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1、资产专用性与员工薪酬的关系研究普通员工薪酬是一个广受社会各界关注的议题。当前通过拉动内需抵御经济危机的呼声再次将公众的焦点集中到了普通员工的薪酬。普通员工的薪酬由什么因素来决定,是理论界和实务界关注的重要问题。来自资料搜索网() 海量资料下载国内外对薪酬的的研究集中于于对经理人薪薪酬的研究,这这是因为对高高管薪酬的研研究有较为明明确的理论基基础委托代理理理论,其逻逻辑是通过对对经理人员薪薪酬契约的设设计,尽可能能使经理人和和股东的利益益相一致,从从而使得经理理为股东利益益服务。以这这一理论为依依据,众多的的文献研究了了高管薪酬契契约的影响因因素,如探讨讨公司业绩、公公司规模、资资本结构、行行业
5、是在薪酬水平平较高的区间间,由于工资资性薪酬受到管制制等可能的原原因,从而导导致只有非工工资性薪酬随着企业业资产专用性性的提高而提提高。本文同时研究了了制度环境对对上述结论的的影响。我们们发现:(1)资产专用用性与员工薪薪酬之间的正正相关关系,在在市场竞争强强度高的行业业中更为显著著;(2)资产专用用性与员工薪薪酬之间的正正相关关系,在在市场化程度度高也就是劳劳动力流动更更加便利的地地区中更为显显著。本文从产权经济济学的资产专专用性理论,为为普通员工的的薪酬决定机机理建立了理理论框架,并并用实证数据据初步验证了了这一框架。关键词: 职职工薪酬 非工资性薪薪酬 资产产专用性 市场化水平平 产品市
6、市场竞争强度度The Efffect oof Assset Sppecifiicity on Emmployeee SallaryAbstracctNon-mannageriial emmployeee sallary iis a ttopic that peoplle payy closse atttentioon to. Currenntly, the ppublicc focuus on it aggain bbecausse proomotinng dommesticc demaand iss deemmed ass an eeffecttive wway too resiist th
7、he gloobal ffinanccial ccrisiss. To find out tthe deetermiinantss of sstuff salarry is a criiticall probblem bboth iin theeory aand inn pracctice.Most reesearcch in the ffield of coompenssationn is aabout managgementt comppensattion. Becauuse thhere iis a cclear theorry to explaain maanagemment ccom
8、pennsatioon conntractt - tthe Prrincippal-aggent TTheoryy. Its loogic iis: ennterprrises shoulld dessign mmanageers comppensattion ccontraact inn suchh a maanner that managgers proofit wwill bbe coiincidee withh thatt of tthe sttockhoolders. Baased oon thiis theeory, a greeat nuumber of arrticlees a
9、pppearedd to sstudy the ddetermminantts of managgementt comppensattion ccontraact. FFor exxamplee, howw doess enteerprisse sizze, caapitall struucturee, inddustryy charracterristiccs, goovernmment bbehaviior, mmanageers agee, tennure pperiodd, fouunder or suuccesssor innfluennce coompenssationn cont
10、tract.Researcches oon nonn-manaageriaal empployeee salaary arre a llot feewer tthan oon mannagemeent coompenssationn; a cruucial reasoon is that theree is nnot a clearr theoory too expllain iit. Thhe Priincipaal-ageent Theoryy is usselesss in eexplaiining stafff salaary allthouggh it can eexplaiin m
11、annagemeent coompenssationn reallly weell. PPeoplee geneerallyy beliieve ffactorrs succh as indusstry aand prrovincce havve an impacct on emplooyee ssalaryy, howwever, theooreticcal frramewoork haas nott beenn set up too anallyze ddetermminantts of non-mmanageerial emplooyee ssalaryy conttract yet.
