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1、物流国际术术语(英文文版)The LLanguuage of LLogissticssA SSupplly Chhain and Logiisticcs GllossaaryCopyrrightt 19997 byy Edwward H. BBlickksteiinDupplicaatingg forrsharringwitth ottherss, byy anyy meaans, is iilleggal. Prinnted in UUSAYeaar 20000 IIssueePurrposeeWriittenn andd commpileed foor thhe beenefiit off
2、 loggistiics aand ttranssporttatioon prrofesssionnals, studdentss of the fielld, aand ffor ccliennts oof TrranSoolutiions Conssultiing. It iis hooped thatt thiis toool wwill enabble tthe uuser to ggain a beetterr unddersttandiing oof loogisttics by pproviidingg a uusefuul annd eaasy-tto-unndersstand
3、d gloossarry thhat wwill be uup-daated annuuallyy. Thhe auuthorr andd TraanSollutioons CConsuultinng accknowwledgge immporttant conttribuutionns frrom mmany of iits ccliennts logiisticcs annd trranspportaationn perrsonnnel aas weell aas innformmatioon deeriveed frrom ootherr exppert sourrces in tthe
4、 ccompiilatiion oof thhis gglosssary.Thiis isssue of TThe LLanguuage of LLogissticss atttemptts too inccludee thee newwest termminollogy and acroonymss utiilizeed inn thee fieeld oof buusineess llogissticss. Sppeciaal atttenttion has beenn madde too commpilee terrms aand oofferr advvice in cconneect
5、ioon wiith yyear 20000 bussinesss isssuess (noot thhe Y22K isssue) likee e-ccommeerce. Howweverr, I makee no claiim thhat tthis issuue iss 1000% coompleete aas thhe chhalleenge of ccompiilingg, reesearrchinng, ddefinning, and occaasionnallyy creeatinng meeaninngfull terrminoologyy is neveer enndingg
6、. Wrriterrs inn thee fieeld oof loogisttics and suppply-cchainn mannagemment, conssultiing ffirmss, inndusttry pproviiderss of 3PL servvicess, trranspportaationn commpaniies, and shippperss aree connstanntly conttribuutingg to the deveelopmment of nnew ttermiinoloogy tthrouugh ttheirr efffortss to i
7、mprrove the effeectivvenesss off suppply-chaiin maanageementt. Coonseqquenttly, the langguagee of logiisticcs iss alwways expaandinng duue too thee evoolvinng naaturee of the fielld.As you use thiss toool yoou wiill nnote thatt theere iis a new emphhasiss on techhnoloogy, the Inteernett, annd e-comm
8、mercee. Whhile mostt eveeryonne iss awaare oof thhe cuurrennt coonsummer oorienntatiion oof thhe Innternnet aand ee-commmercce, tthe ggreattest growwth oover the nextt sevverall yeaars wwill be iin thhe usse off thee Intterneet inn bussinesss-too-bussinesss (BB2B) appllicattionss nott in busiinesss
9、to conssumerr (B22C)。 Thesse apppliccatioons, for logiisticcs annd suupplyy chaain iimproovemeent, willl rannge ffrom proccuremment, inveentorry maanageementt, diistriibutiion, and trannsporrtatiion tto saales (inccludiing oorderr enttry) and custtomerr serrvicee.As a reesultt, loogisttics and suppp
10、ly cchainn proofesssionaals wwill conttinuee to be cconsttantlly chhalleengedd by the speeed off chaange and emphhasiss on costt redductiion iin thheir comppaniees ass welll ass in busiinesss in geneeral. It is hhopedd thaat thhis ppubliicatiion wwill assiist tthesee proofesssionaals iin thheir work
11、k by beinng a goodd refferennce ssourcce.Stuudentts off suppply chaiin annd loogisttics shouuld ccontiinue to ffind thiss pubblicaationn benneficcial as wwell. In 19999, unniverrsityy andd colllegee stuudentts woorldwwide accoounteed foor allmostt 50% of downnloadds off thiis puubliccatioon. AAlso,
12、in ffuturre edditioons II willl atttemppt too do a beetterr jobb at intternaationnalizzing“ thiss pubblicaationn.Lasst buut noot leeast, mostt of the obseervattionss andd opiinionns reefleccted in tthis publlicattion are the resuult oof prrojecct woork pperfoormedd forr ourr cliientss oveer thhe laa
