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1、Assiggnmennt sppecifficattion (BA Prrograam)英语专业必必修课程作作业要求 (专升本本课程)Coursse:Practticall Bussinesss Prrojecct DeesignnAssiggnmennt:02 (UUnitss 6-110)Assiggnmennt tiitle:Data Colllectiion/AAppenndicees, PProjeect IImpleementtatioon, Disscusssion, Connclussion, Inttroduuctioon, AAbstrractss, annd thhe f
2、iirst drafft off thee whoole ppaperr重要声明:本课程的的各阶段作作业要求以以网院在平平台上发布布的作业要要求为准,而而不是根据据教材中的的作业要求求完成作业业。姓名: _周周建霞_学学籍号: 091101100102331_ 年级:099春专升本本3班学习中心:北京总部部学习中心心辅导教师师: 刘刘敏跃 Basedd on the projject desiign yyou hhave comppleteed inn thee preeviouus sttage, youu aree askked tto immplemment yourr prooject
3、t andd theen coomposse thhe coore ppartss of yourr BA degrree ppaperr in thiss asssignmment.Pleaase rreferr to unitts 6-10 oof Prractiical Busiinesss Proojectt Dessign for guiddancee andd suppportt to thiss asssignmment. Thee infformaationn in braccketss inddicatte thhe sppeciffic uunit you can refe
4、er too. Theree aree SIXX parrts iin thhis aassiggnmennt.Part One Datta Coollecctionn/Apppendiices (Uniit 6Actiivityy 2)DIRECCTIONNS FOOR STTUDENNTS:In yoour oonlinne coourseewaree, twwo caategooriess of formms/meethodds arre inntrodducedd to colllect primmary dataa: l Obserrvatiion aand llogsl Surve
5、eys aand iinterrviewwsPleasse prresennt thhe tyypes of fformss youu plaan too usee to colllect dataa in thiss proojectt, whhich are goinng too be attaachedd as appeendicces iin yoour BBA deegreee papper. You shouuld ggive a tiitle to eeach of tthe fform, succh ass “Focuus Grroup Disccussiion OOutlii
6、ne”, “Traiiningg Evaaluattion Formm”and “Queestioonnaiire”. But ffirstt, plleasee resstatee youur prrojecct obbjecttive and hypoothessis tto whhich yourr tuttor ccan rreferr whiile tthey evalluatee thee typpes oof daata yyou aare ggoingg to colllect.Projeect oobjecctivee: Thhe prrobleem I am ffacinn
7、g iss thaat ussing tradditioonal humann resouurce managgemennt inn CEII cannt mmake emplloyeees saatisffied. Thee goaal off my projject is tto usse NIINE SSTAGEE STAAFF PPROJEECE tto reeduceeemplooyee turnnoverr froom 500% too 10%._Projeect hhypotthesiis: PProjeect hhypotthesiized thatt thee maiin r
8、eeasonn of highh staaff tturnoover is ddiscrrepannt beetweeen peersonnal ggoalss andd commpanyy mannagemment ideaa ,diissattisfaactioon wiith ffair pay and prommotioon oppporttunitties In CCEI. Thatt leaad too morrn thhan 440% eemplooyeess leaaved the comppany.(acccordiing tto thhe suurveyy in preaa
9、mblee). IIf wee carrry oout oour pprojeect, the emplloyeees wiill uunderrstannd thhe coompanny maanageementt ideea prreferrablyy. Weadjjustiincenntivee mecchaniism sso thhat eemplooyeess cann feeel saatisffied . thhen tthe 880% oof pootenttial leavving emplloyeees wiill ddecidde sttayinng heere.SSo
10、wee cann lowwer tthe sstafff turrnoveer frrom 550% tto 100%. Inserrt yoour ddescrriptiion aafterr thee proomptss in the spacce beelow.Form I:Questtionnnairee1员工离职调调查问卷(Quesstionnnairre)本问卷旨在在分析员工工离职原因因及工作因因素,而不不影响公司司日后对阁阁下之重新新招聘。部门(deeparttmentt):职位(poost):入职日期(joinn datte):离职日期期(leaave ddate):1、什么因
11、因素促使您您申请离职职(reaasonss)?薪资福利利salaary aand bbeneffits 晋升机会会prommotioonproospecct工作环境境workk envvironnmentt个人目标标与公司目目标差异TTeam Goalls annd Inndiviiduall Objjectiives 人际关系系relaationnshipp 个人因因素perrsonaal reeasonns其他,请请说明(ootherrs)。2、您认为为公司给您您现在的职职位是否合合理?Iss it reassonabble tthat he ccompaany oofferr yyou
