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1、ABSTRACT论 文 题 目:我国上市公司现金流风险对企业价值影响研究学 科 专 业:会计计硕士学位申请人人姓名:导 师 姓 名:摘 要对于企业来来说,其良良好的生存存和发展,都都离不开现现金流的支支持,现金金流与企业业的投融资资活动密切切相关,企企业现金流流风险管理理的情况不不仅代表着着一个企业业的支付能能力,更是是代表了企企业未来风风险抵御能能力的强弱弱。无论是是何种类型型的企业,都都不能忽视视现金流的的管理,即即便是高利利润的企业业,也有可可能因为现现金流短时时间内的短短缺而出现现运营上的的困难,甚甚至破产。企企业自身的的价值高低低以及它生生产经营的的情况如何何在一定程程度上取决决于其
5、;企业价值值;论文类型:专题研究究Titlee: The Reseerch intoo thee Imppact of CCash Floww Rissk onn Chiinas Liistedd CommpaniiesSpeciialitty orr Proofesssionaal Fiieldss:Masster of PProfeessioonal AccoountiingAppliicantt:Superrvisoor:ABSTRRACTCash floww is impoortannt foor thhe suurvivval aand ddevellopmeent oof ann
6、entterprrise; it is ccloseely rrelatted tto thhe coompannys inveestmeent aand ffinanncingg acttivitties. Thee sittuatiion oof caash fflow riskk mannagemment willl nott onlly reepressent the paymment abillity of aan ennterpprisee, itt alsso reepressentss thee futture streengthh of a coompanny inn res
7、sistiing rrisk. No mattter wwhat typee of busiinesss, wee cann nott ignnore the manaagemeent oof caash fflow, evenn higghly proffitabble ccompaaniess; thhey mmay hhave operratioonal diffficulltiess beccausee of a shhortaage oof caash fflow, evenn bannkrupptcy. Thee vallue aand ooperaationn of a coom
8、panny allso llargeely ddepennds oon thhe sttatuss of cashh floow. CCash floww is a prrereqquisiite ffor llong-termm devveloppmentt of a coompanny. OOnce enteerpriises havee enccountteredd diffficuultiees inn extternaal fiinanccing and havee shoortagge inn cassh, tthe wwholee entterprrise willl encco
9、untter ddiffiicultties. Thee inccome stattemennts oof a comppany is eeasieer too mannipullate compparedd to cashh floow sttatemment.Althhoughh thee boook prrofitt andd revvenuee is veryy imppresssive, the comppany ofteen haave ffinannciall trooublee in the end or llose the inveestmeent oopporrtuniit
10、iess beccausee of cashh floow prrobleems, whicch wiill aaffecct thhe thhe vaalue of ttheirr ownn invvestmmentss.For iinvesstorss, thhe innstittutioonal inveestorrs caan deetermmine the inveestmeent vvaluee of the busiinesss by theiir owwn deetailled aanalyysis and finddingss. Buut itt is diffficullt
11、 too smaall iinvesstorss to deteerminne caash fflow riskk of the enteerpriise bby annalyzzing and seleectinng appproppriatte moodelss andd inddicattors. Froom thhe peerspeectivve off thee cassh fllow rrisk, Thiss papper aanalyyze aand cclasssify the folllowinng caash fflow riskk inddicattors suchh a
12、s the cashh floow riisk mmanaggemennt annd fiinanccial warnning systtems, whicch haave aa siggnifiicantt imppact on tthe eenterrprisse vaalue, thenn we extrract moree siggnifiicantt andd efffectiive iingreediennts tto heelp ssmalll invvestoors tto iddentiify ccorpooratee cassh fllow rrisk and evallu
13、atee thee imppact the valuue off entterprrise inflluencced bby caash fflow riskk.This papeer seelectts 20011-22013 Shannghaii andd Sheenzheen liistedd commpaniies aas saamplees off datta, uusingg thee cassh fllow sstruccturee, soolvenncy, earnningss rattios, finaanciaal fllexibbilitty, eearniings qu
