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3、简明生动动,引人人入胜,能能激发读读者的兴兴趣;开开门见山山,揭示示文章主主题,交交代写作作目的,唤唤起读者者情感上上的共鸣鸣。开头头段的写写作根据据不同的的题目可可采取不不同的方方法,常常用的几几种写作作方法请请参考本本章第三三节写出出稿部分分。方法法运用恰恰当,文文章的开开头段会会比平铺铺直叙更更引人入入胜,更更能激起起阅卷人人继续读读下去的的好奇心心和兴趣趣。2、开篇要要有气势势开篇的几句句话要有有爆发力力,充分分表现考考生的语语言水平平和写作作实力。因因此要把把平时积积累的优优秀句型型应用到到第一段段开篇,以以下是开开篇的经经典句式式:1) Reccenttly, stth. ( th
4、ee prrobllem of ) hass beeen brooughht tto ppubllic atttenttionn (hhas beccomee thhe ffocuus oof ppubllic conncerrn).2) Thheree iss a pubblicc coontrroveersyy noowaddayss ovver thee isssuee off . Thhosee whho oobjeect to aarguue tthatt . Buut ppeopple whoo faavorr , onn thhe ootheer hhandd, aarguue
5、tthatt. 3) Cuurreentlly (In reccentt yeearss / In thee paast feww yeearss), theere is (haas bbeenn) aa geenerral (wiidesspreead / ggrowwingg / widdelyy heeld) feeeliing towwardds (conncerrn ooverr / atttituude towwardds / trrendd toowarrds / bbeliief in).4) Thheree iss noo deenyiing/ dooubtt thhat B
6、uut 5) Annyonne wwho takkes a cclosser loook aat tthe datta iin tthe tabble/ grraphh caan bbe ssurpprissed to finnd tthatt 6) Noww itt iss coommoonlyy (wwideely / ggeneerallly / iincrreassinggly) beelieevedd (tthouughtt / helld /accceptted/ feelt / aacknnowlledgged) thhat . Butt I wonnderr (ddoubbt)
7、 wheetheer 7) Itt haas llongg beeen connsiddereed oonlyy riightt annd ppropper to (in Chiina).8) Ass opppossed to genneraallyy acccepptedd viiewss, II beelieeve thaat 9) Wiith thee deevellopmmentt off , vaast chaangees aawaiit oour colllegge sstuddentts (ourr soocieety/ ouur ccounntryy).10) WWhenn i
8、tt coomess too (FFaceed wwithh)., mmostt peeoplle (thee puubliic/ quiite a ffew peooplee) mmainntaiin (arggue/ coonteend) thhat., butt ottherr peeoplle cconcceivve ddifffereentlly.11) AA puubliic ddebaate hass arriseen aas tto (oveer/ conncerrninng)12) WWe oofteen ffindd ouurseelvees ccaugght (innvo
9、llvedd) iin aa diilemmma(窘境)wheetheer13) II aggreee wiith thee abbovee sttateemennt bbecaausee I bellievve tthatt . 14) AAs ffar as I aam cconccernned, hoowevver, I bellievve tthatt .15) OOn tthe surrfacce (At firrst thooughht), itt maay sseemm a souund (ann atttraactiive) suuggeestiion (sooluttionn
10、 / ideea), bbut on seccondd thhougght (onn clloseer aanallysiis), wee fiind thaat 二、中间段段论证充充分、流流畅自然然1、中间段段的写作作要点中间段的任任务是依依据开头头段所交交代的内内容来阐阐述文章章的论点点,围绕绕主题或或论点展展开讨论论,或就就具体要要求进行行描述和和说明。中间段段是文章章的正文文,其作作用是从从不同的的层面对对文章主主题进行行具体和和详实的的解释和和论证。中中间段篇篇幅一般般比开头头段和结结尾段长长,每段段有相应应的主题题句,包包含定义义、解释释、描写写等手法法,说明明主题思思想的扩扩展句
11、采采用实例例、数据据或个人人经历等等写作手手段,当当然不同同种类的的段落采采用不同同的扩展展手段,这这在第一一章的第第五节关于段落落的展开开方法部部分详细细讲过。中间段段要有以以下特点点:1)所所涉及内内容应该该准确、清清楚,颇颇具说服服力;2)段段落中一一定具备备主题句句(最好好放在句句首);3)段段落内容容应该保保持完整整、统一一,没有有说明不不足之处处或多余余冗长的的细节;4)内内容顺序序安排合合理,逻逻辑性较较强;5)段段落之间间连贯自自然; 6)段段落中讨讨论的内内容主次次分明,材材料比例例适当;7)词词与句型型运用合合理并且且有变化化。2、文文字通顺顺连贯,善善用过渡渡词或词词组英
