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1、四川省四川省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题库库(附带答案附带答案)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、下列哪种结算工具适用于异地先拿货款后发货的结算?()A.银行汇票B.商业汇票C.银行本票D.支票【答案】A2、Many states have _,amended or repealed laws to improveschool nutrition.A.institutedB.organizedC.manufacturedD.enacted【答案】D3、剩余价值率反映的是()。A.不变资本的价值增值程度B.资本家对工人的剥削程
2、度C.固定资本的价值增值程度D.预付资本的价值增值程度【答案】B4、While they mainly have _Japanese tourists previously,luxurystores in Paris now employ Mandarin-speaking assistants forcustormers from China.A.amounted toB.referrde toC.adhered toD.catered to【答案】D5、Construction on a new wing at the Markunas Museum _as soon asaddition
3、al funding has been arranged.A.has been resumedB.to be resumingC.was resumedD.will resume【答案】D6、填入括号中最恰当的一项是()。A.发表,独树一帜B.抒发,独出心裁C.发表,别具一格D.抒发,别有用心【答案】B7、资料:It seems simple enough.Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government,and put it all up on theInternet.Now,in order to
4、 report a pot-hole,pay your property tax,complain to an official or cast a vote,just log on and hit a fewbuttons.Goodbye bureaucracy,hello e-cracy?A.disagreeableB.mixedC.cautiousD.negative【答案】B8、中央银行对市场进行政策调节时,效果最为强烈的金融工具是()。A.存款准备金率B.再贴现率C.银行再贷款率【答案】A9、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.震撼延迟B.振奋推迟C.震撼推迟D.振奋延迟【答案】B10
5、、在民事诉讼时效斯间的最后 6 个月内,权利人因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求的,诉讼时效()。A.中断B.中止C.延长D.终止【答案】B11、CDS 由()于 1961 年首创。A.中国人民银行B.日本住友银行C.英格兰银行D.美国花旗银行【答案】D12、要折叠一批纸飞机,若甲单独折叠要半个小时完成,乙单独折叠需要 45 分钟完成。若两人一起折,需要多少分钟完成?()A.10B.15C.16D.18【答案】D13、在下列固定资产中,不属于企业资产,不计折旧的是()。A.季节性停用的房屋B.经营方式租入的固定资产C.融资租入的设备D.经营方式租出的设备【答案】B14、资料:Are walke
6、rs smarter than drivers?A.Entire faces of urban areas are changing fastB.Metropolitan areas are more pedestrian-friendly and richerC.Educated people prefer to live in walkable placesD.Walkable places attract educated people【答案】B15、我国的灿烂优秀文化中,有不少言简意赅的成语寓于哲理,尤其是具有批判意义的词语很耐人寻味。下列成语中否认了联系具有客观性的是()。A.竭泽而
7、渔B.照猫画虎C.东施效颦D.指鹿为马【答案】A16、不属于货币市场工具特点的是()。A.期限较短B.风险较低C.普遍存在担保D.流动性高【答案】C17、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuablethan the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data thathas helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors.In Europe,at least,that is a
8、ll about to change with a new set ofregulations,named PSD2.A.Customers are forced to share their bank dataB.Banks are required to open up their entire operational systemC.Regulators should be both tough and flexibleD.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch【答案】C18、下列命题中,不包含辩证法思
9、想的是()。A.“穷则变,变则通,通则久”B.“塞翁失马,焉知非福”C.“天不变.道亦不变”D.“城门失火,殃及池鱼”【答案】C19、下列四组世界文学名著中属于美国作家作品的一组是()。A.悲惨世界红与黑B.假如给我三天光明百万英镑C.雾都孤儿简爱D.钢铁是怎样炼成的战胜与和平【答案】B20、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is
10、made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers often trust old-aged compa
11、nies more【答案】D21、债权人向债务人表示同意延期履行拖欠的债务,这将在法律上引起()。A.诉讼时效的开始B.诉讼时效的中止C.诉讼时效的中断D.诉讼时效的延长【答案】C22、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.增加线上沟通会减少青少年与朋友的距离感B.移动世界的体验与实际生活中的体验是相同的C.青少年沉浸于数字世界之后很少参加线下活动D.青少年可以通过移动设备在线上交到更多的好朋友【答案】C23、商业银行的经营是
12、指对其所开展的各项业务活动的()。A.组织和控制B.组织和营销C.控制和监督D.计划和组织【答案】B24、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over hercountrys withdrawal from the European Union,Prime Minister TheresaMay of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc duringa two-year transition period immediately after the country
13、s exit.A.Thereas Mays makes financial commitment to EU for the transitionperiodB.Britain insists on leaving EU without any agreementC.EU wont talk to Britain unless Britain makes concessionsD.Thereas May seeks to unlock Brexit talks in her speech【答案】D25、下列提法中,表述正确的是()。A.政府审计是独立性最强的一种审计B.财务报表的合法性是报表使