14、allity and otheer inndicaatorss to meassure the leveel off thee commpanyys ccash floww rissk, aand tto exxplorre thhe immpactt thaat caash ffolw riskk havve onn thee entterprrise valuue. TThe eempirricall ressultss shoow thhat tthe vvaluee of the cashh floow riisk hhas aa siggnifiicantt neggativve i
15、mmpactt on the enteerpriise vvaluee.whiich ssuggeests thatt invvestoors ccan iidenttify the leveel off inhherennt caash fflow riskk in the busiinesss to somee exttent, and givee commpaniies wwhichh havve loow leevel of rrisk a hiigherr valluatiion. Manaager of llisteed coompannies shouuld rreducce c
16、aash fflow riskk thrroughh rissk maanageementt andd othher mmeanss to imprrove the comppanys vaalue. Norrmal operratioons aand tthe ccompaanyss invvestmment and finaancinng acctiviitiess aree clooselyy rellatedd to cashh floow, ssuffiiciennt caash fflow willl nott onlly brring thee strrong abillity
17、to ppay, but alsoo reppreseents the futuure sstrenngth of aa commpanyy in resiistinng riisk. Oncee thee cassh fllow ddriedd up, the busiinesss willl bee diffficuult tto suustaiin evven iif thhe coompannys abillity to mmake a prrofitt is stroong .Therreforre, ccash floww plaays aa vittal rrole in aan
18、 ennterpprisee.KEY WWORDSS: Cassh fllow rrisk ;The valuue off enterrprisse;TYPE OF TTHESIIS:Monoggraphhic sstudyy目录目 录1 绪言11.1研究究背景11.2研究究目的与研研究意义21.3研究究思路与方方法21.4 文文章架构安安排32文献综综述42.1现金金流风险相相关文献综综述42.2 现现金流风险险与企业价价值相关文文献综述42.2文献献评述63 理论基基础73.1现金金流风险73.1.11现金流风风险度量73.1.22 现金流流风险识别别83.2现金金流风险与与企业价值值10
19、4研究设计计124.1研究究假设124.2变量量定义134.2.11 因变量量134.2.22 自变量量134.2.33 控制变变量154.3数据据选取165实证结果果及分析175.1变量量描述性分分析175.2主成成分分析185.3主成成分提取195.4回归归分析结果果255.4稳健健性检验286 结论与与政策建议议306.1结论论306.2建议议30参考文献32致谢344个人简历及及在学期间间发表的研研究成果35IXCONTENTSCONTEENTS1 Preefacee11.1 BBackggrounnd11.2 RReseaarch meanning21.3 RReseaarch me
20、thhod21.4 TThe aarticcle aarchiitectture32 Litteratture reviiew42.1 CCash floww rissk42.2 CCash floww rissk annd ennterpprisee vallue 42.2 LLiterraturre coommennt63 Theeoretticall bassis73.1 CCash floww rissk73.1.11 Cassh fllow rrisk meassure73.1.22 Cassh fllow rrisk idenntifiicatiion83.2 CCash flow
21、w rissk annd ennterpprisee vallue104 Ressearcch deesignn124.1 RReseaarch hypoothessis124.2 VVariaable seleectioon134.2.11 Depenndentt varriablle134.2.22 Inddepenndentt varriablle134.2.33 Conntroll varriablle154.3 DDate seleectioon165 Emppiriccal rresullts aand aanalyysis175.1 VVariaabless desscrippt
22、ivee anaalysiis175.2 PPrinccipall commponeent aanalyysis185.3 PPrinccipall commponeent eextraactioon195.4 RRegreessioon annalyssis rresullts255.4 SSteaddy innspecctionn286 Connclussionss andd pollicy recoommenndatiions306.1 CConcllusioons306.2 rrecommmenddatioons30Referrencee doccumenntatiion32Ackno
23、owleddgemeent34图表目录图表目录图5- 11 主成分分提取碎石石图22表3- 11 现金流流活动结构构性评价10表3- 22 各生命命周期现金金流形态10表5- 11 变量描描述性统计计17表5- 22 KMOO 和 Barrtlettt 的检检验19表5- 33 公因子子方差20表5- 44 贡献率率及累计贡贡献率21表5- 55 成分矩矩阵23表5- 66 变量定定义25表5- 77 现金流流风险评分分与企业价价值回归结结果261 绪言1 绪言1.1研究究背景1997年年,以索罗罗斯为首的的国际投机机商将亚洲洲作为经济济猎场,掀掀起了亚洲洲金融危机机的浪潮。不不论这些国国际投
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- 我国 上市公司 现金流 风险 企业 价值 影响 研究 30949