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1、四六级作作文模板板大全编者的话话模板不是是万能的的,使用用者尽量量不要背背模板;经过一一定时间间的模仿仿训练之之后,使用用者应力力求个性性化自己己的作品品。写作时,要要从切题题、结构构和语言言三方面面检查自自己的文文章是否否达到大大纲的要求。篇篇幅应以以题目要要求的数数量为准准,不要要太少,更更不要太太多。书书写要工工整,立意要新新颖,论论理要充充分,过过渡要流流畅。此外,对对于名人人名言或或是谚语语俗语等等要慎用用,不要要在记不不清或不不懂原文文意思的情情况下乱乱用。1格言言谚语型型1)模板板一_ (所给给格言或或谚语). TThiss iss a prooverrb ffulll offl
2、ogiic. By thiis pprovverbb, iit iis mmeannt tthatt _ (解释释该格言言或谚语语的内涵). IIn ootheer wwordds, _ (换换言之的的解释). IIndeeed, weecan leaarn manny tthinngs froom iit.Exammplees ccan eassilyy bee fooundd too maake thiis ppoinnt ccleaarerr. _ (例子子1) is a ccaseein ppoinnt. Anootheer ccasee iss thhat _ (例子子2).What
3、teveer yyou do, plleasse rremeembeer tthe sayyingg “_ (该该格言或或谚语)”. IIf yyou unddersstannd iit aand appply it to youur sstuddy oor wworkk, yyoull neccesssariily bennefiit aa lootfromm itt.2)模板板二The goood oold prooverrb, _ (所给给格言或或谚语), rremiindss ussthatt _ ( 诠诠释该格格言或谚谚语). Onn thhe oone hannd,_ (详述述1)
4、. Onn thhe ootheer hhandd, _ (详详述2).Takee _ (某相相关事例例) ffor exaamplle. _ (展展开论述述).Howeeverr, iit iis eeasiier saiid tthann doone. Prractticee iss thhe mmostt immporrtannt ffacttor. Onnly wheen yyoupay atttenttionn too itt caan yyou holld iit ssoonner or latter.2Exxpossitiion 型1)Hoot IIssuue 型型(1)模模板一
5、Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof mmodeern inddusttry, moore andd moore peooplee arre cconccernned aboout theeprobblemm thhat _ ( 主主题问题题). Acccorddinggly,_ (伴伴随主题题问题出出现的新新问题) iss beecommingg moore anddmoree seerioous.Conffronntedd wiith _ (主主题问题题), we shoouldd taake a sseriies2of eeffeectiive meaasurre
6、s to coppe wwithh thhe ssituuatiion. Foor oone thiing,_ ( 解决决方法11). Forr annothher,_ ( 解解决方法法2). Fiinallly,_ (解决决方法33).As ffar as I aam cconccernned, thhe bbestt waay oout is _ (解解决方法法4).Conssequuenttly, Im cconffideent thaat aa brrighht ffutuure is awaaitiing us beccausse_ (解决方方法4 的优点点和好处处).(2)模模板二
7、Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe soccietty, witth tthe advventt off _ (相关关事物或或现象), we havve tto ffacee a proobleem tthatt _ (主题题问题).Whatt arre tthe reaasonns ffor it? Inn thhe ffolllowiing parragrraphhs, Illl vventturee too exxploore theereassonss. TTo sstarrt wwithh, _ ( 阐阐述原因因1). Mooreooverr,_
8、( 阐阐述原因因2). Inn adddittionn,_ (阐述述原因33).In vvieww off thhe sseriioussnesss oof tthe proobleem, efffecttivee meeasuuress shhoulld bbe ttakeen. Forr onnethinng, it is higgh ttimee thhat peooplee alll ooverr Chhinaa reealiizedd thhe iimpoortaancee off_ (解决决主题问问题). Foor aanottherr, tthe govvernnmennt ss
9、houuld isssue strrictt laawsand reggulaatioons in ordder to putt thhe ssituuatiion undder conntrool.2)图表表型(1)模模板一(适适用于单单一图表表题型)As iis sseenn frrom thee taablee / graaph / ccharrt, _ (图表所所描述的的事物AA) aasceentsignnifiicanntlyy frrom _ (数字11) iin _ (年年份1) too _ (数字22) iin_ (年年份2) whhilee ovver thee saame
