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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Contrrolleer / Direectorr / VVPJob DDescrriptiion: Work clossely withh thee commpanyys CFFO, aand eensurre thhat aall oof thhe reesponnsibiilitiies ppertaaininng too thee acccountting depaartmeent aare mmet Devellop aand ddirecct t
2、hhe acctiviitiess of the proffessiionall staaff iinvollved withh thee finnanciial aaspeccts oof (rregioonal) opeeratiions, inccludiing fforeccastiing, plannningg, buudgetting, creedit and colllectiions, cosst acccounntingg, annd fiinanccial conttrol systtems Reporrt too thee CFOO (Prresiddent) andd
3、be respponsiible for all accoountiing ffuncttionss Proviidingg anaalytiical, buddgetaary & finnanciial pplannningaanageementt/repportiing ssuppoort tto seeniorr m Estabblishhing and mainntainning inteernall conntrolls, eexterrnal finaanciaal reeportting Interrfacee witth exxternnal aaudittors, hannd
4、linng alll coorporrate tax mattters Coorddinatte annd ovverseee thhe annnuall proofit plannningg proocesss Introoducee neww metthodoologiies aand ttechnniquees foor thhe usse inn plaanninng annd annalyssis Evaluuate busiinesss oppportuunitiies aand ttheirr pottentiial iimpacct onn thee strrateggic g
5、growtth off thee commpanyy Introoducee andd preeparee finnanciial aanalyysis to bbe prresennted to ssenioor maanageementt andd devvelopp intterimm andd lonng-teerm ffinannciall forrecassts Respoonsibble ffor sstafff devveloppmentt andd mannagemment Perfoorm sspeciial aanalyyses and pressentaationns
6、too sennior manaagemeent rrelatting to cchangges iin acccounntingg rulles aand aaccouuntinng / repoortinng immpactt of channges in bbusinness condditioons Interrfacee witth reegionnal ccontrrolleer inn thee areeas oof fiinanccial repoortinng annd acccounntingg Ensurre coompliiancee witth taax reegul
7、aationns inn alll jurrisdiictioons Conceeive and impllemennt poolicyy andd prooceduure Overssee eexpannsionn intto otther regiionall offficess, acctingg as projject manaager for new offiice bbuildd-outts inn finnancee sidde Be a key busiinesss parrtnerr in the orgaanizaationn to ensuure ppropeer fii
8、nanccial conssiderratioons aare ttakenn intto alll buusineess ddecissionss Coorddinatte, sscheddule and manaage rresouurcess acrross deveelopmment and impllemenntatiion tteamss Devellop tthe sshortt-terrm annd loong-tterm finaanciaal sttrateegic planns annd poossibble ppubliic liistinng inn 3-55 yea
9、ars Ensurre acccuraacy aand ttimellinesss off alll finnanciial rreporrtingg andd Acccountting operratioons Improove ffinannciall mannagemment tooll Lead and suppport the finaanciaal annalyssis oof thhe buusineess tto suupporrt deecisiion mmakinng Managge a smalll teeam wwith the highhest effiiciennc
10、y Managge deesignn, deeveloopmennt, ttestiing aand iimpleementtatioon off gloobal finaanciaal syystemm Prepaare rreporrt off cusstomeer peerforrmancce annd sttaff perfformaance Reenggineeer fiinanccial and accoountiing ooperaationns prrocessses and infoormattion systtems Respoonsibble ffor FFinannce
11、, Accoountiing, Admiinisttratiion, Logiisticcs inn Asiia Paacifiic Suppoort bbusinness and reveenue growwth iinitiiativves Direcct thhe whhole accoountiing ooperaationn to ensuure mmainttenannce oof soound finaanciaal acccounntingg sysstemss meeetingg staatutoory rrequiiremeents Devellop aand mmaint
12、tain sounnd innternnal ccontrrol pproceedurees, aand iimpleementt andd effficieent aand ttimelly reeportting systtem Superrvisee acccountting teamm, loogisttic tteam and IT ppersoonnell Estabblishh annnual planns annd moonthlly foorecaasts meetting tighht deeadliine Liaisse wiith aaudittors and bank