12、语中中的过渡渡句和连连接词是是文章通通顺连贯贯的重要要标志,复复合句内内部必须须要有连连接词,有有时句子子之间也也需要连连接词,而而连接词词体现的的是句子子内部和和句子之之间严谨谨的逻辑辑和论证证推理关关系,是是英文语语言最大大的价值值之一。当当然段与与段之间间还需要要过渡句句或过渡渡词组来来加以联联系,以以达到通通顺之效效果。大大家如果果在写作作中恰当当应用过过渡词语语,会增增加文章章的可读读性,使使文章层层次分明明,以下下是我们们对写作作中英文文逻辑关关系以及及引导各各种逻辑辑关系连连接词和和词组的的归纳:1)总总结关系系过渡词词语genneraallyy sppeakkingg, gge
13、neerallly, ass a genneraal rrulee, iin ggeneerall, oon aa laargeer sscalle, to takke tthe ideea ffurttherr, iin aa seensee, iin aa waay, to somme eexteent, inn myy oppiniion, inn myy viiew, ass foor mme, as farr ass I am conncerrnedd, oobviioussly, unndouubteedlyy, iin ttermms oof, in conncluusioon,
14、 in shoort, inn brrieff, iin ssummmaryy, iin aa woord, onn thhe wwholle, to summ upp, tto cconccludde 2)比比较对比比关系过过渡词语语simmilaarlyy, llikeewisse, likke, tooo, eequaallyy immporrtannt, thee saame as, inn coommoon, in thee saame wayy, oon tthe conntraary, onn thhe oone hannd, on thee ottherr haand, ott
15、herrwisse, in shaarp conntraast, whhereeas, raatheer tthann, cconvversselyy, iinstteadd, iin/bby cconttrasst, butt, hhoweeverr, yyet, neeverrtheelesss 3)列列举关系系过渡词词语forr exxampple, foor iinsttancce, as an exaamplle, as a ccasee inn poointt, ssuchh ass, nnameely, thhat is, liike, thhus, fiirstt, sseco
16、ond, thhirdd, ffinaallyy, iin tthe firrst plaace, innitiiallly, firrst of alll, tto bbegiin wwithh, tto sstarrt wwithh, wwhatt iss moore, fuurthhermmoree, eevenntuaallyy, bbesiidess, iin aaddiitioon (to thaat), fiirstt annd fforeemosst, lasst bbut nott leeastt, nnextt, aalsoo, mmoreeoveer, forr onne
17、 tthinng, forr annothher 4) 因果关关系过渡渡词语beccausse (oof), ass, ssincce, forr, oowinng tto, duee too, tthannks to, onn acccouunt of, ass a ressultt off, rresuult in (frrom), cconssequuenttly, foor tthe reaasonn thhat, ass a connseqquennce, coonseequeentlly, it folllowws tthatt, aaccoordiinglly, theereff
18、oree, hhencce 5) 让步关关系过渡渡词语altthouugh, evven thooughh, aafteer aall, inn sppitee off, ddesppitee, ggranntedd thhat.6) 强调关关系过渡渡词语anyywayy, ccerttainnly, suurelly, obvviouuslyy, tto bbe ssuree, eespeeciaallyy, ppartticuularrly, abbovee alll, inddeedd, iin ffactt, eevenn woorsee, nneeddlesss tto ssay,
19、moost impporttantt off alll, no douubt7) 递进关关系in addditiion, fuurthhermmoree, aalsoo, mmoreeoveer, bessidees, agaain, annd, likkewiise, whhats mmoree8) 时间顺顺序aftterwwardds, at lasst, at lenngthh, iimmeediaatelly, in thee meeanttimee, llateely, meeanwwhille, preesenntlyy, sshorrtlyy, ssincce, sooon, t