12、Our stuudy iss baseed on Assett Speccificiity Thheory, whicch is an immportaant paart off Propperty Rightss Theoory. WWe atttempt to seet up a fraameworrk to analyyze whhich ffactorrs inffluencce nonn-manaageriaal empployeee salaary coontracct.Our stuudy beegins with a disscussiion abbout aasset spe
13、ciificitty by Williiamsonn. Then we conttinue to annalyzee the mechaanism of thhe efffect oof assset sppecifiicity on emmployeee sallary, our llogic is ass folllows: the eenterpprise need to innvest in sppeciallized assetts to win in the fiercce commpetittion iin prooduct markeet. Ennterprrise nneed
14、 tto invvest iin speecialiized hhuman capittal soo thatt the speciializeed asssets aare fuully eemployyed. BBut thhis dooes noot meaan botth parrties- thee enteerprisse andd the emplooyeemmutuall holdd-up, actuaally, as emmployeee cann shifft to a neww job, and adaptt to aa new envirronmennt rellati
15、veely eaasier, enteerprisse hass to ppay itts empployeee moree premmiums to leet himm stayy, or its innvestmment iin speecialiized aassetss coulld nott be rrecoveered. Thereefore, we dderivee our essenntial hypotthesiss: empployeee salaary iss highher inn enteerprisses wiith moore sppeciallized asse
16、tts.The neww “Acccountiing Sttandarrd forr Enteerprisses” oof Chinaa requiires listeed commpaniees to discllose detaiiled inforrmatioon aboout sttaff rremuneeratioon payabbles ssince Januaary 1sst, 20007, tthis nnew reegulattion pproviddes uss withh dataa for empirrical analyysis.Our emppiricaal res
17、searchh on llistedd comppaniess of SShanghhai annd Sheenzhenn stocck marrkets suppoorts oour hyypotheesis tto somme exttent: when emplooyee ssalaryy is nnot hiigh (nno morre thaan 80,000 pper yeear, mmakingg up aabout 75% oof thee wholle sammple), emplloyee salarry is higheer in enterrprisees withh
18、moree speccializzed asssets.Furtherrmore, we ffind tthat iif we separrate nnon-waage (wwelfarre et al.) incomme froom wagge inccome, then the ffollowwing cconcluusion is trrue inn the wholee sampple: eemployyee noon-wagge inccome iis higgher iin entterpriises wwith mmore sspeciaalizedd asseets.Our c
19、onnclusiions iindicaate thhat saalary contrract ccould be coompliccated to emmployeee: whhen saalary is noot higgh, tootal ssalaryy and non-wwage ssalaryy incrreasess whenn speccializzed asssets are iinvestted inn; wheen sallary iis higgh, onnly noon-wagge sallary iincreaases wwhen sspeciaalizedd as
20、seets arre invvestedd in. One possiible rreasonn for this phenoomenonn is tthat wwage iincomee is rrestriicted when it iss at hhigh llevel. We alsoo pay attenntion to thhe efffect oof insstituttionall enviironmeent onn the abovee empiiricall resullts, and wwe finnd thaat:(1)The posittive rrelatiion
21、beetweenn asseet speecificcity aand emmployeee sallary iis strrongerr in iindusttries wheree prodduct mmarkett comppetitiion iss moree inteense;(2) Thee posiitive relattion bbetweeen assset sppecifiicity and eemployyee saalary is sttrongeer in areass wherre labbor maarket is weell deevelopped.In thi
22、ss artiicle, we seet up a theeoretiical fframewwork tto anaalyze deterrminannt mechaniism off non-managgeriall emplloyee salarry conntractt baseed on Assett Speccificiity Thheory, whichh is aa partt of PProperrty Rightss Econommics, and oour emmpiriccal reesultss alsoo prove iit bassicallly.Key Worr
23、ds: EEmployyee saalary Non-wage salarry Assset sspecifficityy Extentt of markettizatiion IIntenssity oof prooduct compeetitioon目录第一章 引言言1第一节 研究究内容及意义义1第二节 研究究方法与创新点3第三节 论文文结构3第二章 文献献回顾5第一节 关于于薪酬的文献献回顾5一、职工薪酬释释义5二、关于高管薪薪酬的研究5三、关于普通员员工薪酬的研研究7第二节 关于于资产专用性的文文献回顾8第三章 制度度背景分析与与研究假说的提出10第一节 制度度背景分析10一、我国的薪
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- 资产 专用 员工 薪酬 关系 研究 DOC58 57691