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6、,这这样写几篇篇后就会有有收获。临临近考试,可可以按照规规定时间写写作,此时时写作的题题目要广泛泛,各种话话题都要写写一些,以以增强适应应性。3写作时时可以多查查字典,不不看范文。写作时遇到到不会写的的词句要多多查字典,还还要看该词词的用法,这这样才能保保证正确使使用;写前前不要看范范文,看了了范文会影影响自己的的思路,写写完后再参参看范文。4注意书书写整齐平时写作就就要注意书书写整齐,规规范,要在在平时养成成良好习惯惯,在考场场上才能发发挥得好。字字迹潦草,卷卷面不干净净会影响成成绩。考研短文写写作的基本本模式(朱泰祺)(一)议论论文(1)It iss gennerallly bbeliee
7、ved thatt . . is a hoot toopic whicch iss widdely talkked aaboutt botth att homme annd abbroadd .Noow ouur goovernnmentt atttachees grreat impoortannce tto soolvinng thhis pprobllem. Sccienttistss in thiss fieeld hhave put forwward a nuumberr of sugggestiions tendding to rrelieeve iit.Too beggin wwi
8、th,we sshoulld . . Fuurtheermorre, . . IIt iss cleear tthat . . Peoplle, hhowevver, difffer iin thheir opinnionss on thiss mattter. Somme peeoplee thiink tthat . . Accoordinng too theem,alll off us shouuld . . OOtherrs arrgue thatt . . In theiir oppinioon,noobodyy cann . . witthoutt . . Theere iis n
9、oo douubt tthat . . As aa connsequuencee . . In shhort,I fiirmlyy suppportt thee vieew thhat. . Itt is becaause. . SSo myy connclussion is tthat . . (1077 worrds) (2)Theree is no ddenyiing tthe ffact thatt is popuular topiic whhich is mmuch talkked aaboutt nott onlly byy, buut allso bby It is ggener
10、rallyy thooughtt thaat Thee reaasonss forr aree as folllows. To begiin wiith, Seccondlly ,Therreforre, wwe shhouldd atttach greaat siignifficannce tto soolvinng thhe prrobleem.Theree aree , II thiink ,at lleastt twoo posssiblle waays tto coope wwith it .The firsst waay too tacckle it iis too apppeal
11、 to tthe aauthooritiies tto taake ddrasttic mmeasuures to (do) Thee othher ppoliccy thhat iis woorth adopptingg is to wwork out new reguulatiions to (do) Onlyy in thiss wayy cann we succceed in ddealiing wwith the probblem in tthe nnear futuure.To cooncluude ,it sseemss obvviouss So the prosspectt w
12、e are lookking forwward to wwill be bboth brigght aand eencouuragiing.(127 wordds)(二)图表表作文As iss shoown iin thhe taable (or in tthe ppictuures) , drooppedd froomin 11996 .Acccordiing tto thhe fiigurees giiven in tthe ttablee, hass greeatlyy inccreassed ( or decrreaseed ) in tthe ppast yeaars ( or de
13、caades ), rreachhing in 19966.Froom thhe taable we ccan aalso see thatt theere hhas bbeen a shharp declline ( orr risse ) in It is cclearr thaatTheree aree at leasst twwo goood rreasoons ffor On tthe oone hhand, Letts haave aan exxamplle too illlustrrate the greaat inncreaase iin On the otheer haand
14、, is due to tthe ffact thatt In addiitionn, is respponsiible for Mayybe ttheree aree somme otther reassons to sshow Butt it is ggenerrallyy bellieveed thhat tthe aabovee menntionned rreasoons aare ccommoonly acceeptabble.As faar ass I aam cooncerrned, I bbelieeve tthat I aam suure mmy oppinioon iss
15、botth soound and welll-grooundeed.(1126 wwordss几种典型的的作文开头头引述方法法Type11引述他人人观点(为为提出自己己观点铺垫垫)1 IIt iss widdely(commmonlyy) accceptted(hhold)+THAAT2 AA widdely acceeptedd (coommonnly) holdd ideea(pooint of vview, vieewpoiint, opinnion, asssumpttion)is +THATT/NP 3 AA/Thee domminannt (pprevaalentt, prreva
16、iilingg) iddea (see 2) is NP/tto DOO4 IIt iss takken ffor ggrantted TTHAT(or: WWe offten/freqquenttly ttake it ffor ggrantted TTHAT)5 PPeoplle (TThe mmajorrity) seeem too gett acccustoomed to tthe iidea(see 2),witthoutt queestiooningg, THHAT6 PPeoplle arre wiillinng too reggard NP1 as NNP2/AADJ 7 PP
17、eoplle arre wiillinng too DO, whiile rrelucctantt to DOType22提出异议议1 HHowevver (But),2 SSuch ideaa(seee1-22),iif noot enntireely AADJ1,is ssomewwhat ADJ22 andd neeeds ccarefful cconsiideraationn. ADJI=unreeasonnablee, unnacceeptabble, inappproppriatte, iimprooper, unddesirrablee,Etc;ADJ2=mislleadiing
18、, doubbtrull, ettc3 IIn faact(AAs a mattter oof faact),(folllow2)4 HHowevver, it iis noot (qquitee, neecesssarilly)thhe caase.5 TThis (It) is not (quiite, neceessarrily) thee casse annd neeeds to bbe fuurtheer coonsidderedd/disscusssed.(or: furtther conssiderratioon/diiscusssionn)Type33论述的展展开:说明明原因和
19、理理由,层进进,举例,转转折1 TThe rreasoon liies iinsevverall asppectss,2 TThe rreasoon whhy cllausee+1, undderliined 3 TTheree aree sevverall remmarkaable reassons.4层进进in aaddittion, bessidess, fuurtheermorre, wwhats moore, on tthe ootherr hannd, mmeanwwhilee, foor onne thhingfor anotther; Finnallyy, abbove all
20、, in shorrt.5举例例for exammple, forr insstancce, ssuch (gennerall terrm) aas (sspeciific termms),aa typpicall (sttrikiing) exammple is tthat, a ccase in ppointt6转折折howeever, butt, neeverttheleess,oon thhe coontraary7条件件if , proovideed thhat, unleess, as llong as,eetcType44就而言;关关于1 aas faar assis/aare
21、cconceerned: Ass farr as currrent situuatioon iss conncernned2 aas too: thhe prrobleem ass to NP有关的问题Type55问题1 AAlthoough muchh efffort has beenn madde, tthe ssituaationn is far fromm sattisfaactorry (oor: tthe pprobllem rremaiins uunsollved, litttle imprrovemment has beenn achhieveed)2 TTheree is a
22、 tenndenccy, aas reecentt stuudy (inveestiggatioon) hhas ppointted oout (showwn, rreveaaled, inddicatted),+THAAT3 TTheree is growwing conccern abouut +NNP4 IIt wiill iineviitablly (iis liikelyy to) ressult in (leadd to) unwwanteed (sserioous) conssequeence (or NP)5 UUnforrtunaatelyy,6 WWe wiill nnot
23、 bbe abble tto afffordd thee rissk off oveerloookingg thee serrioussnesss of the mattter.7 TThe pproceess, oncee iniitiatted, is mmost likeely iirrevversiible.8 WWe arre coonstaantlyy (frrequeentlyy) faaced withh NPTYPE66重要与必必要;(应应)注意与与重视1 NNP1 iis off greeat iimporrtancce (nnecesssityy, vaalue) in
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- 考研 英语 写作 技巧 讲义 18619