14、用者最为关心的C.注册会计师审计意见旨在提高财务报表的可信赖程度D.内部审计是注册会计师审计的基础【答案】C26、资料:Taikong City was founded by the dormuns about 50 AD.Itsname is derived from a Cethic worldwhich means the piece of the boldone.After they invaded Bliton in 43 AD the Dormons built a bridgeacross the Themas River.They later decided it was an
15、 excellent placeto built a port.The water was deep enough for ocean going ships butit was far enough inland to be safe from other raiders.Around 50 ADDormons merchants built a town by the bridge.So Taikong City was born.A.Queen Boudia made great contribution to Taikong CityB.It was not until the mid
16、dle of the 3rd century that the bastionswere built on the stone wallsC.By the end of the 2nd century.most people lived in the woodenhousesD.缺【答案】B27、根据我国劳动合同法的规定,下列各项中不属于劳动合同必备条款的是()。A.劳动合同的期限B.工作内容和工作地点C.社会保险D.违约金【答案】D28、生物的多样性没有涵盖()。A.遗传多样性B.生物物种多样性C.生态系统多样性D.物质多样性【答案】D29、资料:Up to 80 per cent of t
17、he worlds middle classes will livein developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains inpoverty reduction,according to a United Nations report published onThursday.A.blockingB.undergoingC.supportingD.stressing【答案】C30、Chinese table cloth is _for its fine quality,exquisiteworkmanship and
18、 compelling style.A.distinctiveB.nominatedC.notableD.deviated【答案】C31、There was a _ rush to get everything ready for the unexpectedinspection from the superiors.A.calmB.madC.franticD.wild【答案】C32、资料:October 20,2013A.To invite the staff to an upcoming eventB.To welcome the newest staff to the companyC.
19、To notify the employees of a yearly meetingD.To provide information about the companys product【答案】A33、The earliest telephones required a different pair of wires foreach phone _ you wished to connect.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.to which【答案】D34、应世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席施瓦布邀请,国家主席习近平将于 2021年 1 月 25 日在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛()
20、对话会并发表特别致辞。A.APEC 议程B.博鳌议程C.达沃斯议程D.金砖五国议程【答案】C35、回复上级机关的询问,使用()。A.通报B.报告C.请示D.通知【答案】B36、Each man and woman must sign _ full names before enteringthe examination room.A.hisB.herC.theirD.ones【答案】C37、Mum,would you please buy me an ipadA.wouldB.shallC.mayD.must【答案】B38、April fifteenth represents a specia
21、l date for people in USA.Butit is _ holiday.A.notB.noC.neitheD.nor【答案】B39、个人贷款还款方式不包括()。A.等额本息还款法B.差额等息还款法C.等额本金还款法D.按月还息、到期一次性还本还款法【答案】B40、下列历史事件时间排序正确的一组是()。A.司马迁修史记文景之治王莽篡汉B.杯酒释兵权岳飞抗金王安石变法C.齐桓公称霸商鞅变法秦统一天下D.玄武门之变黄巢起义安史之乱【答案】C41、资料:之后,经济学家 Mr.X 展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.Because those sites can leg
22、itimize suppliersB.Because those sites are free of chargeC.Because those sites can verify the suppliers legitimacyD.Because those sites can arrange factory visits for businessmen【答案】C42、My major and working experience _this position.A.provide me the qualification forB.support me qualified withC.make
23、 me qualified forD.qualified myself with【答案】C43、资料:The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes inyour backyard for sale you are producing for the market.You mightsell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of thesupermarket.But in either case,you are producing for the market.You
24、r efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buyingtomatoes,you will stop producing them.A.It tells you what to produceB.It tells you how to grow tomatoesC.It provides you with everything you needD.It helps you save money【答案】A44、总分类账与明细分类账平行登记四要点中的“依据相同”是指()。A.总分类账要根据明细分类账进行登记B.明细分类账要根据
25、总分类账进行登记C.根据同一会计凭证进行登记D.由同一人员进行登记【答案】C45、若网络形状是由站点和连接站点的链路组成的一个闭合环,则称这种拓扑结构为()。A.星形拓扑B.总线拓扑C.环形拓扑D.树形拓扑【答案】C46、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how importantour eyes are.A.feel painB.imagineC.are affected withD.expe
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