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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.With Limiited Optiions, Souuth KKoreaa Shiifts Miliitaryy RullesBy MAARTINN FACCKLERR andd MARRK MccDONAALDSEOULL, Soouth Koreea Resppondiing tto grrowinng puublicc criiticiism aafterr a ddeadlly Noorth Koreean aattacck, PPresiiden
2、tt Leee Myuung-bbak aacceppted the resiignattion of hhis ddefennse mminisster on TThurssday and annoounceed chhangees inn thee millitarrys rulees off enggagemment to mmake it eeasieer foor Soouth Koreea too strrike backk witth grreateer foorce, esppeciaally if ccivillianss aree thrreateened. The ggo
3、verrnmennt allso aannouuncedd plaans tto inncreaase tthe nnumbeer off trooops and heavvy weeaponns onn YeoonpyeeongIIslannd, wwheree twoo marriness andd twoo civviliaans ddied Tuessday in aan arrtilllery fusiilladde frrom tthe NNorthh. Onn Friiday, Preesideent LLee aappoiintedd a ssecurrity adviiser
4、, Leee Heee-wonn, ass thee neww deffensee minnisteer. But MMr. LLee, who camee to offiice ttwo yyearss agoo vowwing to gget ttoughh witth thhe Noorth, hass litttle maneeuverring roomm in formmulatting a reesponnse. Whille thhe atttackk apppearss to havee pusshed antii-Norrth KKoreaan seentimment her
5、ee to its highhest leveel inn yeaars, therre iss litttle publlic ssuppoort ffor ttakinng miilitaary aactioon aggainsst thhe Noorth thatt migght llead to aan esscalaationn of hosttilitties. “Nortth Koorea has nothhing to llose, whiile wwe haave eeveryythinng too losse,” saidd Kanng Woon-taaek, a prro
6、fesssor of ppolittics at SSeoullNatiionallUnivversiity. “Leee Myuung-bbak hhas nno chhoicee butt to softten hhis ttone to kkeep thiss couuntryy peaacefuul. IIt iss nott an appeealinng chhoicee, buut itt is the onlyy reaalisttic cchoicce.” The SSouthhs ppowerrful neigghborr is alsoo couunselling rest
7、trainnt. TThe CChineese pprimee minnisteer, WWen JJiabaao, ssaid Thurrsdayy thaat Beeijinng oppposeed anny prrovoccativve miilitaary bbehavvior by eeitheer siide oon thhe KooreannPeniinsulla, XXinhuua, tthe sstatee newws aggencyy, reeportted. On Thhursdday, whille Noorth Koreea waarnedd thrroughh it
8、ss offficiaal neews aagenccy off furrtherr millitarry reetaliiatioon iff proovokeed byy Souuth KKoreaa, Mrr. Leee saaid oonly, “Wee shoould not dropp ourr guaard iin prreparratioon foor thhe poossibbilitty off anootherr proovocaationn by Nortth Koorea,” acccordding to hhis cchieff spookesmman, Hongg
9、 Sanng-pyyo. “AA proovocaationn likke thhis ccan rrecurr anyy timme.” The cchangges iin thhe ruules of eengaggemennt weere ssimillarlyy resstraiined. Souuth KKoreaan deefensses oon fiive ccoasttal iislannds iin thhe Yeelloww Seaa hadd beeen seet upp priimariily tto guuard agaiinst posssiblee ampphib
10、iious landdingss by Nortth Kooreann trooops. Criiticss saiid Thhursdday tthat the miliitaryy hadd nott antticippatedd thee posssibiilityy of an aattacck byy Norrth KKoreaan arrtilllery battteriees, wwhichh aree repporteedly in ccavess aloong tthe NNorthhs ccoasttlinee. “Now, an artiillerry baattlee
11、hass beccome the new threeat, so wweree reaassesssingg thee neeed too strrengtthen defeensess,” MMr. LLee ttold lawmmakerrs. TThe nnew mmeasuures he ooutliined inclludedd douublinng thhe nuumberr of howiitzerrs annd uppgradding otheer weeaponnry. The nnew rruless of engaagemeent wwill be bbasedd on
12、whetther miliitaryy or civiiliann sittes aare tthe ttargeets, saidd Mr. Honng, tthe ppresiidenttial spokkesmaan, aaddinng thhat tthe mmove was madee to “chaange the paraadigmm of resppondiing tto Noorth Koreeas provvocattionss.” Previiouslly, SSouthh Korrean forcces wwere alloowed to rrespoond oonly
