《GE_供应商体系审核标准4188.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GE_供应商体系审核标准4188.docx(43页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Document No. 0.0Rev. 14 119/1514/01 GENERRAL BBUSINNESS(总体营运)Organnizattion and Manaagemeent (组织与管管理)Suppoort QQuesttionss:1. Provvide updaated orgaanizaationn chaart ffor yyour busiinesss 提供贵贵司的最新新组织流程程图2. Idenntifyy keyy staaff mmembeers aand rrespoonsibbilitties 确确定关键成成员和职责责3. Outlline r
2、espponsiibiliitiess of key stafff reelatiive tto opperattion objeectivves 概概括关键成成员的职责责Scoriing:1. Limiited orgaanizaationn witth rooles of kkey pplayeers nnot cclearrly ddefinned. Commpanyy wouuld hhave diffficullty ssuppoortinng a new proogramm staart-uup wiithouut siignifficannt sttaffiing aand/oo
3、r pllant and equiipmennt exxpendditurres.有限的组织织架构,关关键人员未未能清晰定定义。企业业在关键员员工、场地地、设备资资金方面将将不能充分分支持一个个新项目的的启动。3. Orgaanizaationn appproprriatee forr scoope oof cuurrennt buusineess. Rolles aare cclearrly ddefinned aand kkey pplayeers hhave abillity to llead commpanyy to currrent objeectivves. Comppany ha
4、ss abiilityy to groww, buut woould havee to expaand sstafff andd faccilitties to acccommoodatee. 企业组织架架构能支持持现有业务务范围,角角色清晰定定义,关键键人员有能能力引领企企业现有经经营目标,企企业有扩展展空间,但但需要扩充充人员及设设备能力。 5. Orgaanizaationn is currrentlly sttaffeed too hanndle addiitionnal bbusinness. Rooles are cleaarly defiined and top posiitio
5、nns arre sttaffeed with leadders capaable of ssucceessfuully growwing the comppany. Coompanny iss cappablee annd wiillinng too makke exxpendditurres tto grrow bbusinness. 组织现有员员工架构能能满足业务务增长,角角色清晰定定义且企业业高层有能能力成功引引领企业成成长,企业业有能力及及意愿促进进企业发展展。Commeents/Defiiciennciess:_(Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _4
6、_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)Operaationnal GGoalss (营运运目标)Suppoort QQuesttionss:1. Whatt is yourr commpanyy misssionn? KKey mmeasuuremeents? 贵司的的使命?关关键措施?2. Whatt aree youur cuurrennt yeear bbusinness objeectivves? 今今年的业务务目标?3. Comppare currrent yearr objjectiives to hhistooricaal peerforrmancce. 今今年和以往往
7、历史成绩绩的比较4. Disccuss busiinesss reiinvesstmennt. Givee exaamplees off dommestiic annd innternnatioonal reinnvesttmentt.讨论商商务再投资资。举例国国内和国外外的投资5. Disccuss yourr lonng-teerm bbusinness straategyy. 长期期公司发展展策略6. Are therre anny ouutstaandinng leegal issuues ffacinng yoour ccompaany tthat coulld pootenttia
8、llly haamperr youur abbilitty too suppply produuct uunderr quooted circcumsttancees?是否有突出出的政策针针对贵司,从从而能潜在在妨碍贵司司提供产品品的能力Does yourr commpanyy havve a legaal annd pooliciies ccomplliancce prrograam? 企业是否否有遵守法法律法规的的相关程序序?Is thhere any outsstandding reguulatoory oor saafetyy commplaiints stilll peendinng
9、? 是是否有仍未未解决的法法规或安全全投诉Scoriing:1. Key meassuremmentss aree neiitherr deffinedd norr commmuniicateed beeyondd staaff llevell. IIndivviduaal rooles and ressponssibillitiees noot deefineed too inccludee acccounttabillity for meetting objeectivves. Goaals aare llimitted tto shoort tterm withh litttle lon
