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1、求职面试常常用英语语一应征函函的起因因1. Inn reespoonsee too yoour advverttiseemennt iin ttodaayss neewsppapeer, I wwishh too appplyy foor tthe possitiion of senniorr cllerkk inn yoour estteemmed firrm.2. Reeplyyingg too yoour advverttiseemennt iin ttodaayss Chhinaa Tiimess foor aan aadmiinisstraatioon aassiistaant, I
2、 tennderr myy seerviicess.3. Yoour advverttiseemennt ffor marrkettingg offficcer in Chiina Traade newws oof MMay 17 hass innterrestted me, I wissh tto ttendder my serrvicces.4. Reeferrrinng tto yyourr addverrtissemeent in Intternnatiionaal TTradde NNewss off Juuly 13 forr ann acccouuntaant, I feeel
3、II caan ffilll thhat possitiion.5. I wissh tto aapplly ffor thee poosittionn meentiioneed iin yyourr addverrtissemeent in toddays nnewsspapper, I hoppe tto ooffeer mmy sservvicees.二应征函函的的开开头1. I willl ggradduatte ffromm coolleege in Jully oof tthiss yeear andd I havve hhearrd tthatt peerhaaps youu m
4、iightt neeed an acccounntannt wwithh coonsiiderrablle eexpeerieencee woorkiing witth ccomppaniies succh aas yyourrs. I wwoulld llikee too appplyy foor tthe possitiion.2. Geentllemeen: Atttenttionn off peersoonneel MManaagerr, II amm loookiing forr a possitiion as salles enggineeer. I thiink youu caa
5、n hhelpp mee.3. Peerhaaps theere is possitiion in youur oorgaanizzatiion forr ann yooungg, eexpeerieenceed aand connsciienttiouus ssalees rreprreseentaativve, I sshouuld likke tto aapplly ffor it.4. Ass itt iss neeariing thee Spprinng FFesttivaal, it occcurss too mee thhat youu maay nneedd adddittio
6、nnal asssisttancce iin sselllingg giiftss inn yoour shoop. I tthinnk II caan aassiist youu.5. Shhalll yoou nneedd ann exxperrienncedd caashiier forr yoour commpanny iin tthe neaar ffutuure? I wissh tto aapplly ffor thee poosittionn.三叙述个个人年龄龄、经验验1. I am to graaduaate thiis JJulyy frrom BeiijinngCoomm
7、eerciialCColllegee, hhaviing commpleetedd thhe ffourr-yeear commmerrciaal ccourrse. Duurinng mmy ssummmer vaccatiion I wwas empployyed in thee acccouuntiing depparttmennt oof aa Chhemiicall Coompaany.2. I am tweentyy-thhreee yeearss olld, andd haave beeen eemplloyeed ffor thee laast yeaars by Polly
8、TTechhnollogiies.INCC.Aiircrraftt Suuppoort Divvisiion, inn thhe ggeneerall clleriicall woork of thee offficce.3. I am thiirtyy-siix yyearrs oof aage, annd hhavee haad tten yeaars exxperriennce in my preesennt jjob, whhichh I am leaavinng tto bbettter mysselff.4. I am jusst lleavvingg scchoool; andd
9、 twwentty-tthreee yyearrs oof aage. I am anxxiouus tto ssetttle dowwn tto ooffiice worrk.5. I am tweentyy yeearss olld, femmalee annd hhavee haad oone yeaars exxperriennce witth aa coompaany as an exeecuttivee seecreetarry.四叙述个个人能力力1. I graaduaatedd frrom TokkyoCCommmercciallUniiverrsitty, wheere I
