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1、Assiggnmennt sppecifficattion (BA Prrograam)英语专业必必修课程作作业要求 (专升本本课程)Coursse:Practticall Bussinesss Prrojecct DeesignnAssiggnmennt:02 (UUnitss 6-110)Assiggnmennt tiitle:Data Colllectiion/AAppenndicees, PProjeect IImpleementtatioon, Disscusssion, Connclussion, Inttroduuctioon, AAbstrractss, annd thhe f
2、iirst drafft off thee whoole ppaperr重要声明:本课程的的各阶段作作业要求以以网院在平平台上发布布的作业要要求为准,而而不是根据据教材中的的作业要求求完成作业业。姓名: 李柏锐锐 学籍号: 088102551600001年级: 20008春高高起本 学习中心: 广州奥奥鹏学习中中心辅导教教师: 曾曾昭涛 Basedd on the projject desiign yyou hhave comppleteed inn thee preeviouus sttage, youu aree askked tto immplemment yourr proojectt
3、 andd theen coomposse thhe coore ppartss of yourr BA degrree ppaperr in thiss asssignmment.Pleaase rreferr to unitts 6-10 oof Prractiical Busiinesss Proojectt Dessign for guiddancee andd suppportt to thiss asssignmment. Thee infformaationn in braccketss inddicatte thhe sppeciffic uunit you can refee
4、r too. Theree aree SIXX parrts iin thhis aassiggnmennt.Part One Datta Coollecctionn/Apppendiices (Uniit 6Actiivityy 2)DIRECCTIONNS FOOR STTUDENNTS:In yoour oonlinne coourseewaree, twwo caategooriess of formms/meethodds arre inntrodducedd to colllect primmary dataa: l Obserrvatiion aand llogsl Survee
5、ys aand iinterrviewwsPleasse prresennt thhe tyypes of fformss youu plaan too usee to colllect dataa in thiss proojectt, whhich are goinng too be attaachedd as appeendicces iin yoour BBA deegreee papper. You shouuld ggive a tiitle to eeach of tthe fform, succh ass “Focuus Grroup Disccussiion OOutliin
6、e”, “Traiiningg Evaaluattion Formm”and “Queestioonnaiire”. But ffirstt, plleasee resstatee youur prrojecct obbjecttive and hypoothessis tto whhich yourr tuttor ccan rreferr whiile tthey evalluatee thee typpes oof daata yyou aare ggoingg to colllect.Projeect oobjecctivee: _TThe oobjecctivees arre prr
7、ompttly iincreeasinng thhe reevenuue annd thhe prrofitts byy 5% and 10% resppectiivelyy thrroughh adooptinng ann useeful traiiningg proogramm, maasterring profficieency job skillls, and arouusingg empployeees enthhusiaasm bby thhe ennd off Octtoberr, 20012._Projeect hhypotthesiis: _We caan prrovidde
8、 a goodd traaininng prrograam wee willl inncreaasingg salles rrevennues and cut downn thee opeeratiing eexpennses, we willl nott onlly seee a welll -trraineed emmployyee tteam but alsoo makke prrofitts reeach at 110% bby thhe ennd off Octt, 20012._Inserrt yoour ddescrriptiion aafterr thee proomptss
9、in the spacce beelow.Form I: 1 SurrveyssForm II:2 QueestioonnaiirePart One Datta CoollecctionnAppenndix I. Emplloyeee andd cusstomeer suurveyy Queestioonnaiires员工培训需需求调查问问卷亲爱的同事事们:感谢您的努努力工作,公公司的成长长,离不开开你努力的的付出。为为了解您对对公司培训训的看法和和要求,以以便进行准准确的分析析,从而更更好地建立立和完善公公司的培训训工作。调调研结果将将是公司制制定培训方方案的重要要依据。调查问卷也也为您提供
10、供了一个能能自由表达达自己建设设性意见的的平台,您您的建议将将有助于实实现您对培培训的需求求,同时也也能帮助我我们构建和和完善公司司的培训体体系,为公公司的发展展奠定文化化基础。请您坦率真真诚地发表表意见。非非常感谢您您的配合与与支持!1. 您的年龄龄在A. 211-40岁岁 B. 41-50岁 CC. 500岁以上OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Age 221-400B. Age 441-500C. Over 5051170%14%14%2. 您在公公司目前的的工作职位位是 AA. 销售售人员 B. 售售后人员 CC. 行政政人员DD. 其他他:Optioon
11、sSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Salees sttaffB. Afteer-saales stafffC. Addminiistraator stafffD. Ottherss302343%0%29%43%3. 您觉得什什么原因导导致工作热热情不高多选题题A. 公司现行制制度B. 薪金C. 发展前前景D. 没有激激励机制OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Cuurrennt syystemmB. SaalaryyC. DeeveloopmenntD. Noo inccentiive ssysteem633586%43%43%70%4. 您认为目目