13、 in kkind iff thee Norrth ffiredd arttilleery, the Soutth coould answwer oonly withh arttilleery to conttain any disppute. Noww, offficiials saidd, thhe miilitaary wwouldd be alloowed to uuse ggreatter fforcee. Mr. LLeess ressponsse too thiis weeekss arttilleery aattacck iss nott thee firrst ttime h
14、e hhas bbeen critticizzed ffor ssittiing oon hiis haands in tthe fface of aa deaadly provvocattion by tthe NNorthh. Twwo yeears ago, wheen a Soutth Kooreann touuristt wass shoot byy a ssentrry att a NNorthh Korrean mounntainn ressort, hiss govvernmments reesponnse aamounnted to aa slaap onn thee wri
15、ist: susppendiing ttourss to the resoort aand bbanniing SSouthh Korrean civiic grroupss froom viisitiing tthe NNorthh. But tthe cclearrest casee wass Mr. Leees rrespoonse in MMarchh to the sinkking of aa Souuth KKoreaan waarshiip, tthe CCheonnan. Mr. LLee aat fiirst seemmed tto sttall by wwaitiing f
16、for tthe rresullts oof ann intternaationnal iinvesstigaationn, whhich tookk twoo monnths to cconcllude thatt thee shiip haad beeen ssunk by aa Norrth KKoreaan toorpeddo. WWhen he rrespoondedd, itt wass witth reelatiivelyy milld meeasurres llike reduucingg thee Souuthss alrreadyy minnuscuule ttradee
17、witth thhe Noorth, ressuminng thhe Soouths coold-wwar-eera ppropaagandda sppeakeers aalongg thee demmilittarizzed zzone and demaandinng ann apoologyy. Buut thhe sppeakeers hhave yet to bbe tuurnedd on afteer Noorth Koreea thhreattenedd to shooot att theem, aand MMr. LLee ddroppped tthe aapoloogy dde
18、mannd ass a ccondiitionn forr tallks. Mr. LLee wwas wwidelly bllamedd in Soutth Koorea for haviing pprovooked the Cheoonan epissode by eendinng unncondditioonal aid to tthe NNorthh at the starrt off hiss preesideency. “Befoore, the publlic ssaw hhim aas tooo haard, and now theyy seee himm as too sof
19、tt,” ssaid Yoo Ho-yyeol, a pprofeessorr of Nortth Kooreann stuudiess at KoreeaUniiverssity in SSeoull. Despiite ppubliic prressuure tto doo morre, MMr. LLee ddoes not havee manny opptionns foor leess llethaal foorms of ppresssure on tthe NNorthh, diiplommaticc or econnomicc. Noorth Koreea haas weeat
20、heered yearrs off ecoonomiic saanctiions and dipllomattic iisolaationn. Inn facct, tthe ttoughh ecoonomiic coondittionss apppear onlyy to givee thee Norrth mmotivvatioon too conntinuue itts brrinkmmanshhip, to eextraact aaid aas itt facces aa winnter of ffood and fuell shoortagges. Some anallystss s
21、ayy thee Norrth iis allso uusingg thee proovocaationns too burrnishh thee millitarry crredenntialls off Kimm Jonng-unn, thhe yooungeest sson oof thhe Noorths leeaderr, Kiim Joong-iil, aand hhis hheir appaarentt. Analyysts say makiing ssancttionss efffectiive wwouldd reqquiree greeaterr suppportt fro
22、om Chhina, Norrth KKoreaas ttradiitionnal pproteectorr, whhich has so ffar bbeen reluuctannt too tigghtenn thee scrrews on tthe NNorthh. Inn reccent dayss, Mrr. Leee annd Prresiddent Obamma haave aagreeed too makke neew apppealls too Chiinesee leaaderss to put moree preessurre onn thee Norrth, but a
23、nallystss sayy theey arre noot opptimiisticc thaat thhe Chhinesse wiill ccomplly. Stilll, Soouth Koreean oofficcialss saiid thhey wwouldd urgge Chhina to aact mmore respponsiibly by ppresssing the Nortth too reffrainn froom fuurtheer atttackks. TThey alsoo saiid thhey wwouldd askk Beiijingg to moree
24、 clooselyy monnitorr traade wwith Nortth Koorea by CChineese mmerchhantss, whhich theyy saiid haas beeen aa wayy forr thee Norrth tto byypasss intternaationnal eeconoomic sancctionns. Mr. LLee aand hhis aadvissers appeear tto haave cconclludedd thaat a lesss connfronntatiionall staance is tthe oonly
