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1、MBA英语写作资料第一部分:英语作文文经典句式一、图画概概述1. It ggoes withhout sayiing tthat drawwingss aimm at reveealinng a commmon aand sseriees prrobleem inn thee worrld: how to pproteect tthe ooceann ressourcces. 2. LLetss takke a closser llook at tthe ttwo ppictuures. Thee onee on the leftt shoows tthe sstatee of the hou
2、ssing befoore tthe ggoverrnmennt immplemmenteed itts urrban reneewal projject, wheereass thee onee on the righht illlusttratees thhe siituattion afteerwarrds. 3. AAs deescriibed/porttrayeed/illlusttrateed/shhown in tthe ppictuure, manyy peoople nowaadayss likke too go to ffitneess ccenteers tto keee
3、p ttheirr boddies in sshapee. 二、图表概概述1. The grapph shhows thatt thee inccidennce oof viiolennt crrime has in ffact droppped in mmost US ciitiess oveer thhe paast ddecadde. 22. Ass we can see fromm thee chaart, divoorce incrreaseed phhenommenallly uup unntil abouut 19990, but has sincce reemainned aa
4、t a fairrly cconsttant leveel.3. Thhe saales figuures for A ammountt to the combbinedd salles ffigurres ffor BB andd C. The proffits overr thee passt fiive yyearss addd up to aan inncreddiblee 1.22 billlionn dolllarss.4. The figuures flucctuatte beetweeen 10000 aand 11100 unitts peer yeear. The sale
5、es arre exxpectted tto goo up and downn oveer thhe neext ffew mmonthhs. 55. Thhe nuumberr of panddas iin thhe reeservve suuddennly rrose to oover 200. 6. The birtth raate ddecreeasedd steeadilly affter Worlld Waar 2. Thee nummber of uuserss rosse smmoothhly tthrouughouut thhe deecadee.7. Houssing pr
6、icces ssoar whenn theere iis a suddden iincreease in ddemannd. 88. Thhere was a sllump in pproduuctioon beetweeen 19980 aand 11985. 9. The numbber oof Innternnet uuserss shoould climmb frrom 220 miillioon inn 20004 too 50 milllion in 22008. 10.Unlless the situuatioon chhangees, ttheree willl bee a d
7、decliine ffrom 20 iin 20006 tto 122 in 20100. 111. Jaanuarry wiill wwitneess tthe llauncch off twoo neww prooductts, wwhichh shoould incrreasee revvenuee draamatiicallly. 112. TThe ppopullatioon wiill rremaiin sttablee thaanks to tthe oone-cchildd pollicy. 13. Thee perrcenttage of yyoungg peoople at
8、teendinng unniverrsityy reaachedd a ppeak of 447% iin 20003. 14. The numbber oof peeoplee whoo couuld nnot rread hit its loweest ppointt in 20033. 155. Thhe nuumberr of Inteernett useers iis onn thee risse/inncreaase aat thhe moomentt.三、图画含含义1. Whatt doees thhe auuthorr reaally wantt to telll us? In
9、 my oopiniion, his reall impplicaationn is thatt eveeryonne haas too meeet diifficcultiies iin thheir lifee expperieencess. 2. Thee purrposee of the pictturess is to wwarn us tthat due atteentioon haas too be paidd to the decrreasee of oceaan reesourrces. 3. The ideaa connveyeed byy thee carrtoonn i
10、s appaarentt: thhe fiinishhing poinnt iss jusst a new starrtingg poiint. 4. II cannnot helpp rellatinng thhese drawwingss to reallity. Theey cllearlly shhow hhow hhumann intterpeersonnal rrelattionsshipss havve deevelooped. 四、举例论论证1. A caase iin pooint is WWuhann, whhich has a peedesttriann shooppin
11、ng sttreett. 2. Takke thhe reecentt tsuunamii forr exaamplee. 3. Takke myy fatther as aan exxamplle. 44. Nuumeroous eexampples can be ggivenn eassily. Butt theese wwill sufffice. 5. Anotther casee in poinnt iss thee missleadding packkaginng ussed oon maany pproduucts. 6. It iis thhe saame wwith Afri
