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《14000环境管理体系10633.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《14000环境管理体系10633.docx(40页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、INTERRNATIIONALL STAANDARRDEnvirronmeentall mannagemment systtems-Requuiremmentss witthguiidancce foor usse1 ScoopeThis Inteernattionaal Sttandaard sspeciifiess reqquireementts foor ann envvironnmenttal mmanaggemennt syystemm to enabble aanorgganizzatioon too devvelopp andd impplemeent aa pollicy an
2、d objeectivves wwhichh takke innto aaccouunt llegall reqquireementts anndothher rrequiiremeents to wwhichh thee orgganizzatioon suubscrribess. annd innformmatioon abbout signnificcant enviironmmentaalasppectss. Itt apppliess to thosse ennviroonmenntal aspeects thatt thee orgganizzatioon iddentiifies
3、s as thosse whhich it ccan ccontrrolannd thhose whicch itt cann inffluennce. It ddoes not itseelf sstatee speecifiic ennviroonmenntal perfformaance critteriaa.Thiis Innternnatioonal Stanndardd is appllicabble tto anny orrganiizatiion tthat wishhes ttoa) esstabllish. impplemeent. mainntainn andd impp
4、rovee an enviironmmentaal maanageementt sysstem.b) asssuree itsself of cconfoormitty wiith iits sstateed ennviroonmenntal poliicy.c) deemonsstratte coonforrmityy witth thhis IInterrnatiionall Staandarrd byy 1) makiing aa sellf-deetermminattion and selff-decclaraationn. orr 2) seekking conffirmaation
5、n of its confformaance by ppartiies hhavinng ann intteresst inn thee orgganizzatioon. ssuch as ccustoomerss. orr 3) seekking conffirmaationn of its selff-decclaraationn by a paarty exteernall to the orgaanizaationn. orr 4) seekking certtificcatioon/reegisttratiion oof itts ennviroonmenntal manaageme
6、ent ssysteem byy an exteernall orgganizzatioon.Alll thhe reequirremennts iin thhis IInterrnatiionall Staandarrd arre inntendded tto bee inccorpoorateed innto aany eenvirronmeentallmanaagemeent ssysteem. TThe eextennt off thee appplicaationn deppendss on facttors suchh as the enviironmmentaal poolicy
7、y of theoorgannizattion. thee natture of iits aactivvitiees. pproduucts and servvicess andd thee loccatioon whhere and the condditioons iinwhiich iit fuunctiions. Thiis Innternnatioonal Stanndardd aissc prroviddes. in AAnnexx A. infoormattive guiddancee on its use.2 Norrmatiive rreferrenceesNo noorm
8、attive refeerencces aare ccitedd. Thhis cclausse iss inccludeed inn ordder tto reetainn claause numbberinng iddentiical withh theeprevviouss ediitionn (ISSO 144001:19966).3 Terrms aand ddefinnitioonsFor tthe ppurpooses of tthis docuumentt. thhe foollowwing termms annd deefiniitionns appply.3.1auditt
9、orpersoon wiith tthe ccompeetencce too connductt an audiitISO 90000:20000. 33.9.993.2contiinuall impproveementtrecurrringg proocesss of enhaancinng thhe ennviroonmenntal manaagemeent ssysteem (33.8) in oorderr to achiieveiimproovemeents in ooveraall eenvirronmeentall perrformmancee (3.10) conssistee
10、nt wwith the orgaanizaationns (3.166)envvironnmenttal ppoliccy (33.11 )NOTE The proccess needd nott takke pllace in aall aareass of actiivityy simmultaaneouusly.3.3correectivve acctionnactioon too eliiminaate tthe ccausee of a deetectted nnoncoonforrmityy (3.15)3.4docummentinforrmatiion aand iits ss
11、uppoortinng meediummNOTE 1 Thhe meediumm cann be papeer. mmagneetic. eleectroonic or oopticcal ccompuuter discc. phhotoggraphh or mastter ssamplle. oor accombiinatiion tthereeofNOTE 2 Addapteed frrom IISO 99000:20000. in wwhichh an orgaanizaationn (3.16) operrate
