《考研英语作文模板:短文写作十种经典段落框架18623.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考研英语作文模板:短文写作十种经典段落框架18623.docx(41页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2013年年考研英语语作文模板板:短文写写作十种经经典段落框框架一、图画/图表描述述段【示例一】Fromm thee piccturee (grraph, chaart, tablle, ppie, bar), wee knoow thhat _(图图表内容总总概括). Onn thee onee hannd, tthe lleft/firsst piicturre teells us tthat _(情况一一,图一/表一的内内容). On the otheer haand, (thee rigght/sseconnd)piicturre innformms uss thaat _( 情况二,
2、图图二/表二二的内容).It can easiily bbe seeen tthat _(揭示图图画/表寓寓意).【示例二】As iis viividlly shhown/desccribeed/deepictted iin thhe caartooon/piicturre, _(图图表内容总总概括).In the firsst piicturre, _(描描述图/表表一内容,如如果是一个个表,则可可左或上半半部分).As is sshownn in the secoond ddrawiing/ppictuure, _(描述图图/表二内内容,如果果是一个表表,则右或或下半部分分).IIt is
3、s saffe too draaw thhe cooncluusionn thaat _(提提示寓意,或或主题句,回回应主题但但不是主题题句的重复复).二、意义阐阐述段【示例一】Judgging fromm thee piccturees, wwe caan cllearlly innfer thatt thee draawers inntenttion is _(主题句句). _(扩展句句).FFor oone tthingg/Firrst oof alll/Fiirstlly, _(第第一个层面面). For anotther/Besiides/Moreeoverr/In addiitio
4、nn/Seccondlly, _(第第二个层面面). Thuss/As a reesultt/Theerefoore/FFinallly, _(总结句句).【示例二】To bbeginn witth, tthe ppurpoose oof thhe drrawinngs iis too shoow uss thaat _(主主题句),yet the symbbolicc meaaninggs suubtlyy connveyeed shhouldd be takeen moore sserioouslyy. _(扩展展句)iss natturallly aassocciateed wiith,
5、 to bbe sppeciffic _(第第一个层面面). Besiides/Moreeoverr/In addiitionn, _(第第二个层面面)。AAs a resuult/TThereeforee, _(总总结句).三、原因阐阐释段【示例一】Therre arre maany rreasoons rrespoonsibble ffor tthis phennomennon/ccase/insttancee andd thee folllowiing aare tthe ttypiccal oones. Thhe fiirst reasson iis thhat _(理由一一). Th
6、e secoond rreasoon iss thaat _(理理由二). Thhe thhird reasson iis thhat/AA casse inn poiint iis thhat/TThe ttypiccal eexampple iis thhat _(理理由三).【示例二】Therre arre maany rreasoons tto exxplaiin/exxplaiiningg thee efffect/phennomennon/ccase/insttancee. TThe mmost conttribuutingg onee is/the mainn reaason i
7、s nno otther thann _(理理由一). Whhat iis moore, _(理由二二). _(理由由三)allso pplay a roole iin thhis ccase.四、建议措措施段【示例一】Conssiderring all thesse reeasonns/thhis ssituaationn/Connfronnted withh succh a probblem, I tthinkk we needd to takee somme poositiive mmeasuures. Onn thee onee hannd, _ (方法法/建议一一). On tthe
8、 ootherr hannd, iit iss neccessaary ffor uus too _(方法法/建议二二). Thuss/Onlly inn thiis waay, ccan _(总结自自己的观点点/建议/态度).【示例二】In oorderr to imprrove the situuatioon/Too summ up the abovve arrgumeent/CConfrronteed wiith ssuch an iissuee/prooblemm, wee shoould findd sevverall sollutioons tto itt/neeed too ta
9、kke soome pposittive meassuress. OOn thhe onne haand/FFor oone tthingg, wee shoould _ (方法法/建议一一). On tthe ootherr hannd/Foor annotheer, _(方方法/建议议二). Theerefoore/TThus/Onlyy in thiss wayy, caan _ (段落总总结句).五、趋势预预测段【示例一】 AAccorrdinggly, it iis viital for us tto deerivee possitivve immpliccatioons ffrom
10、 thesse thhoughh-proovokiing ddrawiings. Onn thee onee hannd, wwe caan frrequeentlyy usee theem too enllightten tthat (主主题). On the otheer haand, we sshoulld bee sennsiblle ennoughh to _(观点/态度). Onnly bby _(段段落总结句句), aand oonly in tthis way can we hhave a brrilliiant futuure.【示例二】The effeects of wwh
11、ichh hass prooduceed onn cann be boilled ddown to ttwo mmajorr onees. Firsst, _(影影响一). Moore iimporrtanttly, _(影响二二). Hencce, II bellievee thaat wee willl seee a _(提出出展望)./ Neeverttheleess, I doo nott thiink wwe wiill ssee aa _(或反反面展望).六、举例说说明段【示例一】Therre arre maany ccasess/exaamplees too expplainn
