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1、大学英语六六级写作作经典范范文及点点评大学生自我我创业已已经不是是一个新新鲜的话话题了。那那么自我我创业有有何利,又又有何弊弊呢?看看过本文文之后你你就知道道了。或或许这对对面临毕毕业的你你还是个个不小的的帮助呢呢!Self empployymenntSelf empployymennt ccoulld bbrinng mmanyy addvanntagges. Onne oof tthe advvanttagees oof bbeinng sselff-emmplooyedd iss thhat thee prrofiit tthe bussineess makkes bellonggs t
2、to tthe ownner. Iff thhe sselff-emmplooyedd peersoon ssuccceedds iin bbusiinesss, he hass thhe cchannce to earrn aa grreatt deeal of monney. Thhe pproffit earrnedd iss thhe rrewaard forr thhe oowneers eeffoort, abbiliity andd crreattiviity. Thhus, a seccondd addvanntagge iis tthatt a perrsonns iinte
3、elliigennce andd abbiliitiees hhavee a dirrectt efffecct oon tthe earrninngs. A thiird advvanttagee off beeingg seelf-empployyed is thaat aa peersoon ccan conntrool hhis worrkinng hhourrs. Whiile nott alll sselff-emmplooyedd peeoplle aare commpleetelly ffreee, mmostt off thhem havve mmoree coontrrol
4、 oveer tthiss arrea thaan tthe sallariied peooplee.Howevver, beeingg seelf-empployyed is nott wiithoout proobleems. Fiirstt, bbeinng oones oown bosss pplacces thee reespoonsiibillityy diirecctlyy onn thhat inddiviiduaal sshouuldeers. Evveryyonee haas ssomee weeaknnessses in a ccerttainn asspeccts. T
5、hhesee weeaknnessses willl aaffeect howw suucceessfful a sselff-emmplooyedd peersoon iis. Seccondd, tthouugh thee seelf-empployyed cann eaarn connsidderaablee prrofiits witth aa suucceessfful bussineess, loossees ccan forrce theem oout of bussineess andd soomettimees, plaace theem iin ddebtt. AA thh
6、irdd diisaddvanntagge cconccernns iincoome seccuriity. Seelf-empployyed peooplee haave no guaarannteeed wwagee. TTheiir eearnninggs ccan varry ggreaatlyy, ddepeendiing on bussineess conndittionns. Sallariied peooplee, hhoweeverr, ccan genneraallyy coountt onn coontiinueed eearnninggs. In addditiion,
7、 saalarriedd peeoplle oofteen eenjooy ffrinnge bennefiits thaat mmeann grreatter peaace of minnd. Onee off thhesee beeneffitss maay bbe iinsuurannce paiid ffor by thee emmplooyerr thhat conntinnuess thhe eemplloyeees ssalaary in thee evventt off siicknnesss orr accciddentt whhilee maany sellf-eempll
8、oyeed ppeopple do nott haave succh pprottecttionn.253 worrds行文点评文章结结构简单单明了。第第一段阐阐述了自自我创业业的3个好处处。第二二段分析析了自我我创业所所存在的的问题。两段中中“firsst, seccondd, tthirrd”的使用用,不仅仅使文章章在句式式上显得得条理分分明,更更在内容容上体现现了连贯贯性。好文妙译自我创业自我创创业的好好处之一一是商业业利润归归创业者者所有。如如果创业业者生意意成功,他他有可能能挣很多多钱。这这些利润润是对创创业者努努力、能能力和创创造力的的回报。因因此,自自我创业业的第二二个好处处是一
10、稳定性性。创业业者没有有稳定的的工资。依依据生意意的状况况,他们们的收入入浮动很很大。而而工薪族族通常可可以依靠靠持续稳稳定的工工资。此此外,他他们通常常可以享享受着额额外福利利,这意意味着他他们的心心态可以以更加的的平和。其其中一项项福利就就是由雇雇主为雇雇员支付付保险,以以保障他他们在生生病或遇遇到意外外的情况况下还能能继续领领到工资资。相比比之下,很多创业者就没有这种保障了。词汇斟斟酌indeebt负债counnton指望,依依靠frinngea.附加的的,额外外的;边边缘的佳句临临摹【注释】in thee evventt off stth万一;倘若【临摹摹】In thee evvent
11、t off hiis ddeatth SShellia willl iinheeritt thhe mmoneey.一旦他他故去,希希拉就会会继承这这笔钱。思如泉泉涌Sometthinng aatteemptted, soometthinng ddonee.有尝尝试就会会有收获获。Actioons speeak louuderr thhan worrds.行动胜胜于语言言。有些人并非非特别聪聪明,却却能得到到大家的的认可和和支持。我我们说这这些人有有个人魅魅力。个个人魅力力不仅源源于聪明明、诚实实等优秀秀品质,还还源于与与他人交交往时的的态度和和技巧。Commuuniccatiing a SS
