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1、摘 要国有企业改改革关系着着社会主义义经济的健健康快速发发展,关系系着我国和和谐社会建建设,关系系着我国社社会主义各各项事业建建设的成败败。目前,国国有企业负负担沉重、大量亏损损,严重影影响了其竞竞争能力和和生存能力力。产权结构构多元化、政政企分开、建建设现代企企业制度等等方面困难难重重。本本文通过对对国有企业业改革的历历程、现状状进行分析和和研究,借借鉴国内外外国有企业业改革的成成功经验,为为国有企业业改革突破破困境提出出有针对性性的策略。为为此,笔者者提出了以以产权改革革为根本,以以深化国有有企业股份份制改革为为突破口,以以建立政府府与国有企企业新型关关系为推动动力,系统统推进国有有企业改
5、配套能否切切实到位,对对进入创新新阶段的国国有企业改改革具有休休戚与共的的决定性影影响,各级党委委和政府应应把这项工工作放到更更加突出的的位置。 关键词:国国企改革 产权改改革 股股份制改革革 国资资委定位 配套推进ABSTRRACTThe rreforrm off staate-oownedd entterprrisess is conccerniing tthe hhealtthy aand ffast deveelopmment of ssociaalistt ecoonomyy, thhe buuildiing oof haarmonny soocietty, aas weell aa
6、s thhe suuccesss orr faiiluree of the sociialisst caausess connstruuctioon. HHowevver, manyy asppectss of the refoorm (e.g. mulltiplle prroperrty eequitty sttructture, sepparattion of ggoverrnmennt annd buusineess, consstrucctionn of modeern eenterrprisse syystemm, ettc.) meett greeat ddiffiiculttie
7、s resuultedd froom thhe pooor ccompeetitiive aand ssurviival abillitiees off staate-oownedd entterprrisess inffluennced by tthe hheavyy loaad annd looss. Therreforre, tthrouugh aanalyyzingg thee currrentt refform of sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses aand ddrawiing llessoons ffrom overrseass succcesssful
8、 expeeriennces, thee autthor put forwward somee perrtineent sstrattegiees too oveercomme thhe prrediccamennt, tthat is, to ppromoote aa serries of vviewppointts annd meeasurres oon thhe baasis of ppropeerty equiity wwhilee takking the deeppeninng reeformm of sharre hooldinng syystemm as the breaakth
9、rroughh poiint aand tthe eestabblishhmentt of new relaationnshipp bettweenn govvernmment and statte-owwned enteerpriises as tthe iimpettus. The mainn tassk off setttlinng cuurrennt isssuess in statte-owwned enteerpriises is tto keeep sstrenngtheeningg thee refform of oownerrshipp strructuure, whicch
10、 muust bbe fuulfillled by iincreeasinng paaymennt inn deppendeent wways throough a seeriess of relaated systtem aarranngemeents. Botth sttate-owneed ennterpprisees annd noon-sttate-owneed onnes ddo noot haave ccomprrehennsivee advvantaages but compparattivessuperrioriitiess, whhich shouuld bbe suubo
11、rddinatted tto thhe ovveralll deemandds off nattionaal ecconommy. TThus the emphhasess of straategiic reeconsstrucctionn shoould be ccarryying out tacttics whicch caan booth aadvannce aand rretreeat, channgingg thee fosssiliizatiion oof ovver-ccoverred nnatioonal asseets, withhdrawwing apprropriiate
12、lly inndusttriess andd fieelds withhout natiionall mannagemment, as welll as imprrovinng arreas actiing aas thhe liifebllood, fouundattion and mostt advvanceed annd prrcissed ttechnnologgy, wwhichh aree nott suiitablle too inttroduuced in nnon-sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses. Reduucingg thee enttry ll
13、imitt of statte-owwned enteerpriises is tto reealizze thhe diiverssificcatioon off shaare hholdiings whicch noot onnly aaims at ffinanncingg, buut moore iimporrtanttly, at ssolviing mmechaanismm prooblemms suuch aas reesponnsibiility subjjectss, sccienttificc deccisioons aand rrisk sharring.Consside
