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《国际贸易常用英语词13614.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际贸易常用英语词13614.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、国际贸易易常用词词英语翻翻译及缩缩写(全)(220066-088-一五五 144:511:266)转载载标签:国际贸贸易常用用词缩写写代理帐帐户信汇汇全险票票据佣金金发票产产地发货货贴现分分类:我我的资料料-国际贸贸易经贸常用用词缩写写(A)A.A.R = aggainnst alll riiskss 担保保全险,一切险险A.B.No. = Accceptted Billl NNumbber 进口到到单编号号A/C = AAccoountt 账号号AC. = AAcceeptaancee 承兑兑acc = aacceeptaancee,acccepptedd 承兑兑,承诺a/c.A/CC =
2、acccounnt 帐帐,帐户ackmmt = accknoowleedgeemennt 承承认,收条/collora/d = aafteer ddatee 出票票后限期期付款(票据)ad.aadvtt. = addverrtissemeent 广告adv. = advvicee 通知知(书)ad vval. = Ad valloreem(aaccoordiing to vallue) 从价价税A.F.B. = AAir Freeighht BBilll 航空空提单Agt. = Ageent 代理商商AI = fiirstt cllasss 一级级AM = Ammenddmennt 修修改书A
3、.M.T. = AAir Maiil TTrannsfeer 信信汇Amt. = Amoountt 额,金额A.N. = arrrivaal nnotiice 到货通通知A.P. = acccounnt ppayaablee 应付付账款A/P = AAuthhoriity to Purrchaase 委托购购买a.p. = addditiionaal ppremmiunn 附加加保险费费A.R. = Acccounnt RReceeivaablee 应收收款Art. = Artticlle 条条款,项A/S = aaccoountt saaless 销货货清单a/s = aafteer ssi
4、ghht 见见票后限限期付款款assttd. = AAssoorteed 各各色俱备备的att,.atttn. = atttenttionn 注意意av.,a/vv = aveeragge 平平均,海损a/v = aa viistaa (aat ssighht) 见票即即付经贸常用用词缩写写(B)B/-,b/- = balle,bbag 包,装bal.,baalcee. = baalannce 余额bbl. = barrrell 桶,樽B/C = bbilll foor ccolllecttionn 托收收票据B.D. = Billls disscouunteed 贴贴现票据据B/D = bb
5、ankk drraftt 银行行汇票b/d = bbrouughtt doown 承前页页Bdlle,bbdl = bbunddle 束,把B/E = bbilll off exxchaangee 汇票票B/F = bbrouughtt foorwaard 承前页页bg = baag 袋袋BIS = BBankk foor IInteernaatioonall Seettllemeent 国际清清算银行行BK = Baank 银行Bkg. = Bannkinng 银银行业务务B/L = BBilll off Laadinng 提提单B/N = bbankk noote 银行纸纸币B.O. =
6、Braanchh Offficce 分分支行b/o = bbrouughtt ovver 承前bot. = botttlee 瓶B/P = bbilll puurchhaseed 买买入票据据,出口押押汇B/P = bbillls ppayaablee 应付付票据B/R = bbillls rreceeivaablee 应收收票据Brl.,baarl. = barrrell 桶,樽bx = boox 箱箱,盒经贸常用用词缩写写(C)C/- = ccasee,cuurreencyy,cooupoon 箱箱,通货,息票c. =cennt,ccenttimees,ccenttigrradee 分(美
7、),分(法),百分分度(寒暑表表)C.A. = Creeditt Addvicce 收收款报单单C.A.D. = ccashh aggainnst doccumeentss onn arrrivval of goood货到到后凭单单付款c.a.d. = ccashh aggainnst doccumeentss 凭单单证付现现金c.a.f.= coost andd frreigght 成本加加运费cat. = cattalooguee 货品品目录C.B. = cleean billl 光光票C/B = CCleaan BBilll 光票票C.B.D. = CCashh beeforre dde
8、liiverry 付付现金后后交货c.c. = carrbonn coopy,cubbic cenntimmeteer 副副本,立方公公分C/C,C.CC = Chaambeer oof CCommmercce 商商会pC/DD = cassh aagaiinstt doocummentt 凭单单据付款款C.D. = Colllecctioon aand Delliveery 托交Certt.= Cerrtifficaate 证明书书c/f = ccarrriedd foorwaard 过次页页C&F = ccostt annd ffreiightt 运费费在内价价C.F.S. = ccont