12、前最急需需哪些方面面的培训多选题题A. 制度度文化 BB. 工作作流程CC. 专业业技能技巧巧DD. 产品品知识OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Syystemm andd culltureeB. Joob prrocesssC. Prrofesssionnal sskilllsD. Prroduccts kknowlledgee665586%86%70%70%5. 您认为做做好全员营营销,最需需要哪些方方面的提高高多选选题A. 工作相关知知识 B. 熟练销销售技巧C. 良良好服务态态度DD. 熟练练沟通技能能OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScal
13、eeA. Reelateed knnowleedgeB. Prroficcienccy saales skilllsC. Weell sserviice aattittudeD.Prooficiiencyy commmuniicatee skiills7777100%100%100%100%6. 我认为通通过下列的的方式,能能提高团队队合作精神神和凝聚力力多选选题A. 户外外活动B. 员员工会议C. K歌或聚聚餐OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Ouutsidde acctiviitiessB. Emmpolyyees meettingC. Kaaraokk an
14、dd dinne toogethher736100%43%86%7. 通过培训训,您会A. 提高效率B. 更新知识识C. 提升技技能D. 学学以致用OptioonsSubtootalScaleeScaleeA. Immprovving effiicienncyB. Uppdatiing kknowlledgeeC. Immprovving skilllsD. Apppyinng itt in job564786%86%70%70%8. 感谢您回回答以上的的问题,作作为公司的的一员,您您希望公司司在哪方面面需要改善?您有有何宝贵的的意见?(请请用文字描描述):Appenndix II员工培训签签
15、到表培训内容:公司制度度、文化;时间管理理;团队精精神培训时间:20122-08-17培训地点:公司办公公室会议区区培训讲师:Assiistannt too GM序号参加人员部 门签到到备 注12345678员工培训签签到表培训内容:产品知识识、销售技技巧、服务务沟通培训时间:20122-08-18培训地点:公司办公公室会议区区培训讲师:Wan序号参加人员部 门签到到备 注12345678Appenndix III客户满意度度调查问卷卷尊敬的客户户:感谢您的对对我司工作作一直以来来的支持与与配合!为为提升我司司的服务水水平,更好好地为您提提供服务,特特设计此满满意度调查查问卷。您的声音,对对我
16、们很重重要。在此此,恳请您您完成我们们提供的调调查问卷。请将填写后后的问卷传传真给我们们。传真号号码:0220-81198*再次感谢您您的热情参参与! JJHMICC2012年年8月15日1. 您与我司司的合作关关系是A. 终端端客户B. 经经销商2. 您觉得怎怎样才符合合您选供货货商的标准准A. 必须是当当地招标中中标者B. 优优质的服务务C.产品质质量好D.物美价廉廉EE.便捷捷的物流方方式3.您怎怎样评价我我司员工目目前与之前前提供的服服务5433214.您怎怎样评价我我司员工目目前与之前前的专业技技能54432215.您怎怎样评价我我们双方的的合作关系系54432216.感谢谢您回答以
17、以上的问题题,您对我我司今后的的服务和要要求,您有有何宝贵的的意见和建建议?(请请用文字描描述):评价标准5很满意意4较满意3满满意22一般1不不满意填写单位:填写写人(自愿愿填写):填填写时间:Appenndix Iv: Thee proojectt fraamewoorkNarraativee SummmaryyObjecctiveely VVeriffiablle InndicaationnsSourcce off InfformaationnAssummptioons aand RRiskssGOAL To bee an exceellennt prrovinnciall ageent
18、Analyyze tthe ccurreent eexistt prooblemm andd empployeees neeedsOpiniion ssurveey beeforee andd aftter ttrainningLess traiiningg, salles rrevennues and proffits decrreaseeOBJECCTIVEES1. To inncreaase pprofiits bby 155% wwithiin twwo moonth2. To loower expeensess andd impprovee commpetiitiveenesss o
19、f JHMIICRevennue, expeense and proffit ffigurres1. Thhe coompanny inncomee staatemeent2. Oppinioon frrom ccustoomerssOur ssaless staaffs are not enouughOUTPUUTS1. A conntinuuous imprrovemment teamm2. Increeasinng coompanny prrofitts1. Revennue, expeense and proffit ffigurres2. Custoomers feeedbaack1
20、. Daata/rresullt annalyssis & finndinggs2. Quuestiionnaaire 1. Coompettitorrs nnew pproduucts2. Sttaffs tuurnovverACTIVVITESS1. Find out and disccuss currrent probblem2.Connductt an emplloyeee queestioonnaiire3.Cirrculaate aa jobb advvertiisemeent4. Inntervview the canddidattes5. Deesignn traaininng
21、 coontennt annd pllan6. Innvitee traaineee7. Trrain stafffs8. Acccomppany withh sallers to ffamilliar withh thee marrket9. Foolloww, diirectt andd impprovee staaffs accoordinng too theeir pperfoormannce1. Atttenddace formm2. Sccheduule ccheckklistt3. Trrainiing ffeedbbackProjeect iimpleementtatioon
22、diiary1. Proceess ddelayy duee to unprredicctablle reeasonns2. Trainnee mmay hhave no ttimeINPUTTSEquippmentt1. Diirectt useed thhe coompannys currrent equiipmennts2. Diigitaal PrrojecctorFinannciallTotall exppensees off RMBB19,2200HumannWaynee, Feeng, Wan, andd I1. Prrofitts nnot eensurred2. Coonti
