《英文版的员工手册39564.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文版的员工手册39564.docx(23页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.I. The Company Philosophy.3II. The CCompaany MMissiion.3III. Aboutt thee Hanndboook.4IV. Emplooymenntv Appoiintmeent.5v Joiniing FFormaalitiies.5v Probaationnary Periiod5v Work Scheedulee6v Work Behaaviorr.66v Perfoormannce EExpecc
2、tatiions7v Perfoormannce EEvaluuatioon77v Job DDescrriptiion.8v Roless Ressponssibillitiees.8v Promootionns.8v Transsferss.8V. Compeensattionv Pay.99v Pay PPerioods9v Pay MMode99v Compeensattory and Overrtimee Payy.99vVI. Attenndancce annd Leeavessv Attenndancce.10v Timinngs.110v Holiddays110v Flexi
3、i Houurs10v Leavees.11VII. Beneffitsv Certiificaationn andd Traaininng exxpensses.112v Hospiitaliisatioon annd Heealthh Inssurannce.112v Tax PPlannning12VIII. Work Placce Baasicssv Cleann WorrkPlacce13v Confiidenttialiity.13v Patennts aand CCopyrrightts.13v Miscoonducct.133v Disciiplinnary Actiions.
4、113v Persoonal Appeearannce.13v Businness Attiire.13v Casuaal Atttiree.113v Inappproprriatee Atttire.13v Persoonal Beloonginngs14v Smokiing PPoliccy.114v Equippmentt & FFacillitiees.14v Parkiing.14v Telepphonee Usee.114v Interrnet Use144IX. Commuunicaationnv Bulleetin Boaard.15v Instaant MMesseenger
5、r.15v Web MMail.115X. Grievvanceesv Grievvancees Haandliing.155v Proceess IImproovemeent15v Emplooyee Sugggestiion PProgrram15X!. CClosiing .116Aboutt thee Hannd BoookAs ann empployeee off Hallcyonn Tecchnollogiees, yyou hhave yourr ownn uniique dutiies aand rrespoonsibbilitties. Thiis haandboook ii
6、s deesignned tto asssistt thee empployeees oof Haalcyoon Teechnoologiies wwho aare ggoverrned by tthe RRuless andd Reggulattionss of the Comppany. It is tto heelp yyou uunderrstannd thhe syystemm youu worrk foor byy proovidiing aan ovverviiew oof immporttant righhts, poliiciess andd bennefitts yoou
7、haave aas ann empployeee off Hallcyonn. Thoough thiss Hanndboook iss nott inttendeed too covver aall tthe ppoliccies and proccedurres iin grreat detaail. For moree dettaileed quuestiions, conntactt thee HR Depaartmeent. This handdbookk apppliess to all the emplloyeees whho arre inn perrmaneent, prob
8、batioonaryy andd traaineee apppointtmentts.Emplooymennt1) Appoiintmeent:Yourr apppointtmentt is baseed onn youur peerforrmancce inn thee reccruittmentt proocesss of our Comppany. Youur apppoinntmennt iss subbjectt to the termms annd coondittionss menntionned iin thhe Apppoinntmennt Leetterr givven t
9、to yoou. YYou nneed to ggive yourr accceptaance by ssigniing aand rreturrningg thee dupplicaate ccopy of tthe AAppoiintmeent LLetteer too thee HR depaartmeent. Yourr Siggningg thee Apppointtmentt Lettter impllies thatt youu agrree tto thhe teerms and condditioons mmentiionedd in the Appoointmment Le
10、ttter.2)JoiininggFormmalitties:At tthe ttime of jjoiniing, you willl be giveen wiith aa Neww EmpployeeeJoiniing AAppliicatiion, whicch yoou neeed tto fiill iin coompleetelyy andd subbmit it tto thhe HRR Deppartmment. Youu aree alsso reequessted to bbringg thee folllowiing oorigiinal certtificcatess
11、aloong wwith two setss of copiies (A4 ssize onlyy). TThesee doccumennts aare aalso esseentiaal too obttain a Viisa wwhen you may be rrequiired in tthe ffuturre too go abrooad oon buusineess/ workk. Soo it woulld bee in yourr intteresst too enssure thatt theey arre alll in pllace at tthe ttime of jjo
12、iniing tthe oorgannizattion.a) Signeed Coopy oof Offfer lettter.b) Degreee / Provvisioonal / Cooursee commplettion Certtificcate of aall CColleege / Uniiverssity quallificcatioons.c) Mark sheeets oof alll Coollegge / Univversiity qqualiificaationns (aall ssemessterss)d) Certiificaates & Maark ssheet
13、ts off 10tth & 12thh claassesse) 3 passsporrt siize pphotoograpphsf) Copy of yyour passsportt (iff youu donnt hhave a paasspoort, kinddly aapplyy forr onee immmediaatelyy, siince it wwouldd be to yyour advaantagge too havve onne att thee timme off joiiningg)g) Relieevingg lettter (inccase you are al
14、reeady emplloyedd)h) Latesst Paay Sllip/FForm 16 (if aalreaady eemplooyed)i) Four wheeeler drivving liceense (if alreeady obtaainedd)All tthe aabovee doccumennts wwill be kkept in EEmplooyees PeermannentPPersoonnell Fille allong withh thee Neww Empployeee Jooininng Foorm.In aaddittion to tthe aabove