13、kers Accouuntinng Maanageer Job DDescrriptiion: Superrvisiion oof alll acccounntingg andd intternaal annd exxternnal rreporrtingg funnctioon, iincluudingg alll reqquireed puublicc fillingss Handlles aall aaspeccts oof Acccounnts PPayabble, Accoountss Recceivaable, Gennerall Leddger, andd finnanciial
14、 sstateementt preeparaationn Overssee aall ppayrooll ffuncttionss andd cooordinnate infoormattion withh outtsidee payyrolll serrvicee Prepaare aaccurrate montth-ennd annd yeear-eend cclosiings Complletess speeciall proojectts peer thhe diirecttion of tthe CCEO Superrvisee staaff aaccouuntannt too en
15、ssure thatt alll enttriess andd anaalysiis arre acccuraate aand ccomplletedd in a tiimelyy mannner Ensurre thhat aall ssysteem innterffacess to the geneeral ledgger aare ppropeerly recoordedd Prepaare vvarioous bbalannce ssheett andd inccome stattemennt acccounnt reeconcciliaationn Underrstannd annd
16、 asssistt thee maiintennancee andd monnthlyy proocesss of the comppanys geeneraal leedgerr andd repport writting systtems Assisst wiith ccoorddinattion of mmonthh endd andd yeaar ennd acctiviitiess andd auddits Assisst inn speeciall proojectts ass asssigneed Handlle alll asspectts off finnanciial aa
17、ccouuntinng: ffinannciall staatemeents, buddgetiing, and alloocatiing ggrantt monney Will overrsee the AP ddeparrtmennt annd ovverseee thhe acccounntingg/monnth eend cclosee proocesss Work withh xxxx sysstem, inccludiing rreporrt maainteenancce, aaccouunt mmainttenannce aand rreporrt wrritinng Parti
18、icipaate iin moonth end closses iincluudingg preeparaationn andd enttry oof joournaal enntriees, rrun mmonthh endd finnanciial rreporrts Coorddinatte innclussion of ddiffeerentt datta sttreamms suuch aas Paayrolll, AAccouunts Receeivabble aand CCircuulatiion AAccouunts Receeivabble Analyyze rrevennu
19、e aand eexpennse aaccouunts; asssist in bbalannce ssheett anaalysiis Corpooratee acccountting funcctionns: cconsoolidaationns, aauditt, maanageementt repportiing, finaanciaal annalyssis, and bankk recconciiliattion Streaamlinne opperattionaal exxpendditurre annalyssis, deveelop annuual ooperaatingg
20、buddget, proovidee finnanciial aand aanalyyticaal innformmatioon too mannagemment, andd perrformm ad-hoc projject anallysess as needded Workiing ccloseely wwith collleaguues tthrouughouut thhe orrganiizatiion tto maanagee a ccompllex oorgannizattion withh botth maanufaacturring requuiremmentss andd
21、thee delliverry off e-sserviices Impleementting the finaanciaal innfrasstruccturee neeeded to ssuppoort aan orrganiizatiion wwith plannned annuual rrevennues of xxxx bby fiiscall yeaar xxxxFinannciall Anaalystt (Acccounntingg Supperviisor / Asssisttant Manaager) Job DDescrriptiion: Finannciall anaal
22、ysees annd coomparrativve, ddetaiiled anallysess of busiinesss plaan annd acctuall ressultss, buusineess ddevellopmeent aand ccompaany ooperaatingg andd exppansiion pprojeects Impleementt andd maiintaiin fiinanccial repoortinng syystemm andd preeparee, annalyzze annd reevieww connsoliidateed fiinanc
23、cial resuults Proviide iinforrmatiion aand vvaluee-addded aanalyysis to bbusinness manaagerss at all leveels, inclludinng thhe coorporrate offiice aand tthe bboardd of direectorrs Prepaare ffinannciall repportss, prrovidde addvicee on trannsacttionss, deefinee acccountting poliiciess, annd orrganiiz
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- 某某 咨询 公司 全套 职位 描述 英文 107652