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1、英语练习题3 Section Use of English Directtions: Read tthe foollowiing teext.Chhoose the bbest wword(ss) forr eachh numbbered blankk and mark A, B, C orr D onn ANSWWER SHHEET 11.( 100 poinnts ) Healthh impllies mmore tthan pphysiccal fiitnesss. It also impliies meental and eemotioonal wwell-bbeing. An aan
2、gry, frusstrateed, emmotionnally 1 perrson iin goood phyysicall condditionn is nnot 2 healtthy. MMentall heallth, tthereffore, has mmuch tto do 3 howw a peerson copess withh the worldd as sshe/hee exissts. MMany oof thee facttors tthat 44 physsical healtth alsso afffect mmentall and emotiional well-
3、beingg. Havingg a goood seelf-immage mmeans that peoplle havve possitivee 5 piicturees andd goodd, possitivee feellings aboutt themmselvees, abbout wwhat tthey aare caapablee 6, aand abbout tthe rooles tthey pplay. Peoplle witth goood sellf-imaages llike tthemseelves, and they are 77 likee otheers.
4、HHavingg a goood seelf-immage iis bassed 8 a reaalistiic 9 oof onees owwn worrth annd vallue annd cappabiliities. Stresss is aan unaavoidaable, necesssary, and potenntiallly heaalthfuul 10 of ouur socciety. Peopple off all ages 11 sttress. Chilldren beginn to 112 strress dduringg prennatal devellopm
5、ennt andd duriing chhildbiirth. Exampples oof strress iinduciing 133 in tthe liife off a yooung ppersonn are deathh of aa pet, presssure to 144 acaddemicaally, the ddivorcce of parennts, oor joiining a neww youtth grooup. TThe diiffereent waays inn whicch inddividuuals 115 to stresss mayy brinng hea
6、althfuul or unheaalthy resullts. OOne peerson experrienciing a greatt deall of sstresss may functtion eexcepttionallly weell 166 anotther mmay bee unabble too funcction at alll. Iff streessfull situuationns aree conttinuallly enncounttered, the indivvidualls phhysicaal, soocial, and mentaal heaalth
7、aare evventuaally aaffectted. Satisffying sociaal rellationns aree vitaal to 17 meental and eemotioonal hhealthh. It is beelieveed thaat in orderr to 118, deevelopp, andd mainntain effecctive and ffulfillling sociaal rellationnshipss peopple muust 199 the abiliity too knoww and trustt eachh otheer,
8、unndersttand eeach oother, inflluencee, andd helpp eachh otheer. Thhey muust allso bee capaable oof 20 confllicts in a consttructiive waay. 1. A. unstaable B. unnsure C. immpreciise D. immpracttical 2. A. normaally B. geenerallly C. viirtuallly D. neecessaarily 3. A. on B. att C. too D. wiith 4. A.
9、signiify B. innfluennce C. prredictt D. maark 5. A. intelllectuual B. seensuall C. sppirituual D. meental 6. A. to bee doinng B. wiith dooing C. too do D. off doinng 7. A. able betteer to B. abble too bettter C. beetter to abble D. beetter able to 8. A. on B. frrom C. att D. abbout 9. A. assesssment
10、t B. deecisioon C. deetermiinatioon D. asssistaance 10. A. ideaality B. reealizaation C. reealismm D. reealityy 11. A. occuur B. enngage C. coonfronnt D. enncountter 12. A. toleerate B. suustainn C. exxperieence D. unndertaake 13. A. eviddence B. acccidennts C. addventuures D. evvents 14. A. acquuir
11、e B. acchievee C. obbtain D. fuulfil 15. A. resppond B. reeturn C. reetort D. reeply 16. A. why B. whhen C. whhile D. whhere 17. A. sounnd B. alllroundd C. enntire D. whhole 18. A. illuuminatte B. ennunciaate C. ennumeraate D. innitiatte 19. A. acceess B. asssess C. prrocesss D. poossesss 20. A. res
12、oolvingg B. saalutinng C. deesolviing D. soolvingg SectioonReadiing Coomprehhensioon Part AA Directtions: Read tthe foollowiing foour teexts. Answeer thee quesstionss beloow eacch texxt by choossing AA, B, C or DMark your answeers onn ANSWWER SHHEET 11(40 pooints) Text 11 As we have seen in eaarlier
