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《GRE英语写作工具箱详述12888.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GRE英语写作工具箱详述12888.docx(128页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
2、文文章。何况况,我并不不是要求你你背了之后后永远牢记记在心:你你可以这个个星期背,下下个星期忘忘。这没有有关系,相相信你的大大脑具有神神奇的能力力。背了工工具箱里的的文章后,你你会惊讶的的发现:II cann thiink iin Ennglissh noow.经常有学生生告诉我:不知道背背诵什么好好。现在我我可以告诉诉各位:背背诵下面的的文章错不不了,至少少对GREE的写作来来说有立竿竿见影的效效果!可别别再找借口口了哦!目 录1. Sectiion oone: Educcatioon1.1 Proveerbs1. A graaduattion cereemonyy is an eevent
3、t wheere tthe ccommeencemment speaaker tellls thhousaands of sstudeents dresssed in iidentticall capps annd goowns thatt inddividdualiity iis thhe keey too succcesss.2. The pprimaary ppurpoose oof a libeeral educcatioon iss to makee onees mmind a plleasaant pplacee in whicch too speend ooness timme.
4、3. Next in iimporrtancce too freeedomm andd jussticee is popuular educcatioon, wwithoout wwhichh neiitherr freeedomm norr jussticee cann be permmanenntly mainntainned.4. The cclasssroomm-noot thhe trrenchh-iss thee froontieer off freeedomm noww andd forreverrmoree.5. Educaationns ppurpoose iis too r
5、epplacee an emptty miind wwith an oopen one.6. It iss thee purrposee of educcatioon too hellp uss beccome autoonomoous, creaativee, innquirring peopple wwho hhave the willl andd inttelliigencce too creeate our own desttiny.7. You ssee, reall onggoingg, liifeloong eeducaationn doeesntt ansswer quesst
6、ionns; iit prrovokkes tthem.8. Peoplle wiill ppay mmore to bbe ennterttaineed thhan eeducaated.9. the mmost impoortannt fuunctiion oof edducattion at aany llevell is to ddevellop tthe ppersoonaliity oof thhe inndiviiduall andd thee siggnifiicancce off hiss liffe too himmselff andd to otheers. Thiss
7、is the basiic arrchittectuure oof a lifee; thhe reest iis orrnameentattion and decooratiion oof thhe sttructture.10. The eessennce oof ouur efffortts too seee thaat evvery chilld haas a channce mmust be tto asssuree eacch ass equual oopporrtuniity, not to bbecomme eqqual, butt to becoome ddiffeerent
8、t-to reallize whatteverr uniique poteentiaal off boddy, mmind, andd spiirit he oor shhe poossessses.11. A greeat tteachher nneverr strrivess to expllain his visiion-hhe siimplyy invvitess youu to stannd beesidee himm andd seee forr youursellf.12. If yoou caan reead aand ddon, youu aree an illiiteraa
9、te bby chhoicee.1.2 Damagging ReseearchhA stuudy bby Naationnal PParennt-Teeacheer Orrganiizatiion rreveaaled thatt in the averrage Amerricann schhool, eigghteeen neegatiives are idenntifiied ffor eeveryy possitivve thhat iis poointeed ouut. TThe WWiscoonsinn stuudy rreveaaled thatt wheen chhildrren
10、 eenterr thee firrst ggradee, 800 perrcentt of themm feeel prrettyy goood thhemseelvess, buut byy thee timme thhey gget tto thhe siixth gradde, oonly 10 pperceent oof thhem hhave goodd sellf-immagess.1.3 Educaationn andd CittizennshippAn immporttant aspeect oof edducattion in tthe UUniteed Sttatessi
11、s tthe rrelattionsship betwween educcatioon annd ciitizeenshiip. TThrouughouut itts hiistorry thhis nnatioon haas emmphassizedd pubblic educcatioon ass a mmeanss of trannsmitttingg demmocraatic valuues, creaatingg equualitty off oppportuunityy, annd prreparring new geneeratiions of ccitizzens to ffu
12、ncttion in ssocieety. In aaddittion, thee schhoolss havve beeen eexpeccted to hhelp shappe soocietty ittselff. Duuringg thee 19550s, for exammple, efffortss to combbat rraciaal seegreggatioon foocuseed onn thee schhoolss. Laater, wheen thhe Sooviett Uniion llauncched the firsst orrbitiing ssatelllit
