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1、吉林省吉林省 20232023 年教师招聘之小学教师招聘基础试题库年教师招聘之小学教师招聘基础试题库和答案要点和答案要点单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、养老保险:医疗保险()A.理财产品:金融B.正方形:四边形C.港口:交通D.楷书:草书【答案】D2、乎昌送何东白诗序A.B.C.D.【答案】C3、On November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg inPennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery.The CivilWar was still going on.
2、There was much criticism of President Lincolnat the time.He was not at all popular.He had been invited to speakat Gettysburg only out of politeness.The principal speaker was to beEdward Everett,a famous statesman and speaker of the day.Everettwas a handsome man and very popular everywhere.A.Lincoln
3、s Gettysburg Address has deep meaningB.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address is simple in styleC.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American schoolchildD.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever deliveredin the United States【答案】D4、下面不是借物喻人的诗句是()。A.粉骨碎身浑不怕,要留清白在人间。石灰吟B.咬定青山不放松,
5、中学教师专业能力基本要求的是()。A.引导和帮助学生设计个性化的学习计划B.引发学生独立思考和主动探究,发展学生创新能力C.建立良好的师生关系,帮助学生建立良好的同伴关系D.了解学生世界观、人生观、价值观形成的过程及其教育方法【答案】D8、下列诗句中,能够与“劝君更尽一杯酒”这一句对仗工整的是()。A.天涯涕泪一身遥B.与尔同消万古愁C.八骏日行三万里D.替人垂泪到天明【答案】B9、The Coolest Club AroundA.stillB.everC.alsoD.yet【答案】C10、Had he worked harder,he _ the exams.A.must have got
6、throughB.would get throughC.would have got throughD.could get through【答案】C11、下列不属于定量研究的是()A.行动研究B.实验C.测量D.观察【答案】A12、()是学校课程体系中以传授道德社会性知识、传递道德价值、培养品德实践力为首要和核心目标的正规课程。A.学科性德育课程B.活动性德育课程C.德育隐性课程D.德育显性课程【答案】A13、态度过于偏激会让一个人失去很多朋友,这体现了态度的()A.适应功能B.自我防御功能C.价值表现功能D.认识或理解功能【答案】A14、根据迁移过程中所需的内在心理机制的不同而进行划分,迁移
8、young man was getting ready to graduate from college,for manymonths he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom,and 21 his father could well afford it,he told him that was all hewantedA.get toB.search forC.turn toD.leave for【答案】D19、On November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysbu
9、rg inPennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery.The CivilWar was still going on.There was much criticism of President Lincolnat the time.He was not at all popular.He had been invited to speakat Gettysburg only out of politeness.The principal speaker was to beEdward Everett,a famous stat
10、esman and speaker of the day.Everettwas a handsome man and very popular everywhere.A.very criticalB.unpopularC.very popularD.very courteous【答案】B20、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()。A.亵渎 能屈能伸 迫不及待 披星戴月B.魁梧 舍身取义 刻不容缓 两全其美C.狡黠 高深莫测 鸦雀无声 和言悦色D.虔诚 原形毕露 步步为赢 哄堂大笑【答案】A21、To learn an instrument such as the violin or accordi
11、on(手风琴)takes years.The job opportunities for musicians are scarce andcompetition is fierce.Then why are more people than ever beforepaying a lot of good cash to get their children the best musicteaching they can afford?A.Music can balance our lifeB.Music can improve our living conditionsC.Playing in
12、struments can make adults keep their IQ pointsD.Playing instruments can help us get along well with others【答案】D22、每个学生的本质都是好的,每个孩子都会成为好孩子,这体现了()A.行为主义思想B.人本主义思想C.认知心理学的思想D.精神分析的思想【答案】B23、教师职业的特殊要求是必须具有()A.教育能力B.管理能力C.研究能力D.控制能力【答案】A24、He works ten hours a day,makes more than US$98000 a year,doesnt 1
13、6 to take holidays,dresses 17 he pleases.Hes 18 beenhappier and is looking for another job.This 33-year-old white,university-educated person is the typical Internet worker,accordingto a study by the Industry Standard,a San Francisco-based newsmagazine.A.third timesB.third timeC.three timesD.three ti
14、me【答案】C25、作者所处的朝代是()。A.唐B.北宋C.南宋D.清【答案】A26、Beauty has always been regarded as something praise worthy.Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier,have better marriages and have more respectable occupations.Personalconsultants give them better advice for finding jobs.Even judge
15、s aresofter on attractive defendants(被告).But in the executive circle,beauty can become a liability.A.makes women look more honest and capableB.strengthens the feminine qualities requiredC.is of primary importance to womenD.often enables women to succeed quickly【答案】B27、下列不属于精神需要的是()A.对知识的需要B.对科研用品的需要
16、C.对文化艺术的需要D.对美的需要【答案】B28、嗅觉适应一般表现为感受性的()A.提高B.降低C.或提高或降低D.没有变化【答案】B29、Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their naturaldesire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A.get overB.look overC.take overD.come over【答案】A30、在 CMYK 印刷四色模式中,Y 代表()。A.青色B.红色C.黑色D.黄色【答案】D31、根据下面资料,回答题
17、A.tookB.takingC.have takenD.had taken【答案】D32、下列各组概念属于属种关系的是()。A.菱形和平行四边形B.锐角三角形和钝角三角形C.平行四边形和梯形D.菱形和长方形【答案】A33、品德是个体依据一定的社会道德行为规范行动时表现出来的心理特征和倾向,它是()A.比较小稳定的B.受先天因素制约的C.时稳时变的D.比较稳定的【答案】D34、This machine_.It hasnt worked for years.A.didnt workB.wasnt workingC.doesnt workD.isnt working【答案】C35、“从群众中来,到群
18、众中去”的认识论依据是()A.矛盾普遍性和特殊性的辩证统一原理B.实践和认识的辩证统一原理C.认识是在不断深化和发展的原理D.感性认识和理性认识的辩证统一原理【答案】B36、The girl said that she _ the film twice,so she didnt want to go to the cinema with us.A.would seeB.has seenC.sawD.had seen【答案】D37、先行组织者教学技术的提出者是美国著名心理学家()。A.斯金纳B.布鲁纳C.奥苏贝尔D.桑代克【答案】C38、衡量人们思想品德好坏高低的根本标志是()。A.道德认识B.
