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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.消防产品型式认可申请书APPLIICATIION FFOR TTYPE-APPRROVALL OF FIREE PROODUCTTS首次申请/Firsst Apppliccatioon 扩大范围申申请/Sccope Expaansioon 复评换证申申请/Reenewaal换版申请/Formmat CChangge 申请企业名名称/ Appllicattion prodduct cateegoryy:(加盖公章章/Seaal)生产厂名称称/ Factoory
2、:申请产品类类别/Cateegoryy of Prodduct:填报日期/Submmissiion DDate (yyyyy/mmm/dd): 年 月 日公安部消防防产品合格格评定中心心印制Publiishedd by Chinna Certtificcatioon Centter ffor FFire Prodductss, Miinisttry oof Puublicc Seccuritty, PPRC申 请 企企 业 须须 知1、申请企企业必须严严格按照消消防类产品品型式认可可实施规则则中工厂厂基本条件件的要求建建立并实施施有效的质质量管理,确确保企业的的质量保证证能力符合合实施规则则的
5、责任均由违违规企业承承担。The NNoticce off thee Appplicaant1. The AAppliicantt musst noot onnly cconsttitutte a quallity conttrol and brinng innto eeffecct whhich accoordinng too thee reqquestt of the facttorys poostullate, butt alsso maake ssure the quallity guarranteee capaacityy of the corpporattion accorrdin
6、gg to the requuest of tthe iimpleementt rulles.2. The aappliicantt musst meeasurre upp thee lowwest conffigurratioon reequirremennt off prooduciing eequippmentt andd cheeckinng eqquipmment thatt reffers to tthe The Impllemennt Ruules Of TThe ffire fighhtingg prooductt Typpe-Appprovval.3. The aapplii
7、cantt musst foolloww thee autthentticattion proccedurre annd thhe tiime llimitt reqquireementt. Inn norrmal condditioon, tthe eenterrprisse shhouldd acccept the workk connditiion iinspeectioon wiithinn 30 dayss aftter rreceiive tthe iinforrmatiion, and finiish tthe mmodifficattion of tthe uunacccept
8、eed ittem wwithiin sttatedd timme. TThe eenterrprisse shhouldd sennd thhe saamplee to the appoointeed exxaminne innstittutioon inn 15ddays afteer thhe innspecctionn, annd paay foor thhe reelateed biill. The enteerpriise sshoulld deeclarre too CCCCF inn timme iff theere iis anny sppeciaal caase.4. Af
9、terr getttingg the certtificcate, thee appplicaant mmust folllow tthe iimpleementt rulles sstricctly and use authhorizzed ccertiificaate aand ssymbool corrrectlly. CCCCF willl steernlyy punnish the foull.5. Afterr getttingg the certtificcate, thee appplicaant mmust keepp thee prooductts thhey pprodu
10、uce aand ssell the samee witth thhe innspecctingg sammpless. Thhe quualitty off thee prooductts muust mmeasuure uup thhe auuthennticaationn reggulattionss andd thee corrrelaativee staandarrds. If tthe ssome key facttors thatt rellatedd to the coheerencce off thee prooductts haave tto bee moddifieed,
11、 ssuch as kkey ssourcce appparaatus, raww matteriaal, ccore desiign aand pprimaary pproduuce ttechnniquee, ass welll ass thee worrkplaace, juriidicaal peersonn andd keyy tecchniccal ppersoonnell chaange, thee entterprrise mustt decclaree to CCCFF. Annd CCCCF vvaliddatess thee sittuatiion aaccorrding
12、g to the impllemennt ruules. Thee entterprrise cant prroducce annd seell aany pproduucts withhout the valiidatiion. CCCFF willl stternlly puunishh thee fouul. AAnd tthe ffoul is cchargged oof all the corrrelattive obliigatiion.声 明我代表申请请企业郑重重声明:1本企业业遵循“诚信第一一”的基本原原则,承诺诺遵守国家家有关法律律法规及公公安部消防防产品合格格评定中心心(以
14、法律律责任。5、本企业业完全接受受申请企企业须知中中所涉及的的全部内容容。StateementtI, onn thee behhalf of tthe AAppliicantt, maake tthe sstateementt herreby:1. The AAppliicantt is willling to ccomplly wiith tthe IImpleementt Rulles ffor TType-Apprrovall forrmulaationn whiich bby Chhina Certtificcatioon Centter ffor FFire Prodductss (
15、Soo-callled as CCCCF).2. The AAppliicantt doees aggree to ssubmiit thhe neecesssary docuumentts annd innformmatioon whhich trutthfullnesss hass beeen ennsureed byy thee Appplicaant, Fromm thiis ottherwwise undeertakkes aall llegall liaabiliity wwhichh cauuses.3. The AAppliicantt guaaranttee tto maak
16、e tthe ppaymeent iin acccorddancee witth thhe Tyype-AApprooval Conttractt andd/or the releevantt reqquireementt.4. The AAppliicantt willl keeepinng thhe reelevaant infoormattion abouut auuthennticaationn propperlyy, suuch aas thhe prrove repoort, jerqque repoort oof faactorry annd thhe vaalidaate oo
17、f thhe auuthennticaationn chaange, whiich wwill be uused in tthe ssuperrvisee insppect, suddden insppect and the supeervissal taskk aftter aappliicatiion. CCCCF wiill nnot ttoe tthe sscrattch wwhichh musst bee beaared by tthe ffactoory oor meerchaant wwho gget tthe pproduuct eliggibillity authhentii
18、catiion.5. The AAppliicantt doees accceptt thee conntentts The notiice oof thhe Apppliccantconttaineed.申请企业法法定代表人人/Autthoriized Persson oof thhe Apppliccant Firmm: (签名Siignatture/盖章Seeal) 日期期/Datte (yyyyy/mm/ddd): 年年 月 日一、申 请请 企 业业 名 称称 、地 址 及 联 系 方 式Appliicantt Infformaationn1 申请企企业/Apppliccant Fir
19、mm:1.1申请请企业名称称/Namme inn Chiinesee andd Engglishh: 1.2申请请人地址、邮邮编/Maailinng Adddresss annd Postccode:注册地址RRegisstrattion addrress: 邮邮编: 通讯地址MMailiing aaddreess: 邮邮编: 1.3 法法定代表人人/Jurridiccal Persson: 电话话/Telle phonne: 手机机/Mobbile phonne 1.4 联联系人/PPersoon too be Conttacteed: 电话/Teelephhone: 手机/Mobiile
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- 消防产品 型式 认可 申请书 1014512142541164951