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1、复试中的口试要求 最牛英语口口语培训模模式:躺在家里里练口语,全程外教教一对一,三个月畅畅谈无阻!太平洋英语语,免费体验全全部外教一一对一课程程:httpp:/n从以下三个个方面进行行评价:1、语言准准确性(语语法和用词词的准确性性、语法结结构的复杂杂性、词汇汇的丰富程程度、发音音的准确性性)2、话语的的长短和连连贯性(内内容的连贯贯性、寻找找合适词语语而造成的的停顿频率率及长短、表表达思想的的语言长短短等)3、语言的的灵活性和和适合性(语语言表达是是否灵活、自自然,话语语是否得体体,语言能能否与语境境、动能和和目的相适适应)评价成绩为为:a优秀-能用外语语就指定的的话题进行行口头交流流,基本
2、没没有困难b良好-能用外语语就指定的的题材进行行口头交流流,虽有些些困难,但但不影响交交流c及格-能用外语语就指定的的话题进行行简单的口口头交流d不及格-不具有有口头表达达能力口试内容与与结构 分为两部分分,有两名名教师参加加口试工作作,一名教教师主持口口试,随时时与考生交交谈并评分分;另一名名教师专事事评分,不不参与交谈谈。两名口口试教师所所给的分数数各占口试试成绩的550%。第一部分:考查学生生理解并回回答有关日日常生活、家家庭、工作作、学习等等问题的能能力(3分分钟)。第二部分:考查学生生连续表达达的能力。考考生从所给给你的问题题中选择一一个话题,就就此话题表表达自己的的看法(33分钟)
3、。口试用材料料(部分,仅供参考考) part ainterrlocuutor(问话者):-goood moorninng. mmy naame iis ,andd thiis iss my collleaguue.he iis juust ggoingg to listteninng too us .aree youur naame iis.?-firrst oof alll, wwed likee to knoww sthh. abbout you, so im goinng too askk somme quuestiions abouut yoourseelf.(从以下各各项问题中中选择
4、几个个适当的问问题提问考考生)-hommetowwnwheree aree youu froom?how llong havee youu livved ttheree?how ddo yoou liike iit? wwhy?do yoou liive nnear heree? whhere abouut?what do yyou tthinkk aree thee goood poointss aboout llivinng inn thiis ciity?-fammilycouldd youu telll uss sthh. abbout you famiily?what doess y
5、ouur faamilyy usuuallyy do for the weekkend?what do yyou tthinkk aboout llivinng toogethher wwith yourr parrentss?-leiisureedo yoou haave aany hhobbiies?how ddid yyou bbecomme inntereestedd in the hobbbies?-stuudy/wworkwhy ddo yoou chhoosee to studdy att ourr insstituute?why ddo yoou waant tto goo t
6、o gradduatee schhool insttead of ffindiing aa jobb?what are yourr favvoritte suubjeccts?what kindd of job did you do?have you everr worrked duriing tthe vvacattion?why ddo yoou waant tto goo bacck too stuudy iinsteead oof gooing on wwith yourr worrk?what quallificcatioons aare nneedeed inn ordder tt
7、o doo youur joob weell?what did you enjooy moost aaboutt youur caampuss liffe?-futture plannswhat do yyou eexpecct too achhievee durring yourr stuudy iif yoou arre ennrollled iinto thiss insstituute?do yoou thhink engllish is iimporrtantt forr youur fuuturee plaans? in wwhat aspeects is iit immportt
8、ant?part binterrlocuutor(问话者):-noww idd likke yoou too tallk abbout sth. forr aboout 33 minnutess.here is aa lisst off toppics(将一组话话题或问题题递给学生生),plls reead tthe ttopiccs annd chhoosee onee froom thhe liist yyou llike to ttalk abouut. yyoull hhave 5 miinutees too preeparee forr youur taalk.(5 分钟钟后)coo
9、uld you telll me whatt youu wannt too tallk abbout? alll rigght, youll hhave 3 miinutees too givve yoour ttalk. wouuld yyou bbeginn?(thhe innterllocullor mmay iinterrvenee onlly whhen nnecesssaryy)topiccs/quuestiions(只列举了了一部分话话题)-givve yoour ccommeent oon thhe sttatemment thatt “a partt-timme joob i
10、ss an impoortannt exxperiiencee thaat evvery colllege studdent shouuld hhave.”-usee speecifiic exxamplles tto seet foorth yourr vieews oon thhe saayingg “haaste makees waaste”.-desscribbe onne off youur owwn exxperiiencees too demmonsttratee thaat “nnothiing eever becoomes reall tilll itt is expeeri
11、ennced”-expplainn youur unndersstandding of tthe cconveentioonal beliief tthat “agee briings wisddom”-whaat arre thhe cuurrennt prrobleems oof coollegge edducattion? howw to resoolve themm?-somme peeoplee sayy theere iis noo abssolutte trruth becaause “truuth” is ddefinned bby peeoplee andd theere i
12、is noo objjectiivityy wheeneveer peeoplee aree invvolveed. ddoes absoolutee truuth eexistt or not ?whyy? 1. 自我我介绍(sself-intrroducce)Good mornning. I aam gllad tto bee herre foor thhis iinterrvieww. Fiirst let me iintrooducee mysellf. MMy naame iis *, 224. II comme frrom *,thhe caapitaal off *Provvin