25、 way to ppersuuade Nortth Koorea to eend iits pprovoocatiions. A ffew aanalyysts specculatted tthat Mr. Lee mighht evventuuallyy endd up not far fromm hiss libberall preedeceessorrs liike fformeer Prresiddent Roh Moo-hyunn, whho ussed eeconoomic aid to aappeaase tthe NNorthh andd redduce tenssionss
26、on the peniinsulla. “Anyoone wwouldd conncludde thhat tthe ppeaceeful apprroachh is bestt to reveerse the situuatioon,” saidd Mooon Juung-iin, aa forrmer adviiser in tthe RRoh aadminnistrratioon. “AA harrd-liine aapprooach is nnot aa reaal opptionn.” Su-Hyyun LLee ccontrributted rreporrtingg.In a La
27、ndd of the Aginng, CChilddren Counnter AlzhheimeersBy PAAM BEELLUCCKSEONGGNAM, Souuth KKoreaa TThey weree stooopedd, hoobbleed, ddisorrientted, fumbblingg aroound the housse. TThey got conffusedd in the bathhtub and struuggleed upp staairs thatt seeemed to sswim befoore tthem. “Oh, it hhurtss,” ssai
28、d Noh Hyunn-ho, sinnkingg to the grouund. “I thhoughht I was goinng too diee,” ssaid Yookk Seoo-hyuun. Theree wass surrprissinglly liittlee giggglinng, cconsiideriing tthat Hyunn-ho, Seoo-hyuun annd thhe ottherss werre acctuallly pperfeectlyy heaalthyy 11- to 13-yyear-old chilldrenn. Buut thhey hhad
29、 sstrappped on ssplinnts, weigghtedd harrnessses aand ffoggeed-upp glaassess, annd weere ggivenn tassks llike “Dooorknoob Exxperiiencee” annd “BBathrroom Expeeriennce,” all to hhelp themm feeel whhat iit waas liike tto bee oldd, frrail or ddemennted. “Evenn thoough theyy aree smiilingg forr us, evee
30、ry dday, 24 hhourss, iss diffficuult ffor tthem,” Jeeong Jae-hee, 12, saiid shhe leearneed. “TThey losee theeir mmemorry annd goo bacck too chiildhoood.” It iss parrt off a rremarrkablle Soouth Koreean ccampaaign to ccope withh an expllodinng prrobleem: AAlzheeimerrs ddiseaase aand ootherr demmentii
31、as. As oone oof thhe woorlds faastesst-agging counntriees, wwith nearrly 99 perrcentt of its popuulatiion oover 65 aalreaady aaffliictedd, Soouth Koreea haas oppenedd a “WWar oon Deementtia,” spenndingg monney aand sshiniing fflooddlighhts oon a diseease thatt is, herre ass in manyy plaaces, ridddle
32、dd witth shhame and fearr. Southh Korrea iis trrainiing tthoussandss of peopple, inclludinng chhildrren, as “ddemenntia suppporteers,” to rrecoggnizee symmptomms annd caare ffor ppatieents. Thee 11- to 13-yyear-oldss, foor innstannce, weree in the goveernmeentss “Agging-Frieendlyy Commprehhensiive E
33、Experriencce Haall” outsside Seouul. BBesiddes tthe aagingg simmulattion exerrcisee, thhey vvieweed a PoweerPoiint ppreseentattion defiiningg demmentiia annd weere ttrainned, in tthe hhalls DeementtiaExxperiienceeCentter, to pperfoorm hhand masssage in nnursiing hhomess. “ Whhat ddid II do withh my
34、phonne? IIts in tthe rrefriigeraator, ” saidd onee insstrucctor, expplainning memoory lloss. “Haave yyou sseen someeone likee thaat? TThey may go mmissiing aand ddie oon thhe sttreett.” In annotheer sttrikiing mmove, Souuth KKoreaa is alsoo pusshingg to makee diaagnosses eearlyy, deespitte thhere be
35、inng sccant treaatmennt. “Thiss useed too be hiddden” and “theere iis sttill stiggma aand bbias,” saaid KKim HHye-jjin, direectorr of seniior ppoliccy foor thhe Heealthh andd Wellfaree Minnistrry. BBut “wwe waant tto geet thhem oout oof thheir shellls, out of ttheirr hommes aand ddiagnnosedd” too he
36、llp faamiliies aadjusst annd giive ppatieents “a hhigheer chhancee of beinng taaken caree of at hhome.” Hundrreds of nneighhborhhood demeentiaa diaagnosstic centters havee beeen crreateed. NNursiing hhomess havve neearlyy triipledd sinnce 22008. Othher ddemenntia proggramss, prrovidding day caree an