10、 perriodd, _ (图表表所描述述的事物物B)shraank sliighttly froom _ (数字字3) to _ (数字字4). Itt caan bbe oobseerveed eeasiilythatt _ (分析析图表所所反映的的问题).Therre aare manny rreassonss reespoonsiiblee foor tthiss. IIn tthe folllowwingg paaraggrapphs, Ill vennturre ttoexplloree thhe rreassonss.For onee thhingg, _ (原因11). For
11、r annothher, _ (原因因2).In aaddiitioon, _ (原因33).Howeeverr, tthiss taablee / graaph / ccharrt mmay nott prrediict thee enntirre ssituuatiion in thee fuuturre, Ibeliievee _ (前瞻性性预测和和展望).(2)模模板二(适适用于多多个图表表题型)The figguree off thhe ffirsst ggrapph sshowws tthatt _ (简述图图表1 概况)whille tthe figguree off thhe
12、ssecoond graaph shoows thaat _ (简述述图表22 概况况).The rellatiionsshipp beetweeen theese twoo fiigurres warrns us thaat_ (指出两两表所反反映的问问题).Howeeverr, ttherre aare manny eeffeectiive metthodds tto _ (解解决这一一问题). FForinsttancce, _ ( 解决决方法11). At thee saame timme,_ (解决决方法22).3In aa woord, _ (总总结). Ass faar aas
13、II amm coonceerneed, theemoree wee unnderrstaand thee siituaatioon, thee beetteer wwe ccan do to impprovve iit iin tthe futturee. GGiveen aallthesse ppoinnts aboove, I holld tthe opiinioon tthatt _ (重申自自己的观观点).3)图画画型模板板As iis sseenn frrom thee drrawiing, _ (概概述图画画揭示的的问题). Unfforttunaatelly, _ (图图画反映
14、映的主题题) iis nnot thee onnly speeciees / thhingg thhatsuffferss thhe ffatee.In tthe folllowwingg paaraggrapphs, Ill vennturre tto eexplloree thhe rreassonss. IIn tthe firrst plaace,_ (原因11). In thee seeconnd pplacce, _ (原原因2).Finaallyy, _ (原因33),In sshorrt, _ (总结结). Aboove alll, wwe nnow knoow aabouut
15、 ttheprobblemm annd wwe sshouuld tryy too fiind somme wwayss too soolvee itt.3Arrgummenttatiion 型1) ssomee, ootheers, I 型(1)模模板一Therre iis nno cconssenssus amoong thee peeoplle aas tto tthe vieew oof _ (主题题). Sommepeopple holld tthe ideea tthatt _ (观观点A). AA caase in poiint is thaat_ (支持观观点A 的例子子).O
16、n tthe othher hannd, othherss maay hhavee a quiite diffferrentt viiew. Acccorrdinng tto tthemm,_ (观点BB). Thee moost typpicaal eexammplee iss thhat _ (支持观观点B 的例子).Weigghinng tthe proos aand conns oof tthesse aarguumennts, I am incclinned to agrree witth tthe lattterr.Admiitteedlyy, tthe forrmerr pooi
17、ntt off viiew seeems reaasonnablle iin ssayiing to somme eexteent, buut tthe lattterris mmoree coonviinciing.(2)模模板二_ (主题) iss a commmonn occcurrrennce in ourr liivess. TThe atttituudess toowarrd tthiss isssueevaryy frrom perrsonn too peersoon. Somme ppeopple tennd tto _ wwhenn thhey aree asskedd_ (
18、观点AA) bbecaausee _ (支支持观点点A 的的原因).The mosst ttypiicall exxampple is thaat _ (支支持观点点A 的的例子).Howeeverr, ootheers arggue thaat _ (观点点B). Thhey poiint outt thhat_ (重申观观点B) foor tthe reaasonn thhat _ (支支持观点点B的原因).As ffar as I aam cconccernned, I willl cchooose to _ (你你的观点点) bbecaausee thhischoiice fitts
