奥巴马 就职演说6137.docx
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1、奥巴马的就职演说英文全文My fellow citizens:I stand here today humbled by the taskbefore us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of thesacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for hisservice to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he hasshown throughout this transi
2、tion.Forrty-fouur AAmerricaans havve nnow takken theepreesiddenttiall oaath. Thhe wwordds hhavee beeen spookenn duurinng rrisiing tiddes ofpprossperrityy annd tthe stiill watterss off peeacee. YYet, evveryy soo offtenn thhe ooathhis takken amiidstt gaatheerinng cclouuds andd raaginng sstorrms. Att t
3、hhesee moomennts,Ameericca hhas carrrieed oon nnot simmplyy beecauuse of thee skkilll orr viisioon oofthhosee inn hiigh offficee, bbut beccausse wwe tthe Peooplee haave remmainned faiithffultto tthe ideealss off ouur fforbbearrerss, aand truue tto oour fouundiing doccumeentss.So it hass beeen. Soo i
4、tt muust be witth tthiss geenerratiion of Ameericcanss.Thaat wwe aare in thee miidstt off crrisiis iis nnowwwelll unnderrstoood. Ouur nnatiion is at warr, aagaiinstt a farr-reeachhingg neetwoorkoof vviollencce aand hattredd. OOur ecoonommy iis bbadlly wweakkeneed, a cconssequuencce oofgrreedd annd i
5、irreespoonsiibillityy onn thhe ppartt off soome, buut aalsoo ouur ccolllecttiveefaiilurre tto mmakee haard chooicees aand preeparre tthe nattionn foor aa neew aage.Hommes havve bbeenn loost; joobs sheed; bussineessees sshuttterred. Ouur hheallth carreiss tooo ccosttly; ouur sschooolss faail tooo maa
6、ny; annd eeachh daay bbrinngs furrtheerevvideencee thhat thee waays we usee ennerggy sstreengtthenn ouur aadveersaariees aandtthreeateen oour plaanett.Theese aree thhe iindiicattorss off crrisiis, subbjeccttoo daata andd sttatiistiics. Leess meaasurrablle bbut no lesss pproffounnd iis aasapppinng oo
7、f cconffideencee accrosss oour lannd - a naggginng ffearr thhat Ameericcassdecclinne iis iinevvitaablee, aand thaat tthe nexxt ggeneerattionn muust lowwer itsssigghtss.Todday I ssay to youu thhat thee chhalllengges weffacee arre rreall. TTheyy arre sseriiouss annd ttheyy arre mmanyy. TTheyy wiill no
8、tt bee meeteaasilly oor iin aa shhortt sppan of timme. Butt knnow thiis, Ameericca - thhey willlbee meet.On thiis dday, wee gaatheer bbecaausee wee haave choosenn hoope oveer ffearr, uunitty oof ppurpposee ovver connfliict andd diiscoord.On thiis dday, wee coome to prooclaaim an endd toothee peettyy
9、 grrievvancces andd faalsee prromiisess, tthe reccrimminaatioons andd woornoout doggmass, tthatt foor ffar tooo loong havve sstraanglled ourr poolitticss.We remmainn a youung nattionn, bbut in thee woordssof Scrriptturee, tthe timme hhas comme tto sset asiide chiildiish thiingss. TThe timmehaas ccom
10、ee too reeafffirmm ouur eenduurinng sspirrit; too chhoosse oour bettterr hiistoory;to carrry forrwarrd tthatt prreciiouss giift, thhat nobble ideea, passsedd onn frromggeneerattionn too geenerratiion: thhe GGod-givven proomisse tthatt alll aare equual, alllarre ffreee, aand alll deeserrve a cchannce
11、 to purrsuee thheirr fuull meaasurre oofhaappiinesss.In reaaffiirmiing thee grreattnesss oof oour nattionn,wee unnderrstaand thaat ggreaatneess is nevver a ggiveen. It musst bbe eearnned. Ouurjoournney hass neeverr beeen onee off shhortt-cuuts or setttliing forr leess. Itt haasnoot bbeenn thhe ppath
12、h foor tthe faiint-heaarteed - foor tthosse wwho preeferr leeisuureooverr woork, orr seeek onlly tthe pleeasuuress off riichees aand famme. Rattherr, iithaas bbeenn thhe rriskk-taakerrs, thee dooerss, tthe makkerss off thhinggs - soomecceleebraatedd buut mmoree offtenn meen aand wommen obsscurre iin
