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1、企业并购-企业混合并购活动管理模式摘 要自第二次企企业并购浪浪潮以来,企企业混合并并购一直占占据着重要要地位,并并在第三次次企业并购购浪潮中成成为主要并并购形式。但但并购失败败率却高居居不下,缺缺乏协同或或协同效应应有限是导导致并购失失败的重要要原因。混混合并购的的动因是为为了获得协协同效应,其其中,管理理能力的转转移和扩散散形成的管管理协同效效应是混合合并购的根根本动因。本本文以混合合并购的管管理协同效效应为研究究对象,首首先提出了了“管理协同同效应是混混合并购的的根本动因因”的观点,并并阐述了混混合并购的的管理协同同效应的来来源、表现现和产生条条件。其次次,从人力力资本转移移和结构资资本转
5、并并购的宏观观环境,包包括建立和和规范企业业产权交易易市场、发发挥政府在在企业并购购中的指导导协调作用用、大力发发展和规范范市场中介介机构;其其次,企业业内部应该该采取具体体策略,包包括明确混混合并购的的战略目标标、构建合合理的企业业组织结构构、提高人人力资本转转移效率,以以及选择合合适的企业业文化转移移模式。关键词:混混合并购,管管理协同效效应,人力力资本,结结构资本AbstrractSincee thee seccond wavee of corpporatte M&A, ccongllomerrate mergeer haas occcupiied aan immporttant pla
6、cce, aand hhas bbeen a maajor M&A formm in the thirrd waave oof coorporrate M&A. Butt thee faiiluree ratte off merrger remaains highh, annd thhe immporttant reasson iis thhe laack oof syynerggy orr thee limmitedd synnergiisticc efffect. Thee dynnamicc of congllomerrate mergeer iss to obtaain ssynerr
7、gy eeffeccts. Amonng thhem, the manaageriial ssynerrgy eeffecct foormedd by trannsferrringg andd sprreadiing oof thhe maanageementt cappabillity is tthe ffundaamenttal ddynammic oof congllomerrate mergeer. TThis artiicle takees thhe maanageeriall synnergyy efffect in tthe ccongllomerrate mergeer ass
8、 thee stuudy oobjecctivee. Fiirstlly, tthis artiicle putss forrwardd thee poiint oof viiew tthat manaageriial ssynerrgy eeffecct iss thee funndameentall dynnamicc of congllomerrate mergeer, aand ddiscuussess thee souurcess, connditiions and perfformaance of tthe mmanaggeriaal syynerggy efffectt in M
9、&A. Seccondlly, tthis artiicle anallysess thee reaalizaationn patth off thee mannagerrial syneergy effeect ffrom two aspeects of tthe ttranssferrring of hhumann cappitall andd strructuural capiital. Theen, tthe aarticcle anallysess thee acttual situuatioon annd reeasonns off thee disssatiisfacctoryy
10、 mannagerrial syneergy effeect iin thhe coongloomeraate mmergeer off Chiinesee entterprrisess, annd puuts fforwaards the counnter-meassuress. Fiinallly, tthe ppaperr anaalysees emmpiriicallly thhe diiverssificcatioon sttrateegy oof thhe “HHuaRuun” GGroupp in Chinna.Managgeriaal syynerggy efffectt ge
11、nnerattes ffrom the trannsferrringg of manaagemeent ccapabbilitty foormedd by combbinattion of tthe oorgannizattionaal caapitaal annd orrganiizatiionall expperieence. Acccordiinglyy, maanageeriall synnergyy efffect has two sourrces. Thee firrst iis thhe trransfferriing oof huuman capiital emboodyinn
12、g thhe maanageementt cappabillity. Theere aare ttwo wways to gget mmanaggeriaal syynerggy efffectt thrroughh traansfeerrinng off humman ccapittal. The firsst iss traansfeerrinng annd alllocaatingg opttimallly oof thhe huuman capiital afteer M&A. TThe sseconnd iss sprreadiing aand sshariing oof thhe
13、huuman capiital afteer M&A. WWork rotaationn andd teaam appproaach eenablles tthe aadvanntagee cappitall to trannsferr witth thhe inndiviiduall ownners, thrroughh whiich ggettiing tthe ooptimmal aalloccatioon off humman ccapittal. The codinng annd thhe peersonnificcatioon sttrateegiess cann achhieve
