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1、ConciiergeeDear teamm memmber,Firsttly, a veery wwarm welccome to tthe CCrownne Pllaza Shennzhenn as partt of Fronnt Offficee Deppartmment. Ourr keyy to succcess depeends veryy mucch onn youur poositiive aattittude, creeativve fllair and eye to ddetaiils. We aare ccommiittedd to deveelop peopple tth
2、rouugh kknowlledgee enllargiing, skilll trrainiing aand wworkfforcee mottivattion. Youur reemarkkablee conntribbutioon inn Froont OOfficce Deeparttmentt willl bee greeatlyy apppreciiatedd.真诚欢迎您您加入深圳圳威尼斯皇皇冠假日酒酒店,成为为酒店前厅厅部的成员员。你们积积极的工作作态度,创创造性的思思维及细致致周到的服服务,将是是我们取得得成功的关关键因素。我我们激励员员工通过不不断的学习习和培训,来来丰富专业
3、业知识,改改善服务技技巧,提高高劳动生产产力,最终终取得整体体前厅部的的成功。I wissh yoou a pleaasantt andd fruuitfuul woorkinng exxperiiencee at Fronnt Offficee Deppartmment.祝愿您在这这个团队里里工作愉快快,并获得得宝贵的工工作经历。Yourss truuly,此致TABLEE OF CONTTENTSSPart 1Welccome Lettter FFrom Direectorr of Roomms Pagee 02Depaartmeentall Orgganizzatioon Chhart
4、Pagee 04Part 2 Jobb desscripptionn Pagee05 Cheeck LList Pagee08Part 3 Staandarrd Opperatting ProccedurresConciiergeel Transsporttatioon Chheck ListtPagee 16l Airpoort PPick up aand ssend off handdlingg Pagee 21l Room ChannginggPagee 26l Checkk In and Checck Ouut Luuggagge Prroceddure Pagee 28l Lugga
5、age RRoom and Storrage Proccedurre Pagee 33l Newsppaperr Delliverry Pagee 36l Guestts MMail Parccel & Pacckagee Pagee 39l Stackking of LLuggaage OOn CaartPagee 41l Groupp Lugggagee Hanndlinng Pagee 43l Hold For Pickk UpPagee 45l Paginng SeerviccePagee 47Transsporttatioonl Transsporttatioon Chheck Li
6、sttPagee 16l Airpoort PPick up aand ssend off handdlingg Pagee 21l Driveers Rulee Pagee 49l Driveers ExpeensessPagee 52l Vehiccle MMileaagePagee 53l Vehiccle MMainttenannce Pagee 54Part 4 Ackknowlledgeementt lettter by eemplooyeePagee 57FRONTT OFFFICE ORGAANIZAATIONN CHAARTJOB DDESCRRIPTIION工作职责描描述J
7、ob TTitlee: Concciergge Suupervvisorr职位:礼宾部主主管LOCATTION:CROWWNE PPLAZAA SHEENZHEENDIJJON HHOTELL SHAANGHAAI工作场所:深圳威尼尼斯皇冠假假日酒店帝帝璟丽致大大酒店Deparrtmennt:Fronnt Offficee部门:房务部/前厅部Respoonsibble tto:Chieff Conncierrge有责任于: 礼宾宾部经理前前厅部经理理Respoonsibble ffor:负责:BBell Boy行李员Door girll门童Job SSummaary: To ensuure t
8、he smoooth opeeratiion of thee Cooncieerge daiily ooperaationn ,Belll Serrviceetrannsporrtatiion ,ensuuringg maxximumm gueest ssatissfacttion.确保礼宾部部每天正常常运做,行行李及车辆辆服务顺畅畅运作,保保障客人最最大满意服服务。MAIN DUTIIES PPERSOONNELL主要职责责:1. Read the concciergge shhift Log-Bookk, chheck if ssome thinngs wwhichh lasst shhi
9、ft leftt neeed too be folllow uup.查看礼宾部部交班本,查查看上一个个班有没留留下需要跟跟进的事情情。2. Checkk thee traanspoortattion dailly arrranggemennt nooticee boook, iif guuest bookks aiirporrt piick uup orr droop offf, wwe shhouldd cheeck aand mmake suree thee minnerall wattel, handd towwel, newsspapeer weere wwell set up iin
10、sidde thhe hootel vehiicle befoore tthey go tto aiirporrt foor piickinng guuest or ssendiing gguestt, maake ssure the guesst ss namme(innclussive gendder) whicch tyyped on tthe ppaperr is corrrectlly. BBesiddes ppay mmore atteentioon: ccheckk thee fliightss cllear infoormattion, musst bee fammiliaar
11、 wiith aairpoort stattus. As wwe knnow, therre arre twwo teerminnals at SShenZZhen airpport. Difffereence fligght nnumbeer wiith tthe ddiffeerencce teerminnal ffor aarrivval aand ddeparrturee, REEMEMBBER: for airpport dropp offf serrvicee, wee shoould get the cleaar fllightt nummber fromm gueest oor