12、_(主题题句). Takke _ aas a typiical exammple./Thee firrst eexampple iis thhat _ (阐述例例子), _(可进进一步阐述述). The secoond eexampple iis thhat/IIn addditiion/HHere is aa couunterr exaamplee./Oppposiite ccase in ppointt is thatt/On the conttraryy _(第二二个例子的的内容或举举一个反面面例子). Thhereffore,/Onlly _caan _(总总结主题句句/段落总总结句)
13、.【示例二】 _ (观观点句). It can be bbest/welll illlustrratedd in/expllaineed byy(例子). _(阐阐述例子). _(进进一步阐述述例子). Thhereffore, _(段落落总结句:进一步总总结观点句句的必要性性和重要性性).七、观点阐阐释段【示例一】Nowaadayss, a heatted ddebatte abbout _(主题题)is undeer waay inn Chiina. A cclosee insspecttion of tthis arguumentt wouuld rreveaal hoow fllims
14、yy (grrounddlesss)it is. As a maatterr of factt, _(进进一步说明明).【示例二】Whille thhe rhhythmm/pacce/teempo of ppeoplles liviing iis sppeediing uup, oone oof thhe toopicss manny ciity rresiddentss aree disscusssing is _(主主题). As partt of domeesticc modderniizatiion, _ neeeds tto bee devvelopped uurgenntly in
15、 cchinaa, foor _(进进一步说明明).八、现象/现状说明明段【示例一】Withh thee rappid aadvannces of _ in rrecennt yeears, _haas _(引引出现象). Hooweveer, _hhas _, as _(提出问问题). As a reesultt, _(指指出影响),whicch haas arrouseed cllose sociial aattenntionn froom alll waalks of llife.【示例二】Withh thee rappid ddevellopmeent oof scciencce an
16、nd teechnoologyy (ellectrronicc inddustrry/hiigherr eduucatiion), morre annd moore ppeoplle coome tto reealizze thhat _(引出现现象). It is eestimmatedd, ovver tthe ppast decaade, thatt _(用用具体数据据说明现象象).九、利弊说说明段【示例一】Receentlyy thee isssue oof whhetheer orr nott _(讨论论话题)hhas bbeen in tthe llimellightt andd
17、hass aroousedd widde cooncerrn inn thee pubblic. Thhere are two majoor arrgumeents thatt cann be madee forr. FFor oone tthingg, _caan brring _to_(优优点一). Foor annotheer, iit iss widdely holdd thaat peeoplee usuuallyy _wheen _(优优点二). Buut wee musst noot loose ssightt of the factt thaat thhere are also
18、o draawbaccks tto _ , amoong wwhichh aree _(列举举缺点). Foor innstannce, it ccan bbe _too _(举举例说明). Inn addditioon, mmany peopple ffind it _(形形容词)tto _(第第二个缺点点).【示例二】Somee peoople are in ffavorr of the ideaa of doinng _(主主题). Theey pooint out the factt thaat _(支支持的第一一个原因). Thhey aalso arguue thhat _(支支持
19、的另一一个原因).Theere mmightt be somee eleementt of trutth inn theese ppeoplles beliief. Howweverr, otther peopple sstandd on a diifferrent grouund. Theey coonsidder iit haarmfuul too do _. TThey firmmly ppointt outt thaat _(反反对的理由由).十、归纳结结论段【示例一】Judgging fromm theese ffigurres, we ccan ddraw the concclus
20、iion tthat _(得出结结论). Thee reaason for thiss, ass farr as I amm conncernned iis thhat _(给给出原因).It is hhigh timee thaat wee _(发出出倡议).【示例二】Takiing iinto accoount of aall tthesee facctorss, wee mayy reaach tthe cconcllusioon thhat _(结论). Annd wiith tthe aabovee conntentt, itt willl shhow mmore proffound
21、d siggnifiicancce inn _(进进一步总结结).enLLife was likee a bbox oof chhocollatess, yoou neever knoww whaat yoouree gonnna gget./encn生生命就像一一盒巧克力力,结果往往往出人意意料。/cn阿甘甘正传Foorresst GuumpenHHope is aa goood thhing, mayybe tthe bbest of tthinggs, aand nno goood tthingg eveer diies./encn希希望是美好好的,也许许是人间至至善,而美美好的事物物永
22、不消逝逝。/ccn肖申申克的救赎赎The Shawwshannk ReedempptionnenTTo maake eeach day counnt./encn要要让每一天天都有所值值。/ccn-泰泰坦尼克号号TITAANICenIIm oonly bravve whhen II havve too be. Beiing bbravee doeesntt meaan yoou goo loookingg forr trooublee./eencn我我只是在必必要的时候候才会勇敢敢,勇敢并并不代表你你要到处闯闯祸。/cn狮子子王Thee Lioon KiingenFFear can holdd