19、mmy pperssonaalitty aand my liffe-llongg beelieef.2) MMy VVieww 型(1)模模板一Whenn asskedd abboutt _ ( 主题), ssomee peeoplle hholdd thhe iideaa thhat_ ( 观点AA). As farr ass thhey aree coonceerneed,4_ (展展开观点点A). Buut II coouldd noot aagreee wwithh thhem in sevveraalpoinnts. Inn myy oppiniion, _ (观点BB). Thee
20、 reeasoons forr myychoiice aree liisteed aas ffolllowss.In tthe firrst plaace, _ (支持观观点B 的理由由1). Inn thhe ssecoondplacce, _ (支支持观点点B 的的理由22). In thee thhirdd pllacee,_ (支支持观点点B 的的理由33).For thee reeasoons menntioonedd abbovee, II fiirmlly bbeliievee _ (重申观观点B).(2)模模板二Somee peeoplle bbeliievee thhat _
21、 (观点点A). Foor iinsttancce, theeyholdd thhe iideaa thhat _ (支支持观点点A 的的例子). AAnd it mayybrinng tthemm _ (AA 带给给他们的的好处).In mmy oopinnionn, II neeverr thhinkk thhis reaasonn caan bbe tthe poiint. Foor oone thiing,_ ( 我不不同意的的理由11). Forr annothher,_ (我不同同意的理理由2).As aa maatteer oof ffactt, ttherre aare som
22、me ootheer rreassonss too exxplaain my chooicee. FFor me, I agrree tothe thooughht tthatt _ (重申自自己的观观点).3)利弊弊型(1)模模板一Nowaadayys mmanyy peeoplle ppreffer _ (主题) beecauuse it plaays a ssignnifiicannt rrolee innour daiily liffe. Genneraallyy, iits advvanttagees ccan be seeen aas ffolllowss. OOn tthe on
23、ee haand,_ (主主题的优优点1). OOn tthe othher hannd, _ (主题的的优点2).But eveerytthinng ccan be divvideed iintoo twwo. Thee neegattivee asspeccts aree allso apppareent. Onne oofthe impporttantt diisaddvanntagges is thaat _ (主主题的缺缺点1). TTo mmakee maatteersworsse, _ (主题题的缺点点2).Throoughh thhe aabovve aanallysiis,
24、I bbeliievee thhat thee poosittivee asspeccts farr ouutweeighh itts nnegaativveaspeectss. WWhatteveer eeffeectss itt haas, onee thhingg iss ceertaain, _ (主主题) itsselff iss neeithher gooodnor badd. IIt iis tthe usees tto wwhicch iit iis pput thaat ddeteermiine itss vaaluee too ouur ssociietyy.(2)模模板二
25、Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof sscieencee annd hhumaan cciviilizzatiion, maany forrmerrly uniimagginaableethinngs comme iintoo reealiity. Soome of theem hhavee poosittivee efffeccts on ourr liife, buut ssomee arredisttasttefuul. Thee phhenoomennon of _ (主题题现象) iss ann exxampple of thee foormeer / la
26、atteerone.Therre aare manny ffacttorss thhat mayy acccouunt forr itt, aand thee foolloowinng aare thee moostconsspiccuouus aaspeectss. TTo sstarrt wwithh, _ ( 原原因1). FFurttherrmorre,_ (原原因2). EEvenntuaallyy, _ (原因3).Goodd ass _ (主题现现象) is, itt haas, unfforttunaatelly, itss diisaddvanntagges. Thheapp
27、aarennt eexammplee iss thhat _ ( 缺缺点例子子1). Inn adddittionn,5_ (缺点点例子22).On tthe whoole, thhe pphennomeenonn iss onne oof tthe ressultts oof tthe proogreess of thee mooderrn ssociietyy.Therre iis sstilll aa loong wayy foor uus tto iimprrovee / eliiminnatee _ (主题题现象) annd mmakee ouurlifee moore commfo
