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1、Interrnatiionall Bussinesss Neegotiiatioon:Pavinng thhe Waay foor a Succcessfful LLong-termm Coooperaationn摘要:随着着各国之间间经济交往往的日趋频频繁,国际际商务成为为当今世界界经济中越越来越重要要的活动,国国际商务谈谈判是其中中至关重要要的一个环环节。国际际商务的特特殊性对其其谈判人员员在知识、谈谈判技巧和和策略等方方面提出了了更高的要要求。本文文主要仔细细分析了国国际商务谈谈判中的各各个阶段和和步骤,指指出当中一一些值得注注意的问题题并给予一一些建议性性的解决办办法,同时时也说明了了
2、国际商务务谈判与良良好的长期期商业合作作之间的关关系。希望望此文对一一些国际商商务谈判人人员及对国国际商务感感兴趣者能能起到一定定意义上的的启发作用用。关键词:国国际商务谈谈判;长期期合作;准准备工作;策略Abstrract: Nowaddays withh morre frrequeentinnteraactivve ecconommicacctiviitiess bettweenn difffereent ccounttriess, intternaationnal bbusinness playysa moore aand mmore impoortannt roole. Interrn
3、atiionall bussinesss neegotiiatioon crriticcallyy inffluennces thee succcesss of inteernattionaal buusineess, sobuusineess nnegottiatoors aare ssuppoosed to hhave expeertisse inn cerrtainn knoowleddge, techhniquues aand sstrattegiees.Thhis ppaperr loooks iinto the diffferennt sttagess andd steeps ii
4、n innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn, diiscussses somee impportaant pprobllems in ddetaiil annd coomes out withh sugggesttive soluutionns, aand ppointts ouut thhe cllose relaationnshipp bettweenn bussinesss neegotiiatioon annd loong-tterm coopperattion. It is hhopedd thaat thhis ppaperrwoull
5、d bee hellpfull to the inteernattionaal buusineess nnegottiatoors aas weell aas soome ppeoplle whho arre inntereestedd in inteernattionaal buusineess. Key wwordss: innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn, lonng-teerm ccoopeeratiion, prepparattion, strrateggies1. IntrooducttionNegottiatiion rrefer
6、rs too a ddiscuussioon aiimed at rreachhing an aagreeementt andd thee proocesss of negootiatting. Intternaationnal bbusinness meanns thhe coommerrciall, inndusttriall, orr proofesssionaal deealinngs wwhichh rellatess to or iinvollves two or mmore natiions. In thiss wayy, innternnatioonal busiinesss
7、neggotiaationn reffers to tthe ddiscuussioon caarrieed ouut byy twoo or moree parrtiess froom diifferrent counntriees too reaach aan aggreemment on bbusinness affaairs. Firstt, thhe maain ppart of aan innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn is to sset aa corrrectt goaal, iincluudingg thee goaals
8、oof twwo paartiees orr morre paartiees inn thee neggotiaationn. Seecondd, ann intternaationnal bbusinness negootiattion shouuld bbe coonduccted on tthe pprecoondittion of tthe ggenerral iinterrest and the chieef obbjecttive of aa commpanyy, innsteaad off beiing bbasedd on perssonall bennefitts. TThe
9、reeforee, a geneeral goall hass to be sset bbeforre neegotiiatioon, aand iit wiill bbe foollowwed bby thhe coorresspondding negootiatting straategiies. Thirrd, aan innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn is diffferennt frrom aa dommestiic buusineess nnegottiatiion. Somee peoople say thatt inttern
10、aationnal bbusinness negootiattion shouuld bbe caalledd crooss-ccultuural busiinesss neggotiaationn, foor itt is clossely assoociatted wwith variied sstylees off cullturees off difffereent ccounttriess. Ass a rresullt, tthe ccultuural elemmentss shoould be ppaid greaat atttenttion to iin innternnati
11、oonal busiinesss neggotiaationn.A succcesssful inteernattionaal buusineess nnegottiatiion ddoes not onlyy meaan too achhievee a ddeal oncee, buut too esttabliish aa lonng-teerm ccoopeeratiive rrelattionsship withh thee othher ppartyy or partties in bbusinness. Esppeciaally in iinterrnatiionall bussi
12、nessses, witth thhe inncreaasinggly ffiercce coompettitioon ammong rivaals ffrom diffferennt coountrries, a llong-termm coooperaationn meaans mmore to aa commpanyy whiich iis dooing busiinesss witth otther foreeign partties. Howw to carrry ouut a negootiattion so tthat it wwill leadd to moree bussin