12、ss. inncludding air. watter. landd. naaturaal reesourrces. floora.ffaunaa. huumanss. annd thheir inteerrellatioonNOTE Surrrounndinggs inn thiis coontexxt exxtendd froom wiithinn an orgaanizaationn (3.t 6) to the globbal ssysteem.3.6envirronmeentall asppectelemeent oof ann orgganizzatioons (3.116) aa
13、ctivvitiees orr prooductts orr serrvicees thhat ccan iinterract withh thee envvironnmentt(3.55)NOTE A siignifficannt ennviroonmenntal aspeect hhas oor caan haave aa siggnifiicantt envvironnmenttal iimpacct (33.7).3.7envirronmeentall imppactany cchangge too thee envvironnmentt (3.5). whetther adveers
14、e or bbenefficiaal. wwhollly orr parrtiallly rresulltingg froom annorgaanizaationns (3.166)envvironnmenttal aaspeccts (3.6)3.8envirronmeentall mannagemment systtemEMMSpart of aan orrganiizatiionss (3.16) manaagemeent ssysteem ussed tto deeveloop annd immplemment its enviironmmentaal poolicyy(3.111)
15、aand mmanagge itts ennviroonmenntal aspeects (3.66)NOTE I A manaagemeent ssysteem iss a sset eet innterrrelatted eelemeents usedd to estaablissh poolicyy andd objjectiives and to aachieevethhose objeectivves.NOTE 2 A manaagemeent ssysteem inncluddes oorgannizattionaal sttructture. plaanninng acctivi
16、itiess. reesponnsibiilitiies. praccticees.prrocedduress (3.19). proocessses aand rresouurcess.3.9envirronmeentall objjectiiveoveraall eenvirronmeentall goaal. cconsiistennt wiith tthe eenvirronmeentall pollicy (3.111). thatt an orgaanizaationn (3.16) setssitseelf tto acchievve3.10envirronmeentall pe
17、rrformmanceemeasuurablle reesultts off an orgaanizaationns (3.166) maanageementt of its enviironmmentaal asspectts (33.6)NOTE In tthe cconteext oof ennviroonmenntal manaagemeent ssysteems (3.8). reesultts caan bee meaasureed aggainsst thhe orrganiizatiionss(3.116) eenvirronmeentall pollicy (3.111).
18、enviironmmentaal obbjecttivess (3.9). enviironmmentaal taargetts (33.12) andd othherennviroonmenntal perfformaance requuiremmentss.3.11envirronmeentall pollicyoveraall iintenntionns annd diirecttion of aan orrganiizatiion (3.166) reelateed too itss envvironnmenttal pperfoormannce (3.100) assformmall
19、yy exppresssed bby toop maanageementtNOTE The enviironmmentaal poolicyy proovidees a frammeworrk foor acctionn andd forr thee setttingg of enviironmmentaal obbjecttivess (3.9) aandennviroonmenntal targgets (3.112).3.12envirronmeentall tarrgetdetaiiled pedoormannce rrequiiremeent. appllicabble tto th
20、he orrganiizatiion (3.166) orr parrts tthereeof. thatt ariises fromm theeenviironmmentaal obbjecttivess (3.9) aand tthat needds too be set and met in oorderr to achiieve thosse obbjecttivess3.13interresteed paartypersoon orr grooup cconceernedd witth orr afffecteed byy thee envvironnmenttal pperfoor
21、mannce (3.100) off an orgaanizaationn(3.116)3.14interrnal audiitsysteematiic. iindeppendeent aand ddocummenteed prrocesss foor obbtainning audiit evvidennce aand eevaluuatinng itt objjectiivelyy toddeterrminee thee exttent to wwhichh thee envvironnmenttal mmanaggemennt syystemm auddit ccriteeria set
22、 by tthe oorgannizattion(3.166) arre fuulfillledNOTE In mmany casees. ppartiiculaarly in ssmalller oorgannizattionss. inndepeendennce ccan bbe deemonsstratted bby thhe frreedoom frromreesponnsibiilityy forr thee acttivitty beeing audiited.3.15noncoonforrmityynon-ffulfiilmennt off a rrequiiremeentISO
23、 90000:20000. corpporattion. firrm. eenterrprisse. aauthoorityy or insttituttion. or partt or combbinattion therreof. Wheetherrincoorporratedd or not. pubblic or pprivaate. thatt hass itss ownn funnctioons aand aadminnistrratioonNOTE For orgaanizaationns wiith mmor
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- 14000 环境管理 体系 10633