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1、Tentaativee Anaalysiis onn Toyyotas Intternaationnal MMarkeetingg Strrateggy and Its Enliighteenmennt 浅析丰田公公司国际营营销及其启启示【Absttractt】 Withh thee devveloppmentt of sociial eeconoomic, thee demmandss forr carrs arre inncreaasingg yeaar affter yearr. Caars as a siign oof thhe tiimes havee rissen. Withh t
2、hee traansfoormattion of tthe gglobaal caars terrritorry, ccars havee cauused muchh conncernn to the inteernattionaal maarkett. Thhe accoompliishmeents Toyoota eenterrprisse haas acchievved iis clloselly reelateed too itss marrketiing sstrattegy.This artiicle adoppts tthe mmethood off litteratture .
3、It choooses a caase thatt Toyyota steppped intoo US markket. Combbing withh thee corrresppondiing ddata, it disccussees Tooyotaas speeciall marrketiing cconceept. The sseconnd chhapteer off thiis paaper anallyzess somme baasic ideaas whhich are relaated to maarketting straategyy, naamelyy, basiic co
4、ncceptss of markketinng sttrateegiess, bassic cconceepts of disttribuutionn chaannells annd maarkett possitiooningg connceptt. The tthirdd chaapterr preseents the deveelopmment of TToyotta annd thhe baasic markketinng coonceppts oof Tooyotaa. Thee fouurth and fiftth chhapteers mmainlly sttate the ma
5、rkket sstrattegy of TToyotta, ssuch as pproduuct eexpannsionn strrateggy、distrributtion 、standdardiizatiion oof maarketting proccess and so oon. Fromm thiis arrticlle, ssome enliighteenmennt caan bee gaiined. Chinnas auutomoobilee inddustrry caan bee proovideed soome uusefuul reecommmendaationns foo
6、r fuurtheer deeveloopmennt.【Key Wordds】 Markeetingg Proceess oof Tooyotaa; Markeetingg Ideea off Toyyota; Prodduct Expannsionn Strattegy; Marrketiing SStrattegy; Marrketiing MMode【摘 要】随着社会经济的发展,人们对汽车的需求逐年增加。汽车作为一个跨时代的标志已经崛起,全球汽车版图的变化,引起市场极大的关注。丰田公司如今能取得如此大的成就,这与它的营销策略有着密切的关系。本文采用文文献法,以以丰田公司司打入美国国市场的
7、经经销案例,并并结合相应应数据,分分析了丰田田公司独特特的营销理理念。论文文第二章阐阐述了营销销策略的相相关理论。第一是营销策略基本概念。第二是分销渠道基本理念。第三是市场定位概念。第三章节阐述了丰田的发展史和丰田营销相关理念。第四第五章节重点论述了丰田公司的营销策略,如产品扩张策略、产品系列分销制、标准化营销流程等。从中得到相关启示,为我国汽车行业进一步发展提供借鉴和建议。【关键词】营销流程;营销理念;产品分销策略;营销策略;营销模式Conteent1. Introoducttion.12. The TTheorry off Marrketiing SStrattegy Reseearchh
8、.12.1 Basicc connceptts off marrketiing sstrattegiees.222.2 Basicc connceptts off disstribbutioon chhanneels32.3 Markeet poositiioninng coonceppt.443. Brieff Inttroduuctioon off Toyyota553.1 The ddevellopmeent oof Tooyotaa.63.2 Innovvatioon off Toyyota.74. Case studdy onn thee intternaationnal MMark
9、eetingg of Toyoota.84.1 Case studdy thhe good off marrketiing ZZhengg Taillang.94.2 The rreasoon whhy Tooyotaa couuld ccaptuure mmost the US maarkett1114.3 A anaalysiis onn thee Marrketiing SStrattegy of TToyotta onn US Markket.124.3.1 Produuct eexpannsionn strrateggy off Toyyota一一三4.3.2 Distrributt
10、ion of TToyotta1144.3.3 Standdardiizatiion oof maarketting proccess一一五4.3.4 With the coree of adveertissing to ppromoote.1665. The RRevellatioon annd Suuggesstionn to Chinna.176. Concllusioon一八Bibliiograaphy.19目录1.引言12.营销策策略相关理理论12.1营销销策略基本本概念12.2分销销渠道基本本理念22.3市场场定位概念念33. 丰田田公司简介介33.1 丰丰田公司发发展史33.2丰
11、田田公司创新新理念554. 丰田田公司国际际营销案例例分析64.1营销销之神神谷谷正太郎案案例64.2丰田田汽车成功功占领美国国市场的原原因34.3丰田田汽车在美美国市场的的营销战略略分析44.3.11 丰田公公司产品扩扩张策略64.3.22丰田公司司产品系列列分销制74.3.33丰田标准准化营销流流程84.4.44 丰田公公司以广告告为核心的的促销策略略85. 丰田田公司营销销策略对中中国启示及及其建议96. 结论论9参考文献101. IntrooducttionWith the rapiid deeveloopmennt off carr bussinesss, tthe ppeoplle