20、emmporrariily, thhereeaftter, whhilee9) 方位序序列in froont of, beesidde, beyyondd, aabovve, bellow, innsidde, outtsidde, on thee leeft, onn thhe rrighht, oppposiite, neext to. 100) 方方式手段段as, ass iff, aas tthouugh, thhe wway,bby11) 目的的关系so thhat, thhat, leest, inn caase, foor ffearr thhat, inn orrderr th
21、hat3、套用核核心句型型,打造造精彩段段落中间段如果果套用一一些句型型引出主主题句和和各个扩扩展句,会会使文章章层次更更加分明明、眉清清目秀。常常用的的的核心句句型归纳纳如下,大大家可根根据自己己的习惯惯和需要要选择使使用:1) Allthooughh thhe ppopuularr beelieef iis tthatt , a currrennt(nnew / rreceent)sstuddy(ssurvvey / ppolll / invvesttigaatioon)iindiicattes(sshowws / deemonnstrratees)tthatt .2) Thee innc
22、reeasee (cchannge / ffailluree / succcesss) in mmainnly (laargeely / pparttly) reesullts froom (ariisess frrom / iis bbecaausee off) .3) Thee inncreeasee (cchannge / ffailluree / succcesss) in iis ddue to (owwingg too / atttribbutaablee too) tthe facct tthatt .4) Thheree arre mmanyy(diiffeerennt / s
23、eeverral /a nummberr off / a vvariietyy off)caausees (reaasonns) forr thhis draamattic (maarkeed / siigniificcantt) ggrowwth (chhangge / deecliine / iincrreasse) in . Firrstlly, . Secconddly, . Fiinallly, .5) Whhy aare (iss / do / ddid) ? Foor oone thiing, . Foor aanottherr, . 6) Annothher reaasonn
24、whhy II diispuute thee abbovee sttateemennt iis tthatt . 7) Thheree arre nnumeerouus rreassonss whhy , aand I sshalll hheree exxploore onlly aa feew oof tthe mosst iimpoortaant onees. 8) It willl eexerrt (havve / prroduuce) prrofooundd (ffar-reaachiing / rremaarkaablee / connsidderaablee / bennefiic
25、iaal / faavorrablle / unndessiraablee / dissasttrouus) efffectt (iinflluennce) onn .9) A mmulttituude of facctorrs ccoulld aaccoountt foor (conntriibutte tto / leead to / rresuult in / iinflluennce) thhe cchannge (inncreeasee / deccreaase / ssucccesss / faiilurre / deevellopmmentt) iin .10) Inn 2000
26、0, itt inncreeaseed (rosse / juumpeed / shhot up) frrom 5 tto 110 pperccentt off thhe ttotaal (to 15 perrcennt / byy 155 peerceent).11) Byy coompaarisson witth 220022, iit ddecrreassed (drroppped / ffelll) ffromm 100 too 5 perrcennt (to 15 perrcennt / byy 155 peerceent).12) AAccoordiing to a (an) re
27、ecennt (neww / offficiial) sttudyy (ssurvvey / rrepoort / ppolll), .13) Hiistoory (Ouur ssociietyy) iis ffillled (abbounnds) wiith thee exxamppless off .14)Thee sttoryy (ccasee / insstannce / ssituuatiion) is nott raare (issolaatedd / uniiquee), it is onee off maany exaamplles (tyypiccal of dozzenss
28、).15) A reccentt sttudyy coonduucteed aat aa unniveersiity by sciienttistts iindiicattes (reeveaals / ssugggestts / shhowss /ddemoonsttrattes) thhat .16) Acccorrdinng tto (As cann bee seeen in / AAs iis sshowwn iin) thee fiigurres (sttatiistiics / ggrapph / taablee) rreleeaseed bby tthe govvernnmenn
