《新会计准则会计科目中英文对照表10694.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新会计准则会计科目中英文对照表10694.docx(17页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、资产类 Asssets流动资产 CCurrennt asssets货币币资金 CCash aand caash eqquivallents11001 现现金 Cashh1002 银行存款 Cassh in bank 1009 其他货币资资金 Otheer cassh andd cashh equiivalennts 11009011 外埠存款款 Otheer citty Cassh in bank 1009902 银行行本票 Caashierrs chheque 1000903 银银行汇票 BBank ddraft 1000904 信信用卡 Crediit carrd 11009055 信用证
2、保保证金 L/C GGuaranntee ddeposiits 1000906 存出投资款款 Refuundablle deppositss1101 短期投资 Shoort-teerm innvestmments 1101101 股票票 Shorrt-terrm invvestmeents - stocck 1110102 债券 Shhort-tterm iinvesttmentss - coorporaate boonds 1101003 基金 Shortt-termm inveestmennts - corpoorate fundss 1100110 其其他 Shoort-teerm in
3、nvestmments - othher11002 短期投投资跌价准备备 Shorrt-terrm invvestmeents ffallinng priice reeservees应收款 Acccount receiivablee1111 应收票据 Notte recceivabble 银行行承兑汇票 Bank accepptancee 商业承兑兑汇票 Trrade aaccepttance 1121 应收股利 Divvidendd receeivablle11222 应收利息息 Innteresst rreceivvable11131 应应收账款 Accoount rreceivvable
4、11133 其其他应收款 Othher nootes rreceivvable11141 坏坏账准备 Bad ddebt rreservves11551 预付账账款 AAdvancce monney11661 应收补补贴款 Coveer defficit by sttate ssubsiddies oof recceivabble库存资资产 IInventtoriess1201 物资采购 Supppliess purcchasinng12111 原材料 Raww mateerialss1221 包装物 Wrapppage 1231 低值易耗品品 Loow-vallue coonsumpptio
5、n goodss 12322 材料成本本差异 Maateriaals coost vaariancce 12441 自制半半成品 Semi-Finisshed ggoods11243 库库存商品 Finiished goodss1244 商品进销差差价 Diffferennces bbetweeen purrchasiing annd sellling pricee1251 委托加工物物资 Worrk in proceess - outsoourcedd1261 委托代销商商品 Truust too and sell the ggoods on a commiissionn basiis127
6、11 受托代销销商品 Coommisssionedd and sell the ggoods on a commiissionn basiis12811 存货跌价价准备 Innventoory faallingg pricce resservess1291 分期收款发发出商品 CCollecct monney annd sennd outt the goodss by sstagess1301 待摊费用 Deferrred aand prrepaidd expeenses长长期投资 Longg-termm inveestmennt 14401 长期期股权投资 Long-term invesst
7、mentt on sstockss 1400101 股票票投资 Innvestmment oon stoocks 1401002 其他股权权投资 Otther iinvesttment on sttocks11402 长长期债权投资资 Longg-termm inveestmennt on bondss 11402011 债券投资 Invesstmentt on bbonds 1440202 其其他债权投资资 Otheer invvestmeent onn bondds14211 长期投资资减值准备 Long-term invesstmentts deppreciaation reserrve
8、s股权权投资减值准准备 Stoock riights invesstmentt deprreciattion rreservves债权投投资减值准备备 Bcreeditorrs riights invesstmentt deprreciattion rreservves14331 委托贷贷款 Enntrustt loanns 11431011 本金 PPrinciipal 1431102 利息息 Inteerest 1433103 减减值准备 DDeprecciatioon resservess1501 固定资产 Fixeed asssets 房房屋 BBuildiing 建筑筑物 SStru