12、 ouur maanageementt. Esspeciial ffor fforeiignerrs wee musst paass tthe cclearr infformaationn to our drivver. 检查车辆日日常安排本本,如果有有客人预定定接机或送送机服务,我我们要确保保在接机或或送机之前前在酒店车辆辆内部放好好矿泉水,酒酒店毛巾,和和报纸。确确认客人的的姓名(包包括性别)在在接机纸上上是否正确确。除此之之外还要注注意确认清清楚航班信信息,一定定要熟悉机机场情况。我我们知道在在深圳上海机场有有两个侯机机楼,不同同的航班号号码在不同同的侯机楼楼登机和离离开。备注注:特别是
13、是送机服务,我我们要从客客人或经理理那里知道道确切的航航班信息,特特别是外国国客人我们们要把正确确信息告诉诉我们的司司机。3. Checkk thee traanspoortattion dailly arrranggemennt nooticee boook, iif guuest bookks Feerry pickk up or ddrop off, we shouuld ccheckk andd makke suure tthe mminerral wwatell, hannd toowel newsspapeer weere wwell set up iinsidde thhe ho
14、otel vehiicle befoore tthey go tto Feerry. Theere aare ttwo FFerriies iin ShhenZhhen, one is SSheKoou Feerry whicch iss poppularr onee. Annotheer iss FuYYong Ferrrythaat iss clooser to ShennZhenn airrportt. REEMEMBBER: we mmust get the cleaar innformmatioon frrom tthe rrequeesterr andd shaare tthe i
15、inforrmatiion wwith drivver.检查每天车车辆安排本本,如果有有客人预定定的码头接接送服务,我我们要在酒酒店车辆离离开酒店之之前在基点点车辆内部部放好矿泉泉水,毛巾巾和报纸。在在深圳上海有两个个码头,一一个是蛇口口码头。另另外一个是是福永码头头很靠近深深圳上海机场。备注注:我们要要给酒店司司机清楚的的信息。4. Checkk andd makke suure aall tthe ttranssporttatioon orrder weree welll arrrangged aand aall tthe ttranssporttatioon chhargee werre
16、 doone iin prroperr wayy.确保所有的的用车已经经安排好,并并准备好把把车辆费用用入到客人人的房费里里并做好记记录。5. Checkk thee lugggagee stooragee rooom, rreconnfirmm lugggagee amoount accoordinng too stooragee conntroll sheeet,检查礼宾部部行李房,再再次确认行行李数量依依照行李寄寄存控制表表。6. Checkk thee daiily aarrivval llist and depaarturre liist.检查每天住住房和退房房登记。7. Check
17、k thee VIPP arrrivall, deepartture, andd in housse liist, checck thhe hootel longg staayingg gueest aaccorrdingg to Dailly Acctiviity RReporrt , makee surre alll off VIPP roooms aand LLSG rroomss werre seend ppropeerly newsspapeer onn timme acccordding to ttheirr nattionaalityy or histtory/habiit查看每
18、天贵贵宾到达,离离开和在店店情况,查查看长住客客人情况依依照每天实实际报表,确确保每个贵贵宾和长住住客依照国国籍或客史史/习惯收收到相应的的报纸。8. Checkk thee daiily ffuncttion repoort, makee surre alll off conncierrge sstafff knoow thhe deetaills meeetinng veenue.查看每天会会议报表,确确保所有礼礼宾部行李李员知道详详细的会议议地点。9. Checkk thee staaff appeearannce aand tthe aattenndancce off shiift.查
19、看当班员员工仪容及及出勤。10. Checkk thee cleeanliinesss of all the lugggage trollley, cheeck tthe uumbreella par stocck, ccheckk wheeel cchairr sttatuss.检查所有的的行李车是是否干净,检检查雨伞的的数量和轮轮椅的情况况。11. Checkk thee cleeanliinesss andd tiddinesss off lugggagee stooragee rooom annd cooncieerge servvice counnter.检查行李房房和礼宾部部柜台是
20、否否干净整洁洁。12. Checkk thee cleeanliinesss of the hoteel maain eentraance, cheeck tthe ccleannlineess oof hootel vehiicle, insside and outsside, smeell ffreshh insside.检查酒店大大门口是否否干净,检检查所有酒酒店车辆外外面和里面面是否干净净,气味是是否新鲜。13. Checkk thee staationnary. Cheeck cconciiergee opeeratiion fformss.查看礼宾部部日常运做做表。14. Chec
21、kk andd makke suure sstafff knoow alll thhe meemo aand iinforrmatiion, pushh staaff tto reead cconciiergee loggbookk.检查并确保保所有的员员工知道备备忘录的信信息,监督督员工看礼礼宾部交接接班本。15. Checkk andd makke suure aall tthe mmessaage, fax, andd intternaal innformmatioon weere ddelivveredd andd reccordeed inn prooper way.检查并确保保所有
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- 深圳 威尼斯 皇冠 假日酒店 礼宾 新员工 培训 手册 27785