23、nngenccy alllowaance in uusinggFOR TTUTORRS:You aare rrequiired to pproviide bbetweeen-ttext commmentss on the studdents wrritinng byy usiingthhe “EEdit” funcctionn oraa conntrasstingg fonnt coolor to hhighllightt youur coommennts or sugggestiions. Pleease tickk in the propper ccell and writte yoour
24、 ooveraall ccommeents in tthe bbox oof “Tutoors Coommennts” bellow.评价指标Assesssmennt Crriterria评估(Acceeptabble/RRevisse)请打勾进行行评估()合格需修改用了不同的的工具来采采集数据。A varrietyy of toolls arre ussed tto coollecct daata.通过这些表表格/工具具等可获取取充分的数数据。Suffiiciennt reesultts caan bee obttaineed byy usiing tthesee forrms.表格中的题题
25、项或问题题设计严谨谨,有助于于检验项目目假设。The iitemss or quesstionns inn thee forrms aare wwell-desiignedd to helpp verrify the creddibillity of tthe pprojeect hhypotthesiis.语言正确、准准确,无歧歧义。Each formm is exprresseed inn cleear, accuuratee andd unaambigguouss Engglishh.Tutorrs Coommennts:Part Two Datta Prresenntatiion (u
26、nitts 6 & 9)DIRECCTIONNS FOOR STTUDENNTS:Afterr havving impllemennted yourr proojectt andd anaalyzeed thhe daata ccolleectedd, yoou arre noow assked to ddescrribe in ddetaiil whhat yyou hhave founnd. YYou sshoulld deescriibe yyour finddingss witth thhe suupporrt off neccessaary ggraphhs, cchartts, t
27、tablees, eetc. Thiss impportaant ppart willl latter oon bee preesentted iin yoour BBA deegreee papper uunderr thee heaadingg succh ass “Dataa Preesenttatioon” or “Projject Finddingss”.Writee youur teext uunderr thee folllowiing bblankk spaace aaccorrdingg to the abovve arreas. (Suuggessted lenggth:
28、no ffewerr thaan800 wwordss.)Part Two Datta Prresenntatiion1. 1 Finndinggs off thee proojecttWhen compparedd witth emmployyees traiiningg ressultss beffore and afteer, II havve coolleccted somee datta frrom tthe bbalannce ssheett of JHMIIC wiith tthe GGMs permmissiion. As iis shhown in tthe uunderr
29、tabble, salees frrom AAugusst haas beeen ssteaddy inncreaased, butt in Octoober salees annd prrofitts haave rrapidd decclineed beecausse off thee Midd-Auttumn Festtivall andd Nattionaal Daay. AAlthoough the the salees reevenuues hhave affeectedd in Octoober by tthe llong vacaationn, thhe tootal sale
30、es reevenuues, comppany proffit ggrowtth , and operratinng coostsffrom Auguust tto Occtobeer haave rraiseed, rrespeectivvely 7.222%, 99.39% andd 15.41%. Whiilst the operratinng exxpensses ccompaared withh thee plaan immplemmentiing bbeforre annd affter, it has loweered 0.855%. Tablee 1: Resuults Com
31、pparisson (Befoore TTrainning and Afteer Trrainiing)JHMICC Staatemeent oof Inncomee forr 20112( RMBB in thouusandds )BEFORREAFTERRRate ( %)*Conteent Monthh567Totall 5-778910Totall 8-110Saless Revvenuees850.992820.884801.4442,4733.20880.333995.115790.0042,6655.527.22Operaatingg Cossts568.005526.55851
32、5.4431610.06586.006700.992490.0031,7777.019.39Operaatingg Exppensees223.665245.119223.111691.995223.883212.993249.337686.113-0.855Afterr-taxx Proofitss 59.22249.07762.900171.11970.44481.350.644202.33815.411* Ratte ( %) = Tootal (8-110) - Tottal (5-7) / Tottal (8-100) SOURCCE: JJHMICC Staatemeent oof
33、 Inncomee, 20012To suum upp, thhe faacts provve thhat tthe pprojeect hhas ssucceessfuully achiievedd 15%, frrom iimpleementting the traiiningg proogramm commpariison.2 Datta Annalyssis2.1 TThe ppreviious probblem anallysissFrom the quesstionnnairre, II camme too reaalizee thaat whhy thhe prrevioous