29、t, it cann bee leearnned (seeen / ppreddictted) thhat .17) Wee muust admmit thee unndenniabble facct tthatt .18) Noo onne ccan denny (ignnoree / douubt / ooverrloook /bruush asiide) thhe ffactt thhat . 199) TThe samme iis ttruee off . 20) AAs tthe sayyingg gooes, “.”三、结尾段段要有特特色1、使用特特殊句式式文章的结尾尾不好,苍苍白
30、平淡淡,会给给人虎头头蛇尾的的感觉,很很有可能能因为一一句话而而减弱前前面的文文采印象象,所以以要有意意识的安安排一个个闪光点点在结尾尾,让阅阅卷老师师读到结结尾时眼眼睛一亮亮。我们们可以通通过强调调句、倒倒装句、使使用虚拟拟语气的的句子、平平行结构构等特殊殊句式来来达到这这一目的的。例如如:(1) IIn cconcclussionn, iit iis tthe peaasannts whoo arre pplayyingg ann esssenntiaal rrolee inn thhe cconsstruuctiion of thee ciitiees, thuus wwe sshouu
31、ld plaace morre eemphhasiis oon ttheiir llivees iinstteadd off deespiisinng tthemm. (强强调句) (2) OOnlyy inn thhis wayy caan llaidd-offf wworkkerss coomplleteely shrrug offf pooverrty andd reegaiin ttheiir ddignnityy inn liife. (倒倒装句)(3) GGiveen aall thee abbovee arrgummentts, it is higgh ttimee thhat
32、thee auuthoorittiess ennforrcedd soome refformms tto cconvvertt trradiitioonall edducaatioon sstraateggiess innto quaalitty-oorieenteed eeduccatiion. (虚虚拟)(4) IIn sshorrt, we cann ammusee ouurseelvees bby llistteniing to mussic of alll scchoools andd alll pperiiodss, olld aand neww, coonseervaativve
33、 aand moddernn. (平平行结构构)结尾段是文文章的总总结和主主题思想想的升华华,它就就起到再再次肯定定和强调调主题的的作用。好好的结尾尾段应简简短有力力,言简简意赅,意意味深长长。总之之,文章章的结尾尾应该遵遵循两条条原则:一是照照应开头头;二是是总结全全文,给给读者一一个完整整的印象象。和文文章的开开头一样样,文章章的结尾尾方法也也是多种种多样的的,而非非千篇一一律。常常见方法法请参考考第三节节写出稿稿部分。2、套套用经典典句型,干干脆利落落收尾结尾段篇幅幅不长却却在全文文中起着着非常重重要的作作用,如如果套用用一些经经典句型型来对全全篇进行行总结、归归纳或提提出结论论性的观观
34、点,会会显得更更加干脆脆利落。现现将常用用的收尾尾核心句句型归纳纳如下,大大家可根根据自己己的习惯惯和需要要选择使使用:1) Froom wwhatt haas bbeenn diiscuusseed aabovve (Takkingg innto acccounnt aall theese facctorrs / Juudgiing froom aall eviidenncess offferred), wwe mmay saffelyy drraw (reeachh / comme tto / arrrivve aat) thee cooncllusiion thaat .2) Alll
35、thhe eeviddencces suppporrt (jusstiffiess / connfirrms / ppoinnts to) a (ann) uunshhakaablee (ssounnd / juust) cooncllusiion thaat .3) It is higgh ttimee thhat we plaace (laay / puut) greeat (sppeciial / cconssideerabble) emmphaasiss onn thhe iimprroveemennt (devveloopmeent / iincrreasse / prromooti
36、oon) of .4) It is higgh ttimee thhat we putt ann ennd tto tthe deeep-sseatted (unnheaalthhy / unndessiraablee ) sittuattionn (ttenddenccy / phhenoomennon)oof . 5) Theere is no eassy (immmediiatee / efffecttivee) ssoluutioon (appproaach / aanswwer / rremeedy) too thhe pprobblemm off , buut miightt be
37、e ussefuul (hellpfuul / beenefficiial).6) No eassy mmethhod (sooluttionn / reccipee / remmedyy) ccan be fouund to sollve(rresoolvee / taccklee)thhe pprobblemm off , buut tthe commmonn reealiizattionn off thhe iimpoortaancee (ssignnifiicannce)oof miightt bee thhe ffirsst sstepp toowarrds chaangee. 7)
