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1、摘 要审判公开这这一原则起起源于资产产阶级革命命时期,是是针对封建建主义的司司法专横、秘秘密审判和和法官擅断断而提出来来的旨在保保障人权的的一项重要要思想。在在现代诉讼讼中,公开开审判作为为一项重要要制度,己己为法治国国家所普遍遍遵循。我我国亦在宪宪法、诉讼讼法等法律律中将公开开审判确认认为一项重重要法律制制度。尽管管如此,当当前在我国国对于公开开审判制度度的理论研研究仍然不不够深入,实实践中对这这一制度的的贯彻落实实也存在着着一些问题题。本文主主要从刑事事诉讼角度度,对我国国刑事公开开审判制度度中所存在在的某些理理论及实践践问题进行行探讨。刑事公开审审判制度作作为一项重重要的诉讼讼制度,能能
8、和和诉讼经济济原则。其其次提出了了具体的完完善措施。一一是在审判判过程的公公开中,要要建立庭前前的证据开开示制度:加强简易易程序的公公开;取消审委委会;取消二审审不开庭审审理;加强对死死刑复核程程序的公开等。二二是在审判判结果的公公开中,要要加强在判判决中对判判决理由的的论证,也也即加强判判决说理,做做到判理公公开。三是是在公开的的形式方面面,要增加加对庭审电电视直播的的限制,与与此同时还还要积极探探索其他公公开形式,尝尝试网络公公开审判。关键词:刑刑事诉讼, 审判制度度,公开审判判AbstrractThe pprincciplee of opeentriial origiinateed fr
9、om bourggeoissre vvoluttion periood.Itt wass an impoortannt thhinkiing ddireccted agaiinst the judiiciall arbbitraary, secrret ttriall and judgges monoopoliizingg powwer oof feeudallism in oorderr to guarranteee huuman righhts.In moodernn lawssuit,openntriaal as aan imporrtantt systeem has been foll
10、oowed by all counttriess whichh are goverrned by law.IIn ouur counttry in the consttituttion,proccedurral llaw aand ootherr rellevannt laaws, openn triial iis allso aaffirrmed as aan impoortannt syystemm. Thhis nnot withh stanndingg, att preesentt in our counntry the theooretiical studdy off opeen t
11、rrial systtem iis noot inn a ddeep-goinng waay, aand iin praccticee theere aare ssome probblemss durring the impllemenntatiion oof thhe oppen ttraill systtem. In tthe ppaperr somme thheoreeticaal annd prractiical probblemss conncernning the penaal oppen ttriall sysstem in oour ccounttry aare ddiscuu
12、ssedd.The ppenallopennt riialsyy steem assa nii mpoortanntli tigaationns ysstem hasbb eennwell receeivedd andd impplemeentedd by all counntriees inn thee worrld, and thiss is the inevvitabble trendd of the histtory,the inexoorabller eequirremennt of sociaal practtice of mankkind and espeeciallly tth
13、e ddevellopmeent oof liitigaationn praacticce.In thhe fiirst part of the papeer,thhe theorreticcal founddatioon and valuee of the systtem aare aapprooacheed. FFrom the anglle off theeory of ddemoccratiic addminiistraationn of aa couuntryy, thhe deeveloopmennt off demmocraatic poliiticss reqquirees t
14、hhe peenal openn triaal syystemm. Frrom tthe aanglee of humaan riightss theeory, to ensuure tthe rrightt of beiinginn th ek nnowoo fcii tizzenthh ep enallop eentr ialssy sttem iisd eeededd.Fr omt he anglle off thee theeory of pproceeduraal laaw, ffirsttly tthe aaim oof moodem penaal trrial requuires
15、s thaat thhe peenal triaal shhouldd be openn, seeconddly tthe oopennness of ppenall triaalis the basicc standdard and requiiremeent,tthirddly the impleementtatioon of a loot of ttriall priincipples requuire the penaal oppen ttriall sysstem. Thee dessign and appllicattion of aany ssysteem shhouldd ta
16、kke thhe reealizzatioon off cerrtainn vallue aas thheir basiic pooint and end-resuult, and the penaal oppen ttriall sysstem is nno exxcepttion.The valuues (suchh as fairr, orrder, effficieency, etcc.) wwhichh shoould be rrealiized by IV thepenall triall are exacttly the valuees whichh are pursuued b
17、y the penall openn triall systtem. The penaal oppen ttriall sysstem is ccloseely rrelatted tto faair, and the conccretee exprressiions of ttheirr rellatioon arre ass folllowss: thhe peenal openn triial ssysteem iss helppful to ppromoote tthe eequallity betwween the accuusantt andd thee acccusedd; th
18、he penaal oppen ttriall sysstem is hhelpfful tto ennsuree thee suffficiient partticippatioon inn thee triaal a tivvitiees of partiies in aactioon,thhe penall open triall systeem iss helpfful to tthe supeervission of tthe ppubliic too thee triial aactivvitiees. FFor tthe vvaluee of ordeer, ffrom one
19、side the penall open triall systeem is needeed to ssafegguardd the sociaal ordeer by meanns off pennal ttriall, annd frrom aanothher sside the penaal oppen ttriall sysstem is aalsonneedeed too saffeguaard tthe oorderr of penaal trrial itseelf. In ppenall triial, the fairr andd effiicienncy ooftenn c
20、laash wwith eachh othher, but the classh iss nott irrreconncilaable, andd the penaal oppen ttriall sysstem can playy an impoortannt roole iin thhe eqquiliibriuum betwween fair and effiicienncy.TThis is bbecauuse that throoug hits openlly desiggningg of proggram,not only the realiizatiion of the valu
21、ee of penall trialls efficcienccy can be prommotedd,butt also the happpeninng of the damagge of triall fair due to bblinddly purssue aan exxcesssivelly hiigh eefficcienccy caan bee preeventted.Sincee thee estabblishhmentt of penall open triall systeem inn the eightteentth centtury, it has fullly dee
22、velooped and becoome mmaturre. EEspecciallly thhe leegisllatioon of tthe ppenall opeen trrial systtem bby a lot of fforeiign ccounttriess posssessses vvery impoortannt reefereentiaal siignifficannce ffor oour ccounttry tto immplemment the penaal oppen triaal syystemm.In thhe seecondd part of the pap
23、eer,thhe generral situaationn of legisslatiion conccerniing tthe ppenall opeen trrial systtem iin fooreiggn coountrries is iintrooduceedemphaaticaally.Throough the invesstigaationn of openn triall docummentss of the Uniteed Natiions and the legiislattion conccerniing tthe ppenall opeen trrial systte
24、m oof Brritaiin,USA, Frannce, Germmany, Jappan, etc. Thee chaaractterissticss whiich sshoulld bee posssesseed byy moddern penaal oppen ttriall sysstem incllude the folllowinng foour aspeects: Thee objeccts of the opennnesss.Thee triall shouldd open to bboth the partiies in vacttion and the sociiety
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- 刑事 公开 审判 制度 32835