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1、如何写一封关于索取信息的信?普通培训类类TASKK 1部分分和学术类类的TASSK 1部部分的评分分标准基本本一致,对对字数要求求也相同。所所不同的是是普通培训训类TASSK 1部部分要求考考生写一封封信。考生生在写作过过程中要分分清信的类类型,如抱抱怨信,感感谢信,道道歉信,求求职信等。要要注意信的的格式和结结构,要开开门见山,直直截了当,又又要注意文文字规范和和礼貌。时时态要准确确,避免用用词重复,要要展示出写写复杂句子子的能力, 这是高高分的前提提。至于如何何索取信息息信的基本本格式,请请参阅我曾曾写过的一一篇例文如如下:题目:Yoou arre inntereestedd in his
2、ttory and inteend tto maajor in iit, bbut yyou aare ttold compputerr sciiencee willl maake iit eaasierr forr youu to findd a jjob. Writte too thee colllegee, asskingg forr theeir rrecommmenddatioon.正文:Dear Sir,I am writting to sseek yourr advvice regaardinng whhich subjject I shhouldd chooose as mmy
3、 maajor, hisstoryy or compputerr sciiencee.I am studdyingg in the lastt yeaar inn higgh scchooll noww. Neext yyear, I hhope thatt I wwill be aable to eenrolll inn youur coollegge. II beggan tto taake aa speeciall intteresst inn hisstoryy wheen I was a prrimarry scchooll stuudentt. I can stilll reeme
4、mbber tthe hhistooricaal sttoriees myy teaacherrs toold iin cllass, so I waas woonderring if II shoould conttinuee to studdy hiistorry inn youur coollegge. HHowevver, seveeral dayss agoo, onne off my frieends toldd me thatt commputeer scciencce iss morre poopulaar noowadaays. As aa mattter of ffact,
5、 manny joobs nneed IT sskillls. II wass advvisedd thaat itt is moree impportaant tto fiind aa jobb thaan meerelyy to satiisfy perssonall intteresst. TThereeforee, itt is now veryy harrd foor mee to deciide wwhichh subbjectt I sshoulld chhoosee. Muust II givve upp my favooritee subbjectt andd takke e
6、mmployymentt neeed ass a ppriorrity? I wouuld bbe moore tthan grattefull to you if yyou ccouldd telll mee youur addvicee aboout tthis. Youur eaarly replly woould be hhighlly appprecciateed.Yourss faiithfuully,Wang Rutaao雅思普通培培训类TAASK 11的抱怨信信应如何构构思并举例例说明。写抱怨信要要首先要注注意信的格格式和结构构,一般是是提出问题题说明问问题提出出解决问题题的建
7、议和和想法。考考生在写作作过程中要要根据题目目的要求提提供足够的的信息,要要注意时态态准确,句句型多样化化,避免用用词重复,要要展示出写写复杂句子子的能力, 还要注注意礼貌,这这是取得66分或以上上的关键。下下面请看一一封抱怨信信的例文:题目: TThe ggoverrnmennt wiill bbuildd a nnew aairpoort nnear wherre yoou liive. Writte a lettter tto thhe neewspaaper expllainiing wwheree youu livve annd whhy yoou doo nott wannt th
8、his ddevellopmeent.Dear Edittor,I am writting to ccompllain abouut thhe coonstrructiion oof ann airrportt in the viciinityy of my hhome, whiich iis gooing to ccommeence in aa feww monnths. I livve inn thee wessternn subburb of aa citty caalledd Wesst Haaven. Thiis arrea iis thhe moost ssuitaable liv
9、iing aarea becaause mostt loccal iindusstriees arre loocateed onn thee othher sside of tthe ccity. Howweverr, too my surpprisee, thhe goovernnmentt hadd deccidedd to builld ann airrportt herre.I wouuld sstronngly prottest thiss incconsiideraate aactioon off thee loccal ggoverrnmennt. FFor oone tthin
10、gg, thhe nooise of aaircrraft woulld innevittablyy breeak tthe ttranqquiliity oof thhis aarea and peaccefull liffestyyle oof thhe peeoplee aroound heree. Foor annotheer, bbecauuse ttheree aree oftten llots of bbirdss flyying abouut inn thee skyy, thhis mmay ccausee aviiatioon saafetyy prooblemms. OO
11、bvioouslyy, itt wouuld bbe a foollish and evenn danngeroous ddecission to bbuildd an airpport heree.Thereeforee, foor thhe saake oof ouur loovelyy citty, II hoppe thhe prress can do ssometthingg to helpp to avoiid thhe shhort-sighhted deveelopmment of tthe aairpoort.IIt woould be hhighlly apppreccia
12、teed iff youu couuld fforwaard tthis messsage to tthe aauthooritiies cconceernedd. Yourss faiithfuullyAdam Li为便于大家家理解,现现附上中译译文如下:尊敬的编辑辑:据悉数月月后在我居居住的附近近地区将修修建一座机机场,现特特致函提出出不同意见见。我现住西西黑文市西西郊,该地地区是最合合适的生活活区,因为为当地许多多工业都位位于城市的的另一边。然然而,令我我惊奇的是是政府竟然然将在这里里修建机场场。对当地政政府这种贸贸然做法,我我表示强烈烈抗议。因因为一方面面飞机发出出的噪音不不可避免地地
