《英语段落的写作套路39626.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语段落的写作套路39626.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、弃我去者,昨昨日之日不不可留乱我心者,今今日之日多多烦忧Part One 英语段落落写作套路路以下是短文文写作中使使用率最高高、覆盖面面最广的基基本句式套套路,每组组句式的功功能相同或或相似,考考生可根据据自己的情情况选择其其中的12个,做到到能够熟练练正确地仿仿写或套用用。1表示原原因1)Theere aare tthreee reaasonss forr thiis2)Thee reasoons ffor tthis are as ffolloows3)Thee reaason for thiss is obviious4)Thee reaason for thiss is not far
2、 to sseek5)Thee reaason for thiss is thatt6)We havee goood reeasonn to beliieve thatt例如: TTheree aree thrree rreasoons ffor tthe cchangges tthat havee takken pplacee in our lifeeFirsstly,peopples livving stanndardd hass beeen grreatlly immprovvedSecoondlyy,mostt peoople are welll paiid, andd theey c
3、aan afffordd whaat thhey nneed or llikeLastt butt nott leaast,moree andd morre peeoplee preefer to eenjoyy moderrn liife注:如考生生写第一个个句子没有有把握,可可将其改写写成两个句句子。如:Greeat cchangges hhave takeen pllace in oour llife Theere aare tthreee reaasonss forr thiis这样写可以以避免套用用中的表达达失误。2表示好好处1)It has the folllowinng addv
4、anttagess2)It doess us a loot off goood3)It beneefitss us quitte a lot4)It is bbenefficiaal too us5)It is oof grreat beneefit to uus例如: BBookss aree likke frrienddsTheyy cann hellp uss knoow thhe woorld bettter,and theyy cann opeen ouur miinds and wideen ouur hoorizoonsTherreforre,readding exteensiv
5、vely is oof grreat beneefit to uus3表示坏坏处1)It has moree dissadvaantagges tthan advaantagges2)It does uus muuch hharm3)It is hharmffultoo us例如: HHowevver,everrythiing ddividdesinnto ttwoTeleevisiion ccan aalso be hharmfful tto ussIt ccan ddo haarm tto ouur heealthh andd makke uss lazzy iff we spennd t
6、ooo muuch ttime watcchingg tellevi- sioon4表示重重要、必要要、困难、方方便、可能能1)It is iimporrtantt(necesssaryy,diffiicultt,convvenieent, posssiblle)for sbto ddo stth2)We thinnk itt neccessaary tto doo sthh3)It playys ann impportaant rrole in oour llife例如:Coomputters are now beinng ussed eeveryywherre,whetther in tt
7、he ggoverrnmennt,in sschoools oor inn bussinesssSoon, commputeers wwill be ffoundd in everry hoome,tooWe hhave goodd reaason to ssay tthat compputerrs arre pllayinng ann inccreassinglly immporttant rolee in our lifee andd we havee steeppedd intto thhe Coomputter AAge5表示措措施1)We shouuld ttake somee ef
8、ffectiive mmeasuures2)We shouuld ttry oour bbest to ooverccome(conqquer)the diffficulltiess3)We shouuld ddo ouur uttmostt in doinng stth4)We shouuld ssolvee thee prooblemms thhat wwe arre coonfroontedd(faceed)with例如: TThe hhousiing pprobllem tthat we aare cconfrronteed wiith iis beecomiing mmore and
9、 moree serrioussTherreforre,we mmust takee somme efffecttive meassuress to solvve itt6表示变变化1)Somme chhangees haave ttakenn plaace iin thhe paast ffive yearrs2)A ggreatt chaange willl cerrtainnly bbe prroducced iin thhe woorlds coommunnicattionss3)Thee commputeer haas brroughht abbout manyy chaangess
10、 in educcatioon例如:Soome cchangges hhave takeen pllace in ppeoplles diiet iin thhe paast ffive yearrsThe majoor reeasonns foor thhese channges are not far to sseekNowaadayss,moree andd morre peeoplee aree swiitchiing ffrom graiin too meaat foor prroteiin,and fromm fruuit aand vvegettablee to milkk fo
11、rr vittaminns7表示事事实、现状状1)We cannnot iignorre thhe faact tthat2)No one can denyy thee facct thhat3)Theere iis noo dennyingg thee facct thhat4)Thiis iss a pphenoomenoon thhat mmany peopple aare iinterresteed inn5)Howweverr,thats noot thhe caase例如:Wee cannnot ignoore tthe ffact thatt inddustrrialiizati
12、ion bbringgs wiith iit thhe prrobleems oof poolluttionTo ssolvee theese pprobllems,we ccan sstartt by educcatinng thhe puublicc aboout tthe hhazarrds oof poolluttionThe goveernmeent oon itts paart sshoulld allso ddesiggn sttrictter llaws to ppromoote aa cleeanerr envvironnmentt8表示比比较1)Commpareed wii
13、thA,B2)I pprefeer too reaad raatherr thaan waatch TV3)Theere iis a striikingg conntrasst beetweeen thhem例如:Coomparred wwith carss,bicyycless havve seeveraal addvanttagess bessidess beiing aafforrdablleFirsstly,theyy do not conssume natuural resoourcees off pettroleeumSecoondlyy,theyy do not causse t
14、hhe poolluttion probblemLast but not leasst,theyy conntribbute to ppeoplles heealthh by giviing tthem due physsicall exeercisse9表示数数量1)It has incrreaseed(decrreaseed)fromto2)Thee poppulattion in tthis cityy hass noww inccreassed(decrreaseed)to 8800,0003)Thee outtput of JJuly in tthis facttory incrre
15、aseed byy 15 commpareed wiith tthat of JJanuaary例如:Wiith tthe iimproovemeent oof thhe liivingg staandarrd,the propportiion oof peeoplees inncomee speent oon foood hhas ddecreeasedd whiile tthat spennt onn eduucatiion hhas iincreeasedd再如:Frrom tthe ggraphh lissted abovve,itcann be seenn thaat sttuden
16、nt usse off commputeers hhas iincreeasedd froom ann aveeragee of lesss thaan twwo hoours per weekk in 19900 to 20 hhourss in 2000010表示示看法1)Peoople havee(take,adoppt,assuume)diffferennt atttituudes towaards sth2)Peoople havee difffereent oopiniions on tthis probblem3)Peoople takee difffereent vviewss
17、 of(on)the quesstionn4)Somme peeoplee bellievee thaatOtheers aarguee thaat例如: PPeoplle haave ddiffeerentt atttituddes ttowarrds ffailuureSomee bellievee thaat faailurre leeads to ssucceessEveryy faiiluree theey exxperiiencee traanslaates intoo a ggreatter cchancce off succcesss at theiir reeneweed e
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- 英语 段落 写作 套路 39626