10、gg terrm pllanniing eevideent.关键的绩效效指标未在在各层员工工中进行定定义或传递递,个人角角色和责任任未能在目目标责任状状中清楚定定义。目标标仅限于短短期目标,基基本没有长长期计划的的证据。3. Key meassuremmentss aree deffinedd andd commmuniicateed too alll levvels, andd theere iis cllear accoountaabiliity ffor aall keyy meaasureementts. Longg andd shoort tterm straategiic plla
11、nniing iis paart oof tootal busiinesss plaan.关键绩效指指标在各层层员工中定定义且传递递,所以绩绩效指标有有清晰的责责任定义。长长期及短期期的战略计计划是企业业整个经营营计划的一一部分。5. Key meassuremmentss aree deffinedd in detaail aand ccommuunicaated and inteegratted iinto the workk plaan off eacch empployeee. Proggresss to goalls iss upddatedd on reguular basiis
12、too enttire busiinesss. SStrattegicc lonng teerm groowth is aan immporttant partt of busiinesss plaan. 关键绩效指指标被详细细定义和传传递,并整整合到每位位员工的工工作计划中中。定期更更新整体业业务的进展展。长期战战略发展是是企业经营营计划的重重要部分。Commeents/Defiiciennciess:_(Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _5_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)Indusstry (行业背背景)Suppoort QQuesttion
13、ss:1. Desccribee youur maajor comppetennciess. 描述述主要能力力2. Are offsshoree suppplieers aa facctor in ccurreent oor fuuturee salles? 后续业业务发展方方向。3. Wherre arre yoour ggrowtth oppporttunitties? 哪里里有增长机机会4. Whatt aree youur pllans to ccapittalizze onn theese oopporrtuniitiess? 如何何利用这些些机会5. Markket ssharee
14、, avveragge annnuall groowth ratees ovver tthe ppast 5 yeears for yourr majjor pproduucts?市场分额额,过去55年来主要要产品的平平均年增长长率Scoriing:1. Busiinesss possitiooned to mmainttain smalll shhare of ttotall marrket or nnichee bussinesss, wwith litttle ffundiing ffor pplannning forr futture growwth oor accquissitioo
15、n. Currrent prodduct offeeringgs prrovidde liimiteed grrowthh pottentiial.业务定义为为保持整体体市场小份份额或利基基业务,仅仅有小部分分小资金用用作未来业业务发展。当当前产品提提供的发展展潜力有限限。2. Busiinesss is posiitionned wwell relaativee to otheers iin inndusttry, althhoughh theey maay noot bee onee of the key suppplierrs wiithinn thee inddustrry. Prod
16、duct linee offferinngs ccouldd proovidee oppportuunitiies ffor ffuturre grrowthh pottentiial.企业定位与与行业其他他企业良好好的关联,虽虽然不是行行业中关键键供应商之之一。现有有产品可以以为企业发发展潜力提提供机会。5. Comppany is cclearrly aan inndusttry lleadeer annd acccounnts ffor aan abbove-averrage propportiion oof thhe tootal induustryy outtput. Prooduc
17、tt linne offferiings are innoovatiive aand vvarieed ennoughh to assuure ttheirr marrket placce leeaderrshipp.企业为行业业领军企业业,在行业业所占市场场份额高于于行业平均均水平。现现有产品的的创新性和和多样性能能保持其行行业领军地地位。Commeents/Defiiciennciess:_(Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _5_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)Progrram EExecuutionn (项目执行情情况)Suppoort QQ
18、uesttionss:1. Whatt proogramms arre cuurrenntly undeerwayy in yourr faccilitty? 在贵司司目前执行行了哪些项项目2. What was the lastt majjor pprogrram yyour comppany comppleteed? How longg didd it takee to comppletee?3. 最近完成的的主要项目目?花费多多长时间来来完成4. Are ttheree anyy othher mmajorr proogramms cuurrenntly undeer coonsidde