28、rrtabble.4书信信应用型型1)工作作申请型型Dearr Siir oor MMadaam,I amm wrritiing thiis llettter to shoow mmy kkeenn innterrestt inn thhe pposiitioon / poost youu addverrtisse iin_ (某报纸纸或杂志志) bbecaausee myy maajorr annd eexpeerieencee clloseelyparaalleel yyourr reequiiremmentts.As tthe ressumee inndiccatees, _ (介介绍自
29、我我的能力力和成就).Woulld yyou pleeasee arrrannge an inttervvieww att yoour earrlieest connvenniennce? Yoou ccan reaach me at_ (你的的联系电电话或邮邮址等). II amm loookiing forrwarrd tto tthe inttervvieww.Thannk yyou forr yoour connsidderaatioon.Yourrs SSinccereely,_ (签签名)2)反映映问题型型(1)模模板一Dearr Siir oor MMadaam,I amm wr
30、ritiing thiis llettter to subbmitt myy oppiniion andd prropoosall off _(所要反反映的问问题) beccausse II fiind it quiite a nneceessiity forr a atttenttivee annd cconsscieentiiouss sttudeent/ woorkeer / ciitizzen to do so.For onee thhingg, _ ( 问问题表现现1)._ (具具体阐述述1). Foor aanottherr, _ (问题题表现2). _ (具体阐阐述2). FFi
31、naallyy, _ (问题表表现3). _ (具体体阐述33).If wwe rremaain bliind to thee prrobllem, thheree iss evveryy chhancce tthatt _ (问题所所危及对对象) wwilll bee puut iin ddangger. Thhereeforre, I ssinccereely hoppe tthatt efffecctivve mmeassurees wwilll bee taakennimmeediaatelly. Thaank youu foor yyourr coonsiiderratiion.Yo
32、urrs SSinccereely,_ (签签名)(2)模模板二Dearr Siir oor MMadaam,I amm wrritiing thiis llettter to subbmitt myy oppiniion andd prropoosall off _(所要反反映的问问题) beccausse II fiind it quiite a nneceessiity forr a atttenttivee annd cconsscieentiiouss sttudeent/ woorkeer / ciitizzen to do so.Therre aare manny ffactto
33、rss whhichh giive risse tto tthe proobleem. Illl vventturee too exxploore somme oof tthe6mostt coonsppicuuouss faactoors. Fiirsttly, _ ( 起因11). Secconddly,_ (起起因2). FFinaallyy, _ (起起因3).Whille tthe proobleem ccan nott bee soolveed iimmeediaatelly, stiill theere aree waays outt. TThe mossteffiicieent
34、 onee iss _ ( 解决方方法1). AAnottherr iss_ (解决决方法22). Stiill anootheer iis _ (解决方方法3).If wwe rremaain bliind to thee prrobllem, thheree iss evveryy chhancce tthatt _ (问题所所危及对对象) wwilll bee puut iin ddangger. Thhereeforre, I ssinccereely wissh tthatt yoou ccoulld aattaach adeequaateimpoortaancee too whha
35、t Ivve ppropposeed aabovve aand takke ppropper acttionns aaccoordiinglly. Thaank youu fooryourr coonsiiderratiion.Yourrs SSinccereely,20077年6月月大学英英语四六六级作文文预测预测1:考试作作弊1.有人认认为考试试作弊不不可取,理理由是2.有人认认为考试试作弊情情有可原原,理由由是3.我认为为预测2:占座问问题1.有人认认为大学学生占座座是极其其不文明明的现象象,理由由是2.有人认认为大学学生占座座出于无无奈,理理由是3.我的观观点是预测3:逃课现现象1.有人认认为大学学生逃课课不应该该2.有人认认为大学学生逃课课是教师师、学校校和教育育的悲哀哀4.我的观观点是预测4:该不该该在课堂堂使用手手机1.有人提提倡禁止止在课堂堂上使用用手机2.有人觉觉得在课课堂上使使用手机机是个人人权利3.我的观观点是预测5:考研热热(Thhe GGradduatte MManiia)越来来越多大大学生加加入到考考研大军军里,1.有人人认为这这是一种种好现象象,理由由是2.有人认认为这是是一种坏坏现象,理理由是