19、道德意志C.道德情感D.道德行为【答案】D39、教师资格考试科目、标准和考试大纲的审定部门是_。A.县级以上教育行政部门B.市级以上教育行政部门C.省级以上教育行政部门D.国务院教育行政部门【答案】D40、在我国全面发展教育的组成部分中,学校体育的根本任务是()A.传授基本体育知识与技能B.提高运动水平C.增强学生体质D.培养体育人才【答案】C41、家乡的房子一课的教学中,教师向学生介绍了某栋古民居的历史和建筑特点,这种教学方法是()。A.演示法B.讲授法C.讨论法D.情境法【答案】B42、陈瑄列传A.仍以瑄董漕运 董:督察B.相水势置闸四十有七 相:省视,察看C.命尚书黄福往同经理 经理:处
20、理,料理D.往返一年,失误农业 失误:疏忽【答案】D43、某生读了 6 遍材料刚好能记住,按照适当过度学习的要求,若要达到最佳的记忆效果,该生需要再读_。A.2 遍B.3 遍C.6 遍D.9 遍【答案】B44、According to statistics,a man is more than twice as likely todie of skin cancer _ woman.A.thanB.suchC.soD.as【答案】D45、Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability torecognize a _16_ i
21、n number.Human beings are born with this ability._17_,experiments show that many animals are,too.For example,many birds have good number sense.If a nest has four eggs and youremove one,the bird will not _18_.However,if you remove two,thebird _19_ leaves.This means that the bird knows the _20_ betwee
22、ntwo and three.A.ImportantlyB.SurprisinglyC.sappointedlyD.Fortunately【答案】B46、During the past generation,the American middle-class family thatonce could count on hard work and fair play to keep itselffinancially secure has been transformed by economic risk and newrealities.Now a pink slip,a bad diagn
23、osis,or a disappearing spousecan reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a fewmonths.A.financial risks tend to outweigh political risksB.the middle class may face greater political challengesC.financial problems may bring about political problemsD.financial responsibility is an in
24、dicator of political status【答案】C47、根据海德的平衡理论,P-O-X 模型中()。A.如果三种关系都是否定的,或两种肯定,一种否定,则存在平衡状态B.如果三种关系都是肯定的,或两种否定,一种肯定,则存在平衡状态C.如果三种关系中两种是否定的,一种是肯定的,则存在平衡状态D.如果三种关系中两种是肯定的,一种是否定的,则存在平衡状态【答案】B48、预防青少年抑郁,可采取的措施是()。A.顺其自然B.建立良好的社会支持系统C.多从非理性的角度思考问题D.适当服用安慰剂【答案】B49、()即操作者自身以外的人和事给予的反馈,有时也称结果知识。A.内部反馈B.外部反馈C.
25、动觉反馈D.过程反馈【答案】B50、智商(IQ)等于()。A.智力年龄与实际之比乘以 100B.实际年龄与智力年龄之比乘以 100C.心理年龄与生理年龄之比乘以 100D.生理年龄与实际年龄之比乘以 100【答案】A多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、陶冶的主要做法有()。A.发扬民主B.人格感化C.环境陶冶D.艺术陶冶E.文化熏陶【答案】BCD2、创造性思维的特点包括()。A.稳定性B.变通性C.独特性D.流畅性【答案】BCD3、随着社会的发展,当代教育除了具备现代教育的一些特征之外从世界范围来看,还呈现出一些新的发展趋势。这些趋势()A.教育终身化B.教育全民化C.教育国际化D.教
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