38、 Foolloowinng tthesse mmethhodss maay nnot guuaraanteee tthe succcesss iin, buut tthe payy-offf wwilll bee woorthh thhe eeffoort. 8) Obvviouuslyy(Cllearrly / NNo ddoubbt), iff wee iggnorre(aare bliind to)tthe proobleem, theere is eveery chaancee thhat .9) Unnlesss ttherre iis aa coommoon rreallizaat
39、ioon oof , iit iis vveryy liikelly(tthe chaancees aare) that .10) Thheree iss liittlle ddoubbt(nno ddenyyingg)thhat serriouus(sspecciall / adeequaate / iimmeediaate / ffurttherr) aatteentiion musst bbe ccallled(ppaidd / devvoteed)tto tthe proobleem oof .11) Itt iss neecesssarry(eesseentiial / ffundd
40、ameentaal)tthatt efffecctivve aactiion shoouldd bee taakenn too prreveent (coorreect / eend / ffighht)tthe sittuattionn (ttenddenccy / phhenoomennon).12) Itt iss hoopedd thhat greeat efffortts sshouuld be madde tto cconttroll(chheckk/ hhaltt / proomotte)tthe groowthh (iincrreasse / riise)oof .13) It
41、t iss hoopedd thhat greeat efffortts sshouuld be dirrectted to(eexpeendeed oon / foocussed on)ffinddingg (ddeveeloppingg / impprovvingg).14) Annyhoow, morre eeduccatiion(ppublliciity)sshouuld be givven to thee poossiiblee(pootenntiaal / grravee /sseriiouss)coonseequeencees(eeffeectss)off .15) FFor t
42、hee reeasoons givven aboove, I feeel tthatt .四、妙用英英语词汇汇或短语语1、巧用近近义词,小词变大词 作文构思好好以后,句意、句型已基本确定,在动笔之前,要考虑一下句中的一些词可不可以换用和它们同义的更高级更文雅的词汇或短语来代替?在准确性的基础上,小词稍变大,会使写出的句子显得灵活、生动而优美。英语中的同义词虽然有些许差异,但在很多情况下是可以互换的。以下是35个经典的替换词供大家参考。1) inndivviduualss, ccharractterss, ffolkks代替替 peeoplle, perrsonns2) poosittivee,
43、 ffavoorabble, prromiisinng (有希望望的),pperffectt, ppleaasurrablle , exxcelllennt, outtstaandiing代代替goood 3) drreaddfull, uunfaavorrablle, pooor, advversse(有有害的)代替bbad 如果badd做表语语,可以以用be lesss iimprresssivee代替 eg. AAn aarmyy off coolleege stuudennts inddulgge tthemmsellvess inn pllayiing gammes, ennjoyy
44、ingg roomannce witth ggirlls/bboyss orr kiilliing timme ppasssiveely in theeir dorrms. Whhen it appproaachees tto ggradduattionn, aas aa reesullt, theey ffindd thheirr accadeemicc reecorrds aree leess imppresssivve. 4) ann arrmy of, ann occeann off, aa seea oof, a mmulttituude of, a greeat nummberr
45、off, mmanyy, iif nnot mosst)代代替maany. 注:用maany, iff noot mmostt一定要要小心,mmanyy后一定定要有词词。 Eg. Maany inddiviiduaals, iff noot mmostt, hharbbor thee iddea thaat.同理用用mosst, if nott alll, 代替mmostt. 5) a sslicce oof, quiiet a ffew, seeverral代代替soome 6) haarboor tthe ideea tthatt, ttakee thhe aattiitudde tthatt, hholdd thhe vvieww thhat, itt iss wiidelly ssharred thaat, it is uniiverrsallly ackknowwleddgedd thhat代代替thhinkk (因因为是书书面语,所所以要加加thaat) 7) afffaiir, bussineess, maatteer代替替thiing 8) shhareed代替替commmonn 99)reeap hugge ffruiits代代替geet mmuchh beeneff