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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.国际知名品牌广告语欣赏2005-4-9 16:36:13 1 Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2 Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3 The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4 We lead Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5 Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6 Take t
2、ime to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7 The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8 Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9 Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)10To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩
3、尼诗酒)11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)18. Take TOSHIBA,
4、 take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)19. Lets make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)英文翻译:浪漫之都都巴黎22005-4-8 14:228:044 Ah, beaautifful PPariss. Foor ceenturries thiss citty haas atttraccted the admiiratiion oof thhe woorld. Thee alllur
5、e and charrm off Parris ccaptiivatee alll whoo vissit ttheree. 啊,美美丽的巴黎黎!几世纪纪来,这个个城市吸引引了整个世世界的崇拜拜。巴黎的的诱惑与魅魅力吸引了了所有到此此游玩的人人。 Wheere ccan yyou ddiscoover the charrm off Parris ffor yyoursself? Is it iin thhe leegacyy of all the Frennch rrulerrs whho woorkedd to beauutifyy theeir bbelovved ccity? Is it
6、 iin thhe faamouss casstless, paalacees, sstatuues aand mmonummentss, suuch aas thhe Eiiffell Toweer? CCan yyou ffind it iin thhe woorld-classs muuseumms, ssuch as tthe LLouvrre? PPerhaaps PPariss allluree liees inn thee zesst annd sttyle of tthe PParissianss. 你在哪哪里可以找找到巴黎对对你自己的的吸引力呢呢?是否是是在历任的的法国统治治
7、者们在美美化他所钟钟爱的城市市所留下來來的遗产里里?还是在在那些有名名的城堡、皇皇宫雕像和和纪念碑例例如艾菲尔尔铁塔之中中?你能否否在世界一一流的博物物馆,倒如如卢浮宫中中找着呢?或许巴黎黎的诱惑力力在于巴黎黎人的特殊殊品味和风风格。 Wheen yoou viisit Pariis, yyou ddontt havve too speend aall oof yoour ttime visiitingg musseumss andd monnumennts. Theyy aree cerrtainnly wworthhy off youur tiime, but ignoore tthem
8、for a daay. FFirstt takke soome ttime to llook arouund aand eexperriencce liife iin Paaris. Youull findd it charrmingg. 当你到到巴黎游玩玩时,別把把时间全都都花在看博博物馆和纪纪念碑上面面。它们当当然很值得得你花时间间,但今天天先忘掉它它们。首先先来四处看看看,并体体验一下巴巴黎的生活活。你会发发现它的迷迷人之处。 Takke a strooll aalongg thee Seiine Riveer. BBrowsse thhrouggh thhe arrt veendorr
9、s, ccolorrful painntinggs. PPeek throough deliicatee iroon gaates at tthe wwell-keptt garrdenss. Waatch clossely for the Frennch aattenntionn to detaail tthat has madee Fraance synoonymoous wwith goodd tasste. You willl seee it in tthe ddesiggn off a ddoorwway oor arrch aand iin thhe liittlee fouunt
10、aiins aand qquainnt baalconnies. No mattter wwheree youu loook, yyou wwill findd eveerydaay obbjectts trransfformeed innto wworkss by art. 沿著塞塞纳河漫步步。浏览艺艺术家们丰丰富色彩的的绘画,透透过那些精精致的铁门门,向內偷偷窺那些精精心照看的的花园。仔仔细留心法法国人对于于细节的留留心。这使使得法国成成为“好品品味”同义义字。你可可以在门廊廊或拱门以以及小喷泉泉和古怪有有趣的走廊廊的设计上上看见。不不管你往哪哪里看,你你都可以发发现日常物物品已经变变成了
11、艺术术品。 Speend ssome timee in a quuiet parkk rellaxinng onn an old bencch. LLie oon yoour bback on tthe ggreenn graass. Whenn youu neeed reefresshmennt, ttry ccoffeee annd paastriies aat a sideewalkk caffe. SStrikke upp a cconveersattion withh a PParissian. Thiis issnt alwaays eeasy, thoough. Witth su