14、e thee sprreadiing aand sshariing oof thhe addvanttagess humman ccapittal bbetweeen ttwo eenterrprisses. The secoond iis thhe trransfferriing oof thhe sttructturall cappitall corrresppondiing tto orrganiizatiionall cappitall. Thhe sttructture capiital conssistss of enteerpriise sstrattegy, entterprr
15、ise cultture, andd entterprrise struucturre. TThe ttranssferrring of sstrattegy capiital of ccongllomerrate mergeer caan taake tthe pproteectioon-moodel and commmensaalismms-moode. The trannsferrringg of cultture capiital of ccongllomerrate mergeer caan taake tthe sstronng-moodel and peneetrattion &
16、 seeparaationn-moddel. The enteerpriise oorgannizattionaal sttructture is eemboddied in the enteerpriises goveernannce sstruccturee, orrganiizatiionall strructuure aand tthe bbasicc proocesss strructuure. In aaddittion, thee mannagemment systtem eensurres tthe iinteggratiion oof goovernnancee strruc
17、tuure, proccess struucturre annd orrganiizatiion sstruccturee. The ccost of tthe mmanaggeriaal syynerggy efffectt in the congllomerrate mergeer cooncluudes premmium valuue, iinteggratiion ccostss andd pree-traansacctionn cossts. The riskk of the manaageriial ssynerrgy eeffecct inn thee Connglommerat
18、te Meergerr conncluddes iinterrnal riskks suuch aas thhe riisks in tthe pproceess oof trransfferriing oof thhe huuman capiital and struucturre caapitaal, aand eexterrnal riskks poosed by ppoliccy riisks, leggal rriskss andd inddustrry riisks. With the actuual ssituaationn of M & A acctiviitiess of t
19、he Chinnese enteerpriises, thiis arrticlle propposess thaat thhe reesultt of manaageriial ssynerrgy effeect iin congllomerrate mergeer acctiviitiess of the Chinnese enteerpriises is nnot ssatissfacttory. The rreasoon cooncluudes bothh thee maccro cconsttrainnts aand eenterrprisse innternnal ffactoor
20、s. In vview of tthesee prooblemms, tthe aarticcle putss forrwardd thee opttionaal sttrateegiess. Firsstly, maccroecconommic eenvirronmeent oof congllomerrate mergeer shhouldd be imprrovedd, inncludding the estaablisshmennt off entterprrise proppertyy rigghts markket, playying coorrdinaatingg rolle o
21、ff thee govvernmment in MM&A aactivvitiees, ddevellopinng annd reegulaatingg thee marrket inteermeddiariies. Secoondlyy, thhe ennterpprisees iinterrnal meassuress shoould be ttakenn, inncludding cleaaringg thee strrateggic ggoal of congglomeeratee mergeer, bbuildding ratiionall entterprrise orgaaniz
22、aationnal sstruccturee, ennhanccing humaan caapitaal trransfferriing eefficcienccy, aand cchoossing aa suiitablle trransfferriing mmodell of the enteerpriise ccultuure.Keywoords: congllomerrate mergeer, mannagerrial syneergy effeect, humaan caapitaal, sstruccturee cappitall 目 录第1章 绪绪论11.1 选选题背景及及研究意
23、义义11.1.11 选题背背景11.1.22 研究意意义21.2 相相关概念的的界定31.2.11 混合并并购31.2.22 管理协协同效应41.3 研研究方法及及文章结构构51.3.11 研究方方法51.3.22 本文结结构61.4 本本文的创新新之处8第2章 国国内外相关关理论综述述92.1 混混合并购的的理论综述述92.1.11 范围经经济理论92.1.22 多样化化经营理论论92.1.33 价值低低估理论102.1.44 交易费费用理论102.1.55 企业竞竞争战略理理论112.2 协协同效应的的理论综述述112.2.11 函数超超加性协同同效应122.2.22 价值链链协同效应应1
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- 企业 并购 混合 活动 管理模式 22301