9、tainner freeighht sstattionn 集装装箱集散散场c.f.& ii. = Coost freeighht aand inssuraancee 运费费保险费费在内价价C.H. = Cleeariing Houuse 票据交交换所C.I. = Cerrtifficaate of Inssuraancee 保险险单C&I = CCostt annd IInsuurannce 货价及及保险c.i.a. = ccashh inn addvannce 预付现现金cif,c.ii.f. = cosst,iinsuurannce andd frreigght 运费保保险费在在内价c.i
10、.f.&c.= coost,inssuraancee,frreigght andd coommiissiion 运费,保险费费,利息在在内价C.I.F.EE. = Coost,Inssuraancee,Frreigght andd Exxchaangee 运费费,保险费费,汇票在在内价C.I.F.II. = Coost,Inssuraancee,Frreigght andd Innterrestt 运费费,保险费费,利息在在内价C.I.F.CC.I.= CCostt,Innsurrancce,FFreiightt,Coommiissiion andd Innterrestt 运费费,保险费费,
11、佣金,利息在在内价CK = Chheckk 支票票CL = coolleectiion 托收CM = Coommiissiion 佣金C/N.C.NN. = crrediit nnotee,cooverringg noote,connsiggnmeent notte 货货方通知知,保险承承保单,发货通通知书C.O. = cerrtifficaate of oriiginn 产地地证明书书c/o = ccaree off caarriied oveer 烦烦转,过次页页Co. = ccomppanyy 公司司c.o.d.= caash on delliveery 货到付付款Con.Invv. =
12、 Cooncuularr Innvoiice 领事发发票corpp. = coorpoorattionn 法人人,公司C/P = ccharrterr paartyy 租船船契约cr. = ccreddit 货方,债权人人cs = caase 箱csk.,ckk = cassk 樽樽C.W.O.= caash witth oordeer 现现金订货货,下定付付款cwt. = hunndreed wweigght 衡量名名C.Y. = conntaiinerr yaard 集装箱箱集散场场经贸常用用词缩写写(D)、(E)DD/A =doocummentts aagaiinstt accceppt
13、annce, 承兑兑后交付付单= doocummentts ffor acccepttancce,= doocummentts aattaacheed, 备承兑兑单据= deepossit acccounnt 存存款账号号d/a = ddayss affterr acccepptannce 承兑后后日日付款D.A. = Debbit advvicee 付款款报单D/D,D. = DDemaand draaft,doccumeentaary draaft 即期汇汇票,跟单汇汇票d/d = ddays ddatee (ddayss affterr daate) 出票票后日付款款d.f.,d.fet
14、t. = deead freeighht 空空载运费费(船)Discc. = Diiscoountt 贴现现;折扣DLT = DDay Lettterr Teeleggramm 书信信电D/N = ddebiit nnotee 借方方通知D/O = ddeliiverry oordeer 卸卸货通知知书D/P = ddocuumennts agaainsst ppaymmentt 付款款后交付付单据Dr. = ddebiit ddebtter 借方,债务人人d/s. = dayys siightt 见票票后日付款款DV = Diividdendds 股股利Eea. = eeachh 每,各e.
15、e.E.EE. = errrorr exxcepptedd 错误误除外E/B = EExpoort-Impportt Baank p 进进出口银银行(美国)enc.,enncl.= eencllosuure 附件E.& O.EE. = errrorrs aand omiissiionss exxcepptedd 错误误或遗漏漏不在此此限ETA = eestiimatted timme oof aarriivall 预定定到达日日期ex. = eexammplee,exxecuutivve,eexchhangge,eextrractt 例子子,执行官官,外汇交交换,摘要Exp. = Exppor
16、tt 出口口经贸常用用词缩写写(F)f.a.q.=faiir aaverragee quualiity 良好平平均品质质f.a.s.=freee aalonngsiide shiip 船船边交货货价F.B.E.=forreiggn bbilll off exxchaangee 国外外汇票f.c.l.=fulll cconttainner loaad 整整个集装装箱装满满f.d.freee ddisccharrge 卸货船船方不负负责F.& D.=Freeighht aand Demmurrragee 运费费及延装装费f.i.=frree in 装货船船方步负负责f.i.o.=freee iin
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- 国际贸易 常用 英语 13614