12、uch aa larrge iinterrnatiionall poppulattion liviing iin Paaris, truue naativees arre haard tto fiind tthesee dayys. 花些时时间,在一一个安静的的公园里面面的旧板凳凳上轻松地地休息。躺躺在青草地地上。想吃吃点心的时时候,尝尝尝路边咖啡啡店的咖啡啡及点心。找找一个巴黎黎人展开一一段会话,但但这也不太太容易。有有这么大的的国际人口口居住在此此地。在这这个年头要要找到一个个真正当地地的巴黎人人是很难的的。 As evenning comees too Parris, enchhantm
13、ment risees wiith tthe mmist overr thee rivverfrront. Youu mayy heaar muusic fromm an outddoor conccert nearrby: classsicaal, jjazz, opeera oor chhansoons, thosse Frrenchh follk soongs. Parrisiaans llove theiir muusic. Thee staarry sky is ttheirr audditorrium. Youu cann alsso heear cconceerts in tth
14、e cchateeaux and cathhedraals. In PPariss thee Mussic nneverr endds. 巴黎到到了傍晚时时分,随着着码头上的的雾气升起起,巴黎的的诱惑力也也随之而起起。你也会会听到附近近室外音乐乐会所演奏奏的乐曲。古古典、爵士士、歌剧或或是香颂、即即法国的民民歌。巴黎黎人热爱自自己的音乐乐,繁星点点缀的天空空,就是他他们演奏的的大礼堂。你你也可以在在皇宫或教教堂里聆听听音乐会。在在巴黎,音音乐是不会会停止的。 Donnt mmiss the highhlighht off Parris eeveniing: eatiing oout. Pari
15、isianns arre prroud of ttheirr cuiisinee. Annd riightlly soo; itts wworldd fammous. Gouurmett dinning is oone oof thhe inndisppensaable joyss of liviing. You needd a sspeciial gguideebookk to helpp youu chooose one of tthe hhundrreds of eexcelllentt resstaurrantss. Thhe caapitaal off Fraance boassts
16、 eeveryy reggionaal sppeciaalty, cheeese and winee thee couuntryy hass to offeer. IIf yoou doont knoww whaat too ordder, ask for the sugggesteed meenu. The cheff likkes tto shhowcaase hhis bbest dishhes ttheree. Reemembber, you haveent tastted tthe ttrue flavvor oof Frrancee unttil yyouvve diined at
17、 aa Freench resttauraant iin Paaris. 別错过过了巴黎夜夜晚的高潮潮:下馆子子。巴黎人人对其烹饪饪非常骄傲傲。理当如如此,因为为它世界驰驰名。美食食本来就是是与生活享享乐不可分分割的。为为了帮你从从几百家绝绝佳的餐厅厅中作选择择,你需要要一本特別別的指南。法法国的首都都以各地的的特色风味味、乳酪和和酒著称于于世,如果果你不知道道要叫什么么,可以要要“推荐菜菜单”来看看。大厨喜喜欢在此将将他最拿手手的菜作一一番橱窗展展示。请记记住,在你你尚未在巴巴黎的法国国餐厅里吃吃过饭之前前,都不算算尝过法国国真正的风风味。 Aftter yyour gourrmet din
18、nner, takee a wwalkiing ttour of tthe fflooddlit monuumentts. CCrosss thee Ponnt Neeuf, the oldeest bbridgge inn thee citty, tto thhe Ille dee la Citee. Thhe moost ffamouus laandmaark oof Paaris loomms upp in fronnt off youu thee Nottre DDame Cathhedraal (CCatheedrall of Our Ladyy). SStandd in the s
19、quaare iin frront of tthe ccatheedrall. Heere, you are stanndingg in the centter oof Frrancee. Alll diistannces are meassuredd froom thhe frront of NNotree Damme. EEveryy roaad inn Fraance leadds too herr froont ddoor. Alll Freench kinggs annd leeaderrs haave jjournneyedd herre too commmemooratee im
20、pportaant ooccassionss andd givve thhankss. Nootre Damee is the hearrt off Parris aand tthe hheartt of Frannce. 在你的的美食晚餐餐之后,可可以到被聚聚光灯照耀耀的纪念碑碑去走一趟趟。穿过第第九桥(PPont Neuff)此城市市中最古老老的桥。到到达城市之之岛(Ille dee la Citee)。巴黎黎最有名的的标志即隐隐约地呈现现在你的面面前:圣母母院。站在在教堂前面面的广场。在在这里,你你即处于法法国的正中中心。所有有的距离皆皆是以圣母母院前门开开始计算。法法国的每一一条路都通
21、通往它的前前门。所有有的法国国国王或统治治者都曾经经旅游到此此来纪念重重要的节日日或感恩。圣圣母院是巴巴黎的中心心,也是法法国的中心心。 Youur viisit in PPariss hass onlly juust bbegunn. Yoouvee jusst sttarteed too disscoveer thhe chharm of tthis old cityy. Maay thhe reest oof yoour jjournney bbe unnforggettaable. Wheen itt is timee to leavve, yyou wwill go rrelucct
22、anttly. You willl sayy witth thhe Frrenchh, AA bieentott, Paaris, a bbienttot! (Seee yoou aggain soonn, Paaris!) 你的巴巴黎之旅才才刚刚开始始呢。你才才刚刚开始始发现这个个古老城市市的魅力。希希望你剩余余的旅程将将令你难以以忘怀。当当你该起程程回家时,你你会依依不不舍。然后后用法文说说道:“后后会有期,巴巴黎!” 英文标点符符号翻译大大全20005-7-26 44:08:37 + pllus加加号;正号号- mminuss减号;负号pluss or minuus正负负号iis muu
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