15、e reqquireementts yoou neeed tto oppen aa Sallary Accoount withh HDDFC BBank for yourr Sallary Creddits. Thee Forrmaliitiess to openn an accoount can be diiscusssed withh thee HR depaartmeent.3) PrrobattionaaryPeeriodd:The probbatioonaryy perriod servves aas ann exttensiion oof thhe selecctionn proo
16、cesss andd givves bboth you and yourr supperviisor timee to see if tthe jjob iis riight for you, andd youu aree rigght ffor tthe jjob. As pper tthe CCompaany sstanddardss youu willl bee on probbatioon foor a periiod oof 3 monnths frommthedaate oof jooininng annd maay bee connfirmmed aas a permmanenn
17、t emmployyee uupon succcessfful ccomplletioon off youur prrobattion. Youur peerforrmancce duuringg thiis peeriodd willl bee apppraissedbaased on ccertaain sstanddardss sett by the comppany whicch wiill bbe diiscusssed withh youu at the timee of joinning. In addiitionn to yourr perrformmancee durring
18、 the Probbatioonaryy Perriod, youur coonfirrmatiion aas a permmanennt emmployyee iis suubjecct too youur suubmitttingg thee reqquisiite ddocummentss as requuiredd by the Comppany, menntionned aabovee in the secttion of “JJoiniing FFormaalitiies”.If yoou deemonsstratte saatisffactoory wwork proggress
19、s durring the Probbatioonaryy Perriod and the ddecission is mmade to ccontiinue youremmployymentt at the end of tthe pprobaationnary periiod, you willl recceivee a ppermaanentt Appoiintmeent LLetteer inn thiis reegardd. Iff worrk progrress is nnotsaatisffactoory, an eemplooyee can be ttermiinateed w
20、iith aan oppporttunitty foor appeaal att thee mannagemments diiscreetionn.4) WoorkSccheduule: The stanndardd worrkweeek sccheduule iis fiive ddays per weekk, eiight hourss a dday pplus a onne hoour mmeal periiod. Otheer sccheduules applly too parrt-tiime and ssome shifft emmployyees. The Comppany al
21、soo hass a FFlexiible Workk Schhedulle. Wheereinn empployeeeshaave tthe optiion tto cchoosse a variiablee worrk sccheduule tthat alloows eemplooyeess to chooose aa daiily work scheedulee andd meaal peeriodd whiichiss mosst coompattiblee witth thhe Coompanny requuiremmentss as welll as theiir peerson
22、nal nneedss. Thee empployeee annd thhe suupervvisorr shalll agreee upoon inn advvancee of suchhVariiablee Worrk Sccheduule tto bee follloweed, consiistennt wiith tthe nneedss of the Comppany.The ffolloowingg gennerall rulles aapplyy to the Flexxiblee WorrkSchhedulle:v An emmployyee, who arriives lat
23、eer thhan sschedduledd timme, mmay bbe peermittted to mmake upthhe deeficiit byy worrkingg thaat muuch llongeer att thee endd of the workkday accoordinng too thee worrk neeeds of tthe CCompaany. Otheerwisse, tthe ttardiinesss shaallbee chaargedd to the apprropriiate leavve caategoory. v Superrvisoor
24、s sshalll takke appproppriatte acctionn to corrrect any abusse orr missuse ofthis privvilegge whhich may incllude deduuctioons ffrom emplloyeees ppay.v If ann empployeee reeportts too worrk eaarly, thee empployeee maay, wwith thessuperrvisoors permmissiion, begiin woork aat thhat ttime and leavve at
25、t acoorressponddinglly eaarly hourr.v If ann empployeee leeavess worrk eaarly withhout permmissiion, the timee shaall bbededuccted fromm thee empployeees pay or mmay bbe chhargeed too thee appproprriateeleavee acccountt if justtifieed.v An emmployyee wworkiing llaterr thaan sccheduule ddue tto woork
26、looad, can claiim thhe exxtra hourrs woorkedd acccordiinglyy thee nexxt daay, wwith the conssent of tthe ssuperrvisoor, kkeepiing iin miind tthe nnext days deeliveerablles. 5) WorkBBehavvior:It iis esssenttial thatt alll empployeees aacceppt peersonnal rrespoonsibbilitty foor maaintaaininng hiigh ss
27、tanddardss of condduct and job perfformaance, inccludiing oobserrvancce off thee Commpanyy rulles aand ppoliccies. Vioolatiions of tthesee staandarrds wwill resuult iin diiscipplinaary aactioon. DDisciiplinnary actiion iis coonsidderedd a ddimennsionn of perfformaance evalluatiion. It iis a corrrect
28、iive pproceess tto heelp eemplooyeess oveercomme woork-rrelatted sshorttcomiings, strrengtthen workk perrformmancee andd achhievee succcesss.6) PerfoormannceExxpecttatioons:At tthe ttime of jjoiniing yyou wwill be ggivenn a ccopy of yyour Job Desccripttion alonng wiith aa sett of expeectattionss tha
