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《重庆银行中间业务发展策略分析49410191301.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆银行中间业务发展策略分析49410191301.docx(89页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、 重庆银行行中间业务务发展策略略分析硕士学位论论文(专业学位位)摘要国际经济环环境的转变变致使金融融市场在政政府监管和和机构创新新的博弈中中迅速发展展,银行面面临着日益益剧烈的竞竞争挑战,中中间业务已已日渐成为为西方商业业银行收入入的主要来来源和新形形势下的战战略重心。2006年以后,我国加入世界贸易组织时逐步对外全面放开金融市场的承诺业已兑现,外资金融机构开始全面进入,致使我国金融市场格局发生了深刻的变化。虽然传统业务并未受到严重影响,但以发展的眼光看,商业银行在未来的成功转型则在很大程度上依赖于其在中间业务上的发展。重庆银行作为我国商业银行的成员之一,拥有国内商业银行所具有的共通特征,面临
3、了西方方发达国家家商业银行行中间业务务的发展现现状。同时时,本文还还分析了西西方银行中中间业务健健康发展的的原因,并并探讨了西西方中间业业务发展经经验对我国国商业银行行的借鉴启启示;最后后,在对重重庆银行及及其中间业业务发展现现状进行介介绍的基础础上,结合合重庆银行行的发展规规划,利用用 SWOTT分析方法法,并结合合相关理论论,为重庆庆银行发展展中间业务务提出了相相应的经营营策略。本本文所涉及及的研究方方法重要有有定性分析析和定量比比较分析,同同时应用 SWOTT分析等方方法。本文通过研研究得出的的结论是:重庆银行行在中间业业务占营业业收入比重重低;产品品品种范围围窄,创新新能力不足足;不太
4、重重视客户关关系管理,在在营销方面面有待提升升,在中间间业务上的的赢利能力力差以及创创新技术支支持不足等等。因此,重重庆银行应应该进行充充分的战略略分析,定定位清发展展方向,并并积极实施施完善银行行治理机制制,转变经经营管理理理念,大力力提升银行行在中间业业务方面的的人才建设设,健全中中间业务的的定价机制制,建立科科学的风险险防范机制制和营销系系统等策略略,以夯实实发展基础础,应接新新的挑战。同同时既要循循序渐进,又又要大力防防范规避金金融创新可可能带来的的风险。中间业务,重重庆银行,金金融创新与与管制,竞竞争策略As woorldwwide finaanciaal coontrool loo
5、osenning, thee finnanciial mmarkeet goot too rappidlyy devvelopping becaause of tthe ggame betwween goveernmeentall govvernaance and markket iinnovvatioon, tthe ccompeetitiion bbetweeen ttradiitionnal bbankss beccame moree inttensiity.SSo thhe buusineessess of lendding and borrrowinng haave bbecomme
6、 thhe maain rresouurcess of reveenuess and the focuus off strrateggies of bbankss. Siince Chinna beegan to pperfoorm tthe ppromiise tto oppen ccomplletelly thhe maarkett to worlldwidde fiinanccial orgaanizaationns inn 20006,moree andd morre fooreiggn fiinanccial orgaanizaationns enntereed innto CChi
7、neese mmarkeet, wwhichh exaacerbbatedd thee surrrounndinggs foor naativee bannks runnning and deveelopiing, althhoughh traaditiionall intteresst inncomee of natiive bbankss doeesntt be affeectedd sevverelly. AAs a mostt impportaant eenginneer for Chinna ecconommy keeepinng coontinnued growwth, natii
8、ve ffinannciall orgganizzatioons mmust succcess in ttransfoorminng off theeir bbattaalionn inccome fromm thee bussinesss off ballancee-sheeet tto inntermmediaary bbusinness. Bannk off Choongqiing iis a regiionall commmerccial bankk in Chinna, aand iit haas alll thhe chharaccterss thaat coompriises o
9、ppoortunnitiees annd chhalleengess nattive commmerciial bbankss in chinna, bbut iit allso hhas iits oown aadvanntagees annd innadeqquaciies tto otther natiive bbankss, annd thhe deeveloopmennt off inttermeediarry buusineess iis itts sttrateegy ccore. Theerefoore, it iis veery iimporrtantt to Bankk o
10、f Chonngqinng thhat rreseaarchees atttenttivelly thhe coonstrraintts, pprobllems and inteernattionaal exxperiiencees off thee devveloppmentt of inteermeddiaryy bussinesss innChinna. This textt firrstlyy deffiness thee rellatedd nottion rangge, ttypess, chharaccterss andd bacckgrooundss of inteermedd
11、iaryy bussinesss, aand iinvesstigaate tthe iinfluuencees off inttermeediarry buusineess oon thhe coommerrciall bannks. Secoondlyy, itt outtlinees thhe reelateed deeveloopmennt off nattive and alieen reesearrchess of inteermeddiaryy bussinesss. TThirddly, well aanalyyze tthe ddynammic cchangges aand
12、pprobllems of tthe ddevellopmeent oof baanks inteermeddiaryy bussinesss inn Chiina.AAnd tthen the textt willl reesearrch tthe ooperaationnal hhistoory oof thhe fooreiggn coommerrciall bannks wwith compparattive anallysiss. Wee alsso prrobe intoo thee facctorss thaat prromottes tthe ddevellopmeent oo