14、rring the operratinng maanageementt of enteerpriises, thee perrformmancee of stocck coooperratioon syystemm, jooint stocck syystemm forr labbors and virttual sharreholldingg sysstem can setttle pprobllems at aa cerrtainn exttent as ffolloows: doinng awway wwith longg-terrm innsuffficieent iincenntiv
15、ee of manaagerss efffectiivelyy; immplemmentiing oownerrshipp driivingg funnctioon foor maanageers; decrreasiing tthe pprinccipall-ageent eexpennse ffor ssharee holldingg entterprrisess; atttracctingg andd keeepingg tallentss by low costt. Thhereffore, thee devveloppmentt of abovve thhree systtems n
16、ot onlyy sattisfiies tthe ddemannds oof sttrenggthenning comppetittive abillity and manaagingg humman ccapittal, but alsoo worrks oon beelow aspeects: in macrro-leevel, it willl impprovee thee soccialiist bbasicc ecoonomiic syystemm; miiddlee-levvel, expllore an eeffecctivee wayy to combbine publlic
17、 oownerrshipp andd marrket econnomy; miccro-llevell, beenefiit thhe innvesttmentt subbjectt divversiificaationn, thhe eqquityy strructuure rratioonaliizatiion aand tthe ccorpooratee govvernaance struucturre sttandaardizzatioon, wwhichh hass impportaant ssigniificaance on tthe cconsttructtion and imp
18、llemennt off moddern enteerpriises sysstem. The ffirstt impportaant qquesttion to qquickken tthe rreforrm off staate-oownedd entterprrisess is adjuustinng itts reelatiionshhip wwith the goveernmeent wwhilee thee keyy poiint iis trransfformiing tthe ggoverrnmennt fuunctiion aand rreforrmingg itss ada
19、aptedd orgganizzatioons. The perfformaance of tthe ttranssformmatioon afffectts thhe reealizzatioon off asssets whicch arre clloselly reelateed too thee connstruuctioon off Moderrn ennterpprisee sysstem and inflluencces ddecissivelly onn thee refform of sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses aat innnovaative
20、e staage. Therreforre, iin orrder to sspeedd up the pacee of refoorm, partty coommittteess at all leveels aand tthe ggoverrnmennt shhouldd empphasiize tthe ttranssformmatioon, sstrenngtheen thhe leeaderrshipp, fuulfilll thhe taargetts annd taake fforceeful meassuress.Key wwordss: Sttate-owneed ennte
21、rpprisee refform,Refoorm oof prroperrty eqquityy strructuureReeformm of sharreholldingg sysstem,Orieentattion of SSASACC,Compllemenntaryy proomotiion.目 录目录摘要IABSTRRACT第一章绪论论11.1 问问题提出111.2国内内外文献综综述31.3研究究思路和主主要内容44第二章国有有企业改革革的历史进进程62.1国有有企业改革革的第一阶阶段62.1.11 进程62.1.22 评价62.2国有有企业改革革的第二阶阶段72.2.11 进程72.
22、2.22 评价9第三章深化化国有企业业改革面临临的困难和和挑战1003.1环境境变化给国国有企业带带来新的挑挑战103.2国有有企业负担担沉重1113.3产权权结构多元元化困难重重重123.4传统统观念阻碍碍了国企改改革133.5 国国企改革过过程中凸显显的几个问问题14第四章国外外国有企业业改革的启启示164.1英国国的国有企企业改革164.2德国国的国有企企业改革1184.3俄罗罗斯、东欧欧国家国有有企业的私私有化改革革194.4国企企改革必须须重视的几几个问题220第五章深化化国有企业业改革的基基本策略2225.1从全全局出发深深化所有权权结构改革革225.1.11继续降低低进入国有有企
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- 进一步 深化 国有企业 改革 策略 研究 论文 21322