13、st ssix yyearss. Thhis iincluudes our parttnersship workk witth Mooore & Asssociiatess.Sectiion 11: Suupplyy Chaain MManaggemennt annd LoogistticsSuppply-chaiin maanageementt is one of tthe hhotteest ttopiccs off disscusssion todaay ammongsst CEEOs and otheer seeniorr offficerrs off bussinessses wor
14、lldwidde. AArticcles permmeatee thee bussinesss prress and manyy pubblicaationns haave ddesiggnateed itt as the lastt froontieer foor crreatiing sstrattegicc commpetiitivee advvantaage. Why all the inteerestt? Thhe annswerr is thatt commpaniies wworlddwidee aree noww coggnizaant oof thhe grreat pote
15、entiaal foor coost rreducctionn andd inccreassed ccustoomer servvice fromm succcesssful suppply-cchainn mannagemment.Thee payyoff poteentiaal caan reesultt froom reeducttion or eelimiinatiion oof innventtoriees, bbeingg ablle too resspondd quiicklyy to custtomizzed oorderrs, rreducctionn or elimmina
16、ttion of sstepss in moviing ggoodss to markket, enhaancedd cusstomeer seervicce, uupstrream venddor rrelattionsshipss, annd trranspportaationn impproveementts inncludding carrrier proggramss.In thiss reggard, logiisticcs caan heelp iimproove aa commpanyys ssaless by addiing vvaluee in a vaarietty of
17、f wayys. SSpeciificaally, by pproviidingg a mmeanss forr enssurinng thhat ggoodss aree preepareed foor saale ppropeerly and deliivereed quuicklly. TThis coulld innvolvve sppeciaalizeed paackagging, labeelingg, kiittinng, cconsttructting flooor reeady palllets, shippmentt connsoliidatiions, poolling,
18、 and mergge-inn-traansitt proogramms, aanythhing thatt getts prroduccts ddownsstreaam faasterr. Exxcelllent custtomerr serrvicee cann difffereentiaate aa commpanyy in the markketpllace and helpp thaat coompanny wiin coontraacts.Errror ffree deliiveryy acccompllisheed onn a cconsiistennt baasis is aa
19、 keyy difffereentiaator. In deallingss witth ouur cllientts annd 3PPLs, TrannSoluutionns Coonsulltingg finnds tthat mostt of the timee thee abiilityy to havee almmost reall-timme viisibiilityy to infoormattion is aan opperatting advaantagge orr a mmarkeetingg advvantaage ddepenndingg on whetther you
20、 are the clieent oor thhe 3PPL. TThis is iimporrtantt beccausee suppply chaiins aare bbeingg shoortenned aand ccompaaniess aree deppendiing oon moore ffrequuent shippmentts frrom ttheirr parrtnerr-suppplieers sso thhat vvisibbilitty too commponeent wwhereeabouuts iis exxtremmely critticall. Alll off
21、 thee neww loggistiics sstrattegiees shhouldd be remoovingg siggnifiicantt cosst frrom ssupplly chhainss butt as manyy commpaniies hhave founnd, iit iss alll in the execcutioon.Forr 19999, aaccorrdingg to The Conttrolllerss Repport , tootal logiisticcs coosts rosee 2.221% oover the prevviouss yeaar
22、whhen mmeasuured as pperceentagge off salles aand 33.6% whenn meaasureed byy cosst peer huundreedweiight. Thee cosst ellemennts mmeasuured weree traanspoortattion, wareehoussing, ordeer enntry/custtomerr serrvicee, addminiistraativee, annd innventtory carrryingg. Thhe avveragge coompanny loogisttics
23、 costts weere 77.34% of salees annd/orr $744.29 costt perr hunndreddweigght. Mostt proofesssionaals bbelieeve ttheree is amplle rooom ffor iimproovemeent bby opptimiizingg thee suppply chaiin annd inncludding the use of nnew iinvenntoryy mannagemment toolls liike VVMI, e-coommerrce, and by iimproove
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- 物流 国际 术语 大全 英文 32642