13、打破了这这一地区的的宁静和人人们平静的的生活方式式,另一方方面,因为为这里空中中经常有鸟鸟飞过,这这会给飞行行安全带来来隐患。显显然,在这这里建机场场是一个愚愚蠢,甚至至危险的决决策。因此,为为了我们这这座可爱的的城市,我我希望报界界能做些事事情来设法法避免这种种缺乏远见见的做法。并请将此函转交给有关当局为盼。您忠实的,亚当 李 You hhave bougght aa Wallkmann at an aairpoort. On rreachhing homee, yoou diiscovver aa fauult wwith it. Writte a lettter tto thhe aii
14、rporrt auuthorrity expllainiing tthe ssituaationn, annd assk thhat tthe pprobllem bbe puut riight. Dear Sir,I wissh too makke a compplainnt abbout a Waalkmaan whhich I booughtt thrree ddays ago in tthe DDuty Freee secctionn of yourr airrportt. Ass is my hhabitt, I madee a ppointt of tryiing iit ouut
15、 onn thee spoot. IIt woorkedd perrfecttly wwell, andd so I weent aaheadd andd purrchassed iit.Howevver, whenn I ggot hhome and trieed itt agaain, it sseemeed thhat tthe vvolumme knnob hhad cceaseed too worrk. RRemovving the backk of the casee, I founnd thhat tthe iinterrnal componeents of tthe WWalk
16、mman wwere all rustted. Not onlyy thaat buut soome oof thhe wiires weree brooken.I am suree thaat yoou wiill aagreee thaat thhis iis a mostt unssatissfacttory situuatioon. TThereeforee, I requuest you to aarrannge tto reeplacce thhis WWalkmman wwith anotther one, whiich sshoulld bee in perffect cond
17、ditioon. FFailiing tthat, I wwill havee to insiist oon a fulll reffund of tthe ppricee whiich II paiid foor itt.Yourss sinncereely,John Jonees雅思普通培培训类写作作Taskk 1的求求职信写作作方法:求职信属于于正规信函函,因此,应应采用正规规文体和用用词。在开开头的称谓谓上,既应应使用Deear SSir oor Maadam, Deaar Maanageer, 等等。此外,在在信中要写写出你对应应聘的工作作感兴趣,自自己的优势势和特长及及人品,性性格
18、等, 最好在信信中表明自自信心,认认为自己是是合适人选选。信的结结尾要注意意礼貌。请请参考下面面的例文:Dear Sir or MMadamm, I havve juust sseen yourr advvertiisemeent iin thhe “SSundaay Tiimes” of 112th Appril for a guuide to aaccommpanyy parrtiess of Brittish tourristss in the soutth off Fraance duriing tthe ssummeer moonthss. I am tthereeforee enc
19、closiing aa currricuulum vitaae, ttogetther withh refferennces fromm twoo commpaniies II havve woorkedd forr. As yoou caan seee, II wass borrn annd brroughht upp in Nicee andd theerefoore kknow the Frennch RRivieera wwell. I sstudiied mmoderrn laanguaages at sschoool annd affterwwardss wennt too Eng
20、glandd, whhere I obbtainned tthe CCambrridgee Lowwer CCertiificaate ttwo yyearss agoo. Siince thenn I hhave workked aas a freee-lannce ttransslatoor annd innterppreteer. II havve offten beenn askked tto acct ass a gguidee to grouups oof Ennglissh-sppeakiing bbusinnessmmen aattenndingg connfereencess
21、 in diffferennt toowns on tthe RRivieera aand aam coonfiddent thatt I wwouldd be suittablee forr thee kinnd off worrk yoou arre addverttisinng. If yoou woould likee anyy furrtherr infformaationn, I woulld bee verry plleaseed too suppply it. Thankk youu forr youur coonsidderattion and I amm loookingg
22、 forrwardd to hearring fromm youu. Yourss faiithfuullyJosiaane DDuvall 为便于大家家理解,现现附上中译译文如下:尊敬的先生生/女士:我刚在4月月12日的的星期日日时报上上看到贵公公司招聘导导游的广告告,该导游游将陪同夏夏季来法国国南部旅行行的英国旅旅游团。兹兹附上本人人简历以及及过去工作作过的两家家公司提供供的推荐信信。您从我的的简历中可可以得知我我在尼斯长长大,因此此对法国的的Riviiera地地区较为熟熟悉。我上上学的时候候曾学过现现代语言,后后又去了英英国,并在在两年前在在那里获得得“剑桥初初级证书”。此此后,我一一直
23、是从事事翻译工作作的自由职职业者。我我还经常给给来Rivvieraa河两岸不不同城镇参参加会议的的讲英语的的商务团组组担当导游游。因此,我我相信我适适合贵公司司广告上招招聘的职位位。如果您需需要了解更更多情况,我我将非常愿愿意提供给给您。谢谢您的考考虑。盼复复。您忠实的,乔安 杜瓦瓦尔如何完成普普通培训类类TASKK 1部分分感谢信:题目:Yoou weere ttakenn goood caare oof byy youur frriendds whhile you weree recceiviing mmediccal ttreattmentt in hosppitall aftter a
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- 英语 雅思 写作 书信 部分 培训班 资料 39620