrts uurge anyoone wwith chesst paain, 47 iif itt sprreadss to the neckk, shhould
36、der oor ann armm, orr is accoompannied by ssweatting, nauusea(恶心), ligght/hheadeednesss annd brreathhing diffficullty tto chhew aand 48 ann asppirinn tabblet immeediattely. When takiing aaspirrin ffor hheartt atttack, 49 the plaiin, uuncoaated variiety. Forr eveen faasterr abssorpttion, cruush aand
37、mmix wwith a liittlee watter. Speeed off abssorpttion is ccritiical becaause mostt heaart aattacck deeathss occcur 550 thhe fiirst few hourrs affter chesst paain sstrikkes. 41. AA. exxpectted BB. deemandded CC. asssignned DD. addviseed 42. AA. foollowwed BB. exxaminned CC. moonitoored D. eexperrienc
38、ced 43. AA. Meeanwhhile B. AAbovee alll C. Howeever D. IIn addditiion 44. AA. inn spiite BB. reegarddlesss C. careelesss D. whatteverr 45. AA. loow-dooes BB. hiigh-aamounnt C. morre D. rigght 46. AA. reeady B. aat riisk CC. maaybe D. iin daangerr 47. AA. naaturaally B. aapparrentlly C. esppeciaally
39、D. ffurthhermoore 48. AA. eaat B. swaalloww C. digeest DD. asssimiilatee 49. AA. chhoosee B. use C. hhold out D. ppick out 50. AA. foor B. aloong CC. wiithinn D. exceept Sectiion IIV Reeadinng Coompreehenssion (40 poinnts) Part A Direcctionns: TTheree aree 4 ppassaages in tthis partt. Eaach ppassaag
40、e iis foollowwed bby soome qquesttionss or unfiinishhed sstateementts. FFor eeach of tthem therre arre foor chhoicees maarkedd A,BB,C, and D. YYou sshoulld deecidee on the bestt chooice and blaccken the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the ANSWWER SSHEETT1 whhit aa penncil. Questtionss 51 to 554 arre ba
41、ased on tthe ffolloowingg passsagee: A litttle moree thaan a centtury ago, Micchaell Farradayy, thhe nooted Brittish physsicisst, mmanagged tto gaain aaudieence withh a ggroupp of highh govvernmment offiicialls, tto deemonsstratte ann eleectroo-cheemicaal prrinciiple, in the hopee of gainning supppo
42、rt for his workk. Afterr obsserviing tthe ddemonnstraationns clloselly, oone oof thhe offficiials remaarkedd bluuntlyy, “IIts a faascinnatinng deemonsstrattion, youung mman, but justt whaat prractiical appllicattion willl comme off thiis?” “I doont knoww,” rrepliied FFaradday, “butt I ddo knnow ttha
43、t 100 yearrs frrom nnow yyoulll bee taxxing themm.” From the demoonstrratioon off a pprincciplee to the markketinng off prooductts deeriveed frrom tthat prinnciplle iss oftten aa lonng, iinvollved seriies oof stteps. Thee speeed aand eeffecctiveenesss witth whhich thesse stteps art takeen arre cllos
44、elly reelateed too thee hisstoryy of manaagemeent, the art of ggettiing tthinggs doone. Justt as manaagemeent aappliies tto thhe woonderrs thhat hhave evollved fromm Farradayy andd othher iinvenntorss, soo it appllied somee 4,0000 yyearss agoo to the workking of tthe ggreatt Egyyptiaan annd Meesopoo
45、tamiian iimporrt annd exxportt firrms to HHanniibals reemarkkablee feaat off croossinng thhe Allps iin 2118 B.C. wwith 90,0000 ffoot solddierss, 122,0000 horrsemeen annd a “connveyoor beelt” of 440 ellephaantsor tto thhe eaarly Chriistiaan Chhurchh, wiith iits wworldd-shaakingg connceptts off inddividdual freeedom and equaalityy. Thesee anccientt innnovattors weree deeeply invoolvedd in the probblemss of authhoritty, ddivissionss of laboor, ddisciiplinne, uunityy of commmand, claarityy of direectioon annd thhe otther basiic faactorrs thhat