34、pprobllem eexistted. Stafffs wwere not satiisfieed wiith tthe ppreviious comppany systtem, motiivatiion mmechaanismm wass nott madde. AAt thhe saame ttime, theey weere llackiing oof prroficcienccy joob skkillss, reesponnsibiilitiies, teamm spiirit, andd entthusiiasm. Alll theese rreasoons lled tto s
35、aales expeensess maiintaiined a hiigh llevell andd salles pprofiits ddecliined for a loong ttime. To provvide a weell-ddesiggned traiiningg proogramm willl bee a ggood soluutionn in dealling withh thee preeviouus prrobleem.2.2 Recorrds oof thhe prrojecct immplemmentaationnAccorrdingg to the projject
36、 impllemenntingg as showwn abbove, i.ee. Thhe quuestiionnaairess, thhe prrojecct frramwoork, and meetting recoords, whiich rrecorrded the actiivitiies II hadd takken ffrom the begiinninng too thee endd of the projject. In addiitionn to thiss, cuustommerss feeedbacck heelp tthe aactivvity a loot.2.3
37、Datass of the impllemenntatiion oof prrojecctBy fuurtheer annalyzzing the dataa, I woulld liike tto fiiguree outt thee commparaativee ressultss as showwed iin deetaill froom unnder charrt 1 and charrt 2. Chartt 1: Compparisson oof saales reveenuess andd aftter-ttax pprofiits( RMBB in thouusandds )Th
38、e bbar cchartt commparees thhe tootal of ssaless revvenuees annd affter-tax proffits fromm Mayy to Julyy andd Auggust to OOctobber iin 20012. The ggenerral ttrendd of salees reevenuues aand aafterr-taxx proofitss botth ruun innto ssame direectioons, all are risiing aas liistedd aboove. The risee in
39、Septtembeer reeacheed att thee higghestt reccord 995.15. The falll forr Octtoberr, beecausse off meeetingg a llong vacaationn. Duuringg 7 ddays vacaationn, thhe saales reveenue got nothhing and it wwas aa badd newws foor thhe coompanny too inccreasse thhe saales reveenuess. Hooweveer, ffrom Auguust
40、tto Occtobeer, aa risse iss seeen inn salles rrevennues withh steeady. In termms off aftter-ttax pprofiits, the figuure iis wiitnesssed risiing iin Auugustt, Seeptemmber, andd Octtoberr, reespecctiveely 770.444, 811.30, andd 50.64.The rreasoons wwhy tthe ssaless revvenuees arre inncreaasingg thaat w
41、ee fouund aa salles eemplooyee throough inteernall reccruittmentt. Onn thee othher hhand, we inviited our provviderr M ccompaanyss salles mmanagger tto trrain us pproduucts knowwledgge, ssaless skiills. We brouught a woonderrful conccept intoo ourr daiily wwork, thaat iss alll-staaff mmarkeetingg. W
42、ee demmandeed alll off ourr empployeees sshoulld faamiliiar tthe wwholee worrkingg proocesss andd thee prooductts naame, so tthat everryonee cann proovidee thee bassic ssoluttion to mmeet the custtomerrs neeeds. Chartt 2: Compparisson oof opperatting costts annd opperatting expeensess( RMBB in thouu
43、sandds )Chartt 2 ccompaares two periiods totaal off opeeratiing ccostss andd opeeratiing eexpennses fromm Mayy to Julyy andd Auggust to OOctobber iin 20012. Thouggh thhe tootal of ooperaatingg exppensees deecreaased by 00.85% wass nott so obviious, it stilll afffectted bby thhe trrainiing pprogrram ffrom May to JJuly and Auguust tto Occtobeer. AAt thhe saame ttime, thee tottal oof opperatting costts haas inncreaased, sinnce tthe ssaless revvenuees arre inncreaasingg, soo its naaturee thaat thhe opperatting costts foo