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1、吉林省吉林省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识基础试年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识基础试题库和答案要点题库和答案要点单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、在保险市场上,“道德风险”是指()。A.保险公司不能区分低风险顾客和高风险顾客B.高风险顾客有激励提供错误信号使保险公司相信他是低风险顾客C.保险公司可能会根据种族、性别和年龄来断定哪些是高风险顾客D.顾客在购买保险后会改变自己的行为,即他在购买保险后的行为比之前更像一个高风险的顾客【答案】D2、属于南宋的作者是()。A.苏轼B.周邦彦C.范成大D.雎景臣【答案】C3、We went to the office in the
2、 morning and found somebody()into the office during the night.A.brokeB.had brokenC.has brokenD.was breaking【答案】B4、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post toretain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker.A.Remained optimisticB.Remained steadyC.Successfully avoided deep t
3、roubleD.Ran very fast【答案】C5、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Less creative by comparisonB
4、.Be smaller in sizeC.Become more majesticD.Nothing different【答案】A6、Its the paintings in Louvre_Da Vinci worked on foryears_have become a fascination to people from all over theworld.A.where;thatB.that;whenC.that;thatD.where;when【答案】C7、下列()利率一般会成为整个金融市场利率体系的基准利率。A.企业债券B.公司债券C.金融债券D.国债【答案】D8、资料:Google
5、 and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regardingthe advent of self-driving cars,but on Sunday,Lyft threw down theultimate challenge:A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft withina mere five years.A.We need to reach everyones potential to realize self-driving carsB.There are still many probl
6、ems to be solved in self-driving carsC.Lyft co-founder says most of its cars will be autonomous in 5 yearsD.The advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars【答案】C9、角楼位于故官城墙的转角,共有 4 座。史料及考古资料表明,我国多个朝代的宫城城墙上均建有角楼。如先秦古籍考工记的“匠人营国”部分就规定了城墙角楼的高度为“七雉(约 16.7 米);东周时期军事家墨翟所著墨子,其中的备城门备蛾傅等部分都记载了在城墙的拐角处修建防护建
7、筑、其样式必定是重楼形式的军事防御规定。A.说明故宫角楼的来历B.说明角楼并非是古代宫城所必须的建筑C.介绍故宫角楼的功能D.介绍角楼源于军事防御的需要而兴建【答案】D10、据统计,自去年 9 月份以来,纯碱价格已经从 1400 元/吨左右上涨至 2200元/吨左右,涨幅约 60%。假设纯碱与甲商品是替代品,与乙商品是互补品。那么在其他条件不变的情况下,以下说法正确的是()。A.甲商品需求量会增加,乙商品需求量会增加B.甲商品需求量会减少,乙商品需求量会减少C.甲商品需求量会增加,乙商品需求量会减少D.甲商品需求量会减少,乙商品需求量会增加【答案】C11、Passage 3A.means bu
8、rning packaging for energyB.helps control the greenhouse effectC.is the solution to gas shortageD.leads to a waste of land【答案】B12、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will livein developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains inpoverty reduction,according to a United Nat
9、ions report published onThursday.A.To explain the recent achievement of poverty reductionB.To conclude that the world has changed so dramaticallyC.To criticize developed countriesD.To predict that things can be better【答案】A13、“如果三年内不结婚,赠送你一万元”,这个说法()。A.是有期限的赠与合同B.无效合同C.是附有负担的赠与合同D.是赠与合同【答案】C14、I hope
10、 we can fly to_moon oneday.A.aB.anC.theD./【答案】C15、北宋新诗运动的领袖是()。A.欧阳修B.王安石C.梅尧臣D.范仲淹【答案】A16、目前在我国不存在的票据是()。A.银行本票B.商业本票C.银行汇票D.商业汇票【答案】B17、在 Word 中,若要将页码作为页眉/页脚编辑状态的一部分插人到文档中,应依次选 择()。A.“开始 页眉”“页码”B.“插入”“页眉 页码”C.“引用 格式 页码”D.“插入”“表格 页码”【答案】B18、When you write a cheque,the bank will_you 2 dollars.A.cost
11、B.spendC.saveD.charge【答案】D19、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the worldsleading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing,the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said onWednesday.A.AccustomedB.CompliedC.ConceitedD.True【答案】C20、小刘奉命采购机器零件,一种零件的单价是 500 元
12、,另一种零件的单价是700 元。这两种零件小刘都买了一些,且已知单价 500 元的零件数量占比不足50%。这次采购,小刘一共花了 7100 元,则他一共购买了()件。A.11B.13C.14D.12【答案】A21、期末根据账簿记录计算并记录出各账户的本甥发生额和期末余额在会计上叫()。A.对账B.结账C.调账D.查账【答案】B22、应世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席施瓦布邀请,国家主席习近平将于 2021年 1 月 25 日在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛()对话会并发表特别致辞。A.APEC 议程B.博鳌议程C.达沃斯议程D.金砖五国议程【答案】C23、Which of the followin
13、g is or was an example of representativefull-bodied money?()。A.Debt moneyB.ATS accountC.Gold certificateD.Demand deposit【答案】C24、张先生回国后要将手中多余 2 万美元换回人民币,现有两家银行 USD/CNY报价分别为:A 银行 6.1500-6.2200,B 银行 6.1600-6.2150,他最多可以换到多少人民币()。A.12.30 万元B.12.32 万元C.12.43 万元D.12.44 万元【答案】B25、Weve spent so much on adver