13、r chappters, the Ameriican ddefiniition of suuccesss is llargelly onee of aacquirring wwealthh and a higgher mmateriial sttandarrd of livinng. Itt is nnot suurprissing, thereefore, thatt Amerricanss havee valuued edducatiion foor itss moneetary valuee. Thee beliief iss widee spreead inn the Uniteed
14、Staates tthat tthe moore scchooliing peeople have, the more moneyy theyy willl earnn whenn theyy leavve schhool. The bbelieff is sstronggest rregardding tthe deesirabbilityy of aan unddergraaduatee univversitty deggree, or a profeessionnal deegree such as meedicinne or law ffollowwing tthe unndergrr
15、aduatte deggree. The mmoney valuee of ggraduaate deegreess in“nnonproofessiional”ffieldss suchh as aart, hhistorry, orr phillosophhy is not aas greeat. This bbelieff in tthe moonetarry vallue off educcationn is ssupporrted bby staatistiics onn incoome. BBen Waattenbberg, a soccial sscienttist, estim
16、mated that in thhe couurse oof a llifetiime a man wwith aa colllege ddegreee in 11972 wwould earn aboutt¥380 000 mmore tthan aa man with just a higgh schhool ddiplomma. Peerhapss thiss helpps to explaain suurvey findiings wwhich showeed thaat Ameericanns whoo wishhed thhey haad ledd theiir livves di
17、iffereently in soome waay reggretteed mosst of all tthat tthey ddid noot gett moree educcationn. The reegret is shhared by thhose wwho haave maade itt to tthe toop andd by tthose who hhave nnot. JJournaalist Richaard Reeeves quotees a bblack workeer in a Forrd auttomobiile faactoryy. When II was in
18、thhe ninnth grrade, I wass gettting bbad grrades and mmessinng aroound. My faather came home in thhe kittchen one nnight with a paiir of Ford work pantss and he thhrew tthem iin my face.“Put tthese on,”he saaid,“becauuse yooure gooing tto be weariing thhem thhe resst of your life if yoou donnt geet
19、an educaation.” Douglaas Fraaser, the ppresiddent oof thee Unitted Auuto Woorkerss Unioon, reegrettted noot finnishinng higgh schhool sso mucch thaat he occassionallly liied abbout iit. Hee toldd Richhard RReevess abouut hiss pridde in graduuatingg fromm highh schoool, bbut thhen a few mminutees lat
20、ter hee saidd: I wasnnt tellling the ttruth aboutt highh schoool. II neveer finnishedd. I qquit iin thee twellfth ggrade to taake a jobIts funnny affter aall thhese yyears, I sttill llie abbout iit. Beecausee the fact is, II stilll thiink itt was a stuupid tthing to doo. I sshouldd havee finiished m
21、y edducatiion. Even aa man like Fraseer, a natioonallyy knowwn andd succcessfuul leaader, was ttroublled byy regrrets tthat hhe didd not climbb highher onn the educaationaal laddder. 21.Whaat is the mmain iidea oof thiis passsage? A.Amerricanss placce a hhigh vvalue on edducatiion. B.Amerricanss bel
22、iieve iit is possiible, thouggh diffficullt, too be ssuccesssful withoout ann advaanced degreee. C.Amerricanss beliieve tthat tthe moore thhe eduucatioon, thhe higgher tthe saalary. D.A baasic AAmericcan vaalue iis acqquirinng matteriall weallth. 22.Whiich off the folloowing degreees woould pprobabb
23、ly bee mostt valuued byy Amerricanss? A.A maasters deggree iin litteratuure. B.A maasters deggree iin speecialiized ffieldss. C.A maasters deggree iin purre matths. D.A maasters deggree iin antthropoology. 23.Thee survvey coonductted byy Ben suggeested that peoplle reggretteed mosst havving nnot goo
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- 银行 求职 英语 练习题 450761