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1、英语招聘广广告范例下面是两则则英语招聘聘广告,请请注意它们们的组成部部分,并尝尝试分析其其语言特点点:Saless Dirrectoor | Chinna(招聘聘的职位)- Gloobal leadding onliine bbusinness (公司司主要介绍绍)- FFrequuent travvel rrequiired - Hoong KKong locaationn(工作要要求)范例一:(招招聘单位介介绍)Our CCliennt, wwith its headdquarrterss in Londdon, is tthe wworldds lleadiing oonlinne re
2、esearrch,ttrendd anaalysiisandd newws seervicce foor thhe faashioon inndusttry. (招聘原因因及职位)With offiices all arouund tthe wworldd theey arre noow loookinng foor dyynamiic caandiddate to ffill the rolee of Salees Diirecttor tto coope wwith theiir agggresssivee exppansiion pplanss inCChinaa.(工作作职责)Repo
3、rrtingg to the Regiionall Salles DDirecctor of AAsia Paciific, youu willl bee ressponssiblee forr leaadingg thee Chiina ssaless opeeratiion aand wwill playy a kkey rrole in rrolliing oout tthe bbrandds aaccelleratted ggrowtth sttrateegy iin thhe reegionn.YYou wwill deveelop and deliiver the salees s
4、ttrateegy aand ttransslatee it intoo annnual salees pllans inclludinng buudgetts annd ennsuree impplemeentattion of tthe pplanss andd buddgetss.Yoou wiill iidenttify and deveelop new markket oopporrtuniitiess, coontriibutee to the deveelopmment of ssaless proocessses, toolls annd caapabiilitiies bba
5、sedd on bestt praacticces iin orrder to rrun aan effficiient and effeectivve Saales Depaartmeent.Besiides, youu willl woork ccloseely wwith the Conttent teamm to exchhangee marrket inteelliggencee andd maxximizze muutuallly bbenefficiaal coontennt coollabborattion. (应聘聘资格)YYou wwill gainn knoowleddg
6、e oof thhe faashioon inndusttry aand ssupplly chhain and the digiital infoormattion induustryy, too be ablee to provvide markket iinsigght aacrosss keey teerrittoriees. You shouuld hhave soliid exxperiiencee in deliiveriing ssaless strrateggies thatt demmonsttratee bussinesss accumenn andd aliignmee
7、nt wwith the comppanys sttrateegic plann, annd maanagiing ccompllexitty inn a hhigh growwth eenvirronmeent. To ffit iinto thiss chaallenngingg rolle, yyou wwill needd to havee preeviouus exxperiiencee worrkingg in Mainnlandd Chiina aand eexperriencce off staartinng upp a bbusinness in CChinaa wouuld
8、 bbe ann advvantaage. Expperieence in aan onnlinee envvironnmentt is prefferreed, aas iss a bbackggrounnd inn fasshionn/rettail. Yoou MUUST bbe flluentt in Engllish and Manddarinn. (CCandiidatees whho doo nott speeak MMandaarin needd NOTT appply) .范例二:(招聘的职职位)TUTOOR foor Leearniing CCentrre(应聘资格格)Re
9、quuiremmentss: a gennuinee passsionn in workking withh youung cchilddren excelllentt prooficiiencyy in Engllish, in bothh speeakinng annd wrritinng teerms maturrity and reaadineess tto coommitt to thiss carreer oppoortunnity a commmittted tteam playyer univeersitty grraduaate oor abbove stablle, rre
10、liaable and willlingnness to llearnnNote: Priior tteachhing expeeriennce iis noot neecesssary as iintennsivee in-housse, oon -tthe-jjob ttrainning willl be provvidedd.Workking Hourrs: Mon, Tuess, Thhurs & Frri - 9:000 am to 66:30 pm Wed - 3:000 pmm to 6:300 pm Sat - 9:000 amm to 12:330 pmm(提供的待待遇)We
11、e offfer aa commpetiitivee sallary, aloong wwith perfformaance relaated yearr endd bonnusess andd gennerouus beenefiits.(应聘的方方法) SShoulld yoou bee intteressted, pleease kinddly ssend yourr upddatedd ressume to ppauliina xxeideealinnkx oor faax too 25772 20081 (Attnn: Paaulinna)3英文招招聘广告的的语言特点点)标题新新颖(
