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1、四川省四川省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力检测试卷测试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、按出票人不同,汇票可分为()。A.银行汇票B.商业汇票C.银行汇票和商业汇票D.企业汇票和商业汇票【答案】C2、You can find it in our_brochure,along with some of our othermodels.A.lastB.lateC.latelyD.latest【答案】D3、下列历史事件中,最接近“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”所描述的时期的是()A.玄武门之变B.永贞革新C.安史
2、之乱D.黄巢起义【答案】C4、Will you please tell me _ right now?A.what time beB.what time is itC.what is the timeD.what time it is【答案】D5、廉租住房建设贷款,贷款期限最长不超过()年。A.2B.3C.5D.8【答案】C6、资料:The following passage is the introduction about one of theMonsell international financial products.According to thepassage,there wil
3、l be 5 questions.You should read carefully,thenselect the right answer.A.Lily,a primary school student who has saved about$300 in cashB.Sue,a secondary school student who wants to open her own accountC.Neil,the father of a teenage son aged 14,who want to open anaccountD.Jane,a post-graduate who want
4、s to manage her own money【答案】B7、下列说法错误的是()。A.高性能结构材料属于新材料领域B.航空空间技术属于高新技术领域C.太阳能是可再生能源D.电能是一次能源【答案】D8、Which of the following is or was an example of representativefull-bodied money?()。A.Debt moneyB.ATS accountC.Gold certificateD.Demand deposit【答案】C9、The()tough training given by our company creates s
5、trong andable sales representatives who perform well above others in the samefield.A.indifferentlyB.presumableC.completelyD.unbearably【答案】D10、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as thepress,radio,television,cinema or poster sites.This type of promotionis usually paid for.Each of the pos
6、sible media methods can be usedto target audiences in different market segment.There are bothstrengths and drawbacks to these forms of media:A.by registering their support on the internetB.by applying for a job in UNISONC.by distributing newspaper adverts to people in the communityD.all above【答案】A11
7、、Passage 9A.read a text slowlyB.read without thinking hardC.interpret a text in their own wayD.concentrate on the meaning of words only【答案】D12、()he did was right.So everyone believed in him.A.WhatB.WhateverC.HowD.When【答案】B13、Passage 4A.Alex Goldberg,Founder of Young InspirationsB.Young People Find a
8、 World of OpportunityC.Kieran,Banbury School Pupil to ParisD.Debates Help Youth with Their Grades【答案】B14、There seemed little hope that the explorer,()in the tropicalforest,would find his way through it.A.to be desertedB.having desertedC.to have been desertedD.having been deserted【答案】D15、阅读下列短文,从短文后各
9、题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.assureB.confideC.ensureD.guarantee【答案】C16、关于国际收支,下列说法正确的是()。A.国际收支反映的内容是以货币记录的交易B.一国的领事馆在所在国的消费不计入国际收支C.国际收支记录的是一国居民间的交易D.依据交易双方的国籍可以判定该项交易是否应包含在国际收支的范围内【答案】A17、下列说法中,不属于中央银行存款准备金政策优点的是()。A.中央银行具有完全的自主权B.对货币供应量的作用迅速C.作用猛烈,缺乏弹性D.对松紧信用较公平【答案】C18、资料:As a business owner,it is
10、vital that you understand anduse advanced technologies.Technology can help increase businessefficiency and even expand operations.A.Discuss the advantage of technologyB.Advertising business softwareC.Teach business owners how to stay competitiveD.Teach business owners how to manage emails and calend
11、ars【答案】C19、By the end of next month we()the task.A.will finishB.will be finishingC.will have finishedD.have finished【答案】C20、在工作中,小周不慎将计算机的电源线拔掉,导致计算机断电关机。下列存储器中,原存信息丢失可能性最大的是()。A.软盘存储器B.ROM 存储器C.半导体 RAM 存储器D.硬盘存储器【答案】C21、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes partin during sleep.Dre
12、am events are imaginary,but they are related toreal experiences and needs in the dreamers life.They seem realwhile they are takingplace.Some dreams are pleasant,others areannoying,and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams,but somepersons never recall dreaming.Others remember only a little abo