13、essses withh forreignn cusstomeers iin thhe fuuturee is the key poinnt off a ssucceessfuul innternnatioonal busiinesss neggotiaationn.This papeer trries to ffind the wayss of condductiing aa succcesssful inteernattionaal buusineess nnegottiatiion, inclludinng thhe efffecttive plannningg andd preepar
14、aationn beffore negootiattion, thee tecchniqques and straategiies iin neegotiiatioon, aas weell aas thhe afffairrs affter negootiattion to ppave the way for a loong-tterm coopperattion. 2. Revieew off litterattureTheree aree manny boooks and artiicless on inteernattionaal buusineess nnegottiatiion,
15、and plennty oof neegotiiatinng skkillss andd strrateggies are giveen.Take somee boooks ffor eexampple. Breaakthrroughh Bussinesss Neegotiiatioon: AA Tooolboxx forr Mannagerrs, wwrittten bby Miichaeel Waatkinns(20002), a lleadiing eexperrt inn neggotiaationn at HarvvardBBusinnessSSchoool, sservees as
16、s a gguidee to negootiatting in ssome busiinesss sittuatiions. Thiis boook ppreseents prinnciplles tthat applly too neggotiaationn sittuatiions and toolls too achhievee exppecteed reesultts. IIt deemonsstrattes hhow tto unndersstandd a ssituaationn, buuild connnectiion, manaage iinterrnal deciisionn
17、 makking, perrsuadde ottherss, orrganiize aa deaal cyycle, andd creeate straategiic allliannces. Anothher ppopullar bbook Gettting to YYes: Negootiatting Agreeemennt Wiithouut Giivingg In by RRogerr Fissher, Willliamm Uryy andd Bruuce PPattoon(19991) is cconsiidereed ass a uuniveersall guiide tto th
18、he arrt off neggotiaatingg perrsonaal annd prrofesssionnal ddispuutes. It offeers aa conncisee strrateggy foor coomingg to mutuuallyy accceptaable agreeemennts iin evvery sortt of confflictt.In Chhina, manny auuthorrs allso wwritee on thiss subbjectt. Foor innstannce, Xie Jinssha(11999) tallked abou
19、ut thhe skkillss forr intternaationnal bbusinness negootiatting. Cheen Xiirongg(20001) ccarriied oout aan annalyssis oon thhe prragmaatic straategiies wwhichh aree empployeed inn intternaationnal bbusinness negootiattion. Thrree aaspeccts oof thhe poositiive ppragmmaticc neggotiaatingg strrateggies
20、weree disscusssed, inclludinng pooliteenesss andd appproprriateenesss, taact aand hhumorr, annd immpliccit aand vvaguee exppresssionss. Wuu Xiaaochuuang(20033) poointeed ouut thhe immporttancee andd varriabiilityy of “timme” iin thhe prrocesss off intternaationnal bbusinness negootiattion and suggge
21、steed thhe neegotiiatorrs shhouldd payy atttentiion tto thhe cllose relaationnshipp bettweenn “tiime” and negootiattion. Nott a ffew ppaperrs weere wwrittten aaboutt thee cullturaal faactorrs orr cullturaal diifferrencees. ZZhou Juannmei(20033) annalyzzed iin deetaill thee difffereent ccultuural fac
22、ttors whicch haad a greaat innflueence on iinterrnatiionall bussinesss neegotiiatioon. IIt waas poointeed ouut thhat ccultuure pplayeed ann impportaant rrole in iinfluuenciing ppeoplles negootiatting methhods, thiinkinng, ddecission makiing aand llanguuage usagges iin neegotiiatioon. IIt allso pput
23、fforwaard tthe ssuggeestioons oon hoow too strrengtthen the conssciouusnesss off neggotiaationn acrross cultturess andd perrformm welll inn intternaationnal bbusinness negootiattion.3. Featuures of iinterrnatiionall bussinesss neegotiiatioonIn orrder to cclearrly sstatee difffereent sstepss in a suu
24、ccesssfull intternaationnal bbusinness negootiattion in tthis papeer, ssome disttincttive featturess of inteernattionaal buusineess nnegottiatiion hhave to bbe poointeed ouut fiirst, whiich wwill helpp us bettter uunderrstannd thhe foollowwing partts. TThesee sixx feaaturees arre coommonn to all int
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- 涉外 商务 谈判 成功 因素 英文 29381