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1、附录 写写作练习习答案二、写作常常见错误误分析一、语法错错误(一)句子子结构错错误1 主从从句叠置置1) Therre aare morre aand morre sstuddentts wwho likke tto uuse thee coompuuterr. / Moore andd moore stuudennts likke tto uuse thee coompuuterr.2) Therre aare stiill manny pprobblemms tthatt shhoulld bbe nnoteed aand ressolvved. / Manyy prrobllemss s
2、ttilll shoouldd bee nootedd annd rresoolveed.2 简单单句叠置置I likke cchatttinng oon llinee veery mucch, so I ggo tto tthe nett baar aalmoost eveery weeekennd. / II liike chaattiing on linne vveryy muuch. I go to thee neet bbar almmostt evveryy weeekeend.3 从句句叠置It iss knnownn too alll tthatt coompuuterrs p
3、playy ann immporrtannt rrolee inn maany fieeldss off ouur llifee. / Ass iss knnownn too alll, commputterss pllay an impporttantt roole in manny ffiellds of ourr liife.4 句子子成分缺缺失If wee woork harrd, we willl ssureely be succcesssfuul. /Woorkingg haard, wee wiill surrelyy bee suucceessfful.5 语序序错误1) WW
4、hy do colllegge sstuddentts sspennd mmoree annd mmoree tiime on thee coompuuterr?1) I oofteen wwondder wheere theey hhavee goot ttheiir mmoneey.(二)动词词形式错错误1时态错错误Many peooplee thhinkk thhat thee Innterrnett wiill be morre uusefful in thee fuuturre. 2语态形形式错误误1) II haave beeen eexciitedd seeverral dayy
5、s aat tthe newws tthatt yoou wwilll coome herre.2) MMostt off thhe sstuddentts aare sattisffiedd wiith thee seerviice in thee diininng hhalll.3单复数数形式错错误1) Wise menn seeek oppporttuniitiees rrathher thaan wwaitt foor tthemm. / A wisse mman seeeks oppporttuniitiees rrathher thaan wwaitt foor tthemm.2)
6、 Some peooplee arre aafraaid thaat ccompputeers mayy coontrrol menn inn thhe ffutuure. 4非谓语语动词形形式错误误1) Let mme ssay “heelloo” tto yyou on behhalff off evveryyonee.2) Doingg exxerccisee inn thhe mmornningg iss goood forr onnes hheallth.3) Havinng sstuddiedd inn ouur sschoool forr 3 yeaars, I finnd tt
7、hatt thhe ccantteenn seerviice hass chhangged a llot.(三)代词词错误1) We caan uuse commputterss inn dooingg evveryythiing we llikee.2) A colllegge sstuddentt shhoulld bbe aablee too doo hiis wwashhingg onn hiis oown.(四)冠词词错误1) A/Thee hoorsee iss a useefull annimaal.2) The eexamm wiill be helld iin DDeceem
8、beer, 20004. (五)词性性错误1) I wissh yyou cann coonsiiderr myy suuggeestiionss.2) If a perrsonn waantss too suucceeed, he musst llearrn tto eenduure suffferringgs aand settbaccks.二、用词错错误1) Studeentss muust knoow hhow to opeeratte aa coompuuterr. / Sttudeentss muust knoow hhow to worrk oon aa coompuuterr.
9、2) Peoplle ccan be expposeed tto mmanyy neew tthinngs on thee Innterrnett. / Peeoplle ccan leaarn manny nnew thiingss onn thhe IInteerneet.3) The ppurpposee off thhis lettterr iss too exxpreess somme oopinnionns oon tthe serrvicce iin tthe dinningg haall. / TThe purrposse oof tthiss leetteer iis tto
10、 mmakee soome commplaaintts aabouut tthe serrvicce iin tthe dinningg haall.三、表达习习惯错误误1) What genneraatedd soo laargee a chaangee? / Whhy iis ttherre sso llargge aa chhangge?2) Now 660000 yuuan is enooughh foor yyou to buyy a P4 commputter. / Noow yyou cann buuy aa P44 coompuuterr foor 660000 yuuan.3
11、) In a rooom oofteen llivee 6-8 sstuddentts. 4) I thiink theere aree thhreee reeasoons forr thhis greeat chaangee. 5) The ppricces of thee foood aree tooo hhighh. / Thee foood is tooo exxpennsivve.6) The rreasson forr thhis is thaat ssomee peeoplle wwantt too eaarn pleentyy off mooneyy wiithoout wor
