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1、2008年年11月涉外秘书书(三级)英英语试卷(2)(A. Liistenning Testt . Diirecttionss:Youu aree goiing tto heear aan annnounncemeent. Thenn youu neeed too commplette thhe muultipple-cchoicce quuestiions baseed onn whaat yoou heear, onlyy onee corrrectt ansswer for eachh queestioon. (10 mmarkss)1. Whhen tthe sstateementt
2、wass madde, tthe pplanee _.(A) wwas iin thhe cooursee of landding(B) hhad aalreaady llandeed(C) hhad jjust takeen offf(D) wwas iin thhe miiddlee of its fligght2. Thhe paassenngerss cann gett to the centtre oof thhe ciity bby alll thhe trranspportss exccept .(A) aa taxxi(B) bby buus(C) bby cooach ser
3、vvice(D) bby tuube3. Hoow muuch mmoneyy cann an adullt saave iif shhe/hee takkes tthe ccoachh serrvicee inssteadd of taxii to the cityy? .(A) 112 Auustraaliann dolllarss(B) 66 Ausstrallian dolllars(C) 33 Ausstrallian dolllars(D) 44 dolllarss andd 50 centts4. Thhe annnounncemeent iis maainlyy aboout
4、.(A) tthe ttermiinal builldingg at the airpport(B) tthe ttranssporttatioon inn thee cenntre of SSydneey(C) tthe ddeparrturee taxxi(D) tthe sserviice tthe aairpoort ccan pproviide ffor tthe ppasseengerrs5. IIn thhe annnounncemeent, all the servving faciilitiies aare mmentiionedd exccept .(A) ttranssp
5、orttatioon(B) bannkingg faccilitties(C) bbookiing ffacillitiees(D) posstal faciilitiies. Diirecttionss: Yoou arre gooing to hhear a diialoggue bbetweeen aa buyyer aand ssalesspersson, it wwill be pplayeed twwice conttinuoouslyy andd pleease comppletee thee folllowiing ssenteencess. Yoou neeed tto fi
6、ill iin moore tthan justt onee worrd too makke itt fulll annd meeaninngfull senntencce acccordding to tthe ttext.(10 markks)1. AAccorrdingg to the saleesmann, thhey rraiseed thhe prrice becaause has beenn skyyrockketinng 2. Thhe saalesmman wwas ssurprrisedd wheen thhe buuyer the pricces.3. Frrom tth
7、e cconveersattion we ccan iinferr thaat thhe pootenttial buyeer woould probbablyy plaace aa bigg ordder iif thhe seellerr offferoff at leasst 100 perrcentt.4. Acccordding to tthe cconveersattion, in the chemmicall ferrtiliizer markket, the demaandthe suppply.5. Thhe buuyer sugggesteed thhat tthe ssa
8、lessman cablle for adviice .B. Wrritteen Teest.Voccabullary and StruucturresSectiion AADirrectiions: (2 markk forr eacch bllank, 10 markks alltogeetherr)Direcctionns: FFrom the wordds annd phhrasees giiven beloow, cchoosse thhe coorrecct onnes tto fiill iin thhe bllankss in theiir prroperr forrms.to
9、 maake eenquiiriess, in tthe nname of, too go intoo, bbe off anyy asssistaance, to put forwward to, iin addvancce, no ddoubtt1. WWell mmeet nextt Thuursdaay _ _ thiss mattter in ddetaiil.2. OOwingg to the lackk of agreeemennt onn thiis laast ssubjeect aa deccisioon onn proomotiion mmethoods wwouldd
10、_ _ tthe nnext meetting.3. TThankk youu. Ill aask MMr. HHeinee _ _ aas sooon aas I can get holdd of him.4.Im affraidd Mr. Whiite iisnt avvailaable at tthe mmomennt. CCan II _ _?5. IIts foor a singgle rroom and bathh _ _ Mr. Marrk onn thee 10tth off thiis moonth.Sectiion BB. Dirrectiions: Chooose the
11、 bestt ansswer to ccompllete the senttencee. (110 maarks)1. AAll tthe pprofeessorrs annd asssociiatedd proofesssors are _ tto meeet iin thhe coollegge rooom oon Suundayy.(A)reequirred (B)rrespoondedd(C) rrequeestedd (D) ddemannded2. WWe shhouldd _ our agennts oof anny prrice incrreasees.(A)nootifyy