13、 ttheiir llaboor, whoohavve ccarrriedd uss upp thhe llongg, rruggged patth ttowaardss prrospperiity andd frreeddom.Forr uss, ttheyy paackeed uup ttheiir ffew worrldlly pposssesssionns aand traavelled acrrosss occeanns iin ssearrch of a nnew liffe.Forr uss, ttheyy tooileed iin ssweaatshhopss annd sse
14、tttledd thhe WWestt; eenduuredd thhe llashh off thhe wwhipp annd pplowwed thee haard earrth.Forr uss, ttheyy fooughht aand dieed, in plaacess liike Conncorrd aand Getttyssburrg; Norrmanndy andd Khhe SSanhh.Timme aand agaain theese menn annd wwomeensttrugggleed aand saccrifficeed aand worrkedd tiill
15、theeir hannds werre rraw so thaatwee miightt liive a bbettter liffe. Theey ssaw Ameericca aas bbiggger thaan tthe summ offourr inndivviduual ambbitiionss; ggreaaterr thhan alll thhe ddifffereencees oof bbirtth oorweealtth oor ffacttionn.Thiis iis tthe jouurneey wwe cconttinuue ttodaay. Werremaain th
16、ee moost proospeerouus, powwerfful nattionn onn Eaarthh. OOur worrkerrs aarenno llesss prroduuctiive thaan wwhenn thhis criisiss beegann. OOur minnds aree noo leessiinveentiive, ouur ggoodds aand serrvicces no lesss nneedded thaan ttheyy weere lasstweeek or lasst mmontth oor llastt yeear. Ouur ccapa
17、acitty rremaainss unndimminiisheed. Buttourr tiime of staandiing patt, oof pprottecttingg naarroow iinteeressts andd puuttiingooff unppleaasannt ddeciisioons - tthatt tiime hass suurelly ppasssed. Sttarttingg toodayy,wee muust picck ooursselvves up, duust ourrsellvess offf, andd beeginn aggainn thhe
18、 wworkkof remmakiing Ameericca.Forr evveryywheere we loook, theere is worrk tto bbedoone. Thhe sstatte oof tthe ecoonommy ccallls ffor acttionn, bboldd annd sswifft, andd weewilll aact - nnot onlly tto ccreaate neww joobs, buut tto llay a nnew fouundaatioon fforggrowwth. Wee wiill buiild thee rooads
19、s annd bbriddgess, tthe eleectrric griids andddiggitaal llinees tthatt feeed ourr coommeercee annd bbindd uss toogettherr. WWe wwilllresstorre sscieencee too itts rrighhtfuul pplacce, andd wiieldd teechnnoloogys wwondderssto raiise heaalthh caares qquallityy annd lloweer iits cosst. We willl hharnne
20、sss thhesuun aand thee wiindss annd tthe soiil tto ffuell ouur ccarss annd rrun ourr faactooriees.AAnd we willl ttrannsfoorm ourr scchoools andd coolleegess annd uunivverssitiies to meeetthhe ddemaandss off a neww agge. Alll thhis we cann doo. AAnd alll thhis we willl ddo.Noww, ttherre aare somme ww
21、ho queestiion thee sccaleeof ourr ammbittionns - whho ssugggestt thhat ourr syysteem ccannnot tolleraate tooo maanybbig plaans. Thheirr meemorriess arre sshorrt. Forr thhey havve fforggottten whaat tthisscouuntrry hhas alrreaddy ddonee; wwhatt frree menn annd wwomeen ccan achhievve wwhennimaaginnati
22、ion is joiinedd too coommoon ppurpposee, aand neccesssityy too coouraage.Whaat tthe cynnicss faail to unddersstannd iis tthattthee grrounnd hhas shiifteed bbeneeathh thhem - tthatt thhe sstalle ppoliiticcalaarguumennts thaat hhavee coonsuumedd uss foor sso llongg noo loongeer aapplly. Theequeestiion
23、 we askk toodayy iss noot wwhettherr ouur ggoveernmmentt iss tooo bbig or tooosmaall, buut wwhettherr itt woorkss - wheetheer iit hhelpps ffamiiliees ffindd joobs at adeecennt wwagee, ccaree thhey cann affforrd, a rretiiremmentt thhat is diggniffiedd.Whheree thhe aanswwer is yess, wwe iinteend to mo
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- 奥巴马 就职演说6137 巴马 就职 演说 6137