14、tisements,but the results arenot_.A.satisfiedB.satisfyingC.satisfyD.satisfactorily【答案】B26、网络主要的目标是实现()。A.通信B.交换数据C.资源共享D.连接【答案】C27、_ATA-100,each page is identified by a three element numberand a page number.A.According withB.In accordance withC.ToD.In according to【答案】B28、Passage 2A.Customers are mor
15、e likely to enjoy more innovative servicesB.People will no longer go to banks to deposit their moneyC.Service providers do not want to partner with banksD.People will receive more pension【答案】A29、“沉鱼落雁”“闭月羞花”用以形容古代四大美女,下列形容古代四大美女与其关系对应不正确的是()。A.沉鱼西施B.落雁王昭君C.闭月赵姬D.羞花杨玉环【答案】C30、资料:Star Airways,Mumbais
16、dominant airline for the past fiveyears,has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraftfleet with European-produced Skystream jets.Starting with an initialpurchase of 90 jets,Star Airways expects the changeover to take adecade to complete.The new planes will enable the airline to expandit
17、s international routes as well as provide replacements for itsaging fleet of jet planes.Star Airways and Skystream,in a jointannouncement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday,said that theorder included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft.This will makeStar Airways the first Indian carrier to fly t
18、he AWB850,an aim ithas had since the powerful jets were first produced.A.To increase its number of flight destinationsB.To replace the older planes in its fleetC.To be among the first to use a new aircraftD.To relocate its international headquarters【答案】D31、资料:Actually,any sale is a gift until you ge
19、t paid.Butexporters are especially concerned,since their buyers might be10,000 miles away!A.BusinessB.EconomyC.SocialD.Culture【答案】A32、I()in the library every night over the last three months.A.worksB.workedC.have been workingD.had been working【答案】C33、通常看一个国家经济是否增长,主要是看()。A.这个国家的工业生产总值是否增加B.这个国家的货币是否
20、升值C.这个国家的 GDP 是否增长D.这个国家的物价水平是否升高【答案】C34、甲与妻子乙离婚多年,二人年幼的儿子丙的抚养权归乙,但丙跟着乙母生活,甲与甲父共同在外务工,甲的祖父独自在老家居住。期间,甲因工伤死亡,留下一笔钱款,对于该笔钱款,有权继承的是()。A.甲祖父B.乙C.丙D.乙母【答案】C35、Education has a value of consumption and its demand will dependon its own price,prices of other goods,and_income.A.domesticB.homeC.houseD.househol
21、d【答案】D36、银行会计记账的依据是()。A.会计凭证B.会计科目C.会计账户D.会计账簿【答案】A37、Together these inventions hugely reduced the cost of blastingrock,drilling tunnels,building canals and many other formsof_work.A.constructionB.informationC.animationD.imagination【答案】A38、微观经济学要解决的核心问题是()。A.资源的配置B.资源的利用C.资源的用逢单一D.国民收入决定【答案】A39、资料:G
22、oogle and Uber have grabbed most of the attentionregarding the advent of self-driving cars,but on Sunday,Lyft threwdown the ultimate challenge:A majority of autonomous vehicles forLyft within a mere five years.A.We need to reach everyones potential to realize self-driving carsB.There are still many
23、problems to be solved in self-driving carsC.Lyft co-founder says most of its cars will be autonomous in 5 yearsD.The advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars【答案】C40、Life magazine chose Oprah_the wife of the president as“Americas Most Powerful woman”.A.aboveB.overC.beyondD.beside【答案】B41、门捷列夫
24、于 1871 年的化学元素的周期性依赖关系发表了第二个化学元素周期表,明确指出:元素的性质和它们的化合物的性质与元素的原子量有周期性的依赖关系,元素的性质是元素原子量的()。A.线性函数B.非线性函数C.周期函数D.非周期函数【答案】C42、We need to get necessary funds so that a complete()of thefacility can be done.A.renovationB.renovateC.renovatedD.renovates【答案】A43、Passage2A.who has not been instructed how to use
25、a life preserverB.who has a little experience in using a life preserverC.who uses a life preserver without permissionD.who becomes nervous before a disaster【答案】A44、For instance,a death certificate allows the persons _ tobe distributed to heirs.A.propertyB.povertyC.prestigeD.dignity【答案】A45、According
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