19、rattion by yyour comppany?5. 目前贵公司司考虑进行行哪些其他他的重要项项目?4. Outlline proggram manaagemeent ppersoonnell andd ressourcces aavaillablee forr proogramm impplemeentattion. 概概要项目管管理人员和和执行体系系的可利用用资源Scoriing:1. Comppany has not impllemennted a miid/maajor proggram in rrecennt paast. Ressourcces wwouldd limmit s
20、scopee of any proggram undeertakking. GEEA woould havee to lendd connsideerablle reesourrces to bbe asssureed off succcesssful impllemenntatiion.企业近期未未能引入中中/大项目目,由于资资源限制无无法承担项项目。PEEBU可考考虑借一定定的资源以以确保其成成功引入。3. Comppany has succcessffullyy impplemeentedd midd/majjor pprogrrams in rrecennt paast. Ressou
21、rcces wwouldd limmit Proogramms too smaall oor miid-siized. GEEA woould requuire a deetailled iimpleementtatioon pllan aalongg witth corrrecttive actiion pprogrram bbeforre buusineess ccouldd be awarrded.企业近期有有成功引入入中/大项项目,公司司资源仅限限于引入小小型或中型型项目,在在业务成功功授予之前前PEBUU希望其提提供一个详详细的项目目计划其中中需包含纠纠正措施。5. Comppany
22、 succcessffullyy impplemeents mid/majoor prrograams oon a conttinuiing bbasiss. RResouurcess aree eitther avaiilablle orr couuld bbe obbtainned tto asssuree succcesssful execcutioon off proogramm. GGEAss ressourcce innvolvvemennt woulld bee limmitedd priimariily tto prrograam maanageementt intterfaa
23、ce.企业持续引引入中/大大型项目。资资源可用且且可成功保保证项目执执行。PEEBU的资资源参与将将仅限于项项目的管理理层面。Commeents/Defiiciennciess:_(Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _5_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)Suppllier/Custtomerr Intterfaace (供应商商/客户情情况)Suppoort QQuesttionss:1. Who are yourr majjor ccustoomerss? 主要要客户2. Do yyour custtomerrs meeasurre yoou? H
24、ow? 客户如如何评估贵贵司?3. Who are yourr majjor ssuppllierss? 主要要供应商?4. How do yyou mmeasuure tthem? 如何何评审供应应商5. Provvide exammpless of currrent repoorts and perfformaance meassuress (e.g., on-ttime shippmentts, aavaillabillity by pproduuct). 就就目前的报报告和执行行方式提供供一些事例例Scoriing:1. Comppany workks prrimarrily thro
25、ough blannket ordeers aand hhas mminimmal ccontaact wwith custtomerrs annd suuppliier bbase. Quaalityy, deeliveery aand/oor otther issuues aare ggenerrallyy reaactivvely handdled on ccase by ccase basiis.公司基本限限于一次性性订单,且且与客户和和供应商少少有接触,质质量、运输输和其他事事宜的处理理均为单个个订单测被被动处理,不不够系统化化。3. Comppany emplloys a reep
26、ressentaativee whoo, ass thee priimaryy cusstomeer coontacct peersonnallyy hanndless mosst quualitty, ddelivvery or ccustoomer quesstionns. Thhe reepressentaativee willl innvolvve hiis pllan rresouurcess on an aas neeededd bassis. Cusstomeer/suuppliier rrelattionsshipss aree reccogniized as bbeingg
27、impportaant aand aare hhandlled iin a proffessiionall andd amiiablee mannner.企业有专人人代理代理理主要客户户,负责处处理主要客客户的质量量、运输和和顾客投诉诉。如有需需要,此代代表可支配配其资源计计划。顾客客/供应商商关系管理理在企业中中被重要定定义,且以以一种专业业友好的方方式处理。5. Custtomerr sattisfaactioon iss a kkey ooperaationnal oobjecctivee andd commpanyy hass sysstemss in placce too meaas