13、ut adream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams.No one recalls all his dreams.A.help the person understand himself betterB.studying the benefits of dreamsC.trying to make the sleeper dream logicallyD.trying to help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams【答案】A22、Thats()I dont
14、agree.You should have a more activeattitude.A.whereB.howC.whenD.what【答案】A23、关于会计科目,下列说法不正确的是()。A.会计科目是对会计要素的进一步分类B.会计科目按其所提供的详细程序不同,可以分为总分类科目和明细分类科目C.会计科目可以根据企业的具体情况自行设定D.会计科目是复式记账和编制记账凭证的基础【答案】C24、如果收入分配不均等,洛伦茨曲线会()。A.越直B.越弯曲C.越小D.越长【答案】B25、The _ to build up space stations on the Mars is,if wecanno
15、t say it is impossible,at least very hard to fulfill.A.admirationB.ambitionC.administrationD.orientation【答案】B26、Passage 3A.They have to cancel their vacations in New EnglandB.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurantsC.They have to spend more money when buying imported goodsD.They
16、might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems【答案】C27、最广义的投资银行定义是指()。A.任何经营华尔街金融业务的银行B.指经营一部分或者全部资本市场业务的金融机构C.投资银行是指经营资本市场某些业务的金融机构D.在一级市场上承销证券筹集资本和在二级【答案】A28、Of interest is also the question whether,and if so,how atechnology marked by many as revolutionary can impact onestablished leaning
17、 and teaching in a context which appears tobe_to change.A.hesitantB.reluctantC.resistantD.persistent【答案】C29、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent ofMillennium BCP,Portugals largest listed bank,and potentially liftits stake to 30 percent,following a having in its share price in theyear
18、 to date.A.YesB.NoC.Its up to Portuguese and EU authoritiesD.It depends on whether Fosun is able to appoint at least two of the20 BCP board members,and up to five members in the event ofincreasing its stake【答案】D30、假定某产业资本家依靠借贷资本 200 万元,平均利润率为 18,年利息率为 10,该产业资本家获得的企业利润为()。A.16 万元B.20 万元C.36 万元D.40 万元
19、【答案】A31、宏观经济指标是体现经济情况的一种方式,下列指标中属于金融指标的是()。A.货币供应量B.消费物价指数C.国民生产总值D.社会消费品零售总额【答案】A32、Chinese Internet users tend to use more proper and skillfulsearch means for locating keywords and handling search engines thantheir Japanese_.A.counterpartsB.friendsC.pioneersD.classmates【答案】A33、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都
20、曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.增加线上沟通会减少青少年与朋友的距离感B.移动世界的体验与实际生活中的体验是相同的C.青少年沉浸于数字世界之后很少参加线下活动D.青少年可以通过移动设备在线上交到更多的好朋友【答案】C34、The Internet is extensively utilized by studentsfor_information to undertake their course-related tasks andassignments.A.
22、用的是()。A.支付离退休人员工资B.销售用固定资产计提折旧C.生产车间管理人员的工资D.计提坏账准备【答案】A39、“Is there()here?”A.anybodyB.everybodyC.somebodyD.nobody【答案】B40、某大型晚会的导演组在对节日进行终审时,有六个节目的尚未确定是否通过,这六个节目分别是歌曲 A、歌曲 B、相声 C、相声 D、舞蹈 E 和魔术 F。综合考虑各种因素,导演组确定了如下方案:A.无法确定论述 F 是否能通过B.歌曲 A 不能通过C.无法确定两个相声节目是否能通过D.歌曲 B 能通过【答案】A41、1915 年 9 月,标志着新文化运动开始的青
23、年杂志是陈独秀创办于()。A.北京B.上海C.广州D.东京【答案】B42、For decades,farmers and environmentalists in California havebeen entangled in a_over laws that limit the amount of waterdiverted from rivers and streams for irrigation。A.disputeB.registerC.conflictD.negotiation【答案】A43、我国第一家中国人自办的银行为()。A.丽如银行B.交通银行C.北海银行D.中国通商银行【答
24、案】D44、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率 1 个百分点,其中,2019 年 1 月15 日和 1 月 25 日分别下调 0.5 个百分点。同时,2019 年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.常备借贷便利B.中期借贷便利C.抵押补充贷款D.中央银行贷款【答案】D45、“虎求百兽而食之,得狐。狐曰:子无敢食我也。天帝使我长百兽,今子食我,是逆天帝命也。子以我为不信,吾为子先行,子随我后,观百兽之见我
25、而敢不走乎!虎以为然,故遂与之行。兽见之皆走。虎不知兽畏己而走也,以为畏狐也。”老虎之所以犯这种错误,在于割裂了()。A.必然与偶然之间的关系B.内容与形式之间的关系C.本质与现象之间的关系D.可能与现实之间的关系【答案】C46、下列名画按创作时间排序正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】C47、M2 又称为广义货币供给量,是判断宏观信用松紧环境的常用指标,在各国有不同的统计口径。根据中国人民银行的规定,以下不属于 M2 的是()。A.活期存款B.流通中现金C.银行准备金D.定期存款【答案】C48、在处理实际问题时,往往不能“一刀切”的主要原因是()。A.事物矛盾之间存在有机联系B.事物矛盾具
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- 四川省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 能力 检测 试卷 答案