12、rkinng hhardd. / Thhis is beccausse ssomee peeoplle wwantt too eaarn pleentyy off mooneyy wiithoout worrkinng hhardd.四、标点符符号及大大小写错错误1) Howevver, evveryy cooin hass twwo ssidees. I thiink thee suurroounddinggs iin oour cannteeen aare thee beest amoong alll unniveersiitiees.2) The mman wass raacinng d
13、downn thhe sstreeet becaausee hee waas llatee foor tthe claass.3) At laast I wwantt too leet yyou knoow tthatt I lovve oour uniiverrsitty vveryy muuch.4) My faavorritee spportts aare swiimmiing, jooggiing, moounttainneerringg annd pplayyingg taablee teenniis.5) The bbestt Enngliish fillm iin mmy eey
14、ess iss Foorreest Gummp.五、冠词用用法讲练练EXERCCISEE 1A. 11. aa2. an3. ann 4. an5. aan 6. an7. aa8. anB. 11. aa neew ooffiice buiildiing2. traavell aggentt3. aan AAmerricaan sscieentiist4. a ddays ooutiing5. aan IIndiian staamp6. a hhearrt aattaack7. aan aadvaanceed ccounntryy8. an inttereestiing plaayEXERC
15、CISEE 21. AA (tteleephoone); aa2.xx; xx; xx3. aa; aa; aan; a4.aa; aa; aa; aan5. aa; aa; aa; aa; aa6.aan; a; x; an; x; a; a7. aa; aan8.xxEXERCCISEE 3A.1. a (veery badd niightt); a (winnk)2. aan (honnestty)3. aa (vvisiion of a nnew andd haappiier Eurropee)4. aa (hholiidayy); a (dayy offf); a (moonthh)
16、5. aan (houurlyy seerviice)6. aa (ggreaat hhonoour); aa (ggathheriing)7. aa (mmounntaiin); a (hoorroor)8. aan (earrly agee)9. aa (wwordd)10.aa (bboy)B.1. a (biig pprobblemm); (noot ttoo bigg) aa (pprobblemm)2. aa (ssquaare nosse); (sso hhanddsomme) a (mann)3. (Howweveer ggreaat) a (dissastter)4. (Ma
17、nny) a (shiipwrreckked saiilorr)5. (Succh) an (urrgennt nneedd)6. (So urggentt) aa (nneedd)7. (as lovvelyy)a (piictuure)8. (whaat) a (serriouus ccrissis)9. (manny) a (greeateer mman)10. (Hoow sseriiouss) aa (ccrimme)EXERCCISEE 41. tthe; x2. x; Thee(fooressts)3. xx; TThe(natturee)4. Thee (eeduccatiio
18、n); xx7. x; thhe8. thee; xxEXERCCISEE 5A.1.x; a; thee2. Thee (ssteaam-eengiine); tthe3. TThe (baat); a4. x; thee; xx; aa5. tthe6. a; thee; xx; xx7. TThe(priisonn);aa8. Thee (yyounngesst); x; thhe; xB. 11.Thhe (horrse); aa (nnoblle aanimmal); aa (ffaitthfuul sservvantt)2. aa (ggamee)3. tthe (scchoool
19、); thhe (behhaviiourr);tthe (puupills)4. TThe (diinneer); thhe (speeechhes)5. tthe (seettiing of goaals)6. tthe (hoospiitall); (att) tthe (ennd oof)tt hee (wweekk)7. tthe (raadioo)8. TThe (fllutee)9. (havve) a; thee (ccityy ceenteer); (gget) a; (oon) thee (bbus)10. thee (ggrouund); tthe (woood)EXERC
20、CISEE 6A.1.Thee; tthe; thhe2. Thee; tthe3. TThe; thhe4. Thee (wwooll); thee5. xx; tthe; x6. thee; tthe; thhe; x7. tthe; thhe8. x; x; x9. tthe; thhe10. xB.1. thhe BBrittishh Musseumm2. thee Suuez Cannal3. tthe diffferrencce bbetwweenn4. thee Wiilsoons thhesee twwo wwordds5. iin tthe firrst roww6. the
21、e yeear 19449EXERCCISEE 7(Thee) PPeopple eveerywwherre Whhen (thhe) strranggerss (TThe) Goood mannnerrs inn (tthe) diiffeerennt ppartts acccepttingg (tthe) giiftss shoows (thhe) badd maanneers evven (thhe) ruddeneess wiith (thhe) goood mmannnerss accceppt (thee) iimpoortaant thiingss wiith (thhe) bo
22、tth hhandds to accceptt (tthe) immporrtannt tthinngs shoows nott onnly (thhe) disscouurteesy Inn (tthe) Euuroppe aand (thhe) Norrth Ameericca, howweveer, (thhe) peooplee六、标点符符号用法法讲练EXERCCISEE 11. TTheideentiity: Ltt, HHenrry BBedeell, Coompaany D, 11tth Verrmonnt VVoluunteeerssoldd.2. Ittthaat DDada
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- 英文 作文 写作 常见 错误 分析 45434