12、(BB)telll(C) notiice (D) warrn1. Do yyou tthinkk it woulld bee bettter to ssend out salee _ ddirecctly to pprosppectiive bbuyerrs?(A)boook (B)liteeratuure (C) mmanuaal (DD) prrice2.Im affraidd thee envveloppes mmust be ddelivveredd at oncee, _ the confferennce bbrochhuress wonnt bee maiiled.(A) uunl
13、esss (B) in casee(C) ootherrwisee (D) yett3. IIf I findd thaat thhey aalloww a rreasoonablle prrofitt, yoou wiill sshorttly rreceiive aa _ ordeer.(A) cconsiideraate (B)conssiderring(C) cconsiidereed (DD) coonsidderabble6. He doessnt unndersstandd _ so eearlyy in the mornning. (A) why to sstartt(B) w
14、why sstartt (C) why to sstartting(D) wwhy tthey shouuld bbe sttart7. Lilys faatherr scooldedd herr andd madde heer prromisse _ agaain.(A) nneverr to do tthat (B) neveer too do whatt (C) neveer dooing thatt(D) neveer dooing whatt8. You havee faiiled seveeral timees. WWhy nnot _ somee othher wway?(A)
15、ttry ddoingg it (B) to ttry tto doo it(C) tthat you try it(D) haviing ttriedd9. HHe quuicklly stteppeed onn thee braakes, andd hiss carr camme too a sstop justt in timee _aan acccideent.(A) to aavoidd (B) tto bee avooidinng (C) to hhave avoiided (DD) too havve beeen aavoidded10. CCouldd youu finnd s
16、oomeonne _?(A) ffor mme too plaay teenniss witth(B) pplay tennnis wwith(C) ffor mme too plaay teenniss(D) pplayiing ttenniis wiith. Reeadinng CoompreehenssionSectiion AADirrectiions: Reaad thhe foollowwing passsage and answwer tthe qquesttionss follloweed. (2 poointss eacch quuestiion, 10 mmarkss al
17、ttogetther)Mostt commpaniies eexpecct ITT (Innformmatioon Teechnoologyy) maanageers tto heead aan ITT staaff oof coomputter ttechnniciaans. But IT mmanaggers can alsoo speeciallize in ootherr areeas. Somee mannagerrs maay allso bbe reesponnsiblle foor keeepinng thheir comppanys Innternnet ssafetty.
18、TThey prottect bothh theeir ccompaany aand ttheirr onlline custtomerrs frrom tthievves.Otherr mannagerrs foocus moree on the busiinesss ratther thann thee tecchniccal ppart of ccompuutingg. Thhey bbecomme prrojecct maanageers, helpping comppaniees reeach as mmany onliine ccustoomerss as posssiblee.S
19、ome comppaniees allso llook for IT mmanaggers who can act as ttrainners. Theese ttrainners helpp a ccompaanys coomputter ttechnniciaans kkeep up-tto-daate oon coomputter sskillls.Most comppaniees reequirre thheir IT mmanaggers to hhave bothh a bbacheelors deegreee andd somme exxperiiencee in the com
20、pputerr fieeld. Ofteen, ccompaaniess hirre ITT mannagerrs ouut off theeir eexistting stafff off commputeer teechniicianns.Sincee IT manaagerss aree exttremeely iimporrtantt to comppaniees succcesss, itts noo surrprisse thhat tthey receeive suchh higgh saalariies aroound US $56,0000 aa yeaar too staa
21、rt wwith. Andd, inn succh a fastt-chaanginng fiield,managgers sallariees ussuallly inncreaase aafterr onlly a coupple oof yeears.The wworldd willl bee wattchinng too seee jusst hoow quuicklly e-commmercee repplacees thhe olld waays oof dooing busiinesss. Annd ass commputeers cchangge thhe waay thhe
22、woorld doess bussinesss, IIT maanageers wwill be iin thhe miiddlee of it aall. Few comppaniees caan suurvivve wiithouut thhem.1. Beesidees beeing the leadder oof coomputter ttechnniciaans, IT mmanaggers are alsoo exppecteed too be _. (AA) exxperiienceed prroducct deesignners(BB) skkilleed onnlinee t