10、hhavee coomplleteed tthe fouur-yyearr cooursse. Bessidees, I hhavee haad ttwo yeaars trrainningg inn tyypewwrittingg annd aalsoo sttudiied thee Enngliish Lannguaage, inncluudinng aa yeear of Bussineess Engglissh.2. I worrk aas aassiistaant ediitorr onn a traade jouurnaal iin tthe foood ffielld, whee
11、re my tassks inccludded a ggreaat ddeall off innterrvieewinng aand perrsonnal conntacct wwithh meembeers of thee inndusstryy.3. I am a ggoodd acccouuntaant andd I havve aa goood boookkeeepiing by douublee-enntryy.4. I am a ggradduatte oof BBeijjinggForreiggnSttudiiesUUnivverssityy. II woon aa scchol
12、larsshipp annd tthe firrst priize in speeechh coonteest in thee Unniveersiity.5. I havve rreceeiveed aa goood eduucattionn annd II haave bussineess knoowleedgee annd kknoww thhe ssalees ttechhniqquess.五随函附附寄物1. Enncloosedd heerewwithh arre ttwo coppiess off myy diiploomass annd aa coopy of my ressum
13、ee foor yyourr reeferrencce.2. Enncloosedd yoou wwilll fiind a ccopyy off myy reesumme aand my phooto. I bellievve tthatt thhey mayy bee fooundd saatissfacctorry.3. Yoou wwilll fiind encclossed an outtlinne oof mmy eeduccatiion andd coopiees oof tthreee llettterss off reecommmenndattionn.4. Enncloos
14、edd yoou wwilll fiind a llettter of reccommmenddatiion froom MMr.WWangg, HHeadd Prrofeessoor oof EEngllishh Deeparrtmeent andd a coppy oof mmy ttrannscrriptt.5. Yoou ccan seee frrom thee daata sheeet thaat iis eenclloseed tthatt I noww haave an inttereest in seccuriing a ssatiisfyyingg poosittionn.六
15、薪金待待遇1. Ass reegarrds sallaryy, II leeavee itt too yoou tto ddeciide aftter expperiiencce oof mmy ccapaacitty.2. Thhe ssalaary I sshouuld reqquirre wwoulld bbe 220,0000 a yyearr.3. Thhe ssalaary reqquirred is 8000 peer mmontth, livvingg inn thhe hhousse.4. Hoowevver, thhe mmattter of remmuneerattion
16、n wiill takke ccaree off ittsellf, as it alwwayss dooes, iff ottherr thhinggs aare alll riightt.5. I am willlinng tto sservve oon ttriaal ffor somme mmontths at a ssmalll ssalaary.七离职原原因1. Thhe oonlyy reeasoon wwhy I aam lleavvingg thhe ppressentt poosittionn iss too gaain morre eexpeerieencee inn a
17、 traadinng ooffiice.2. Myy reeasoon ffor leaavinng tthe commpanny iis tthatt I wissh tto gget intto tthe advverttisiing bussineess.3. I lefft tthe offficee onn acccouunt of thee diiscoontiinuaancee off thhe bbusiinesss.4. I noww wiish to entter an offficee whheree thhe wworkk reequiiress grreatter i
18、nddiviiduaal rrespponssibiilitty aand juddgmeent thaan hheree, aand wheere theere is morre ooppoortuunitty ffor advvanccemeent.5. Onne rreasson thaat II woouldd liike to be empployyed witth yyourr fiirm is thaat yyou aree deealiing witth iimpoort andd exxporrt ttradde. I wwoulld llookkforwaard to de