23、youu priisoneer.Hoope ccan sset yyou ffree./enncn懦懦怯囚禁人人的灵魂,希希望可以感感受自由。/cn肖申申克的救赎赎The Shawwshannk ReedempptionnenII figgure lifee is a giift aand II donnt iintennd onn wasstingg it. Youu nevver kknow whatt hannd yoouree goiing tto geet deealt nextt. Yoou leearn to ttake lifee as it ccomess at you./e
24、nncn我我觉得生命命是一份礼礼物, 我我不想浪费费它, 你你不会知道道下一手牌牌会是什么么, 要学学会接受生生活。/cn泰坦坦尼克号TTITANNICenYYou mmake milllionss of deciisionns thhat mmean nothhing and thenn onee dayy youur orrder takees ouut annd itt chaangess youur liife./encn你你每天都在在做很多看看起来毫无无意义的决决定,但某某天你的某某个决定就就能改变你你的一生。/cn西雅雅图不眠夜夜Sleeeplesss inn Seaattleee
25、nMMiraccles happpen eeveryy dayy./eencn奇奇迹每天都都在发生。/cn阿甘甘正传Foorresst GuumpenTThis pathh hass beeen pllacedd beffore you.The choiice iis yoours alonne./encn路路就在你脚脚下,你自自己决定。/cn星球球大战首首部曲enDDontt eveer leet soomeboody ttell you you cant doo sommethiing.YYou ggot aa dreeam, you gottta prrotecct itt. Peeop
26、lee cannt ddo soomethhing themmselvves, theyy wannna ttell you you cant doo it. If you wanttsomeethinng, ggo geet itt./eencn别别让别人告告诉你你不不能做什么么,你有梦梦想,你就就得保护它它。人们自自己做不成成什么事情情,就想要要告诉你你你也做不成成。如果你你想要什么么,就要去去争取。/cn当幸幸福来敲门门The Purssuit of HHappiinesssenDDoingg thiings channge tthinggs, nno dooing thinngs, t
27、hesse thhingss aree exaactlyy as theyy werre./encn只只有行动才才能改变世世界。/cn豪斯斯医生DOOCTORR HOUUSE一、投诉信信参考范文文Direcctionns:You llive in aa rooom inn colllegee whiich yyou ssharee witth annotheer sttudennt. YYou ffind it vvery diffficullt too worrk thhere becaause yourr rooommatte allwayss hass friiendss vissiti
28、nng. HHe/Shhe haas paartiees inn thee rooom annd soometiimes borrrows yourr thiings withhout askiing yyou.Writee a lletteer too thee Acccommoodatiion OOfficcer aat thhe coollegge annd:1)askk forr a nnew rroom nextt terrm,2)youu wouuld pprefeer a singgle rroom,3)expplainn youur reeasonns.Dontt siggn
29、yoour oown nname at tthe eend oof yoour lletteer, uusingg“Li Mingg”inssteadd.Dear Sir or MMadamm,I am writting to eexpreess/aair ddissaatisffactiion/ddisapppoinntmennt/cooncerrn reegardding accoommoddatioon. II wouuld pprefeer too movve innto aa sinngle roomm nexxt seemestter, as II finnd thhe prres
30、ennt shharinng arrranggemennt innconvvenieent.I musst exxplaiin thhat tthe rreasoon foor myy disssatiisfacctionn is my rroommmates innconssiderrate behaaviorr. Foor onne thhing, hiss friiendss aree connstanntly visiitingg himm; foor annotheer, hhe reegulaarly holdds nooisy partties.To soolve thiss d
31、iffficuulty/surmmountt thiis diifficcultyy/impprovee thiis siituattion/cracck thhis hhard nut, I hhope to ddraw the atteentioon off thee autthoriitiess conncernned. I amm surre yoou wiill aagreee thaat thhe onnly ssoluttion for me iis too movve innto aa rooom off my own. Theerefoore, I woould be ggr
32、ateeful if yyou ccouldd finnd a singgle rroom for me, prefferabbly nnot iin thhe saame bbuildding but as nnear to tthe ccolleege ccampuus ass posssiblle.Yourss sinncereely,Li Miing(136 wordds)二、求职信信参考范文文Direcctionns:You wwant to aapplyy forr thee folllowiing ppost/posiitionn: Waaiterr/waiitresss ree
33、quirred ffor eeveniing wwork. Wriite aa lettter:1)shoow yoour iinterrest,2)desscribbe yoour ppreviious expeeriennce,3)expplainn whyy youu wouuld bbe suuitabble ffor tthe jjob.Do noot siign yyour own namee at the end of yyour lettter, usinng “LLi Miing” insttead.Dear Sir or MMadamm,I am writting to e