23、ecchniccianss(CC) dooctorrate holdders (DD) onnlinee saffety speccialiists2. Thhe woord“reacch” (Liine 22, Paara. 2) pprobaably meanns _. (AA) geet inn touuch wwith (BB) geet too (CC) arrrivee at (DD) meeet tthe nneedss of3. Acccordding to tthe ppassaage, comppaniees offten lookk forr IT manaagerss
24、froom _. (AA) noon-coomputter ttechnniciaans (BB) thheir own proffessiionalls (CC) otther comppaniees (DD) annotheer coountrry4. Emmployyers pay highh sallariees too IT manaagerss beccausee _. (AA) thhey wwork hardd (BB) thhey aare eexcelllentt leaaderss (CC) thhey hhelp imprrove the comppaniees pro
25、oductts (DD) thhey aare kkey ffactoors tto thheir succcess5. Thhe auuthorr of thiss passsagee inttendss to telll us _. (A) the impoortannt roole IIT maanageers pplay (B) the advaantagges IIT maanageers sshoulld haave (C) the quallificcatioons IIT maanageers pposseess (D) the highh sallariees ITT man
26、nagerrs eaarnSecttion B Dirrectiions: Reaad thhe foollowwing senttencees annd maake aa Truue orr Fallse jjudgmment baseed onn whaat yoou leearn fromm thee subbjectt. Putt(truue, oor riight) or X (ffalsee, orr wroong) for eachh queestioon. (10 mmarkss)1. DDurinng neegotiiatioons, one shouuld ttreatt
27、an oppoonentt witth reespecct annd coonsidderattion at alll tiimes.2. PPriorr to engaagingg in negootiattion it iis wiise tto coonsidder oones owwn“botttom-lline”.3. OOne kkey tto efffecttive confflictt-ressoluttion is tto deeal wwith perssonallitiees raatherr thaan isssuess.4. IIt maay bee posssibl
28、le too dettect thatt a ccountterpaart iis lyying by oobserrvingg boddy laanguaage.5. PPettyy cassh iss a llargee amoount of mmoneyy keppt inn an offiice. Ennglissh-Chhinesse TrransllatioonDirecctionns: TTransslatee thee folllowiing iinto Chinnese: (200 marrks) 1.Mrr. Grraberr bellieveed, tthereefore
29、e, thhat iit miight be aadvissablee to conssiderr setttingg up somee ressearcch innto tthesee insspecttion methhods. Sevverall impportaant ssaless cammpaiggns wwere abouut too be launnchedd, annd, iin addditiion, it wwas hhopedd thaat a numbber oof trrade deleegatiions visiitingg Swiitzerrlandd in t
30、he nearr futture woulld pllace largge orrderss forr offfice equiipmennt wiith SSchweeibeuur annd itts asssociiatess. Soo theere wwas aa neeed too redduce poorr quaalityy as soonn as posssiblee. (77markks)2.Mrr. Grraberr refferreed too a ttrip rounnd thhe woorld thatt he woulld bee makking withhin tt
31、he nnext twellve mmonthhs. HHe woould be vvisitting manyy Schhweibbeur assoociattes aand ssubsiidiarry coompannies and lookk forrwardd to seeiing aall tthosee preesentt oncce aggain, in theiir owwn coountrries. (3 markks)3. In thhe diiscusssionn thaat foollowwed, Mr. Aguiirre saidd thaat hee hadd al
32、sso haad reeportts abbout poorr quaalityy in somee iteems. He tthougght tthat reseearchh intto thhis pprobllem ccouldd be veryy benneficcial, andd connsideered thatt it woulld prrobabbly sshow thatt a mmajorrity of ssuperrvisoors wwere not flexxiblee enoough in ttheirr metthodss. Mrr. Foox aggreedd
33、thaat thhere was a caase ffor llookiing iinto the wholle prrobleem inn dettail, andd connfirmmed tthat manyy insspecttion stafff miight be rratheer coonserrvatiive iin thheir methhods. Perrhapss beccausee theey teendedd to be oolderr empployeees. Misss Lacchenaal aggreedd thaat thhis oopiniion wwas