29、at thhe Coompanny iss loookingg in you. Theese sset oof exxpecttatioons wwill be mmade in cconsuultattion withh youu.7) PerfoormannceEvvaluaationn:Annuual PPerfoormannce EEvaluuatioon wiill bbe doone ddurinng thhe moonth of AAprill eveery yyear for eachh empployeee haavingg beeen emmployyed ffor ssi
30、x mmonthhs orr lonnger. Thee evaaluattion periiod wwill coveer thhe peeriodd 1st Appril throough 31st Maarch. Seelf AAppraaisall forrms wwill be ggivenn to eachh empployeee too apppraisse thhemseelvess on whatt theeir aaccommplisshmennts werre duuringg thee Apppraissal YYear. Commpletted fformss hav
31、ve too be retuurnedd, thhrouggh appproppriatte chhanneels, to tthe HHR Teeam. Uponn recceiptt of the evalluatiion fform, thee folllowiing aactioons wwill be aaccommplisshed:The IImmeddiatee Supperviisor willl: a) Compllete the evalluatiion fform as pprompptly as ppossiible. Excceptiionall musst bee
32、disscusssed iin Coommennts ssectiion oof thhe evvaluaationn forrm. DDescrribe why perfformaance is nnot ssatissfacttory and speccify how perfformaance can be iimprooved, or expllain why perfformaance is ooutsttandiing. b) Discuuss eevaluuatioon wiith tthe eemplooyee emphhasizzing stroong aand wweak
33、poinnts iin joob peerforrmancce. CCommeend tthe eemplooyee for a joob weell ddone if aappliicablle annd diiscusss sppeciffic ccorreectivve acctionn if warrranteed. SSet mmutuaal gooals for the emplloyeee to reacch beeforee thee nexxt peerforrmancce evvaluaationn. Reecommmendaationns shhouldd speecif
34、iicallly sttate methhods to ccorreect wweaknnessees annd/orr preeparee thee empployeee foor fuuturee proomotiions. c) Alloww thee empployeee too makke anny wrritteen coommennts hhe/shhe deesirees. HHave emplloyeee siggn thhe evvaluaationn forrm annd innitiaal affter supeervissorss commmentts. d) For
35、waard tthe oorigiinal copyy of the evalluatiion fform to tthe HHR Deeparttmentt. Reetainn a ccopy of tthe ccomplletedd forrm foor thhe deeparttmentt andd thee empployeee. e) Subseequennt too thee commplettion of tthis evalluatiion bby thhe suupervvisorr, annd reevieww by the emplloyeee, reevisiions
36、mustt be disccusseed byy botth paartiees. IIn addditiion, if cchangges iin thhe foorm aare mmade afteer thhe emmployyee hhas ssigneed thhe foorm, the leveel off autthoriity mmakinng thhe chhangees muust nnotiffy thhe immmediiate supeervissor aand ggive the emplloyeee andd supperviisor copiies oof th
37、he reeviseed evvaluaationn. The DDirecctor willl: a) Revieew eaach fform to eensurre fuurtheer acctionns onn thee apppraissal. b) See tthat propper aactioons hhave beenn takken tto reesolvve anny iddentiifiedd connfliccts. c) Accouunt ffor aall eevaluuatioon foorms in hhis aarea of rrespoonsibbilitt
38、y. d) Forwaard aall oorigiinal formms toogethher aas a grouup too thee HR Depaartmeent.HR Teeam wwill:Revieew foor coompleeteneess aand aaccurracy. Anyy unrresollved probblemss willl bee brooughtt to the atteentioon off thee conncernned lline of aauthoorityy. Thhe coompleeted formm willl bee plaaced
39、 in tthe EEmplooyees Permaanentt Perrsonnnel FFile.8) JobDeescriiptioon: At the timee of joinning the emplloyeee willl bee givven wwith a seet off JobbDescrriptiion, thatt he needds too perrformm at the Job. In addiitionn to it, accoordinng thhe emmployyee pposittion in tthe OOrgannisattion and the
40、requuiremmentss of the comppany, thee empployeee maay bee a ggivenn a nnew sset oof Joob Deescriiptioon diiscusssed mutuuallyy by the emplloyeee andd thee supperviisor. Siggned Job Desccripttion sheeet haas too be submmitteed too thee HR Depaartmeent wwhichh willl bee plaaced in tthe EEmplooyees Pee
41、rmannent Perssonneel Fiile aand wwill be uused forr futture apprraisaals.9) Roless andd Ressponssibillitiees:The Rolees annd Reesponnsibiilitiies oof thhe emmployyee wwill be sppeciffied by tthe iimmeddiatee supperioor off thee empployeee att thee timme off Joiiningg. Appart fromm thee Rolles mmentiionedd iniitiallly, the Comppany may assiign nnew RRoless andd Ressponssibillitiees too thee empployeee ass andd wheen reequirred.10) Promootionns:Baased on yyour Perfformaance Apprraisaals, accoordin