19、aalinng wwithh ovverssea commpanniess annd aat tthe samme ttimee haavinng aa chhancce tto uuse Engglissh mmoree.八请求面面谈及客客套语1. Iff yoou ccaree too giive my an inttervvieww, II shhalll bee plleassed to calll aany aftternnoonn exxceppt MMondday.2. I shaall be oblligeed iif yyou willl ggivee mee a perrs
20、onnal inttervvieww att yoour connvenniennce.3. Iff yoou ddo nnot havve aany vaccancciess att prreseent forr whhichh I migght be connsiddereed, willl yyou pleeasee fiile my apppliccatiion forr fuuturre rrefeerennce? I shaall be pleeaseed tto ssuppply anyy adddittionnal infformmatiion youu maay wwishh
21、 annd ccomee too yoour offficee foor aa peersoonall innterrvieew aat aany timme tthatt uss coonveenieent.4. Shhoulld tthiss apppliicattionn meeet witth yyourr faavorrablle cconssideerattionn, II wiill do my utmmostt too juustiify thee coonfiidennce youu maay rrepoose in me, offficce ffor a pperssona
22、al iinteerviiew at anyy tiime thaat uus cconvveniientt.5. Id vveryy muuch appprecciatte tthe chaancee too taalk to youu annd tto gget youur oopinnionn onn whhethher I aam qquallifiied forr thhe jjob youu offferr.中文对照应征函的起起因1. 贵公公司在今今日某某某报上刊刊登广告告招聘高高级文员员一职,现现拟应征征。2. 拜读读今日中中国时报报上贵公公司招聘聘人才广广告,本本人特此此应征行
23、行政助理理一职。3. 贵公公司五月月十七日日在中国国贸易报报张刊登登招聘市市场部办办公室主主任的广广告,本本人拜读读后极感感兴趣,特特此应召召。4. 贵宾宾公司七七月十三三日在国国际经贸贸消息上上刊登招招聘会计计的广告告,相信信本人能能担任此此职。5. 拜读读贵公司司今日在在XXXX报上刊刊登的广广告,本本人特此此备函应应征。应征函的的的开头1. 我将将于今年年七月份份从大学学毕业,据据悉贵公公司有意意招聘一一名具有有相当经经验的会会计,我我拟应征征。2. 人事事部经理理勋鉴:本人正正在谋求求一份销销售工程程师的工工作,希希望您能能对我有有所帮助助。3. 请问问贵公司司是否需需要一名名年轻、有
24、有经验且且有责任任心的营营业代表表?我拟拟应征。4. 春节节将至,我我想贵公公司可能能需要人人帮助销销售礼物物,本人人可以帮帮忙。5. 请问问贵公司司近期是是否需要要一名有有经验的的出纳员员?特此此修函应应征。叙述个人年年龄、经经验1. 今年年七月本本人将从从北京商商学院毕毕业,读读完四年年的商科科课程。在在暑假期期间,曾曾受雇于于某化学学公司会会计部。2. 今年年23岁岁,在过过去的四四年中一一直为保保利科技技有限公公司航空空维修部部服务,担担任普通通文职工工作。3. 本人人今年336岁在在目前的的工作岗岗位已有有十年工工作经验验,准备备离开此此职位,谋谋求更大大发展。4. 本人人23岁岁不
25、久即即可毕业业,希望望能尽快快安定下下来进入入某公司司做文职职工作。5. 本人人今年220岁,女女性,曾曾在某公公司担任任行政秘秘书工作作一年。叙述个人能能力1. 本人人毕业于于东京商商务大学学,除完完成大学学四年应应修课程程外,还还曾接受受过两年年的打字字训练并并学习过过一年的的商业英英语。2. 我曾曾在某贸贸易杂志志担任食食品方面面的副编编辑,主主要工作作还包括括对工业业界人士士进行访访问和与与他们进进行个人人接触。3. 我是是一个优优秀的会会计员,对对联单记记帐十分分熟练。4. 本人人毕业于于北京外外国语大大学,在在校期间间曾获得得奖学金金和演讲讲比赛冠冠军。5. 本人人接受过过良好的的
26、教育,不不但具有有商业知知识,而而且熟悉悉推销技技巧。随函附寄物物1. 兹随随函附寄寄毕业证证书两份份及简历历表一份份,仅供供参考。2. 附上上我的简简历表和和照片,希希望能令令您满意意。3. 随函函寄上本本人学历历的简要要概况及及三封推推荐信。4. 随函函附上英英文系系系主任王王先生的的推荐函函一封及及本人成成绩单一一份。5. 您可可以从附附上的资资料表中中看出,本本人目前前有意寻寻求一份份能令人人满意的的工作。薪金待遇:1. 至于于薪金,请请在考验验本人的的能力之之后再作作决定。2. 希望望年薪能能达到两两万元。3. 希望望每月工工资八百百元,并并提供宿宿舍。4. 如果果其他条条件具备备的
27、话,待待遇问题题自会得得到解决决。5. 如能能录用,本本人并不不介意以以低薪工工作数月月。离职原因1. 本人人之所以以离开目目前的工工作岗位位,唯一一的理由由是希望望能在一一家贸易易公司获获得更多多的经验验。2. 本人人离职的的原因是是希望在在广告业业方面有有所发展展。3. 本人人离职的的原因,系系因该公公司即将将倒闭。4. 目前前,本人人希望进进入一家家可以担担负较大大责任的的公司,并并希望能能提供升升迁机会会。5. 贵公公司主要要做进出出口贸易易是本人人欲在贵贵公司工工作的原原因之一一,我渴渴望能同同外国公公司做生生意,并并借机锻锻炼英文文。请求面谈及及客套语语1. 倘蒙蒙给予面面试,除除星期一一外每天天下午本本人均可可应试。2. 倘蒙蒙阁下接接见,将将不胜感感激。3. 若贵贵公司目目前尚无无适当工工作,敬敬请把我我的申请请列为未未来求才才参考。贵贵公司如如需我个个人资料料,我愿愿随时提提供,只只要阁下下方便,我我愿随时时前来贵贵公司面面试。4. 如贵贵公司能能惠予考考虑此申申请,本本人将尽尽最大的的忠诚和和努力。5. 如有有机会与与你们面面谈,我我将十分分感激。希希望能知知道我是是否适合合担任你你们所要要求的工工作。