13、cee. I gradduateed frrom tthe * ddeparrtmennt off *Unniverrsityy in Julyy ,20001.IIn thhe paast ttwo yyearss I hhave beenn preepareeing for the posttgradduatee exaaminaationn whiile II havve beeen tteachhing *in NO.*mmiddlle Scchooll andd I wwas aa heaad-teeacheer off a cclasss in juniior ggradee tw
14、oo.Noww alll my hardd worrk haas goot a resuult ssincee I hhave a chhancee to be iinterrvieww by you .I am openn-minnded ,quiick iin thhoughht annd veery ffond of hhistoory.IIn myy spaare ttime,I haave bbroadd intteressts llike manyy othher yyounggers.I liike rreadiing bbookss, esspeciiallyy thoose
15、aaboutt *.Freequenntly I exxchannge wwith otheer peeoplee by makiing ccommeents in tthe fforumm on linee.In addiitionn ,duuringg my colllege yearrs,I was oncee a NNet-bbar ttechnniciaan.Soo, I havee a ccompaaratiive ggood commmand of nnetwoork aappliicatiion.II am ablee to operrate the compputerr we
16、lll.I am sskilllful in ssearcchingg forr infformaationn in Inteernett.I aam a foottballl fann forr yeaars.IItaliian tteam is mmy faavoriite.AAnywaay,I feell greeat ppity for our counntrys teeam.I alwways beliieve thatt onee willl eaasilyy lagg behhind unleess hhe keeeps on llearnning .Of courrse, if
17、 II am giveen a channce tto sttudy * iin thhis ffamouus Unniverrsityy,I wwill starre noo efffort to mmasteer a goodd commmandd of advaance *. 2.考研原原因 (rreasoons ffor mmy chhoicee)Theree aree sevverall reaasonss. I havve beeen ddeeplly immpresssed by tthe aacadeemic atmoospheere wwhen I caame hhere l
18、astt summmer. In my oopiniion, as oone oof thhe moost ffamouus *in oour ccounttry, it pproviide ppeoplle wiith eenouggh rooom tto geet fuurtheer ennrichhmentt . TThis is tthe ffirstt reaason.The sseconnd onne iss I aam loong ffor ddoingg ressearcch inn *tthrouughouut myy liffe. IIts aa pleeasurre to
19、o be withh my favooritee *ffor llifettime. I ssuppoose tthis is tthe mmost impoortannt faactorr in my ddecission. Thirddly, I leearntt a llot ffrom my *job duriing tthe ppast two yearrs. HHowevver, I thhink furtther studdy iss stiill uurgennt foor mee to reallize selff-vallue. Lifee is precciouss. I
20、tt is neceessarry too seiize aany cchancce foor seelf-ddevellopmeent, espeeciallly iin thhis ccompeetitiive mmoderrn woorld. In a wordd, I am llookiing fforwaard tto maakingg a ssolidd fouundattion for futuure pprofeessioon affter two yearrs sttudy heree. 3.研究生生期间你的的计划 (planns inn thee posstgraaduat
21、te sttudy) Firstt, I hopee I ccan fform systtemattic vview of *. Ass forr *, my exprress wishh is to gget aa commplette coompreehenssion of tthe fformaationn andd devveloppmentt as welll as *. If ppossiible, I wwill go oon wiith mmy sttudy for docttoratte deegreee.In a wordd, I am llookiing fforwaar
22、d tto maakingg a ssolidd fouundattion for futuure pprofeessioon affter two yearrs sttudy heree. (简简单了一些些,望高手手补充)4 .介绍绍你的家乡乡(aboout hhomettown) I am fromm Fuzzhou, a ffamouus ciity wwith a loong hhistoory oover 2,2000 yeears. It is ccalleed “RRong Chenng ” becaause therre weere llots of bbaniaans eev
23、en 900 yearrs aggo. TThe ccity liess in the easttern partt of the provvincee. Itt is the centter oof poolitiics, econnomy and cultture. Manny ceelebrritiees weere bborn heree, foor innstannce, Yanffu, XXie BBingxxin, Lin Zexuu andd so on . . YYou kknow, theere iis a sayiing tthat “Thee greeatneess o
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- 研究生 面试 英语口语 abc39029