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1、Unit 2 产品介绍 38.Thhis kkind of bbicyccle ccan bbe fooldedd in halff andd hanndy tto caarry arouund ,espeeciallly uusefuul duuringg traaveliing aand ttrafffic jjams. 39.Thhe maaximuum sppeed of tthis kindd of variiablee speeed bbicyccle iis 300 K/HH . 40.Thhese machhiness havve feew brreakddownss andd
2、 eassy too maiintaiin beecausse off theeir ssimplle meechannicall strructuure. 41.Coomparred wwith otheer brrandss, thhis kkind of ttyre costt lesss peer miile aand wwear muchh lonnger due to iits ttopnootch rubbber. 42.Thhis kkind of ttyre is ccharaacterristiic off nonnskidd stoop onn wett roaad. 4
3、3.Thhis mmaterrial has a duurablle annd eaasy-tto-cllean surfface. 44.Thhis kkind of aair-ccondiitionning systtem iis prractiical and econnomiccal ffor tthe nneedss of yourr commpanyy. 45.Ouur prroduccts aare aas suuperbb quaalityy as welll as the typiical orieentall makke-upp. 46.Ouur siilk ggarmee
4、nts are madee of supeer puure ssilk mateeriall andd by tradditioonal skillls. 47.Thhe gaarmennts aare mmagniificeent aand ttasteeful and havee lonng ennjoyeed grreat famee botth att homme annd abboardd. 48.Ass ourr typpewriiterss aree madde off ligght aand hhard allooy thhey aare bboth porttablee an
5、dd enddurabble. 49.Thhe haand bbags we qquoteed arre alll maade oof thhe beest lleathher aand vvarioous tthe kkindss andd thee styyles in oorderr to meett thee reqquireementts off alll wallks oof liife iin yoour ccounttry. 50.Ass ourr prooductts haave aall tthe ffeatuure yyou nneed and 20% cheaaper
6、compparedd witth thhat JJapannese madee ,I stroonglyy reccommeendedd to you. 51.Vaacuumm cleeanerrs off thiis brrand are comppetittive in tthe iinterrnatiionall marrket and are the bestt- seellinng prroduccts oof thheir kindd. 52. “FForevver” multtiplee speeed rracinng biicyclles aare ssure to bbe s
7、eellabble iin yoour mmarkeet. 53.Owwningg to its supeeriorr quaalityy andd reaasonaable pricce ouur siilk hhas mmet wwith warmm recceptiion aand qquickk salle inn mosst Euuropeean ccounttriess. 54.Wee feeel thhat oour pproduuct iis thhe beest kkind in AAsia and we ccan vvery welll commpetee agaainst
8、t Jappan iin prrice. 55.Ouur gooods are greaatly apprreciaated in ootherr marrketss simmilarr to yourr ownn. 56.Byy virrtue of iits ssuperr quaalityy ,thhis pproduuct iis offten soldd outt in manyy areeas. 57.Ouur prroduccts aare ssuperrior in qqualiity aand mmoderrate in ppricee andd aree surre too
9、 be selllablee in yourr marrket. 58.Thhese itemms arre moost ssellaable in oour mmarkeet. 59.Thhere havee beeen a steaady ddemannd inn ourr marrket for thiss kinnd off toyy. 60.Wee havve thhe plleasuure iin reecommmendiing yyou tthe ggoodss simmilarr to the sampple yyou ssend. Unit threee 业务务范围介绍绍 6
10、1.Wee wissh too inttroduuce oourseelvess to you as aa satte-owwned corpporattion dealling excllusivvely in llightt iinndusttriall gooods. 62.Wee aree inttroduucingg ourrselvves aas onne off thee ladding expoorterrs off thee samme liine oof buusineess.63.Wee havve thhe plleasuure oof inntrodducinng o
11、uursellves to yyou aas a statte coorporratioon sppeciaaliziing iin thhe exxportt of cannned ggoodss. 64.Wee inttroduuce oourseelvess as deallers in bbicyccles and sparre paarts. We havee beeen inn thiis liine ffor oover two decaades. 65.Ouur coorporratioon iss speeciallizedd in handdlingg thee exppo
12、rt busiinesss of texttiless. 66.Thhe maain pproduucts our corpporattion dealls inn aree eleectriical applliancces. 67.Ouur coompanny iss maiinly engaaged in aagriccultuural prodductss. 68.Wee speeciallize in tthe eexporrt off tabble-cclothhs. 69.Ouur coompanny maainlyy deaals wwith the expoort bbusi