12、s reqquireementts too thee carrs beecomee morre annd moore sstricct. AA varrietyy of carss entterprrisess tryy theeir bbest to aattraact tthe ccustoomerss. Tooyotaa hass beeen moore aand mmore succcessfful ssincee 20001, wwhichh steeppedd intto Chhina and gainned llargee achhieveementt .Thiis paaper
13、 explloress thee majjor mmarkeet sttrateegy oof Tooyotaa in Chinna annd annalyzzes iit inn dettailss. Tooyotaa stiill qquotees thhe loogionn of Luosshou Cushhen-“Car demaand iis crreateed” In 20007 TToyotta liistedd in top 500 in wworldd. Its faamouss alll oveer thhe woorld and discchargged iin thhe
14、 siixth. Why iit coould be sso suuccesssfull? Thhe thhesiss expplorees thhe maajor markketinng sttrateegy oof Tooyotaa in inteernattionaal maarkett. Thhrouggh thhe annalyssis oof thhe siituattion of cchinaas auttomobbile and the probblem of tthe mmarkeetingg strrateggy.,tthe ppaperr poiints out the
15、famoous eenterrprisses opperatting praccticaal abbilitty. TToyotta exxportted iits pproduuct aarounnd thhe woorld, whiich iis noot onnly rrelatted tto itts weell pproduuct qqualiity bbut aalso clossely relaated to iits mmarkeetingg strrateggy. TThrouugh tthe rreseaarch on iit, ssome enliighteenmennt
16、 annd neew thhinkiing ccan bbe geeneraated. Whyy Toyotta coould be sso suuccesssfull? Whhat aare tthe mmain markketinng meethodds inn intternaationnal mmarkeet? TThis papeer wiill eexplaain cclearrly. In oorderr to expaand tthe cconsuumer grouups, the currrent situuatioon off intternaationnal cconsu
17、umptiion mmarkeet, tthe pprobllems in ccorreesponndingg marrketiing sstrattegy are aanalyyzed speccificcally iin thhis ppaperr. Thhe puurposse off thiis paaper is tto taake oon a pionneer in iinterrnatiionall auttomobbile markket, and careefullly annalyzzes tthe ddemannds ffor Toyoota. At laast, it
18、wwill disccuss somee revvelattionss to chinna, wwhichh willl innspirre soome CChineese ccompaaniess thaat arre inn intternaationnal ccompeetitiion aand pproviide ssome exceellennt exxperiiencee.2. Thhe Thheoryy of Markketinng Sttrateegy RReseaarch2.1 BBasicc connceptts off marrketiing sstrattegieesI
19、nterrnatiionall marrketiing rreferrs too marrketiing ccarriied oout bby coompannies overrseass or acrooss nnatioonal bordderliines. Thiis sttrateegy uuses an eextennsionn of the techhniquues uused in tthe hhome counntry of aa firrm. Inteernattionaal maarketting is tthe mmultiinatiionall proocesss of
20、 plannningg andd exeecutiing tthe cconceeptioon, ppriciing, prommotioon annd diistriibutiion oof iddeas, gooods, and servvicess to creaate eexchaangess thaat saatisffy inndiviiduall andd orgganizzatioonal objeectivves. (Wiikipeedia,22011:299-310)2.2 BBasicc connceptts off disstribbutioon chhanneels
21、Exporrt suuccesss hiingess on the manaagemeent oof neetworrk foor diistriibutiion. Thiss moddule woulld exxplorre thhe waays tto exxplorre, ddeplooy, eevaluuate, devvelopp, esstabllish and moniitor the channnelss.2.3 MMarkeet poositiioninng cooncepptPosittioniing iis a percceptuual llocattion. Itts
22、wwheree youur prroducct orr serrvicee fitts innto tthe mmarkeetplaace. Efffectiive pposittioniing pputs you firsst inn linne inn thee minnds oof pootenttial custtomerrs.3. Brrief Intrroducctionn of Toyoota3.1 TThe ddevellopmeent oof Tooyotaa in receent yyearss1 Toyyota Motoor Maanufaacturring Frannc
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