12、ensse oof PPerssonaal PPoweerCommuuniccatiing a ssensse oof pperssonaal ppoweer ccomees ffromm a bellieff thhat youu caan rreacch yyourr gooalss inn yoour ownn waay. Powwerfful peooplee giive othherss poowerr annd eencoouraage othherss too exxpreess theemseelvees oopennly. Yoou ccommmuniicatte aa se
13、ensee off peersoonall poowerr byy deevellopiing theese traaitss:AuthoorittyAuthooritty iis iinneer cconffideencee a truust in youur sskillls andd abbiliitiees. It commes froom tthe inssidee, ffromm ann atttittudee off“I ccan do thaat”.“I ddeseervee suucceess”.Thhis atttituude raddiattes outtwarrd aa
14、s yyou asssertt yoour rigght, hoonesstlyy assk ffor whaat yyou wannt aand neeed, andd deevellop a wwilllinggnesss tto ggivee too ottherrs aand youurseelf. Beingg seelf-asssureedSelf-asssureed bbehaavioor iis aactiive, diirecct, andd hoonesst. It commmunnicaatess ann immpreessiion of sellf-rresppectt
15、 annd rresppectt foor ootheers.By beiing sellf-aassuuredd, wwe vvieww ouur wwantts, neeeds, annd rrighhts as equual witth tthosse oof ootheers. A sellf-aassuuredd peersoon wwinss byy innfluuenccingg, llistteniing, annd nnegootiaatinng sso tthatt ottherr peeoplle cchooose to coooperratee wiilliinglly
16、. Accesssibbiliity The ppoweerfuul ppersson is a mmastter nett woorkeer. Goood nnetwworkkingg inncreeasees yyourr viisibbiliity andd giivess yoou aa vaaluaablee ciirclle oof ppeopple froom wwhomm yoou ccan givve aand recceivve ssuppportt annd iinfoormaatioon. Imaaginne yyourrsellf aas tthe cennterr
17、off a wheeel surrrouundeed bby sspokkes of conntaccts. Imagee You ccommmuniicatte ppoweer tthrooughh yoour imaage. Doo yoou pprojjectt ann immagee coonsiisteent witth sstroong leaaderrshiip? SStannd ttalll annd wwalkk prrouddly, reememmberringg thhat youu haave vallue as a ppersson. Whhen youu meeet
18、 othherss, mmakee diirecct cconttactt annd kkeepp yoour hanndshhakee fiirm andd frrienndlyy. CCleaarlyy sttatee whho yyou aree annd wwhatt yoou ddo.Commuuniccatiion habbitssTake a ddeepp brreatth tto pprojjectt a firrm vvoicce. Avooid slaang, annd jjarggon, annd vvocaal hhesiitattionns tthatt caan h
19、hindder efffecttivee coommuuniccatiion. Usse oonlyy thhe bbodyy moovemmentts aand gessturres neccesssaryy too maake youur ppoinnt, no morre. Leaarn howw too wrritee cllearrly andd coonciiselly.312 worrds行文点评文章是是总分结结构。第第一段先先说明发发挥你的的个人魅魅力的信信念来源源:你可可以用自自己的方方式实现现自己的的目标。接接着作者者从五个个方面介介绍个人人魅力的的通常表表现,每每个方面面
22、个人人你自身身具有价价值。当当你与他他人会面面时,要要直接接接触,友友好而有有力地握握手。清清楚地表表达你是是谁,是是做什么么的。交流习习惯深吸一一口气,说说出坚定定的话语语,避免免使用俚俚语、行行话,说说话不要要吞吞吐吐吐,否否则会影影响有效效的交流流。在必必要时使使用身体体语言和和手势,多多则无益益。要学学会如何何用笔头头清晰而而简洁地地表达自自己的思思想感情情。词汇斟斟酌traiit nn. 显显著的特特点,特性authhoriity n. 权威,威信,权威人人士radiiatee vtt.放射,辐射,传播asseert v. 断言,声称negootiaate v. (与某某人)商议,谈
23、判,磋商,acceessiibillityy n. 易接接近,可到达达spokke nn. 辐辐条slanng nn. 俚俚语jarggon n. 行话佳句临临摹【注释】be connsisstennt wwithh一致,相相符【临摹摹】Whaat yyou saiid nnow is nott coonsiisteent witth wwhatt yoou ssaidd laast weeek.你你现在说说的话与与你上星星期说的的话不相相符。思如泉泉涌As a manns hhearrt iis, so doees hhe sspeaak.言言为心声声。A greeat tallkerr i
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- 大学 英语六级 写作 经典 范文 及其 点评 10435