28、uree cusstomeer appprovval as wwell as ssuppllier perfformaance. Coompanny haas esstabllisheed prrograams tthat proaactivvely addrress custtomerr sattisfaactioon ass welll ass suppplieer peerforrmancce.顾客满意度度是企业的的关键运营营目标之一一,企业有有可用的系系统测量顾顾客批准和和供应商表表现。企业业已经建立立程序主动动测量顾客客满意度及及供应商表表现。Commeents/Defiicienn
29、ciess:_ (Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _3_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)Priciing(价价格)Suppoort QQuesttionss:1. Whatt perrcentt of salees arre innternnatioonal? 海海外销售的的比例?2. Whatt aree youur pllans for expaandinng innto iinterrnatiionall marrketss?扩充国国际市场的的计划3. Whatt commpetiitionn do you see fromm inttern
30、aationnal mmarkeets?从从国际市场场看,你们们有何竞争争力4. Are you willling to ssharee youur coost sstruccturee witth yoour ccustoomerss?是否愿愿意与客户户共享成本本结构Do yoou haave aa forrmaliized proggram for costt redductiion aand wwastee eliiminaationn? 是否否有正式的的体系,对对于降低成成本和消浪浪费Do yoou paass ccost saviings to yyour custtomerrs?
31、是否把成成本积累转转移给客户户Descrribe defllatioon/coost ssavinngs hhistoory oover the pastt feww yeaars.在在过去一些些年内,描描述成本节节约历史。Scoriing:1. Comppany comppetess priimariily iin loocal/regiionall marrketss, orr supppliees a nichhe prroducct. Litttle ccompeetitiion in tthis markket.企业的竞争争优势主要要在本地市市场,或仅仅限于利基基产品。在在行业市场场
32、中基本没没有竞争力力。3. Comppany comppetess nattionaally for busiinesss, wiith ssome inteernattionaal maarketts seervedd (moostlyy Norrth Amerricann). Has abillity to ccompeete iinterrnatiionallly, howeever, currrentt inffrasttructture coulld noot suupporrt a largge exxportt bussinesss.企业主要竞竞争优势在在国内市场场,在国外外市场
33、中有有一定的市市场份额。由由国际市场场竞争力,然然而目前的的基础设施施无法支持持大的出口口业务。5. Custtomerr basse iss worrldwiide ddue tto abbilitty too proovidee priicingg commpetiitivee witth annyonee. PPriciing hhas aallowwed tthem to deveelop a suubstaantiaal innternnatioonal markket bbase to ccompllemennt doomesttic ssaless.客户群遍布布全球基于于其价格优
34、优势。价格格优势使其其可以开发发大量的国国际市场以以补充其国国内市场。Commeents/Defiiciennciess:_(Sugggesteed Caategoory WWeighht _3_) (Suppplieer Grrade _)QUALIITY质量量 Managgemennt Reesponnsibiilityy 管理理职责Suppoort QQuesttionss: 1. Whatt is the quallity poliicy, how is it ccommuunicaated to AALL eemplooyeess?公司的质量量政策是什什么?如何何告知全体体雇员?2.
35、 Do tthe sshop flooor opperattors havee thee freeedomm to stopp prooducttion if aa quaalityy isssue iis suuspeccted?怀疑质量事事件发生时时, 工场场操作者们们有无自由由停止生产产?3. Are all seniior mmanaggemennt peersonnnel meassuredd on the quallity of tthe pproduuct?是否用产品品质量评估估所有高级级管理人员员4. Are the goalls appproppriatte foor thhe buusineess? Aree theey toough enouugh? Is therre evvidennce oof a visiion?目标是否与与业务相符符。 是否否太严?有有何证据。5. Whatt levvel oof innvolvvemennt dooes tthe mmanaggemennt teeam hhave in ddealiing wwith quallity issuues? Is the Quallity Manaager exppecteed too hanndle and resoolve all issuues?管理团队