13、f weest ccommeerciaal baanks notaably in tthe ppast fourr deccadess, annd thhe ennlighhtenmmentss of the westt bannks ddevellopmeent tto naativee commmerccial bankks. FFinallly wwe inntrodduce the actuualitties of BBank of CChonggqingg andd itss inttermeediarry buusineess, and do aalso inquuire into
14、o itss proospecct off devveloppmentt strrateggy. BBy thhe annalyssis oof SWWOT. And thenn we put forwward somee opeeratiion aand mmanaggemennt prropossals for the bankks deeveloopmennt. TThe aanalyyticaal meethodds inn thiis paaper incllude quallitattive and quanntitaativee commpariison, SWOOT annal
15、yssis aand ttheorreticcal aanalyysis, andd so on. By sttudyiing tthe ppropoortioon off inttermeediarry buusineess iincomme annd thhe acctuallitiees off Bannk off Choongqiing, we ddraw the concclusiions: thee rattio oof reevenuue frrom iinterrmediiary busiinesss to totaal reevenuue off Bannk iss loww
16、, Baank oof Chhongqqing makees a narrrowerr rannge oof Inntermmediaary bbusinness prodductss, thhe caapaciity oof prroducct innnovaationn and markket ooperaationn is veryy weaak, aand tthe bbank doessnt attaach iimporrtancce too inttermeediarry buusineess, so tthe pprofiit-maakingg abiilityy of inte
17、ermeddiaryy bussinesss iss pooor. WWith the rapiid grrowthh of Chinna ecconommy, BBank of CChonggqingg getts a precciouss oppportuunityy to its inteermeddiaryy bussinesss. BBut ttheree aree manny diifficcultiies wwhichh imppede Bankk of Chonngqinng too exppand its inteermeddiaryy bussinesss, ssuch a
18、s tthe ccurreent sseparratedd opeeratiion aand mmanaggemennt syystemm, thhe coorporrate goveernannce oof Baank oof Chhongqqing, thee mannagemment mechhanissm, aand llots of fforeiign bbankss pouuringg intto Chhongqqing finaanciaal maarkett. Coonseqquenttly BBank of CChonggqingg shoould elevvate its
19、straategiic annalytticall cappacitty, aand oorienntatee thee devveloppmentt of inteermeddiaryy bussinesss annd peerfecct itts coorporrate goveernannce aand cchangge thhe maanageementt ideea. AAt thhe saame ttime, thee bannk muust sstrenngtheen itts huuman resoourcee andd priice mmechaanismm of intee
20、rmeddiaryy bussinesss, aand bbuildd effficieent rrisk prevventiion ssysteem annd maarketting systtem, so tthat the bankk cann repply eeffecctiveely iits cchalllengees inn futture. Meaanwhiile tthe bbank shouuld aadvannce sstepss, annd keeep aa loookoutt forr rissks aaccommpanyying the finaanciaal in
21、nnovaationn of inteermeddiaryy bussinesss. interrmediiary busiinesss, Baank oof Chhongqqing, finnanciial iinnovvatioon annd goovernnancee, coompettitioonstrrateggy 1.1研究究背景、目目的与意义义 1.1.11研究背景景近四十年来来,世界经经济环境变变化剧烈,汇汇率机制由由固定转向向浮动,金金融管制逐逐渐放松,金金融自由化化日渐成为为主流,国国际经济往往来越发密密切。同时时,电子信信息技术极极大地降低低了经济活活动中的信信息成本。新
22、新的形势条条件为各国国的银行业业提供了前前所未有的的发展机遇遇和挑战。有有鉴于此,各各发达国家家积极改革革金融业,以以电子和网网络信息技技术为支持持,大力推推广混合经经营和管理理机制,努努力创新各各类金融资资产交易契契约,以适适应不同市市场客户的的需求。各各国金融机机构在稳步步发展传统统业务的同同时,积极极拓展新型型业务,商商业银行正正经历着由由货币管理理转向信息息管理,以以利差收入入为主转向向手续费和和佣金收入入为主的转转型。统计计显示,到到 20100年中间业业务占发达达国家商业业银行经营营净收入的的比率平均均约为 38%,最最低者也达达到 23%以上上,有的甚甚至超过 60%。目目前,其
23、中中间业务呈呈现出业务务品种多、规规模发展迅迅速、收入入占总收入入比重大、服服务技术先先进周到等等特点。可可以说,积积极创新中中间业务,已已成为商业业银行发展展的战略新新蓝海。其其中主要原原因是,现现代经济活活动的结构构剧变削弱弱了银行的的资金融通通职能,而而银行为经经济往来提提供中介服服务则日益益重要,而而且,中间间业务具有有成本低、风风险低而收收益相对高高的优势,实实施业务创创新所依赖赖的条件又又能很好地地发挥商业业银行的优优势。 1.1.22研究目的的与意义 20世纪 70年代以以来,经调调整而作为为经营重点点的中间业业务已日益益成为国外外商业银行行竞争力的的主要来源源。与之相相比,中间
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- 重庆 银行 中间业务 发展 策略 分析 49410191301