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4、严重破坏坏和不断退化化。因而,草草原资源生态态补偿法律机机制的构建迫迫在眉睫。构构建具有可行行性的我国草草原资源生态态补偿制度,首首先应当从理理论上澄清其其含义,为制制度设计提供供学理依据;然后,结合合现状拿出切切实可行的应应对之策,从从立法上寻找找突破口,为为其实施提供供法制保障。关键词:草原资资源,生态补补偿,法律制制度- 20 -AbstracctThe ecoologiccal ennvironnment and nnaturaal ressourcees aree mateerial base to thhe surrvivall of hhumanss, maiintainn th
5、e entirre ecoosysteem ballance is thhe preemise of suustainnable devellopmennt of sociaal ecoonomy condiition. But for aa longg timee, thee resoourcess priccelesss ideaa inflluenceed humman acctivitties oon thee ecollogicaal envvironmment, the iinflueence oof thee natuural aand eccologiical ssystemm
6、 goess far beyonnd thee selff-puriificattion ccapabiility, desttroy tthe baalancee of nnaturaal ecoologiccal syystem, caussed seevere envirronmenntal ppolluttion aand eccologiical ddestruuctionn. With huuman ssocietty by indusstriall civiilizattion cchangiing too ecollogicaal civvilizaation, ecollog
7、icaal commpensaation legall mechhanismms beccame tthe immportaant innstituution usingg methhod off the realiizatioon envvironmmentall resoourcess. But ouur couuntry stilll doess not have a bassic laaw of ecoloogicall comppensattion ffor eccologiical ccompennsatioon priinciplle, obbject, makee overra
8、ll sscope of ruules. Thereefore, it iis neccessarry in ecoloogicall comppensattion llegal systeem, iddeologgical envirronmennt acccordinng to diffeerent ecoloogicall comppensattion ffor diiffereent syystem desiggn forr ecollogicaal commpensaation practtices, provvide rreliabble leegal bbasis. Grassl
9、aand iss the largeest arrea inn Chinna terrrestrrial eecosysstem, grasssland in waater cconserrvatioon, waater aand sooil coonservvationn, adjjustinng thee climmate, for wwindbrreak aand saand-fiixatioon andd mainntainiing eccologiical ddiverssity, etc., has irrepplaceaable rrole. Grasssland and ccu
10、ltivvated land, natuural rresourrces ssuch aas forrests and ooceanss as, is Chhinass impoortantt straategicc resoourcess. Howwever, for a lonng timme by both naturral annd humman faactorss, thee natiional 90% oof thee natuural ggrasslland aappearr diffferentt degrree off degrradatiion, ggrasslland e
11、ecologgical serviice fuunctioon deccline on ouur ecoologiccal saafety, posee a seeriouss threeat. SSince “Fiftteen PPlan”, counntriess launnched graziing laand, “BBeijinng-Tianjiin Sandsttorm SSourcee Controol” and a serries oof strrengthheningg the proteectionn of ggrasslland eecosysstem oof thee i
12、mpoortantt projject. But bbecausse thee projject iimplemmentattion aarea iis finnite, “Partiial immproveement, Overalll detteriorrationn” sittuatioon of the ggrasslland eecologgical has nnot beeen a fundaamentaal chaange. Thereefore, in oorder to sttrengtthen tthe grrasslaand eccologiical pproteccti
13、on and cconstrructioon, esstabliish thhe graasslannd ecoology serviice coompenssationn longg-effeect meechaniism, ggive ffull pplay tto graasslannd ecoologiccal seervicee valuue, enndemicc to ssafeguuard nnationnal eccologiical ssafetyy is vvery iimporttant. Grasslaand eccologiical cconstrructioon a