12、ican counntriees, wwhichh havve huuge ddebtss. 7. Perrhapss thee mosst sttrikiing iinstaance happpenedd to me wwhen I waas a chilld att priimaryy schhool. 8. The listt of suchh exaamplees caan goo on and on. Exammpless likke thhese can formm a llong listt. 五、原因分分析1. A nuumberr of facttors can accoou
13、nt for the incrreasee in deatths ffrom hearrt diiseasse. 22. Annotheer immporttant facttor iis thhe avvailaabiliity oof thhe Innternnet. 3. FFinallly, the creaationn of moree jobbs iss ressponssiblee forr thee chaange/ inccreasse/ ddecreease/ groowth. 4. Whhy dooes tthis phennomennon aappeaar? II th
14、iink ttheree aree sevverall posssiblle reeasonns foor thhis ssituaationn. 六、建议措措施1. It iis hiigh ttime thatt parrentss, edducattors and the goveernmeent mmade conccerteed efffortts too putt an end to tthis situuatioon. 22. Thhe beest wway tto soolve thiss prooblemm I tthinkk is to ggive younng peeop
15、lee oppportuunitiies tto doo thiings indeependdentlly. 33. Itt is impeeratiive tthat drasstic meassuress shoould be ttakenn to end poveerty worlldwidde. 44. Thhese are not the onlyy thrree mmeasuures we ccan ttake. Butt it shouuld bbe nooted thatt we needd to takee strrong actiion tto elliminnate th
16、e use of iilleggal ddrugss. 5. Onlly inn thiis waay caan wee oveercomme thhis ddiffiicultty, aand .we wwill havee a bbrighht fuuturee.第二部分:英语作文文常用套句句一、开头WWhen it ccomess to ., somme thhink . Therre iss a ppubliic deebatee todday tthat . A iss a ccommoon waay off ., buut iss it a wiise oone? Receentl
17、yy thee prooblemm hass beeen brroughht innto ffocuss. 二、提出观观点 Now therre iss a ggrowiing aawareenesss thaat. It is ttime we eexploore tthe ttruthh of . Nowhhere in hhistoory hhas tthe iissuee beeen moore vvisibble. 三、进一步步提出观点点 . but thatt is onlyy parrt off thee hisstoryy. Annotheer eqquallly immpor
18、ttant aspeect iis . A is bbut oone oof thhe maany eeffeccts. Anotther is . BBesiddes, otheer reeasonns arre. 四、提出假假想例子的的方式 SSuppoose tthat. JJust imaggine whatt wouuld bbe liike iif. It is rreasoonablle too exppect. IIt iss nott surrprissing thatt. 五、举例 For exammple (insstancce),. . ssuch as AA, B,
19、C aand sso onn (soo forrth) A goood ccase in ppointt is. AA parrticuular exammple for thiss is. 六、引用 One of tthe ggreattest earlly wrriterrs saaid . “KKnowlledgee is poweer”, suchh is the regaard oof . “.”. Thaat iss howw sb. commmentt (crriticcize/ praaise.). “.”. Howw oftten wwe heear ssuch wordds
20、 liike ttheree. 七、讲故事事 (先说故事事主体), thiis sttory is nnot rrare. ., suuch ddilemmma wwe offten meett in dailly liife. ., thee stoory sstilll hass a rrealiisticc siggnifiicancce. 八、提出原原因 Therre arre maany rreasoons ffor . WWhy., for one thinng, TThe aansweer too thiis prrobleem innvolvves mmany facttors
21、. Anyy disscusssion abouut thhis pprobllem wwouldd ineevitaably invoolvess . Thee firrst rreasoon caan bee obllivioouslyy seeen. MMost peopple wwouldd agrree tthat. SSome peopple mmay nnegleect tthat in ffact . Otheers ssuggeest tthat. PPart of tthe eexplaanatiion iis . 九、进行对对比 Thhe addvanttagess fo
22、rr A ffor ooutweeigh the disaadvanntagees off. Althhoughh A eenjoyys a disttinctt advvantaage . IIndeeed, AA carrriess mucch weeightt thaan B whenn sthh is conccerneed. AA mayybe ., but it ssuffeers ffrom the disaadvanntagee thaat. 十、承上启启下 To uunderrstannd thhe trruth of ., it iis allso iimporrtantt
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- MBA 英语 写作 经典 解析 习题 2875