34、pprobaably corrrect, andd sugggestted ssome aspeects of tthe pprobllem tthat mighht bee exaamineed byy thee ressearcch teeam. Somee dettaileed diiscusssionn of thesse foollowwed.(10 mmarkss). Wrritinng: PPleasse wrrite a meemo tto alll sttaff, infformiing tthem of aa staaff iimproovemeent mmeetiing
35、oon neext TThurssday, Jully 133, att 1:330 p. m. in tthe CConfeerencce Rooom. The folllowinng innformmatioon shhouldd be inclludedd. (220 maarks)Date: 3rd Juuly, 20066To: Alll sttaffFrom: Terrry TTheaccherSubjeect: Lectture on NNew TTechnnologgyConteent: a llectuure oon thhe laatestt tecchnollogy an
36、d how we ccan eexpecct itt to affeect oour wwork giveen byy Dr. Rhoodes atttendaance willl be counnted towaard sstafff devveloppmentt poiints requuiredd forr thee endd of yearr uattion to signn up befoore WWedneesdayy if you plann to comee.2008年年11月涉外秘书书(三级)英英语试卷-参考答案案A. Liistenning Testt.Yoou arre
37、gooing to hhear an aannouuncemment. Theen yoou neeed tto coompleete tthe mmultiiple-choiice qquesttionss bassed oon whhat yyou hhear, onlly onne coorrecct annswerr forr eacch quuestiion. (10 markks)1.A 2.D 3.B4.D 5.DD. Yoou arre gooing to hhear a diialoggue bbetweeen aa buyyer aand ssalesspersson, i
38、t wwill be pplayeed twwice conttinuoouslyy andd pleease comppletee thee folllowiing ssenteencess. Yoou neeed tto fiill iin moore tthan justt onee worrd too makke itt fulll annd meeaninngfull senntencce acccordding to tthe ttext.(10 markks)1. tthe ccost of pproduuctioon 2. ccompllaineed abbout 3. aa
39、redductiion4. exxceedds 55. hiis hoome oofficceB. Wrritteen Teest.Voccabullary and StruucturresSectiion AA: (22 marrk foor eaach bblankk, 100 marrks aaltoggetheer)Direcctionns: FFrom the wordds annd phhrasees giiven beloow, cchoosse thhe coorrecct onnes tto fiill iin thhe bllankss in theiir prroperr
40、 forrms.Key: 1. ggo innto 2. bbe puut foorwarrd 3. to makee enqquiriies4. bee of any assiistannce 5. in tthe nname ofSectiion BB: Chhoosee thee besst annswerr to comppletee thee senntencce. (10 mmarkss)1.C 2.A 3.BB 4.CC 5.D 66.A 7.A 8.AA 9.A 110.A. Reeadinng CoompreehenssionA: Reead tthe ffolloowing
41、g passsagee andd ansswer the quesstionns foollowwed. (2 ppointts eaach qquesttion, 10 markks alltogeetherr)1.D 2.AA 3.B 44.D 5.AAB: Reead tthe ffolloowingg senntencces aand mmake a Trrue oor Faalse judggmentt bassed oon whhat yyou llearnn froom thhe suubjecct. Putt(truue, oor riight) or X (ffalsee,
42、orr wroong) for eachh queestioon. (10 mmarkss)1.2.3.X4.5.X. EEngliish-CChineese TTransslatiionDirecctionns: TTransslatee thee folllowiing iinto Engllish: (200 marrks)1因此此,格雷贝贝尔先生认认为我们应应该对检测测手段进行行研究(1),几种重重要的销售售方案将被被采用(1),而且希希望不久来来瑞士访问问的代表团团(1)能与Schwweibuur公司及及它的合作作伙伴(1)签订大批批订单购买买办公设备备(1)。所以我我们需要尽尽快提
43、高产产品质量、(1)减少残次品。(1)2格雷贝贝尔先生提提到在未来来的一年里里他将进行行环球旅行行,(1)他将拜访Schwweibuur的伙伴及及它的附属属公司,(1)希望在他他们自己的的国家见到到今天出席席的各位。(1)3.在接下下来的讨论论中,(1)阿圭尔先先生说他也也接到过有有些产品质质次的报告告。(1)他认为对对这一问题题的研究是是很有益的的(1),他说这这可能说明明有些监理理的工作方方法不太灵灵活。(1)福克斯先先生认为应应该对问题题进行详细细调查(1),并认为为有些检查查人员工作作方法保守守(1),可能是是由于他们们年龄较大大(1)。拉诗娜娜小姐也同同意这种说说法(1)并建议由由调查组检检查问题的的某些方面面(1)。接下来来对这些问问题进行了了具体的讨讨论。(1). Wrritinng: PPleasse wrrite a meemo tto alll sttaff, infformiing tthem of aa staaff iimproovemeent mmeetiing oon neext TThurssday, Jully 133, att