37、dd homme caare, havee inccreassed ffiveffold sincce 20008, to nnearlly 200,0000. Caare iis heeavilly suubsiddizedd. And aa govvernmment demeentiaa dattabasse alllowss fammiliees too reggisteer reelatiives and receeive ironn-on idenntifiicatiion nnumbeers. Citiizenss enccountterinng waanderrers withh
38、 demmentiia reeportt theeir nnumbeers tto offficiials, whoo conntactt fammiliees. To fiinancce thhis, Soutth Koorea creaated a loong-tterm-caree inssurannce ssysteem, ppaid for withh 6.66 perrcentt inccreasses iin peeoplees nnatioonal heallth iinsurrancee preemiumms. IIn 20009, abouut $11 billlionn
39、of goveernmeent aand ppubliic innsuraance moneey waas sppent on ddemenntia patiientss. Sttill, witth thhe ovver-665 poopulaationn jummpingg froom 7 perccent in 22000 to 114 peercennt inn 20118 too 20 perccent in 22026, demmentiia iss strrainiing tthe ccounttry, sociiallyy andd ecoonomiicallly. “At l
40、leastt onee fammily membber hhas tto giive uup woork” to pproviide ccareggivinng, ssaid Kwakk Youung-ssoon, soccial welffare direectorr forr Mappo Diistriict, one of SSeoulls 225 geeograaphicc disstriccts. Becaause Soutth Koorea encoouragges ppeoplle too worrk weell ppast retiiremeent aage, famiilie
41、ss mayy alsso loose ddemenntia sufffererrs iincommes. Most famiiliess no longger hhave geneeratiions liviing ttogetther to hhelp withh carregivving, andd somme faaciliitiess havve loong wwaitiing llistss, buut “wwe caant keepp buiildinng nuursinng hoomes,” Mrr. Kwwak ssaid. “Wee calll itt a gghostt.
42、 Itts bbasiccallyy eatting up tthe wwholee houuse.” Demenntia EpiddemiccSouthh Korrea iis att thee forrefroont oof a worlldwidde erruptiion oof deementtia, fromm aboout 330 miillioon esstimaated casees noow too an estiimateed 1000 miillioon inn 20550. AAnd wwhilee Souuth KKoreaas aapprooach is uunus
43、uuallyy exttensiive, evenn in the Unitted SStatees, tthe NNatioonal Alzhheimeers Projject Act was intrroducced tthis yearr to estaablissh a sepaaratee Alzzheimmerss offfice to ccreatte “aan inntegrratedd nattionaal pllan tto ovvercoome AAlzheeimerrs.” Suppporteers oof thhe biill, currrentlly inn com
44、mmitttee, incllude Sanddra DDay OOConnnor, whoose llate husbband had Alzhheimeers. Southh Korrea aalso worrries thatt demmentiia, ppreviiouslly sttigmaatizeed ass “ghhost-seeiing” or “ooness seccond chilldhoood” ccouldd “diilutee resspectt forr eldders,” Mrr. Kwwak ssaid. “Thheres a sayiing tthat ev
45、enn thee mosst fiiliall sonn or daugghterr willl noot bee fillial if tthey lookk aftter aa parrent for moree thaan thhree yearrs.” So thhe auuthorritiees prromotte thhe nootionn thaat fiiliall pieety iimpliies ddoingg eveerythhing posssiblee forr eldders withh demmentiia, aa connditiion nnow ccallee
46、d chhimaee (prronouuncedd cheee-maay): diseease of kknowlledgee andd thee braain wwhichh makkes aadultts beecomee babbies. Butt Souuth KKoreaas llow bbirthh ratte wiill mmake famiily ccareggivinng toougheer. “I feeel aas iff a ttsunaamiss comming,” saaid LLee SSung-hee, thee Souuth KKoreaan Allzheii
47、mers Asssociiatioon prresiddent, whoo traains nurssing homee staaff mmembeers, but alsoo thoousannds wwho rregullarlyy intteracct wiith tthe eelderrly: bus drivvers, telllerss, haairsttylissts, posttal wworkeers. “Sommetimmes II thiink II wannt too runn awaay,” she saidd. “BBut eeven the highhest mounntainn, juust wworryying doess nott movve annythiing, but if yyou cchoosse onne arrea aand mmove stonne byy stoone, you pavee a wway tto moove tthe wwholee