13、ee, Ammericcan sschoools aand ccolleeges camee undder iintennse ppresssure and weree offferedd manny inncenttivess to imprrove theiir scciencce annd maathemmaticcs prrograams sso thhat tthe nnatioons wwouldd nott falll beehindd thee Sovviet Unioon inn sciientiific and techhnoloogicaal caapabiilitiie
14、s.Educaationn is ofteen viiewedd as a toool ffor ssolviing ssociaal prrobleems, espeeciallly ssociaal innequaalityy. Thhe scchoolls, tt is thouught, cann traansfoorm yyoungg peoople fromm vasstly diffferennt baackgrroundds innto ccompeetentt, uppwarddly mmobille addultss. Yeet thhese goalls seeem aa
15、lmosst immposssiblee to attaain. In rrecennt yeears, in factt, puublicc eduucatiion hhas bbeen at tthe ccenteer off nummerouus coontrooverssies arissing fromm thee gapp bettweenn thee ideeal aand tthe rrealiity. Partt of the probblem is tthat diffferennt grroupss in sociiety havee difffereent hhave
16、diffferennt exxpecttatioons. Somee feeel thhat cchilddren shouuld bbe taaughtt bassic jjob-rrelatted sskillls; sstilll othhers beliieve educcatioon shhouldd nott onlly prreparre chhildrren tto coompette inn soccietyy butt alsso heelp tthem mainntainn theeir ccultuural idenntityy (annd, iin thhe caas
17、e oof Hiispannic cchilddren, theeir llanguuage). Onn thee othher hhand, pollicymmakerrs cooncerrned withh eduucatiion eemphaasizee thee neeed too inccreasse thhe leevel of sstudeent aachieevemeent aand tto immprovve paarentts inn theeir cchilddrens edducattion.Some refoormerrs annd crriticcs haave c
18、calleed atttenttion to tthe nneed to llink formmal sschooolingg witth prrograams ddesiggned to aaddreess ssociaal prrobleems. Sociiologgist Charrles Mosccos, for exammple, is a leeaderr in the moveementt to expaand pprogrrams likee thee Peaace CCorpss, Viista, andd Outtwardd Bouund iinto a syystemm
19、of voluuntarry naationnal sserviice. Natiionall serrvicee, ass Mosscos defiines it, woulld enntaill “thhe fuull-ttime undeertakking of ppubliic duutiess by younng peeoplee wheetherr as citiizen solddierss or civiiliann serrverss-whoo aree paiid suubsisstencce waages” and servve foor att leaast oone
20、yyear. In retuurn ffor tthis periiod oof seervicce, tthe vvolunnteerrs woould receeive assiistannce iin paayingg forr colllegee or otheer edducattionaal exxpensses.Advoccatess of natiionall serrvicee andd schhool-to-wwork proggramss bellievee thaat edducattion doess nott havve too be conffinedd to f
21、ormmal sschooolingg. Inn devvisinng sttrateegiess to provvide oppoortunnitiees foor yooung peopple tto seerve theiir soocietty, tthey emphhasizze thhe edducattionaal vaalue of ccitizzenshhip eexperriencces ggaineed ouutsidde thhe cllassrroom. At thiss wriitingg theere iis liittlee inddicattion thatt
22、 nattionaal seervicce wiill bbecomme a new educcatioonal insttituttion in tthe UUniteed Sttatess, allthouugh tthe cconceept iis stteadiily ggainiing ssuppoort aamongg eduucatoors aand ssociaal crriticcs.1.4 The TTeachherss RolleGivenn thee unddeniaable impoortannce oof cllassrroom expeeriennce, soci
23、iologgistss havve doone aa connsideerablle ammountt of reseearchh on whatt goees onn in the classsrooom. OOftenn theey sttart fromm thee preemisee thaat, aalongg witth thhe innflueence of ppeerss, sttudennts expeeriennces in tthe cclasssroomm aree of centtral impoortannce tto thheir lateer deeveloop
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- GRE 英语 写作 工具箱 详述 12888