13、nness of ssilk goodds. 70.Ouur sppeciaalizaationn is the expoortattion of CChineese ssilk garmmentss. 71.Wee aree enggagedd in the impoort aand eexporrt off macchineery. 72.wee aree noww doiing aa larrge iimporrt buusineess iin frruitss froom Sooutheeast Asiaa. 73.Wee speeciallize in hhandlling cloc
14、cks aand wwatchhes oof alll soorts. 74.Wee alsso taake oon a variiety of ssilk piecce gooods. 75.Ouur acctiviitiess covver aa widde raange of ccommooditiies, suchh as tiess, beelts and shirrts. 76.Wee aree in a veery ggood posiitionn to suppply mmost graddes oof caannedd fissh att commpetiitivee pri
15、ices and for goodd delliverry. 77.Wee aree in a poositiion tto accceptt ordders agaiinst custtomerrs saamplees sppeciffyingg dessign, speecifiicatiions and packkaginng reequirremennts. 78.Wee aree nott expportiing sstraww andd willlow prodductss, emmbroiideriies, porrcelaain wwaress, jaade ccarviing
16、s, anttiquees, CChineese ppainttingss, siilk ffloweers aand vvarioous kkindss of toyss andd giffts. 79.Ouur coorporratioon iss a mmajorr prooduceer off tecchniccallyy advvanceed maachinnery and chemmicalls foor inndusttry aand aagriccultuure. 80.Ellectrronicc prooductts faall wwithiin thhe sccope of
17、 oour bbusinness actiivitiies 81.Wee alsso doo expport busiinesss of handd madde wooven artiicless. 82.Wee havve beeen eengagged iin thhe gllass busiinesss witth maany AAsiann couuntriies ffor mmany yearrs.83.Ouur coompanny iss maiinly in tthe lline of eexporrtingg Chiinesee artt objjectss to Euroop
18、eann marrketss. 84.Wee alsso doo impport and expoort bbusinness in cchemiicalss andd agrricullturaal prroduccts. 85.Wee havve beeen iimporrtingg andd expportiing aall kkindss of metaals aand mminerrals for 30 yyearss andd havve maany ccustoomerss andd friiendss in overr 80 counntriees annd reegionns
19、. 86.Ouur coorporratioon iss a ggroupp entterprrise inteegratting scieentiffic rreseaarch, bussinesss, pproduuctioon annd seervicce. 87.Ass a jjointt vennturee, ouur coorporratioon haas woon a promminennt poositiion iin thhe fiieldss of homee eleectroonicss, coomputters and teleecommmuniccatioons ii
20、n Chhina. 88.Wee aree preepareed too acccept ordeers ffor ggoodss witth cuustommers ownn traade mmarkss or brannd naames. 89.Wee havve beeen hhandlling leatther shoees annd gllovess forr morre thhan 220 yaars.90.Wee havve beeen eengagged ffor ttwo ddecaddes iin thhe maanufaacturre off succh eqquipmm
21、ent. Unitee fouur 承诺诺 91.Wee asssure you thatt succh thhingss willl noot haappenn agaain iin ouur fuuturee delliverries. 92.Weed llike to aavaill ourrselvves tthis oppoortunnity to aassurre yoou off ourr broond aattenntionn in handdlingg youur fuuturee ordder. 93.Ouur prroduccts aare aalwayys goood
22、aas thhe saamplees wee sennd ,II cann proomisee theere wwill be nnot ddebassemennt off quaalityy. 94.I guarranteee thhat ttheree is not diffferennce iin quualitty beetweeen thhe prroduccts wwe seend yyou nnext montth annd whhatss sammpless youu saww jusst noow. 95.I can prommise you thatt thee prood
23、uctt we sendd youu willl bee of A-onne quualitty. 96.Ouur prroduccts aare ssurelly off staandarrd quualitty. 97.I givee youu my wordd thaat thhe paaymennt wiill bbe maade nnot llaterr thaan thhe ennd off Junne. 98.I prommise I wiill ccheckk intto thhese probblemss andd finnd ouut iff theey weere oou
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- 商务英语 产品 介绍 26825