9、ctture机器器设备 MMachinnery eequipmment 运运输设备 TTranspportattion ffaciliities 工具器具 Insstrumeents aand immplemeent15002 累计折折旧 AAccumuulatedd deprreciattion 15055 固定资产产减值准备 Fixedd asseets deepreciiationn reseerves房房屋、建筑物物减值准备 Buildding/sstructture ddeprecciatioon resservess机器设备减减值准备 MMachinnery eequipmment
10、 ddeprecciatioon resservess1601 工程物资 Prooject goodss and materrial 1601001 专用材料料 Speccial-ppurposse matteriall 1600102 专用用设备 Sppeciall-purppose eequipmment 1601103 预付大大型设备款 Prepaaymentts forr equiipmentt 1600104 为生生产准备的工工具及器具 Prepaarativve insstrumeents aand immplemeent foor fabbricatte16033 在建工程程 C
11、oonstruuctionn-in-pprocesss 安装装工程 Erecttion wworks 在安装设备备 Errectinng equuipmennt-in-proceess技术改改造工程 TTechniical iinnovaation projeect大修理理工程 Generral ovverhauul prooject11605 在在建工程减值值准备 Coonstruuctionn-in-pprocesss deppreciaation reserrves17701 固定定资产清理 Liquiidatioon of fixedd asseets 18801 无形形资产 Inta
12、nngiblee asseets 专专利权 Patennts 非专专利技术 Non-Patennts 商标权权 Trrademaarks, Tradee namees 著作权 Copyyrightts 土地地使用权 Tenuure商誉 Gooodwilll 18005 无形资资产减值准备备 Intaangiblle Asssets ddeprecciatioon resservess专利权减值值准备 Paatent rightts deppreciaation reserrves商标标权减值准备备 traddemarkk righhts deepreciiationn reseerves118
13、15 未未确认融资费费用 Unaacknowwledgeed finnanciaal chaarges 待处理财产产损溢 Waait deeal asssets loss or inncome 19001 长期待待摊费用 LLong-tterm ddeferrred annd preepaid expennses19911 待处处理财产损溢溢 Waitt deall asseets looss orr incoome 1911101待处处理流动资产产损溢 Waait deeal inntangiible aassetss losss or iincomee 1911002待处理固固定资产损溢溢
14、 Waitt deall fixeed asssets lloss oor inccome 二、负债类 Liabbilityy 短期负债 Curreent liiabiliity 2101 短期借款 Shoort-teerm boorrowiing21111 应付票票据 NNotes payabble 银行承兑兑汇票 Baank accceptaance 商商业承兑汇票票 Tradde accceptannce 21121 应付付账款 Accouunt paayablee2131 预收账款 DDeposiit recceivedd 21411 代销商品品款 PProxy sale goodss
15、 reveenue21151 应付付工资 Accruued waages 22153 应应付福利费 Acccrued welfaarism 2161 应付股利 Divvidendds payyable 21771 应交税税金 TTax paayablee 2177101 应交增值值税 vallue addded ttax paayablee 217100101 进项项税额 Wiithholldingss on VVAT 2117101002 已交税金金 Payiing taax 2177101033 转出未交增增值税 Unnpaid VAT cchangeeover 217100104 减免免
16、税款 Taax dedductioon 2177101055 销项税额 Substtituteed monney onn VAT 217100106 出口口退税 Taax reiimburssementt for exporrt 2117101007 进项税额额转出 Chhangeoover wwithnooldinggs on VAT 2217101108 出口抵抵减内销产品品应纳税额 Exporrt dedduct ddomesttic saales ggoods tax 2217101109 转出多多交增值税 Overppaid VVAT chhangeoover 2217101110
17、未交增增值税 Unnpaid VAT 2171002 应交营营业税 Buusinesss taxx payaable 2171003 应交消消费税 Coonsumpption tax ppayablle 2117104 应交资源税税 Resoourcess tax payyable 2171105 应交交所得税 IIncomee tax payabble 2171106 应交交土地增值税税 Incrrementt tax on laand vaalue ppayablle 2117107 应交城市维维护建设税 Tax ffor maaintaiining and bbuildiing ciit
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- 会计准则 会计科目 中英文 对照 10694