14、ndd ecollogicaal connstrucction compeensatiion meechaniism off ecollogicaal connstrucction, are critiical tto graasslannd conntinueed efffectivvenesss, allleviatte “Threee Shepheerd” probblem, consttructiion ennvironnment-frienndly hharmonnious new ppastorral arreas, the ccompreehensiive coonstruuct
15、ionn welll-off socieetys key rresearrch prroposiitionss. Graasslannd ressourcees ecoologiccal coompenssationn systtem iss the compeensatiion syystemss for use oof nattural resouurces, one of thhe impportannt conntent of thhe graasslannd ressourcees to the ttheoryy and practtice, and pputs fforwarrd
16、thee actiively exploore maany coonstruuctivee sugggestioon andd scheeme, eenviroonmenttal annd ressourcees laww schoolars also beginn to ppay duue atttentioon to it. IIn reccent yyears, our counttry inn grassslandd resoourcess ecollogicaal connstrucction work has mmade ggreat achieevemennts, bbut du
17、ue to some placees of our ccountrry overlloadinng to devellop thhe graasslannd, leead a serrious destrructioon of the ggrasslland rresourrces aand coonstanntly ddegraddationn. Thuus, thhe graasslannd ressourcees connstrucction of eccologiical ccompennsatioon leggal meechaniisms iis immminentt. Conns
18、truccting feasiible oour grrasslaand reesourcces, ffirst we shhould clariify thhe meaaning from the ttheoryy, provvidingg the meaniing thheorettical acadeemic bbasis for tthe syystem desiggn. Thenn, commbine withh the curreent taaking out ffeasibble off poliicy meeasurees, loookingg for a breeakthrr
19、ough from the llegisllationn, to proviide legaal saffeguarrd sysstem. Keywordds:Graasslannd ressourcees; Ecollogicaal commpensaation; Legaal sysstem目录一、我国草原的的现状1(一)“三化”草地面积迅迅速扩大1(二)草地水土土流失日益严严重2(三)草地植被被破坏严重,野野生动植物濒濒临灭绝2(四)草地鼠虫虫灾害严重2(五)草原环境境污染加剧3(六)草地自然然灾害频繁3二、生态补偿制制度作为解决决草原问题的的一个法律机机制的必要性性和可行性3(一)提出
21、的保护护具有重要作作用,在地球球生物圈中有有着不可取代代的位置,对对畜牧业、农农业乃至整个个社会的发展展也是至关重重要的。 The world resources report (1988-1989)M,China environmental science press,1990 我国拥拥有各类草地地近四亿公顷,约占国土面积积的百分之四四十一,大约约是耕地面积积的三倍,是林地地面积的二倍多。居世界第第二位,相较较于森林而言言,我国同时时也是是草原原大国, 在世界上上草原的面积积仅次于澳大大利亚。目前我国草原生生态形势严峻峻,草原退化化严重,我国国百分之九十十的天然草原原正在不同程程度地退化。其
22、其中严重退化化原近两亿亩。全国国退化草原的的面积每年以以两百万亩的速速度扩张, 天然草原面面积每年减少少约六十五至至七十万亩。 草原退退化已使更大大范围的生态态环境受到威威胁,公众对对此感受最深深的是波及全全国许多地区区甚至国外的的沙尘暴,草草原退化还会会带来水资源源枯竭、土壤壤侵蚀、温室室效应等环境境问题。同时时草原退化严严重制约了牧牧民生活水平平的提高和牧牧区社会经济济的可持续发发展。我国草草地资源面临临严峻的危机机:(一)“三化”草地面积迅迅速扩大 1.草地退化当前世界上天然然草地普遍退退化和逐步消消失,每年草草地退化、沙沙化和盐碱化化面积,约占占世界草地总总面积的0.1%。 我国退退化
24、虫虫害、鼠害严严重,草场退退化的情况已已带有普遍性性。以内蒙古古自治区为例例,目前全区区退化草场面面积占全区可可利用草场面面积的50左右,其其中严重退化化面积接近总总面积的200。素以水水草丰美著称称的呼伦贝尔尔草原和锡林林郭勒草原,退退化草原面积积分别已达223和41,退化化最严重的是是鄂尔多斯高高原的草场,退退化面积达668。我国国草原载畜量量很低,仅为为澳大利亚的的十分之一,美美国的二十七七分之一,新新西兰的二十十八分之一。 The United Nations food And Agriculture Organization,Grass forages M.Chinas agricu
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- 草原 资源 生态 补偿 法律 机制 研究 1961