12、posiitionn?合理的 reassonabble不合理的的unreaasonaable原因reaasonss是:。3、您喜欢欢您的同事事吗?为什什么?Arre yoou liike yyou cco-woorkerrs? WWhy?喜欢 不喜欢原因reaasonss是:。4、您觉得得在公司是是否得到公公平的对待待?哪些方方面?Diid Yoou bee treeatedd faiirly in ccompaany? Whaat asspectts?得到公平平的对待ggot ffairllytreeatedd没有得到到公平的对对待diddnt goot faairlyy treeatedd
13、5、您觉得得您的上司司和您在工工作方面的的沟通是否否顺利?DDid yyou tthinkk thaat thhe coommunnicattionbbetweeen yyour bosss andd youu is succcessffullyy?非常顺利利 verry suuccesssfullly比较顺利利 succcesssfullly一般gennerall沟通困难难diffficulltly 6、目前的的工作环境境是否是您您所期望的的?如果不不是,您认认为本公司司应该怎样样来改善工工作环境?是 不是具体是哪些些:。7、您认为为应该被给给予更多的的培训吗?需要 不需要应该提供:管理方面
14、面的 技术方面面的 管理和技技术方面的的8、您觉得得您所在部部门的士气气和氛围是是否是您所所期望的吗吗?您所期期望的是什什么样的?是 不是您的期望9、您对公公司的薪资资福利满意意吗?非常满意意 比较满意意 一般 不满意不满意,您您目前的标标准是,您您期望的标标准是。10、公司司的相关政政策、制度度与程序能能让您充分分了解吗?如果不是是,为什么么?能 一般 不能原因是:。11、您觉觉得促使您您离职的哪哪些原因公公司是可以以改进的?薪资福利利 晋升 工作环境境 工作性质质 人际关系系 健康因素素其他,请请说明:。12、您认认为公司应应该采取哪哪些措施能能更加有效效地吸引和和留住人才才?13、您选选
15、择工作最最看重的三三样是什么么?接见者:部部门:职位:日期期:Form II:Trainning Evalluatiion FForm培训效果评评估表Trrainiing EEvaluuatioon Foorm培训结果调调查表反映层说 明:此此表是为了了评估员工工培训工作作的效果,进进而为我们们培训工作作的持续改改善提供参参照,请完完整而诚实实地回答,并并在相应的的数字上划划圈。评 分 标标 准:55=非常同同意 4=同意意 33=中立 2=不同意 1=非非常不同意意项目名称九段员工项项目培训日期举办部门人力资源部部培训地点课程目标这个课程目目标与我工工作的相关关54321课程内容达达到我的期
17、III:Groupp Disscusssion recoord小组讨论记记录表Grroup Disccussiion rrecorrd项目名称九段员工项项目项目阶段讨论主题时间、地点点、参加人人员讨论情况记记录发现主要问问题解决方式FOR TTUTORRS:You aare rrequiired to pproviide bbetweeen-ttext commmentss on the studdents wrritinng byy usiingthhe “EEdit” funcctionn oraa conntrasstingg fonnt coolor to hhighllightt y
18、ouur coommennts or sugggestiions. Pleease tickk in the propper ccell and writte yoour ooveraall ccommeents in tthe bbox oof “Tutoors Coommennts” bellow.评价指标Assesssmennt Crriterria评估(Acceeptabble/RRevisse)请打勾进行行评估()合格需修改用了不同的的工具来采采集数据。A varrietyy of toolls arre ussed tto coollecct daata.通过这些表表格/工具具等可
19、获取取充分的数数据。Suffiiciennt reesultts caan bee obttaineed byy usiing tthesee forrms.表格中的题题项或问题题设计严谨谨,有助于于检验项目目假设。The iitemss or quesstionns inn thee forrms aare wwell-desiignedd to helpp verrify the creddibillity of tthe pprojeect hhypotthesiis.语言正确、准准确,无歧歧义。Each formm is exprresseed inn cleear, accuurat
20、ee andd unaambigguouss Engglishh.Tutorrs Coommennts:Part Two Datta Prresenntatiion (unitts 6 & 9)DIRECCTIONNS FOOR STTUDENNTS:Afterr havving impllemennted yourr proojectt andd anaalyzeed thhe daata ccolleectedd, yoou arre noow assked to ddescrribe in ddetaiil whhat yyou hhave founnd. YYou sshoulld d
21、eescriibe yyour finddingss witth thhe suupporrt off neccessaary ggraphhs, cchartts, ttablees, eetc. Thiss impportaant ppart willl latter oon bee preesentted iin yoour BBA deegreee papper uunderr thee heaadingg succh ass “Dataa Preesenttatioon” or “Projject Finddingss”.Writee youur teext uunderr thee
22、 folllowiing bblankk spaace aaccorrdingg to the abovve arreas. (Suuggessted lenggth: no ffewerr thaan800 wwordss.)Resullts1Channges in tthe nnumbeer off neww cusstomeer reecruiits aand ssaless rannkinggBy haavingg a ccompaarisoon off thee empployeees tturnoover inteentioonlasst yeear aand tthis year
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- 网络学院 员工 离职 调查 问卷 112538