12、Noovel Headdingss) 为为了吸引读读者的注意意,获得最最佳的广告告效果,广广告撰稿人人经常会别别出心裁地地遣词造句句,创造出出新颖的标标题。如:Heroo Meeets HHero(英英雄识英雄雄) IIt IssYouu WhooMakke EvverytthinggPosssiblle(创造造一切全靠靠你自己) AAre YYou RReadyy to Acceept CChalllengees frrom aa Traansnaationnal EEnterrprisse?(您您愿意接受受跨国企业业的挑战吗吗?)多用省省略句(EEmplooyingg Manny Elll
13、ipttic SSenteencess) 为为了在有限限的空间、时时间、地点点费用内传传播足够的的信息以达达到最佳广广告效果,英英文招聘广广告大量使使用省略句句。例如:Hard workk andd honnestyy a mmust.工作勤奋奋和为人诚诚实是必备备条件。(主主语之后省省略了iss)Readd andd Wriite EEngliish.会读和写写英语(省省略了情态态动词caan)Quualifficattionss neeeded:所需资资格:(省省略了从句句whicch arre))利用各各种短句( Utiiliziing VVarioous KKindss of Phra
14、ases)一般用于说说明工作职职责和应聘聘资格(要要求)两项项内容中。如:Goodd commmuniicatiion sskillls(良好好的交际技技能)Abbilitty too worrk inn a tteam undeer prressuure(能能够在集体体中承受压压力进行工工作)常用祈祈使句(UUsingg Impperattive Senttencees Frrequeentlyy)一般用来说说明应聘方方法。为表示礼貌貌,使读者者感到亲切切,开头都都用个“请”字。如:Pleasse appply in yyour own handdwritting withh fulll E
15、nnglissh reesumee andd ressent photto too:请亲自誊写写详细的英英文简历并并附上近照照寄:Pleasse hiighliight the posiitionn youu appply ffor aat thhe boottomm of the enveelopee.请在信封下下方注明你你所应聘的的职位。Pleasse caall 00510-58077123-36299 forr intterviiewinng.请致致电05110-588071223-36629 商商定面试事事宜。采用缩略词词(Makking Use of AAbbreeviattion
16、ss) 为了节省广广告撰稿人人的状告时时间与读者者的阅读时时间,以及及节省广告告的篇幅和和广告的费费用,英语语广告中能能用缩略的的词语都尽尽可能缩略略。如:Dept=Depaartmeent 部部门 CVV=Currricullum VVitaee个人简简历 JJV=joinnt veenturre 合合资 G.M.=Gennerall Mannagerr总经理理 AAd=adveertissemennt广告告add=addrress地址 aatt (n) =atteentioon 收收信人/联系人 IID=idenntifiicatiion身身份证分类广告中中的缩写词词尤其多,以以下是英语语
17、招聘广告告中常见的的一些缩写写词:adminn. = admiinisttratiionaft. = affternnoona.h. = aafterr bussinesss hoours 下班后9 a.mm. / 9 inn.m. = 9 oclocck inn thee morrninggapp. = apppoinntmenntavaill immmed=avaiilablle immmediiatellybgroound = baackgrrounddbetw=betwweenbus. Hrs = bussinesss hoours 上班时间间,工作时时间cas. = caasuall
18、 临时的的,不定期期的,临时时工cert=certtificcatecomm.=commmisssioncompuuter knowwledgge a+ = ccompuuter knowwledgge a pluss 懂电脑脑者优先corp.Ltd.=corrporaationn limmitedd有限公公司dep. = deependds / depeendinngEOE=eequall oppportuunityy empployeer 就业业机会均等等(本公司司提供公平平就业机会会)ess. = esssenttialevs=eeveniingsexc bbnftss=exceelle
19、nnt beenefiits 待待遇优厚Exc RRefs=exceellennt reefereencess 可靠证证明exlntt=exceellenntexp.=expeerienncedFT/PTT=fulll timme/ ppart timeegd. = gooodgenll=geneeral 普通的hi-teech=highh-tecchnollogyhr=hoourincl=inclludejnr. = juuniorrlic. = liicensseM-F=MMondaay too Friidaymin.= minnimumm 最少,最最低限度 / miinutee 分钟mo
20、=moonthnego=negootiabble 可可谈判的,可可磋商的nec. = neecesssaryoff. = offficeeo/t, otimee = ooverttimep.a. = peer annnum / peer yeearperm=permmanenntph. oor teel. = tellephoonepos=pposittionpro.=proffessiionallpref. = pprefeerredd / pprefeerenccep.w. = peer weeekqual. = qqualiifieddreq. = reequirredsal = sal
21、larytemp=tempporarry 临时时的snr = senniortranss = ttranssporttw.p.mm = wwordss perr minnute2 yrss expp=2 yyearss expperieence56 ddys/wwk=5 too 6 ddays per weekk 每周五五至六天遇上了你没没见过的缩缩写词也没没有关系,大大多数情况况下,根据据上下文能能猜出其含含义。如果通过信信息收集,你你发现了自自己心仪的的职位,该该如何写求求职信和简简历呢?请请看本书的的其他章节节。1Teachhers of EEngliish (Mothhertoongu
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- 英语 招聘广告 样本 39722