34、expreess mmy inntereest iin yoour rrecenntly adveertissed pposittion for a waaitreess. Encllosedd witth thhis lletteer iss my resuume, whicch fuurtheer deetaills myy preeviouus woork eexperriencce annd quualifficattionss.Not oonly do mmy quualifficattionss andd worrk exxperiiencee makke mee a pperfe
35、ect ccandiidatee forr thee jobb, myy perrsonaalityy is welll suiited to wworkiing aas a waittresss. I am aa verry frrienddly ppersoon whho caan quuicklly esstabllish rappport withh peoople of aall aages.I wouuld llike to mmeet withh youu at yourr earrliesst coonvenniencce, tto diiscusss thhe poossib
36、bilitty off worrkingg at yourr resstaurrant. Thaank yyou ffor yyour conssiderratioon off my appllicattion. I llook forwward to mmeetiing yyou iin thhe neear ffuturre.Yourss sinncereely,Li Miing(119 wordds)三、建议信信参考范文文Direcctionns:You hhave a frriendd whoo is abouut too entter uuniveersitty, aand hhe
37、waants you to aadvisse hiim onn whiich ssubjeect tto sppeciaalizee inhisttory, in whicch hee is veryy intteressted, or compputerr sciiencee, whhich offeers bbetteer joob prrospeects.1)Givve yoour ssuggeestioons.2)Expplainn thee reaasonss.3)Othher rrecommmenddatioon.Dear Wanggcai,You hhave askeed mee
38、 forr my adviice cconceerninng/reegardding whetther you shouuld sstudyy hisstoryy or compputerr sciiencee at univversiity, and I wiill ttry tto maake ssome usefful/ppractticall/connduciive ssuggeestioons/ppropoosalss/reccommeendattionss.You mmust keepp in mindd thaat, aabovee alll, yoour uuniveersit
39、ty trrainiing iis a prepparattion for yourr futture careeer. Therre iss no doubbt thhat tthe ffieldd of compputerr sciiencee offfers far wideer joob oppporttunitties thann hisstoryy. Beesidees, ffor tthe fforesseeabble ffuturre, nnot oonly willl it be nnecesssaryy forr eveeryonne too be compputerr-l
40、itteratte, iit wiill aalso be nnecesssaryy to be eequippped withh commputeer skkillss merrely to eearn a liivingg.Of cooursee, I woulld reecommmend thatt youu keeep upp youur reeadinng off hisstoryy in yourr spaare ttime.Yourss sinncereely,Li Miing(111 wordds)四、请求信信参考范文文Direcctionns:You ffind yourr
41、stuudy lload is ttoo hheavyy. Wrrite a leetterr to yourr colllegee teaacherr:1)youu neeed too witthdraaw frrom ttwo ccoursses,2)expplainn thee reaasonss,3)askk if it iis poossibble tto obbtainn a rrefunnd.Dear Proffessoor Shhakesspearre,I am writting to fformaally requuest to wwithddraw fromm twoo c
42、ouursess: Inntrodductiion tto Ellemenntaryy Eduucatiion aand TTeachhing Methhods.The mmain reasson ffor rreduccing my ccoursse looad iis thhat II am findding it eextreemelyy diffficuult tto maanagee sixx couursess. Beecausse I reallly hhave to wwork partt timme, II havve noo othher cchoicce buut too
43、 deccreasse myy couurse loadd.I wouuld aalso likee to requuest a tuuitioon reefundd. I am ssorryy forr anyy incconveeniennces I haave ccauseed byy thiis chhangee in planns. TThis deciisionn wass nott takken llighttly, and I doo apppreciiate the kindd connsideeratiion yyou hhave showwn too me. Thaank yyou ffor yyour atteentioon too theese rrequeests. If you havee anyy queestioons, pleaase ffeel freee to conttact me aat 8220366600. I loook fforwaard tto heearinng frrom yyou ssoon.Yourss sinncereely,Li Miing(134 wordds)五、邀请信信参考范文文Direcctionns:You